A Third State Solution


Senior Reporter

Brother Nathanael
December 21, 2023 @ 9:25 pm

A Third State Solution

“Fixing relations between Israel and Palestine will be easy,” said no one ever.

With one and two state solutions at hand, on a scale of one to ten, it’s doomed to fail.

I propose a workable, viable, and beneficial:

“Third State Solution.”

Step One:

Give the Jews Israel.

You heard me right.

Give ALL of Israel…to the JEWS.

Send them all to their ‘ancestral homeland.’

It’s their ‘divinely granted’ heaven on earth.

And I’m not saying this under duress.

Jews have complained about people criticizing them for ages.

They whine about being kicked out of 109 countries.

They fret about being ‘wiped out’ despite their population being stable even through all of WW2.

I mean, my father’s enlarged family left Austria unscathed during that unfinished, “final solution.”

Somehow, everywhere Jews go, they’re so universally hated that they demand special laws to make it a crime to criticize their incredible ‘lovable ‘ chosen-ness.

You’ll get called an ‘antisemite’ just by noticing their accomplishments in banking, finance, academia, media, and hedge-fudgery. [Clip]

[“I rise today during Jewish American Heritage Month with a message of grave concern about the troubling rise in anti-Semitism around the country. At a recent Judiciary field hearing in my district, a man welcomed us with this sign which, about George Soros, which is unquestionably and flagrantly anti-Semitic. As the Biden Administration prepares to roll out its National Strategy to Counter Anti-Semitism, I urge my friends on the other side of the aisle to stop invoking George Soros’ name, and join together to combat the startling rise of anti-Semitism. I yield back.”]

I yield forward.

Send those ever-persistent victims of ‘anti-Semitism’ off to Israel and they’ll have nothing to whine about.

Step Two:

Bring the displaced Palestinians to the USA, specifically to the uninhabited parts of Arizona.

The Palestinians are very fine people.

They’re intelligent, kind, industrious and resourceful, who will cultivate the land.

They’ll engage in trade, and raising families that instinctively maintain time-honored, civilizational traditions.

These are hardworking, conservative, principled people, and by the way, many of them, Christians.

Jews, on the other hand, don’t engage in productive work.

Their careers lie in up-selling monopolized resources, money fudgery like hedge funds, straight up money printing (it’s called counterfeiting if you and I do it), and when all else fails, they peddle debauchery, societal rot, and medical tyranny.

A cursory look at the Jewish placeholders tells the story.

Vickie Nudelman & Toni Blinken, wars and zionist genocide.

Merrick Garfinkel, judicial weaponization.

Alan Dershowitz, Rochelle Walensky, & Mandy Cohen, clot shots.

Chuckie Shumer, perversion peddling, and gun confiscation.

‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine, transgenderism.

Dr Michael Safir and Dr Scott Moser, gender-maiming surgeons.

Jews target everyone, especially children.

They have no boundaries and instinctively hate everything good and natural.

Just look at the transgender movement with its, “Lupron,” the ‘puberty blocker’ that does irreparable harm to underdeveloped bodies.

And even though Jews have a reputation for loving money, a conflict of interests sets in to pursue a lower agenda.

Disney campaigns to abort babies, their future clientele.

Disney markets to CHILDREN…you know, unaborted people who have seen a few years go by.

Imagine being in the board room where the Jew, Robert Iger, makes the case that ‘Disney should invest in ensuring there are less children in the coming years by encouraging murder in the womb…’

Point is—and you know this well if you’ve been watching my Videos—there’s nothing worse than having Jews in a power positions in your country.


What would our elections, education, media, finance, and medical world be without the special interest pressure of the Jew?

Good people would be free to actually do something good in positions of power.

But today, with Jews in every position of power…they can’t.

You’re not even allowed to vote for Trump in Colorado, run by Governer LGBTQ-Jew, Jared Polis.


By sending the Jews to Israel, we are free to do what we want.

Me too…

I mean, since I’ve been relentlessly banned by the Jews—me a recognized “Orthodox Christian”—on every venue they run with their overpowering command.

Even the big guys get hit.

Merely allowing some semblance of free-speech on Twitter, has landed Elon Musk’s electric cars, spaceships, hyperloop, and starlink into the swampy ‘Talmudic’ tepid waters of “investigations.”

By swapping the Jews for virtuous Palestinians, everyone benefits.

It’s a win-win deal.

We win with hard working people coming here, the Palestinians, who intuitively possess the American work ethic.

Getting the Jews to Israel is a snap too.

The Jews have conveniently built an incredible supply chain to move Africans through our southern border.

Reverse the supply chain and move the final stop from Africa to Israel, and Presto! A Jew pilgrimage to Israel is on the move.

And the Jews win by having their homeland and eating their lox and bagels too with no one to ‘hate’ them over there.

If anyone does ‘hate’ them over there, it might be for some good reason.

Can’t wait for my next vacation to Palestine, Arizona!

Who would have thought that Palestinians in Arizona could do so much good?

“Palizonians”—along with a Jewish “swap”—will make America great again.