

Senior Editor
[From: The Odinist, no. 90 (1985)]


One of the most nauseating spectacles in recent years marking a new low in the already abysmally low ethical and intellectual standards of the West is the current hulla-balloo over apartheid in South Africa. The hypocrisy, duplicity and stupidity displayed by just about everybody involved in this controversy are, quite simply, enough to gag the proverbial maggot.

The original purpose of South African apartheid was a noble one: to protect the racial identity and integrity of the minority White population while fostering, in a spirit of co-operation, the separate development of all the racial groups in the country, leading eventually to complete independence for each people in its own territory, free of the interference or domination of any other group.

Unfortunately, in recent years, due to an interrelated complex of factors -- the opportunism and lack of envisioned leadership in the ruling Afrikaner Establishment, the rise of powerful, but short-sighted business interests obsessed with the non-White market, creeping liberalism and materialism throughout South African society, and the infiltration of folk-alien elements into the socio-economic structure -- the goals of apartheid have been discarded, and the system of White political control and rigid racial segregation has degenerated into a regime of dependency upon and exploitation of black labor for the benefit of the South African ruling class, which is now dismantling the remnants of apartheid in a gradualistic and piecemeal fashion in favor of multi-racialism while maneuvering to preserve its own power and privileges. The recent action of the Pretoria clique in lifting the ban on interracial sex and marriages destroys once and for all any remaining pretense that government may have had of defending White Folkdom.

But the tearing down of apartheid by Mr. Botha and Co. is not proceeding quickly and thoroughly enough for 'world public opinion', and as a result here in the withered heart of the West we now have a surging wave of anti-apartheid hysteria, sponsored by the same old festering gaggle of geeks we've come to know and despise. It includes wimpoid liberals wallowing in pathological self-hatred and guilt over 'white racism'; political prostitutes who foam at the mouth over 'racist oppression' in South Africa while wholeheartedly supporting racism, militarism and genocide Israeli-style; cretinous christian clerics who, flaunting a self-righteous Tutu, perform a ballet of balderdash as they contort in moronic moralistic gyrations; closet-racist blacks who play upon the vacuity and gullibility of lily-livered Whites; and 'conservative' con-men who cravenly join in the 'anti-racist' chorale but who advocate dealing with Pretoria through 'constructive engagement' (translation: Save South Africa for International monopoly capital at all costs, with or without the Whites).

These 'sensitive, humane' people who are always oozing with teary-eyed concern for 'minorities' the world over, whether they be a tribe of stone-age aborigines in Ethiopia or a tribe of fascist-minded land-grabbers occupying Palestine, these champions of 'human dignity' who preach 'love, understanding and tolerance' have nothing but hatred, condemnation and disparagment for the most endangered minority on earth: the Whites of South Africa. This is what our supreme cognoscenti offer us as the epitome of modern philosophical enlightentment: anti-Afrikaner bigotry. Recent African history and the continuing bloody misrule and misery in all the rest of the benighted Dark Continent teach these dolts nothing! The 'equality' the maniacal negrophiliacs are screaming for would swamp South Africa's creative minority in a genocidal 'rising tide of color'. Don't the Afrikaners have a 'right to exist'? Apparently not, or so say our learned-elders.

And when 'responsible' South Africans in effect accept the guidelines of their anti-apartheid critics, dodge the racial issue and insist that they are just 'civilizing the natives' and 'fighting communism', they are only helping to cut their own throats.

Considering the totality of circumstances, can anyone really blame the blacks of South Africa for violently rebelling? Be he a rioter in a black township (where ironically black people as, a whole are better off than anywhere else in Africa) or a black Nationalist guerrilla gleefully looking forward to the wholesale plunder, rape and slaughter of the White population, the black insurrectionist, perceiving the moral bankruptcy of the Pretoria regime and sensing the spiritual weakness of South Africa's pampered, bourgeoisified Whites, is only following his instincts and his inborn racial imperatives. And if behind the black hordes there lurk the geopolitical plotters of the Soviet Union, licking their chops, can anyone really blame them either?

The bottom line is, if the White South Africans find themselves besieged on all fronts and in one helluva mess, they have nobody to blame but themselves. It is their own complicity in the abandonment of the original apartheid program in exchange for a dubious materialistic prosperity that is propelling them to their doom -- either the slow doom of miscegenation and assimilation or the more rapid doom of physical extermination.

Fortunately, thereare farsighted, tough-minded White people in South Africa who view the situation, with realism and who are committed to the struggle for their survival as a Folk. They advocate a comprehensive solution to their country's race problems based on genuine, reinvigorated apartheid: geographical racial separation to guarantee self-determination for every nationality.

We can only hope that these progressive folkists prevail, and that they can enlist the active support of their kinsmen in the heroic effort to safeguard White civilization and establish true freedom with justice for all South Africans of qood will.
