Apo essays for Apr 2019


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/the-moon-landing-a-giant-hoax-for-mankind/#comments

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Who Really, Does Jew, Unz, Think He Fools?
(Apollonian, 1 Apr 19)

Unz: WHY wouldn't the "moon-landing" be a hoax if so desperately pushed by Jews like thou and the lying Jews-media?--that's called INDUCTIVE LOGIC, sucker--the conclusion that if it isn't hoax, then it needs to be PROVEN it's NOT hoax--get it, stupid kike?

Jew: do thou have ANY proof there was "moon-landing"? Doesn't it bother thou there's NO STARS in the innumerable photos of all the pretended "moon-landing" activity? And there's good reason for the moronic excuses they give for lack of stars showing in photos, eh? Ho ho ho oho.

Regarding thy putrid web-site for "pilpul" Jews and liars--the whole site is TRASH, like thou, Jew, utterly negligible for any serious people, and thy filthy race of trashy, murdering monsters, called Jews.

But it's fitting and interesting to have a site like thine, reduction-to-absurd for pilpul kike liars, their goyim suck-alongs, like "one-born-brainless," and those precious psychos who keep saying Christianity is just variation of Judaism, "Christ was Jew," etc., whom thou also make use of, eh?

And WHAT a pathologic psycho thou are--so obsessively checking and reading EVERY goddam posting entry to MAKE SURE thou censors and deletes the REAL, serious, genuine Christians (hence anti-semites). So that's how thou think thou shall "normalize" kikery--getting people to "beleeeeeev" that "golly gee, but Jews are like anyone else," and "there are good Jews along w. some bad," and "gee whiz, but thou can't judge all kikes by just one or a few," ho ho ho ho ho ho.
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