All in da fambly negritude

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter
All in the Family: "My Husband Killed My Brother"

When Makarios Brown, Jr. asks his mother about his father, she doesn't know what to say. Tonya Lough knows her two-year-old son wouldn't understand the truth if she told him. In fact, she can't understand it either.

Last Thursday night, Lough's brother Steven was gunned down while sitting in his car outside the Fina Station on Hollywood Avenue. That news left Tonya Lough saddened, but not shocked. Her husband, she said, put out the hit.

"I feel like this is all my fault," Tonya Lough said. "If it weren't for me, my brother would never have been involved in any of this."

According to Tonya Lough, Steven Lough was set to testify in Caddo District Cour
t the day after his murder. He would have been testifying against his bro
ther-in-law, Makarios Brown, who had faced various drugs and weapons charges. Lough's testimony, his sister said, would have been in reference to a 2003 domestic dispute between Brown and Tonya Lough, at which Steven Lough present.

"He had come to see what was going on, to look out for me, and my husband shot at him," Tonya Lough said.

Steven Lough was not injured in that shooting. And, according to friends and neighbors, was never in any sort of trouble. In fact, he'd held the same job for the past 11 years and was reportedly well-liked and respected.

He was also the father of a young girl. Like her cousin, too young to know why she no longer has a father.

"When my niece grows up, how is she going to react to the fact that her dad is not here because of my son's father?" Tonya Lough said. "I don't know how to answer those questions. I don't know wh
at to tell my son. I don't know what to tell my niece. And I just wish I could talk to my brother again and tell him that Im sorry."

Tonya Lough told her brother that her husband had threatened his life. And, she said, Steven Lough filed a report with police on July 9, just days before the threat was apparently carried out.

But, Shreveport Police cannot confirm that such a report was filed.

"The first I ever heard of that threat was at the crime scene," said Det. Patrick McConnell. "Tonya told me that. And, at this point, I'm still not sure if a report was ever filed, or, if so, with what agency."

It's possible that a report was filed with the District Attorney's office, McConnell said.

Christine Lough, Steven and Tonya's mother, is upset that a complaint even became necessary. She says Makarios Brown should not have been allowed to be free on bond.

"If he were locked
up, my son would still be alive," Christine Lough said. "I don't know how you can ignore someone with as long and violent a criminal history as (Makarios)."

Hours after the shooting and be
fore his trial, Makarios Brown was remanded to jail by District Judge Scott Crichton.

"What good is that?" Christine Lough said. "They only put him in jail after my son was killed. Too little, too late."

Memo to all niggers: I knows y'all gots it tough, but you brings it all on yo-own-bad-selfs.
