Apo essays for Jan 2018


Guest Columnist
Satanism/Subjectivism Essence Of General Cultural "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 18)

Ken: to give further back-ground on this extremely useful "satanic" subject of ours, note it sets in within a culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who covered this subject in his great work, which entails the CYCLIC theory of hist. and sociology. Thus a culture matures, reaches a peak, then "declines" as the people become corrupt and the political-legal system becomes dysfunctional. Spengler much uses the Roman example.

Thus, as in the American instance, the original generation(s) are more strictly objective-oriented, brave, courageous, productive, believing straight-forwardly in freedom, individual initiative, etc. BUT the later generations inexorably become corrupt as they have so much given to them by the originals, and they begin to indulge in subjectivism and even mysticism, esp. in the way of moralism, Pharisaism, pretending to "good-evil" and a (perfectly) "free" will (subjectivism) by which they imagine they've now become "virtuous," "progressive," etc.

Thus these later generations of fools indulge in moralistic laws and government, an ever-larger bureaucracy, and such as CURRENCY taking the place of real, commodity-based money, pretending it's some kind of advancement in culture/civilization--when it's actually the satanic opposite, a gross, horrific hoax/fraud, a veritable criminal enterprise which now dominates the entire society.

This "currency" taking place of real money has been the down-fall of USA and West, surely--it was problem at the very beginning of USA w. Alex Hamilton (and Bank of US) who was opposed by Jefferson.

My own theory is the pretext for all this satanism and subjectivism, under which we're suffering so acutely in this day, is the "good-evil" fallacy which is indulged by so many, taught to them when they were/are young, and they cannot let it go. And no one, in entire history of philosophy and human-kind, has ever successfully demonstrated a genuine premise for this child's "good-evil" that stood-up for all criticisms, conditions, and problems.

Thus the pretext of general subjectivism is planted and sprouted in the society by means of this Pharisaism, known in Christian theology as Pelagianism (of St. Augustine), which the thorough-going extreme subjectivists and outright satanists exploit and use to leverage the entire society and population, the classic example being the poor, stupid people not capable of resisting the "currency" fraud, always complaining there isn't enough "money," thus they want and insist upon the "currency" fraud (though most of the fools cannot grasp the nature of the fraud).

And there's no solution to this overwhelming stupidity of the over-populated goons, morons, and suckers--thus the satanists are afforded circumstances for their inexorable, irresistable taking-over the society, bringing inevitable fascism, war, etc., which then kills-off so many of these over-populated scum who insist upon stupidity and such as "currency." It's a CYCLIC phenomenon, I submit--satanists simply carry-out a socio-biologic function/task. Greeks are thus shown as wise for their TRAGIC view of human-kind.

--------------------------above by ap following-up on below first msg sent to "Ken"-----------------------

Dec 31 at 12:27 AM

Hello Ken: listened to ur latest, great int-view, as usual. But I noted at the end, u (rightly) mentioned satanism and what u called the "main ingredients," and I largely agree w. u, BUT I just wanted to make a note for the ESSENCE of this satanism--which is (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that all reality is mere product of consciousness and mentality--making oneself God, the creator--denying the OBJECTIVE reality which exists outside consciousness, whereas the proper conscious purpose being the awareness and observance of this objective reality. Satanists/subjectivists say consciousness CREATES reality--satanism, making oneself God, the creator.

And I agree w. u this subjectivism/Satanism is ruling, or at least LEADING element of our degenerate culture. Thus satanists who rule, by practical means of currency, not real money, are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, highly, sublimely organized and co-operating w. fellow subjectivists/satanists for imposition of false reality which serves their purposes--like the central-bank and "currency" super-imposed over and against real, commodity-based money.

And of course, there are other consequences to this satanism/subjectivism too--like Trump who says he's against world-gov., but now complains about China and Russia violating "sanctions" on trade w. N. Korea.

Satanists also want to impose "climate-change" lies, and are behind monopolist corp.s, like "big Pharma," trying to force poison GMO foods, drugs, and poison vaccines on everyone, saying vaccines are all good, etc.

It's often mystery as to how/why people allow themselves to going-along w. this putrid satanism--they too easily give-in and fall for the satanists insisting we need "currency"--as there's not enough "real money" to serve its purpose--the stupid scum too easily just give-in and go-along--and this currency system is what makes satanists soooo powerful, now imposing Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide against the people, w. poison vaccines, GMO foods, and all the other horrific measures.

And note how clever this death-cult works--by means of SLOW-KILL methods, nothing too dramatic, the people dying by deliberately induced diseases, like cancer, HIV, and other deliberately induced methods.

I seriously suspect that after the population of stupid people gets too large, that's how the satanists get into power, exploiting stupidity of the people, their ultimate satanic purpose being to "cull the human herd," removing the excess population.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/01/winston-churchill-protests-in-iran-and.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, GOLEM, Patronizing Fool
(Apollonian, 3 Jan 18)

Gosh Hoffman, but now u tell us, Pelagian heretic as u are, "root of all evil is love of money." But didn't u tell us we should love those monsters and enemies of humanity, God, and everything else, called Jews? So why should anyone love Jews, but not money? Doesn't money too, have its place in the scheme of things?--doesn't it deserve its proper respect no less?

For isn't money simple article of economics, and don't economists, which economics u, Hoffman, know less than nothing about, love that science (such as it is), hence love to think about the role and function of money?--for money serves a purpose and function, and if that's done well, the proper functioning and treatment of money deserves its share of regard, respect, and due reverential attn.

And why do u keep lying Hoffman?--like about God regarding "money," distinct fm CURRENCY, and the renting of it? For u lie to the people, Hoffman, when u don't admit there's no clear definition given for meaning of "usury" in the ancient sources--it doesn't mean lending or renting of money, real money distinct fm currency, currency being fake and fraudulent money--which doesn't even begin to occurring to such a charlatan, posing as Christian (lover of truth), as u.

God/Christ = truth, Hoffman--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--truth being something u know very little about, we see, so willing to play the self-righteous Pelagian, and lying about "usury" and lending of money.

For TRUTH (= Christ) has to do, first of all, w. the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, Hoffman, which objectivity is denied by Pharisees most of all, who insist upon primacy of their "midrash" (interpretation) SUBJECTIVISM above and against God, hence truth. Further, the Pharisaics are collectivistic subjectivists ("group-think") who then organize and thus dominate the more individualist, dis-organized gentile subjectivists and satanists, who far out-number the Pharisaics, satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness creates reality.

The "ways of God," u say?--that's a big mystery to such as u, eh Hoffman? For the way of God is simply the way of truth (= Christ)--why is that so difficult for u? Thus for grasping of truth, God gave us logic and science, including then economics and its understanding of money, banking, and lending, but u know NOTHING whatever about those, and u care less--BECAUSE ALL U'RE INTERESTED IN IS PRETENDING TO (non-existent) "GOOD" and "virtue"--just like the cheap Pharisaic and Pelagian heretic u really are. U're actually quite subjectivistic in ur way, truth be told, Hoffman.

So u know what u really are, Hoffman?--u're a GOLEM--a monster who does the work of Jews, Jews in turn doing the work of their father, the devil, who was a liar fm the beginning (JOHN 8:44). For all u do is to hiding the real truth, pretending to the lie that "usury" is lending of money when actually, "usury" has to do MOST w. the substitution of intrinsically worthless CURRENCY in the place of real money which real money is easily loaned in the course of productive and honest business, the loaning of real money having PROVEN to be a great benefit to civilization and human-kind--but u don't care, Hoffman, as all u're interested in is pretending to being a "good" little boy, obedient, and sucking-along w. an idiotic, moronic "commandment" which u brainlessly, mindlessly insist must be followed--why?--because u insist God said so, when God commanded no such thing.

And what actually is the "Word of God," Hoffman?--it surely isn't what a lying heretic and Golem like u says it is. For Christ = truth, and truth is what all people seek as they are wise and as they heed fm respected sources like the Bible, which Bible was written by men, but also excellent sources like science, including economics.

A Golem like u says u "wonder how many truly" . . . "believe the Word of God?"--well, if they KNEW it came fm God himself, they'd be fools not to so "believe," eh?--in which case they'd simply be insane. And as there's no "evil" in a determined world in accord w. God's almighty will, there's no "root" of it. So such non-existent things WOULD be "difficult to fathom," Hoffman. U really ought to quit pretending to ur stinking Pelagianism and heresy, Hoffman--maybe then people might be more willing to support u w. their hard-earned funds, buddy.
Former Satanist-In-Chief Comments Upon Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 18)

Obola (Obama), Barry Soetoro, or whoever he is, is soooooooooo cool, u see--he's the hero and leader, at the moment, of the cooooooooooool people who want world government--so he's always sooooooo slick--and emphatically presented to be that way for his adoring homosexuals and fans.

And it's interesting thing he comments now w. his cool friend, David Letterman, about specific subject of SUBJECTIVISM. See http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...ng-country/ar-AAuAeOA?li=BBnb7Kz&OCID=DELLDHP.

""One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don't share a common baseline of facts," the 44th president told Letterman...." "...[W]e are operating in completely different information universes," added Obola. The NBC article, by Mike Memoli, goes on, quoting Obola, "[a]nd that's part of why our politics is so polarized right now. I think it is a solvable problem but it's one we have to spend a lot of time thinking about."

Heck yeah, is our reality OBJECTIVE? Anyway, Memoli's article, after these quotes herein given on a very pertinent philosophic subject, actually, then goes off on other subjects, generally patronizing the criminal, Obola, Obola further commenting on how he and his "globalist" handlers so successfully bamboozled and defrauded so many people, goons, morons, and fools, for his election and administration, etc.

The article has accompanying pictures of the oh-soooo-cool ex-prez, seen laughing it up and sashaying soooo coolly, like a pimp, smugly smiling in his usual snide manner, no doubt commenting to himself on how stupid people are to be taking a monkey like him seriously--though he should be taken seriously for what he really is, criminal clown and charlatan, front-man for murderers and cut-throat scum, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, et al.

Golly gee, but if only people could be more cooooooooool, u see, like Obola, the king of cool, "fresh prince of Bel Air," ho ho o ho ho
Hooray For Trump, Commenting About Invasion Of Western Countries By Scum, Filth, Puke From "****-Holes"
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 18)

Hooray for Trump, otherwise worthless lackey and flunky for Jews and esp. Israel, who nonetheless lately commented upon "****-hole" countries who are flooding USA, working to effectively IMPRISON the white people, the HUMANS, the niggers, spics, et al surrounding these humans, intimidating them, silencing them, and eventually to murdering them--so Trump simply commented about it, making it note-worthy. And it worked really well: see https://www.yahoo.com/news/reaction-trumps-comments-africa-haiti-005856324.html.

So the excellent purpose served in Trump's observation is regarding the very real strategy of the satanists working against culture and humanity by means of this "migration" activity, used against whites and humanity which is evermore apparent to people--the deliberate, satanically-motivated destruction of culture and humanity. The solution is Christian culture, founded in (Aristotelian) OBJECTIVITY--and against the satanic criminals whose activities and motives are evermore plain and obvious for people--of all and any races.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/01/letter-from-reader-of-occult.html

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Crypto-Currencies Inspire Useful Analysis For Role And Function Of Money
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 18)

"Anonymous," above (see below-copied), asks if bitcoin is "usury," and that's just the problem for Hoffman--he can't supply a solid definition or source of the term, "usury," which he wants to use as bludgeon for his self-righteousness, calling people who make contracts w. others for loans, "sinners."

For that's all Hoffman is really interested in, pretending to Pelagian virtue, Hoffman mere virtue-signaler.

It's far more likely "usury" refers in general to the large system of fraud by which governments, acting for criminals calling themselves "bankers," impose CURRENCY upon a people and society, currency in the stead of real money, currency having no "intrinsic" value, real money being commodity-based, having its own value for trade within the market, like gold and silver, the best money, finite and limited for quantity--unlike worthless currency which is infinite in potential amount.

Thus the continued issuances of the intrinsically worthless currency obviously DE-VALUE the currency units which already exist, defrauding and despoiling the people, as we see presently w. the steady devaluation of present US Fed Reserve Notes by the continued "inflation" and "quantitative easings."

It's simply amazing that Hoffman pushes his self-righteousness regarding this "usury" subject which he knows literally NOTHING about, saying essentially NOTHING for it's real meaning, definition, and origin, either in history or in the ancient texts, Hoffman understanding nothing about economics or money and banking.

Regarding bitcoin and crypto-currency, these are speculative assets which pretend and purport to substitute as a money medium-of-exchange and store-of-value, but can actually do no more than the basic things, like gold and silver. But they, the "crypto-currencies," COULD be a useful way of preventing the governments and criminals fm their present currency scams and inflation frauds. For the crypto-currency idea, by itself, makes people think about the nature and function of real money and ways of keeping it secure against the scams like currency and the "legal-tender" dictatorship which forces people to accepting these worthless currencies.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

Anonymous said...
Is bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies form of usury?
I was looking for any answer from catholic perspecitve, but i have found none.
Best regards,
1:22 PM
Real Money: Necessary For Life; Currency: Instrument Of Death
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 18)

Ken: listened to ur latest, and it was ur usual excellent production. BUT, I want to submit that it was unfortunate (I think) ur justifying use of CURRENCY, distinct fm real money, commodity-based--I'm pretty sure I understood what u were saying. I submit rather currency is the very problem which is nefarious at best, and fraudulent and criminal in practically all cases. And of course there are conditions and circumstances--it's surely fraudulent if currency is made "legal tender," which would be, and is dictatorship. I suspect u were speaking in extremely clinical sense, and I'll bet lots of folks failed to grasp that and may even have thought u were endorsing the concept of currency as legitimate substitute for real money.

For real money, as any commodity, must be limited in quantity, and the basic fraud of currency is in the idea that it doesn't have to be limited ("elasticity"). And the continued issuance of currency ("inflation") then steadily drains and despoils all value and wealth fm the victimized people, especially as the currency is made "legal-tender." The present satanic society wants to keep the two ideas confounded, "currency" and real "money," pretending they're same thing--when one is necessary for life and living, and the other is fatal instrument of death and dictatorship.

There are many, or at least several, fatal concepts, like, in my opinion, the idea of "good-evil"--which I hold doesn't exist. Another, related fatal concept is "free will"--which again, I contend doesn't really exist. But these fore-going are ABSTRACT ideas which requires serious reflection for genuine grasp. The concept of currency (and central-banking) however is extremely practical (existential), not really mere abstract, and is absolutely fatal if not grasped--as it isn't by far too many of our pathetic fellow people--it's precisely why and how these over-populated poor fools are absolutely doomed.
The Bloody Horror Of "Usury"--Why Too Many Stupid, Over-Populated Goons, MUST Be Exterminated
(Apollonian, 15 Jan 18)

Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), suckers--NOT NOT NOT "love," excepting only as metaphor (1JOHN 4:8) in comparison w. Talmudic hatred for humanity, or "peace," though knowing the truth does bring an INNER peace--but surely not a political sort of peace. And Christ does not demand "faith" of "believing," but rather a "faith" understood as LOYALTY. For "believing" something doesn't make it true, as sooooooooooo many goons, scum, morons, filth, puke, and suckers pretend and insist to imagining.

And "believing" in the sense of Gosp. JOHN--invoked dozens of times throughout JOHN's Gosp., rather indicates what today we would say is (a) knowing and (b) then practicing. Finally, Christ is not synonymous w. "good," which doesn't exist, and which Christ explains is only belonging to God the Father (MARK 10:18).

Overall significance of Christ and Christian truth then is AFFIRMATION OF OBJECTIVE, ARISTOTELIAN REALITY, necessary basis for truth. All ethics then follows fm this Christian truth. Satanism and subjectivism arises fm the rejection of objectivity, hence determinism, thus arises fm pretension to a perfectly "free" God-like human will--which is impossible--and pretension to non-existent "good-evil."

But note then, above Christian precepts are all sooooo ABSTRACT and difficult for poor humans to understand and grasp.

And what is far more concrete, practical, and existential is fact real money MUST be finite (strictly limited) in amount, and hence based upon commodity, gold/silver being best. See Mises.org for expo on money/banking.

What destroys money and societies, the primary EXISTENTIAL (concrete) thing, is CURRENCY, a pretended substitute for money, but actually a counterfeit. And this devilish, satanic CURRENCY then is the primary instrument which destroys humanity, society, law, economies--everything--bringing horrific death and destruction. And only real money can set things right.

The historical word, even fm ancient times, for this curse of satanic "currency" is "USURY," but which the Satanists pretend rather refers to charging-of-interest. But charging-of-interest is mere appendage, "interest" by itself irrelevant to the real substance of usury, which is the counterfeit of real money--CURRENCY.

For note then "currency" then requires "legal-tender" status to go into full effect, destroying real money, hence the economy, society, and thence the population.

Thus the continued issuances of evermore waves of currency devaluates the currency units and despoils and dispossesses the people--and the stupid people FAIL to grasp the simple process by which they're steadily killed--by a slow-kill -type of process, the people steadily defrauded--but all done to the people by their own corruption, hubris, and lies they tell themselves, first beginning w. the delusion of "good-evil," in the abstract, and then the more practical, existential idea that real money is inadequate and what's needed, and even better than real money, being CURRENCY.

Thus as the people are CYCLICALLY over-populated and corrupt, corrupted first in the abstract, by means of HUBRIS and non-existent "good-evil" delusion, including then the God-like, perfectly "free" will, the practical, existential thing which arises is CURRENCY replacing real money, the most practical, basic tool of satanists and satanism.

For the currency system, which replaces real money, is not really, truly difficult to understand for its corruption--but people REFUSE to understanding and heeding to truth and facts--CHRIST--thus they suffer.

And this corrupt culture/civilization given now to hubris and lies happens due to the inexorable CYCLIC process of over-population of stupid people refusing to heeding to truth (= Christ).

So the people perish, and it's all a deterministic, CYCLIC process of generation and corruption, people pretending to Godly perfectly "free" will--which doesn't exist--and the equally non-existent "good-evil" which is always the excuse for such fraud as "usury," currency, and central-banking.

And the tragedy is people won't heed to truth, thus necessity of real money, until and unless people are killed and suffer horrendously--and it's this horror which has happened and must continue to happen until people begin to getting a clue for the truth about necessity of real money and the satanic lies, including that horrific fraud of currency, known fm ancient times as "usury," but known today as CURRENCY, pretended substitute for real money--LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING (fraud and lies--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

Ultimately then, the satanists (extreme subjectivists) simply bring about the practical, necessary mass-death of the over-populated scum, goons, morons, fools, and suckers--the only real, practical, existential solution to hubris, madness, and the delusion of currency ("usury"), perfectly "free" will, and non-existent "good-evil" for children and dogs. Amen.
Trump: satanic/Talmudic High Priest
(Apollonian, 15 Jan 18)

It's "good Jew" vs. "bad Jews," favorite game of deep state, the good kikes for "rightists" being Israel and neo-cons, the bad ones being leftist "globalists" of Agenda-21 and -30 addendum (or -2030)--and vice-versa for "leftists." But satanic deep state controls them all--doubt it?--observe the sucking-up to blacks done by Trump for M.L. King day, sucking up to blacks, dis-respecting whites (and all non-blacks), etc., teaching people about the "evil" of "racism"--when racism is actually (and obviously) virtue of loyalty to, pride in people. But in our satanic society such racist virtue is not allowed, and it's way of intimidating whites, esp. of the lower-intelligence.

So much for "cleaning-up" the "deep-state" which pushes all this idiot anti-racist "virtue." And so much for Trump being some sort of "hero" for Christianity, Western "values," etc. And Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com is all for it, too, regarding anti-racist "virtue" in this satanist, Jew-dominated society, never doubt.

So what's the lesson?--it's good to lie and mis-represent about thing like racist virtue, and it's good to patronize and condescend to such as blacks, obvious enemy race to the whites (and others too) which whites are thus impressed and reminded they're conquered, colonized people now beholden to niggers and Jews.

So never doubt Trump's purpose, paying obeisance and homage to the Jews, satanists, and "deep state" oligarchs--regardless of anything else--he works for them, continuing to humiliating whites. Trump is Israel's agent, "wagging the dog" for Jews and Israel, not to mention the Jew masterminds running the top criminal enterprise, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo).
Perfect Example Of "Fake-News" Psy-Op: Racism
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 18)

Observe the recent activity over last couple days, Trump presenting "fake-news" awards, puffed by his side-kick, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com). One of the topics regards Trump's "racism," and the obvious object is for Trump to desperately denying such racism, the further object being (a) making Trump go on defensive, (b) stoking race-war, (c) impressing the morons that somehow racism is bad.

So observe the simple sequence: accusing someone of racism--as if it's bad, horrible thing (a), (b) then, the accused desperately denying--which affirms idea racism is bad. And this little game over "racism" is rocket-science, so think carefully, hoh o o ho ho ho.

But racism is loyalty, hence a virtue--just look it up in any dictionary--loyalty to people, ancestors (a). And (b), don't forget racism is no less than fifth of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)." So who's kidding who?

So the real "fake-news" and psy-ops is pushing "racism" as something to be denied and disapproved--it's the alleged "fake-news" about racism, which is the real fake-news--because racism is virtue, nothing to be denied, but rather affirmed--and this fake news is being pushed by Trump and Ajax Jewns, don't forget.

So don't doubt Trump pushes "fake-news" and the typical, usual Jew-oriented psy-ops, no less.

And thus we see Trump SERVES the "deep-state," and it's fake-news that he's trying to "drain the swamp"--ON THE CONTRARY, Trump serves the "deep-state," again, as we see and verify. USA just has toooooooooooo godamm many stupid puke for "people," and Jews are put on earth to exterminate and exploit these stupid, scummy puke--who think "racism" is something bad, u see.
Problem Of Human Condition: Hubris, Subjectivism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 18)

See Ken, the real problem is subjectivism, and the pretext is the obsession people have for being "good," like good little children desperate to sucking-up to mommy and daddy. And under-lying that fatal "good" fallacy/delusion is the fallacy/delusion of a perfectly "free" human will--which Buddhism defends, as I understand. It all makes u think about what's going on and about the human condition. For there's no possible "free" will to overcome that basic sinful nature of humanity regarding self-interest--a product of will, though not a perfectly "free," God-like will.

For if Buddhism says we have a perfectly "free" God-like will, then it says we're God, doesn't it?--and wouldn't u say that's a problem?

Thus we observe the CYCLIC problem, following fm the determinist condition of human over-population as we've striven to discuss, including satanism and how it operates, its nature and essence--thus the function of the Jews who work to set the people against one another, making use of lies, lying, and liars, for purpose (though they won't admit it, of course) of population-reduction. Thus Jews are best--at least well--understood according to determinist circumstances for their function in society and history.

Anyway, Ken: I hope now u can see how WELL determinism (hence purest, strict science) helps to understanding the place of Jews and Judaism, including the larger satanic circumstances. First, satanism (extreme subjectivism) sets in and festers among the goyim--THEN and only then, do the Jews arise and come into their own best element, gaining inexorable power and dominance for their supreme organization and COLLECTIVIZED subjectivism/satanism--an otherwise amazing thing, esp. for those who try defending them and who say, "but Jews are just a tiny percentage of the pop."

For if u remember: that satanic/subjectivist condition is what was TOTALLY left-out fm that lying Jew's exposition in ur last discussion w. him. It's not all Jews' fault, Ken--as the kike was attempting to lead people to thinking. For Jews can and could do nothing without the right circumstances, that beginning condition of satanism/subjectivism among the goyim scum.
Subjectivism At Bottom Of All Dictatorship, Corruption, Criminality--Like Central-Banking
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 18)

Now do u see the screeching frustration of SUBJECTIVISM and caprice? They (Google, Jew-tube) take our tax-payer money, and enjoy favorable regulation fm the naturally corrupt, bribe-taking bureaucracy, in order to build their monopoly, THEN say it's their "prop. right" to suppress us--so clever, eh?

And note it all works fm the top monopoly, the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo) which is allowed to create something fm nothing ("inflation"), legalized counterfeiting, in order to fund everything and everybody who serves their purposes.

Real money, commodity-based, doesn't need a gov. to use "legal-tender" laws to enforce the money-trust monopoly on criminality like legalized counterfeiting, "central-banking."

And after they've created something out of nothing, forcing us to accept it as payment--then they charge interest on it! But charging interest is not the basic problem, u see. Real money is FINITE, and that's the key. Stupid, over-populated goons want INFINITE money, which is impossible, so they make CURRENCY, a fraud and criminal enterprise as the continuing issuances DEVALUATE what already is circulating. Charging interest is just superfluous "icing" on proverbial "cake," and the society is destroyed and despoiled even without interest being charged on the fraudulent, illegitimate "currency."

So u see, this top, ruling, master, currency-creating monopoly rules all and begets all the other monopolies which serves it and enslaves the people, the poor fools.

And see how subjectivism is essential to the whole rotten system, beginning w. the childish wishing for INFINITE money, which is impossible, but then they simply substitute CURRENCY. And it's all a death cult--they then concoct idiot lies, like "climate change" as excuse for yet MORE dictatorship so that they control more and evermore.

ALWAYS, the pretext is "good"--for having INFINITE currency will do the society "good," they always, always, always say. And all dictatorship is ALWAYS justified by "good," the "public good" (or "interest").

So my conclusion u must consider is to ELIMINATE all/any pretext for subjectivism, and this means necessity of the DETERMINIST reality--otherwise u get the death-cult and satanism.
Basic Military Circumstances: The Real Enemy, Controlled Opposition, Etc.
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 18)

At the bottom of everything we see there gets to being human over-population--too many stupid scum. And the "people"?--well, they're just puke. Of course there are always some, even many, good people, but there just gets to being too many scum, filth, goons, morons, and suckers. For as we've already noted, over-population is always the inevitable result of a "successful," "prosperous" empire which inevitably corrupts fm the earlier founding generation genuinely virtuous and productive, now degenerate in hubris--always in way of "good-evil" moralism, heresy, and delusion.

Thus demagogues come in and persuade now over-populated goons and scum to establishing socialist dictatorship--as we see. And note, under the present "globalism" the powers at the top demand the people give-up all their rights--which then the scum, goons, and filth are all too willing to doing--and to thus forcing everyone else to doing too. Thus we get the central-bank fraud and criminal enterprise of legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo). Problem is the people giving-up rights leads to the dictatorship now working to exterminate the people--why they wanted the stupid goons to giving-up rights in first place, duhhhh.

Thus the demagogues among gentiles fight among themselves, and as we see fm history, esp. recent hist., now the Jews come in and organize everything, but Jews are clever and what they do, additionally, is to setting-up a false dichotomy, a "controlled opposition," as in Orwell's "1984," Goldstein against dear old Big bro.--like we have Democrats vs. Republicans, "good-cop vs. bad-cop" charade. The rest of the people are not organized even if they're wise enough not to be involved in the "good-Jew" (neo-cons, Trump, and Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com) vs. the "bad-Jews" of "globalism" and the genocidal "left."

Finally, the Jews come to dominate to such overwhelming extent, the only hope for the poor, pathetic gentile "people" is these Jews, masterminds, and satanists begin to falling-out among themselves--and that seems to be what we actually see in the recent and present debacle of the "globalist" faction who've been exposed in the 2016 electoral defeat of hitlery Clinton, and now the scandal involving FBI and FISA court spying on Trump, the opposition party.

But note there's more to come as US economy is due for a serious collapse, substantial fall in living standards, and this approaching, imminent social turmoil is liable to be fatal to satanic powers and establishment.

Irony is the "globalists" want pop.-reduction--GENOCIDE--which they're actually conducting by means of "slow-kill" poison vaccines, for example, pushed by the "big Pharma" monopolies, and other monopolies, all funded and fueled by the top monopoly, the central-bank, including also poison drugs, poison GMO food and food-additives, poison "chem-trails," toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic, etc.

So Christian soldiers understand SOMEONE HAS TO DIE--such is simply the sad fact(s) of reality--for the "globalists" are trying to kill us (Christians). But note Trump and neo-cons aren't our friends as they're just a diff. faction (controlled opposition) run by the same satanist powers at the top, running the central-bank, the central-bank being the ultimate existential problem underlying, subjectivism/satanism the ultimate problem for the abstract and spirit. Such again, are the basic military circumstances which must and should be understood by all Christian soldiers.
Country Is STILL "Lost," Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 18)

Charlie Daniels says we "almost lost our country last fall [in the election]"?--see https://www.infowars.com/charlie-daniels-we-almost-lost-our-country-last-fall/ . Thus Daniels demonstrates the utter and evidently HOPELESS stupidity of the brainless ****s of present Jew S A. And Jew S A is mere captive to Jews and especially Israel, Jew S A now mere hired murderers of Jews and Israel. Jew S A was lost wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in 1861 when Lincoln and the northern psychopaths decided to destroy the US Constitution and sovereignty of the states.

For the northern psychopaths of 1860s discovered they had a tremendous economic machine which was irresistible, capable of providing a nearly invincible military which thereupon destroyed the American south, making it a mere conquered pile of rubble, the people effectively mass-murdered and destroyed. Americans and immigrants merrily continued along the way moving to the west (of the Mississippi), and relatively few took notice of the horrific massacre which had taken place.

For that was the great discovery of the 1860s--the incredible economic power of a free market now super-powered for industry and manufacturing--which then was prostituted and used for mass-murder and conquest of the American south--and later the rest of the world, as we see in this day. Only now, over a hundred and fifty yrs later (!), is that incredible, massive economic power fading under the weight of socialist dictatorship, as we see.

To be sure, the USA economic machine had a precursor in the English example and empire which also was under-going the same Jew financial take-over. The new American nation was even more stream-lined economically and demonstrated an even greater power and capacity.

But indeed, something amazing happened in 2016: evidently the Jew master-minds observed and noted Jew S A would be tooo damaged by a hitlery Clinton victory, so the Israeli Jews of the pretended "right-wing" perpetrated the Trump counter-coup against the "leftist," "globalist" Jews, Trump their obedient flunky. Otherwise Jew S A is HOPELESSLY lost to those Jews, there being mere different faction of Jews ruling, that's all.
"War Against 'Deep State'?--Requires REMOVAL Of Central Bank, Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 18)

What's this?--Lou Dobbs of FOX News wants "war against the 'deep state'"?--ho ho ho ho ho (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnrk9Ad1gY8 ; see just the first 30 seconds w. Dobbs). Ok, but it means u must REMOVE and eliminate the central-bank (legalized counterfeiting) by which the powers substitute "CURRENCY" in place of real money, commodity-based, the best being gold/silver. See Mises.org for expo on real money and central-bank subject-matter; use their search engine to ck for specific topics.

For "currency" in place of real money is a criminal enterprise--legalized counterfeiting--which gives an illegal monopoly for this counterfeiting, enforced by means of dictatorship ("legal-tender" laws). For money must be real, hence w. "intrinsic value," and LIMITED in amount--finite. Great thing about real money is IT DOESN'T NEED GOV. for management, which currency does, Fed Reserve, which then captures the Treasury dept. and everyone and everything else.

For "currency" is INFINITE, un-limited in potential amount, and as it is endlessly issued ("monetary inflation"--though, again, it's NOT NOT NOT real "money")--as we see here and now in Jew S A, it inexorably DEVALUES, hence defrauds and despoils the citizenry, esp. the middle-class and those depending upon pensions which depend upon normal int. rates.

And the fraud regarding this currency which removes use of real money might be difficult at first for exposition and explanation for the broad citizenry, but eventually, simplest COMMON SENSE tells one there's NO SUCH THING as "infinite" money--as money must be limited and finite for amount. The money, properly limited in amount, can then go up or down for VALUE (buying power) relative to people and amount of goods and svcs, but this real money then eliminates the "inflation" phenomenon which inexorably devalues the currency units previously existing in circulation.

Of course, 'deep state,' shills, and propagandists, esp. in academia, pretending to "edjumacation," will lie about "central-bank" and currency, one of the most persistent diversions being charging of interest, but such interest is really irrelevant as currency will destroy economy and society even without charging of interest--as it's literally, simply legalized counterfeiting.

And in fact, such then is the purpose of the media monopoly, financed by the central-banking, don't forget, including now Google (Jew-gle), Fake-book, Jew tube, etc. to keep people DISTRACTED and diverted fm this (really) simple subject-matter regarding "currency" and real money. And this distraction/diversion includes ESPECIALLY the phony "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew" charade, including Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com and FOX News vs. the jokes, MSNBC and CNN (and the others, ABC, NBC, and CBS).

And Trump?--note he was inserted, most probably by the pretend right-wing "good" kikes of Israel and "neo-cons," though there are still other "neo-cons" who are loyal to "globalist-leftists," like Sen. McCain and Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, et al. These "good Jews" of the "right" evidently wanted to keep Jew S A around for enforcement purposes for terror-state of Israel, seeing the gross disaster hitlery Clinton would have been--as we see now so much more clearly in view of the FBI/DOJ/Obama plot against Trump and his people. Looks like Israel wants a heavy strike against Iran, and Trump agreed to work for them.
Jew Criminality, Psychosis Analyzed, Plotted: Theory And Practice
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 18)

See Ken: root of Jews' criminality is their "religion" which makes them enemies of humanity, thus willing to run ANY criminal enterprise in their literal war against humanity--and all history and reality demonstrates this practical reality which is mere consequence of their abstract philosophy and "religion." Thus Hoffman's exposition (see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com) of their filthy religion is SO useful; also don't forget Come-and-hear.com site.

And again, then, note the very topmost, master, criminal enterprise is CENTRAL-BANKING (literally legalized counterfeiting), taking away real money and substituting and FORCING by means of dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws use of CURRENCY by which the people are defrauded, despoiled, and enslaved--not to mention exterminated. Thus it's useful to learn about this central-banking and hist. thereof in some detail as at Mises.org.

And again, all history and reality is demonstration in practical reality of these abstract facts (about religion and philosophy)--WHY it's so important to understand Jew religion which is actually satanism (literally) and subjectivism, basis of lies, lying, and liars--speaking subjectivistic wishful thinking and fiction, pretending this subjectivism is no worse than objectivity which Jews hold is no better than alternative subjectivity.

After such basic grounding as I give, above, note then ONLY thing to consider and understand are the psychologic, historical, sociologic circumstances by which Jews are brought in and used by gentiles, allowing Jews to now DOMINATE the society, dictating and organizing it all. Thus it's most useful and informative to understanding the CYCLIC process and nature of history, the hubris and degeneration of over-populated gentiles who first partake of satanism, but which is more individualist, random, and dis-organized, the stupid gentiles fighting one another--JEWS BRING IN ORGANIZATION to the Satanism, at first benefitting some of the stupid gentiles, but soon enough dominating absolutely.

Finally, there's so little hope gentiles can have for liberation fm this Jew/satanic hegemony (as we see now) that gentiles can only HOPE for top Jews falling-out among themselves--as may very well be the case as Trump was suddenly inserted in place of hitlery Clinton, the "rightist" Jews double-crossing the "leftist globalists." Thus JewWatch.com is great for compilation of the numerous details regarding Jew criminality.
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Cultural Institutionalization Of Criminality, Ruled, Dominated Necessarily By Jews, Foremost Subjectivists/satanists
(Apollonian, 27 Jan 18)

Note in the determinist CYCLE of inexorable history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the successful culture is "victorious," "prosperous," and generates then an over-population of progeny and offspring who didn't have to fight or work as hard as their forebears--as we see fm the Roman and American examples--an over-population of weaklings and inferiors (in so many cases) who wouldn't otherwise have survived on their own.

So these following generations fm original founders, producers, and fighters become evermore HUBRISTIC, corrupt, and degenerate, pretending now they're "good" and virtuous. And note the irony for observing the deterministic following generation inevitably pretending to "good" and a perfectly "free" will, all in spirit of hubris, hubris naturally inevitably arising fm that original victory, achievement and productivity of the founding generation(s).

Thus subjectivism being necessary foundation of "good" and perfectly "free" will, these not existing in verifiable reality as by means of science and sense-perception, subjectivism becomes the obsessionate ruling principle for everything, replacing objectivity and perceptible reality and in despite of all reason--reason being now rejected in favor of "good" and "morality."

And thus, soon enough, criminal fraud removes real money, commodity-based, hence gold-silver, in stead of dictatorship and criminal monopoly of CURRENCY (central-banking--see Mises.org for expo) which is infinite in amount, nearly infinitely issued which then inexorably defrauds and despoils the citizenry and destroys economy and society--rendering the satanic society. For real MONEY, necessarily limited and finite in amount, unlike "currency," is actually quite abstract subject-matter not too easily understood by gullible following generations obsessed w. being "good."

Thus as satanism is most extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the foundation of satanism, making oneself God by means of consciousness/mentality being foundation for reality, hence perfectly "free" will and otherwise non-existent "good," satanists and most extreme subjectivists, hence Jews, necessarily, dominate and rule by means of their organization and cohesiveness leveraging the less committed and organized subjectivists, as among the goyim who tend to be more individualistic than Jews who are notoriously collectivistic and most organized.

Thus one observes the amazing phenomenon of small minority of Jews, masons, and satanists intimidating, ruling, and dominating much larger population of goyim who are simply dis-organized, corrupt, de-moralized, and infiltrated by cohorts and subjectivistic mignons of Jews and satanists now ruling and dominating the rest of the intimidated population.

Thus CRIMINALITY in way of central-banking inevitably comes to rule the economy, society, and culture, and the war of all against all is instituted, perpetual war for perpetual peace, the reduction-ad-absurdum, the culture of death--as we see presently in UN Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum, "population-reduction"--genocide as official gov. policy.
The Virtue Of Hate And Hatred
(Apollonian, 28 Jan 18)

This virtue of hatred is important to understand, especially in these days when the scum, satanists, Jews, and liars all insist hatred is something bad, etc., their excuse for hating u--if they declare u're guilty of hatred. To listen to the politically-correct morons, puke, goons, and suckers, the only thing to be hated is those who are declared guilty of hatred. It's ok to hate "haters."

But hatred, never forget is mere reciprocal emotion or emotional reciprocal of love, subject to degrees of passion and that emotional intensity. So if one loves, one is equally subject to the reciprocal hate, necessarily. And don't forget love is mere attraction; hate is aversion. If one sees one is averse to something, there may well be excellent reason, never forget. And if one cannot hate; one equally cannot love.

Thus our dear Christianity teaches a general "love" of humanity, but one should note the necessary reciprocal hatred of that which is anti-human, including Jews. But even Jews deserve understanding, even as one is rightly averse to Jews who are monsters of hatred themselves--as is easily observed and confirmed, Jews taught to hate Christ, hence TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6). See also Talmudic expo at RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com and Come-and-hear.com.

Thus Jews are understood as extreme subjectivists, leaders and masters, hence satanists, by their putrid religion of lies, "midrash" (interpretation, as of reality and Torah), and love thereof (lies). But one sees Jews then as simply a DISEASE by which the over-populated goyim weaklings, so partial and susceptive to Jew lies and lying in general, are killed-off, as we see now, the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo), a criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting), funding the social corruption, including the politics, liars, politicians, and judges, including the corrupt corporations, like the mass Jews-media and especially "big Pharma" slow-killing the people w. poison drugs, vaccines, food and drink, etc.--along w. so many others given to the satanic culture of lies and lying, founded upon subjectivism, esp. the pretext of non-existent "good" and a perfectly "free," God-like will.

Note further the corrupt culture, dominated and so heavily controlled by the central bank criminal enterprise, literally practices a culture of death and suicide by means of Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum, "population-reduction," genocide.

Further, one must not forget the Jews' and satanists' cohorts, enablers, assistants, allies, sympathizers, and other victims of lies, lying, hubris, and liars, like free-masons, homosexuals, Judeo-Christians, "liberals," and other such liars and suckers thereto, pretending to "good" and a perfectly "free" will.

Note also such aversion and hatred for such anti-human institutions, trends, practices, and people, doesn't at all mean one renounces reason, and hatred/aversion is as much something rational as the reciprocal love/attraction.
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Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/01/trump-goy-who-still-doesnt-measure-up.html

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Institutionalized satanism Thrives Upon "Useful Idiots" Preaching "Tolerance"
(Apollonian, 29 Jan 18)

Here's my question(s) for "Tom," above (see below-copied), at 7:57pm: what's this?--there are "very fine" Jews?--how's that? And, "very fine" Musselmen? So here's the problem: WE'RE AT WAR (newsflash!)--w. satanism and the satanic establishment, esp. in view of UN (United nations) Agenda-21 and -2030 "pop.-reduction."

And note this genocidal program is serious, actually in effect, and under way as by means of (a) "big Pharma" inflicting poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, the courts enforcing this poison drug policy, and (b) other monopolist corp.s in way of poison GMO foods and food-additives, etc. (c) Then there's poison "chem-trails," not to mention other anti-human programs and government actions.

So if u're at war, literally, rather and evermore desperately working to defend ur very life, how do u say there are "very fine" satanists? (Note satanism is, at root, simply extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality--making oneself God the creator.) "Very fine" satanists working to kill u and ur loved ones?--sorry, but that's too stupid to be acceptable.

And it seems Hoffman himself suffers this very same problem of complacency and patronization of satanism and satanists working to exterminate humanity. Thus it's not merely appropriate, but absolutely necessary and imperative to take the indicated and obligatory attitude of warfare towards those trying to kill u--the satanists, esp. the masterminds at the top who make use of their central-bank instrument of legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo), who control so much, owning/controlling almost all the politicians and judges, etc.

So u people, so patronizing and condescending in all ur putrid moralistic righteousness need to realize and understand there are those of us Christian patriots who don't accept ur putrid, moronic attitudes, and due to the critical pass things have presently come, we cannot afford to tolerating ur complacency and ignorance.

Note Jews are those who officially gloat over the killing of Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and anyone calling himself "Jew" will be held responsible--and this is simply the necessary stance and attitude to take in this grim warfare in which we find ourselves. I suggest u half-baked fools begin to start to getting a few brain-cells, suckers--for it's u who is integral part of the general satanistic problem humanity faces--u being the "useful idiots" with whom this stinking satanism has always thrived and grown like the malignant and deadly cancer it is.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------------

Tom said...

Methinks Anonymous 2:20 PM confused your analysis Michael with the extract from the NYT.

In any event, touching on the NYT statement, however, i.e. "There are no very fine Nazis, neo or otherwise" I can only be dismayed at such a generalization. I personally know no Nazis or Communists myself, but to smear all those who took to the streets in protest at Charlottesville VA as "Nazis" and by extension as evil is a gross error. It's not unlike the declaration, "There are no very fine Republicans" or "There are no very fine Democrats" or "There are no very fine Muslims" or "There are no very fine Jews" or "There are no very fine blacks" or "There are no very fine [insert whatever political, religious or ethnic label you oppose]." It's an wholly absurd opinion. I can only shake my head in disbelief for what passes as journalism nowadays.
7:57 PM
Traitor Trump, So Jew-Friendly, Never Fails To Show True Colors
(Apollonian, 31 Jan 18)

Trump, Jew-friendly traitor, is for amnesty for illegal aliens, and he does this to please the Jew deep-state; see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g0jdkIsUMo . Note the people of USA, despite it being now Jew S A, are against any such amnesty by about 80 percent(!); see http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...-want-to-give-amnesty-to-daca-illegal-aliens/ . And Trump knows this, but he's determined to spit in face of the people, and Trump does all this upon orders of his pay-masters, the Jews of Israel, evidently now the drivers of the "deep-state."

For note: "deep state" is Jews, these divided into factions, generally "good Jews vs. bad Jews," "left vs. right," "globalists" ("left") vs. "neo-con" Israel-first "rightists," including esp. the Judeo-Christians (JCs, see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo).

Remember 1956 and the Jew-Israeli, along w. Brit and French invasion and occupation of Suez Canal zone? (see https://history.state.gov/milestones/1953-1960/suez )--and then Eisenhower ordered all of them to evacuate?--well, that was last time Jews of Israel were willing to take orders fm stupid goyim, eh?

And notice in Syria Jew S A continues to stay illegally in Syria (see http://thehill.com/opinion/national...syria-war-exposes-america-as-stuck-in-mideast ), without Congressional permission, and moreover, continues to illegally supply and back ISIS--why?--because the Israelis say so, obviously. It's "Israel first," as usual for Trump. And the stupid scum people of Jew S A are too cowardly, stupid, and ignorant to object in serious manner, the dumb, brainless puke.

Crux to all this stupidity and cowardice is ignorance about the central bank and its fiat currency which makes the stupid puke slaves, because gee whiz, they think and say, but there's not enough gold/silver to serve as sufficient money, the stupid, brainless puke are persuaded. So now the dumb scum ("the people") are enslaved w. currency, constantly "inflated" (it's all just legalized counterfeiting), the people constantly despoiled, the currency constantly losing value, and the stupid puke just can't figure it out.

So u see the simple problem?--we have stupid puke for people--not all of them, but wayyyyyyyyyyyy tooooo goddam many of the sons-of-bitches. And THERE'S NO SOLUTION to this problem--some of these dumb bastards just have to be killed. And that's now the great drama--HOW is this tragedy going to play out? Heavy doses of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH and honesty would help, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo, that's just tooooo simple, u see--we can't have that.

Stupid puke?--they just have to die, u see, BUT problem is lots of others will have to go too, evidently.