Apo essays for July 2019


Guest Columnist
Here's note sent to Maurice Pinay for his latest blog-posting at http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2019/06/arnon-milchans-great-grandfather-was.html

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Jews Continue To Profit In War Against Truth (Hence Christ)
(Apollonian, 1 July 19)

Hello Mr. Pinay, it's been LOOOOOOONG time since u posted to ur blog. I myself have left off posting on my blog, but only a couple/few months now, actually posting just once, whereas I used to post a couple/several times a week.

So I'm not surprised at this info about Milchan, after all, it's been very lucrative for Jews waging war against infinitely stupid goyim--and we see goyim have been actually increasing their numbers through it all. But in view of economics, it really looks like goyim in USA will begin to suffering quite a bit more as US Dollar continues to collapse in value--maybe something might change for goyim--maybe they might start thinking, more seriously--though it would be such a surprise if they did.

I've figured out lately that Judaism/Talmudism is literally Satanism, they making themselves co-equal w. God, even saying God is their servant, who assassinates people for them, as on Passover and Purim. But then what is Satanism?

And I conclude that Satanism is, at root, beginning in philosophy, simply (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, that philosophy holding that reality is created by mind/consciousness, the subject then making himself God, the creator. Jews then dominate subjectivism and subjectivists as they're COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, most organized, cohesive, "connected," simply practicing a most sublime "group-think," w. outstanding leadership, taking advantage of stupid, dis-organized, more "individualist" goyim.

Note Satanism, as extreme subjectivism, is simply HUBRIS, as it's known among gentiles, esp. the Greeks. And it's difficult to imagine gentile culture out-lawing such subjectivism--anymore than it would be possible to outlaw HUBRIS or the notion of a perfectly "free" will.

But Judaism is simply a specific form/style of Satanism--extreme subjectivism--actually quite easily analyzed as such by simple means of the Jews' own writings in Talmud and the other rabbinic documents, like Zohar. And thus Judaism could and should be out-lawed by humanity specifically as form of Satanism.

But of course, it (outlawing of Judaism) would require such Satanism be understood in strict philosophic form as I've analyzed, above--which such philosophizing people are so reluctant to doing, so many of them lazy incompetents, w. so little confidence in their own abilities.

Thus historically, we see virtue of Christianity, esp. for the first thousand to fifteen hundred, perhaps as much as seventeen hundred yrs of hist., Christianity understood as anti-Semitism, Christianity understood as worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence OBJECTIVE reality--necessary basis of such truth, hence Christianity.

So anyway, Mr. Pinay, I was surprised and pleased to see u're still capable of such excellent postings as u've done for us once again. Keep up ur good work. A.
Stupid, Stinking, Brainless, Moronic Puke--Ripe And Begging For Death, Destruction
(Apollonian, 1 July 19)

What happens when a population of a corrupt culture (like Jew S A) becomes filled w. HUBRIS?--for note hubris is a kind of madness/insanity which the Greeks understood most brilliantly. Well, it means generally, these hubristic scum are gonna die if they don't watch out, and what's worse, these stupid scum are liable to so screwing things up that perhaps a lot of other people will die too. Observe present Jew S A, a putrid, now stinking empire, captured and controlled by Jews, foremost Satanists.

Just observe the Democratic Party and their professional morons now running for office of President--could they be more stupid?--more criminal, more traitorous?--free medical care for illegal alien invaders paid for by the suckers, the tax-payers. And if thou don't like it, well, they (the G. Soros -funded Democrats) will just send anti-fa against u brainless morons who just sit still for it all, as the country, nation, and state just crumbles all around us.

Of course, Republicans aren't much better than the Dems, sucking-up as they do to the Jews, especially Israel-first traitors and puppets like Trump. Observe it's thus simply a charade, "good" Jews (neo-cons and Israel-first) vs. the "bad" Jews of the left, atheists and "globalists." And the dumb****s can't (or won't) figure it out--that Jews are nothing less than satanic scum, at the top, controlling everything--first, controlling the "Jews-media," but also controlling the elections too, featuring all the "electronic" voting, etc.--dumbasses, morons, and scum just can't figure it out.

So the idiot-morons of Democrats have excellent chances of winning, u'll observe, as it's only matter of (a) rigging the elections which is (b) merely conditioned by the Jews-media lies, liars, and lying who so easily fool the masses of morons, as we see over and over again. U'll notice the gross, in-ur-face censorship of the "big-tech" social-media platforms too, no doubt. And if u don't go along w. all this Jewwy, satanic manipulation, fraud, treason, and criminality, then gee, but u're just racist and anti-Semitic, aren't u?

For the even half-way people of any sort of discernment must be amazed, asking themselves HOW Democrats could be soooo blatantly stupid, treasonous, contemptuous, and in-ur-face criminal--but remember Jew S A is over-populated w. stupid people, goons, suckers, scum, morons, weaklings, and inferiors who've grown-up now over the yrs of Jew S A hegemony, since the "victory" (for Jews anyway) of WWII.

For note now, the gross, putrid cultural HUBRIS is SOOO over-whelming, the culture has become blatantly SATANIC--oriented for death worship, as Ayn Rand noted in her prophetic novel, "Atlas Shrugged."

But then WHAT, specifically, is it that provides for this stinking Satanism, so in-ur-face?--that down-to-earth, practical thing? For note HUBRIS is psychologic and abstract--what is that practical, "existential" thing which literally FEEDS the hubris and Satanism? And the simple answer is the central-bank and fiat-currency system which amounts to literal LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING, simple as that. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use site search-engine.

And the stupidity of the dumb****s consists in not facing that simple fact--the denial of reality--that central-banking and fiat-currency is literally legalized counterfeiting, obviously criminal, and obviously fraudulent, now leading us all to disaster, as we see w. our own eyes.

So we need a real, genuine CHRISTIAN awakening, suckers--don't laugh, dumbasses, as u're about to be harvested like cattle being led to the slaughter. All u need to remember and to note is that Christianity is worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which necessarily implies and requires an OBJECTIVE reality for basis of any truth.

Of course, Jews are foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea mind/consciousness creates reality, thus making the subject to being God, the creator--HUBRIS, by definition--ask the Greeks. Jews are most sublime, successful, practical Satanists as they're COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, most organized, cohesive, and well-led against the over-populated morons and goons who are more isolated and individualist for their own hubris and Satanism--it's what's going-on right before ur very eyes, fools--get a clue.

And again, the way to END this moronic Satanism is to remove the central-bank and fiat-currency, going immediately to gold/silver, commodity-based money--REAL money rather than mere "currency." And along w. this waking-up to necessity of real money surely requires anti-Semitism, best form of which is dear old Christianity, the real thing, worship of truth, hence objective reality. They go together, real money and Christian respect for truth and objective reality, never forget--and there's no time to lose, fools.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/america-as-religion/#comments

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Satanism Continues To Rule In Jew S A And World, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Olivier: thou must grow-up and get hip--"yankee"?--ho hoh o ho ho--try JEW--those are who rule, and they do this as they're FOREMOST Satanists (Satanism being extreme subjectivism--see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and Talmudical.blogspot.com for expo on Judaism/Talmudism/Pharisaism)--for that's what Jew S A is now--a horrific, satanic empire, having gotten worse and worse over the generations since 1860s when Satanists definitively destroyed original American republic and Constitutional system.

Jew S A now is mere "dog" wagged by "tail" of Israel (who OWN Trump, have lots of "dirt" on him--don't forget Trump took several trips to "Lolita Island" w. Jeff Epstein, high-level MOSSAD agent). Ruling, dominant charade, pushed by "Jews-media" is "good-Jews" (on "right," backing Trump, consisting of Judeo-Christian heretics [JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo] and "neo-cons" who support Israel) vs. "bad-Jews" of phony "left," atheist, "globalists."

Satanic empire RULES by means of fiat-currency/central-banking which is literally legalized counterfeiting--that's NOT exaggeration. So thou see, they (Satanists) simply counterfeit nearly endlessly, making evermore currency to fund practically anything they need, assassinations, rigging-of-elections, extortion, bribery--of course, thou know, Jews run the Jews-media, and "big-tech" is now feverishly censoring I-net, etc.

It (the central-banking "business"--a criminal enterprise) MUST end sometime, eventually, but it isn't terribly clear exactly when--very hard to predict exactly, though many, many are predicting definitive recession (world-wide) by end of 2020--even China is in some difficulties. Trump presently insists on continuing currency-printing for his up-coming election.

What would definitively END the fiat-currency empire?--REAL money, gold/silver, which Trump pretends he wants to enact, but only AFTER next election, ho ho ho ho ho. "Left," "globalists," "liberals" (who are really just gross fascists), and "progressives" are scared and committing acts of terror ("anti-fa")--which are tolerated as Jews/Israel control Trump, not to mention Democrats here.

Another neat thing would be "states-rights" removal of central, "national," "federal" dictatorship (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com), but this won't really work without removal of central-bank.

Overall--we need REAL Christianity, which is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, hence objective reality (Aristotle), which is anti-Semitic and anti-satanic, but none of this, real money, removal of central-bank, removal of central, federal dictatorship, or real Christian movement, resurrection/revival, will happen until fiat-currency system decisively falters and fails w. serious recession/depression to make over-populated fools, goons, weaklings, and inferiors to start seriously thinking (at least a little bit) for once in their miserable little lives, maybe.

And still, even w. recession/depression, it isn't guaranteed reason will emerge to prevail and revive as Jews/Satanists will try to start wars (as in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc.). We may even have a bit of a civil war here in Jew S A as "left," "globalist" atheists are so desperate as I noted. Satanism (extreme subjectivism) MUST be dealt w. in decisive, definitive manner.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

# 785, Olivier1973 says:
July 3, 2019 at 12:27 pm GMT • 300 Words

I can very well accept your information, Iris, but do you have any reference(s) to support it, even in Russian?
For instance

Les ingenieurs travaillant a l’agence spatiale sovietique en 1969 savaient tous que la mission Apollo 11 etait une histoire a dormir debout, et l’ont aussitot publiquement denoncee.

As I will welcome it wholeheartedly.

And still, I maintain: the Russians are too kind or too naive. They are kind, they know what is war, and they do not want it again. But they are too naive to think that:

– the Yankees can keep their words (for instance not to bring NATO to the borders of Russia);

– the Yankees will not do everything, will not use all their power to destroy the Russian Federation and to plunder its ressources;

– the Yankees will not use corruption to any level to get what they want.

– the Yankees are not ruthless people (they are receivers of stolen land and committed genocides).

We already have one example here (surely you know this document):

Sure, Putin understood everything and he did what had to be done militarily, but he needs to go further imho. I worry about the future. The Russians are too kind or too naive not to use NOW what they know about the fake Apollo missions. With everything which happened since 2001, they do not have to keep their word given 50 years ago.

Once that major lie will be acknowledged, it will help to destroy the yankee propaganda. The Yankees can count on cognitive dissonance. But the blow would be devastating.

It would be better if the news will come from Russia rather than from China.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/america-as-religion/#comment-3309599

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Don't Forget--Life Sucks
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Gosh, Olivier, but I almost missed this one little crack thou made: <blockquote>"– the Yankees are not ruthless people (they are receivers of stolen land and committed genocides)."</blockquote> But note humans are sinners by nature, and there isn't a land anywhere that wasn't conquered by someone, ancestors of those living there presently--it's the way of the world, including humanity--didn't thou ever learn such basic thing(s)?

Life sucks, according to all Western culture's wisest, beginning w. Homer, and the very nature of life is warfare and conflict: "war is general, and justice is strife, and all things come about by way of strife and necessity"--Heraclitus of Ephesus, 5th cent. BC. "Nature, red in tooth and claw," was Tennyson's characterization, which the Darwinists took up along w. "survival of the fittest."

Human survival is never guaranteed, under any circumstances, much a matter of dumb luck and God's will, but aside fm those it always helps to be strong as possible, in mind as well as body, eh?--at least for the proper understanding of things. And in the waging of war, it's hard to be "moderate," isn't it? For if one's life is at stake, one tends to always going all-out before one can breathe easy--it's way God made us to be, eh?

So what's really thy complaint, Olivier?--thou just regret reality, eh?--but is that "Yankees" fault?--I don't think so. Yanks did best they could, no less than thy ancestors or anyone else. I thought thy statements of # 785 were right-on, almost all the way through--it was just that one little deviance where thou went seriously off track.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/america-as-religion/#comments

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Olivier Suffers Hubris
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Nature of human nature is as I noted--we're sinners, necessarily self-interested, possessed of will, not a perfectly "free" will, which pretension (to perfect "free-ness" of will) is simply lies and hubris. And such human sinfulness is advice of noneother than our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, no less than God the Son--otherwise known as TRUTH--ever hrd of it?

What?--thou don't understand human nature?--it only requires (a) observation, and (b) inductive logic, (c) easily confirmed by further observation, confirming--the scientific method, in case thou forgot.

And EVERYONE is necessarily "racist," by the definition of the term, LOYALTY, to some race or other, mixed or non-mixed--it's either-or. Racism, within reason, IS VIRTUE--get a clue and quit pretending to stupid "liberalism" (which is really just moralistic fascism, fascism excused upon moralism) which is precursor for morons to satanic "globalism" ("liberal world order," according to ex-VP, Joe Biden).

And like I explained so patiently to thou, which thou don't appreciate: EVERYONE is descendent of conquerors of every land we know of, NOT only kikes and yanks. Equating yanks w. Satanists, like Jews, is simply ignorance and miserable understanding of facts of history.

Quit thy Pharisaist self-righteousness; thou impress no one--thou suffer the dread sin of HUBRIS--there's no perfectly "free" human will, and there's no "good-evil." Everyone is a sinner. And there's no such thing as "non-racism"--it would only be racism (loyalty) to the mixed race by default--treason to the natural race.

And no, I don't believe I ever really hrd of "Kogi civilization," and I doubt thou ever did either, certainly not very much--WHAT do u really know?--not nearly enough, evidently, for I can assure thou they're sinners no less than all other humans.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------

#788, Olivier1973 says:
July 4, 2019 at 12:43 pm GMT • 100 Words

"But note humans are sinners by nature"

You are a lucky guy if you know the human nature. I don’t. Yes, Jews and Yankees (or shall I say Anglo-Saxons?) have something in common: they are receivers of stolen land. By eradicating the native people. Highly racist people that is. But not all people are racists. Life sucks? It is your point of view. Life is beautiful. Some people sucks when they cannot stop. Father of Albert Camus said: “Un homme, ça s’empêche.” (A human being can restrain himself.) Never heard about Kogi civilisation?! For instance.

Lies suck. Like the A11 thing and the rest.
Below-copied by ap first submitted/published at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/america-as-religion/#comments

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Olivier Pushes References When He Needs Exposition
(Apollonian, 17 July 19)

What?--good gravy, Olivier, but don't we ALREADY have plenty of sources and citations?--what we need is EXPOSITION, buddy. Thou can start thy exposition w. a quotation, perhaps, but all thou do is to leaving us w. yet ANOTHER source/reference, thou giving NO exposition or context, etc.

For this is the era of lies, lying, and hoaxes--the era of Jews like Unz who pretends to giving all the dumb goyim a platform here for exposition against the lies and lying, the masters of whom are those supreme liars and SATANISTS, Jews like Unz--who, thou notice uses his platform here as a trolling-ground, training-camp for his fellow Jews and liars. We goyim here are just their (Jew) play-things.

What's happened?--what's the actual exposition for which thou are incapable, Olivier?--for thou are just another wiggling fish caught in the net of the liars and Jews, as we see.

And note Olivier: thou have already demonstrated thy incompetence, as thou say "life is beautiful," ho ho ho ho ho ho--showing thy utter ignorance of gentile wisdom and philosophy fm the time of Homer who explains the TRAGIC nature of human life--life sucks, sucker--but thou are a sucker, aren't thou?

For thou, no less than the Jews and other liars, pretend "life is what thou make it to be," ho ho ho ho ho. And the biggest joke, Olivier, is thou LIES TO THYSELF--thou are the MAIN victim, sucker.

And the huge, big problem for humanity now, is there's going to be BIG kill-off, die-off of a lot of EXCESS, over-populated morons, fools, goons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings, I'm afraid.

Olivier: thou must strive to trying to "get smart" to SAVE THY LIFE, buddy. Reality is NOT merely what thou want it to be--there's NO perfectly "FREE" WILL--only God (by definition) has free will which will he's already made which is that life is NOT "beautiful," but rather is TRAGIC, as Greeks originally taught us, fool--get wise.

Presently, this is the ending phase, of the historical CYCLE, of SATANISM, as I note. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, subjectivism being idea/philosophy (also religion--like Judaism; see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo) that reality is product of consciousness/mentality--much championed by a couple of now dead, but recent, French philosophers, Foucault and Derrida, ho ho ho ho--"deconstructionism" (they always give it new-fangled names for same old subjectivism, "post-structuralism" is another) etc.

What humanity rather desperately needs--though "desperation" is the problem of the poor fools who can't figure it all out--is the REAL, original Christianity which opposes Judaism/Satanism and subjectivism, but as I noted, there are toooooo many fools, scum, suckers, and weaklings, and these need to be eliminated before the rest of humanity can begin to thrive under genuine Christian, hence ANTI-SEMITIC (anti-satanic) regime, once again.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below------------------------

# 791, Olivier1973 says:
July 15, 2019 at 9:59 pm GMT

Another article to face all the current lies of that month of July:
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/ldinh/america-as-religion/#comment-3345114

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Jews: Foremost Satanists, Leaders Of Present Corrupt Culture In "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 21 July 19)

Thou are TOTALLY missing what Unz's purpose is--don't forget he's Jew, loyal to Jews, engaging in dis-info and cognitive dissonance against dumb gentiles like thyself. And Unz is plainly veritably anti-goyim--just look at and read his "open ltr to alt.-right." Unz has nothing but contempt for gentiles--which actually is quite justified, truth be told, esp. to listening to (reading) the morons commenting here, this site.

Unz thus wants to pretend there are "good" Jews, Jews to be taken as "normal" part of society, etc., and his site here is designed as exercise-ground/training-camp for fellow Jew trolls and dis-info/hasbara artists/practitioners to coming and pushing their typical lies, prop., and lying. And thou can and should take note of the numerous stupid ****s here fm among the goyim swallowing it all and taking part, even defending Unz and falsely complimenting Unz for his idiotic, dreary, droning, moronic articles about demographics and "IQ."

"Scientific method," don't forget, is INDUCTION, built upon numerous items of observation, and all observation and inductive logic and process SCREAMS the Jew-infested ZOG is nothing but lies and lying, built upon lies and lying, the "manned moon-landing," etc., just another instance/chapter--which hoax must now be dis-proven which Unz and fellow Jews cannot do, they preferring to just do more lying and dis-info.

Thus Unz just blithely ignores all the findings about hoaxes and lies regarding "Apollo" "moon program," playing stupid as he does, and pretending, "gee, but we need to hear fm 'experts' in order to know what's really true"--which method ("hearsay" and arg.-fm-authority) is actually essential part of the Jew/Talmudic method, fool--get a clue, sucker.

Thou are WASTING THY TIME, fool, appealing to Jew like Unz who has nothing but contempt for goyim like thou. Thou ought to start getting clue, finding-out what Jews are, what they believe (SUBJECTIVE nature of reality, reality being merely what they say, in accord w. "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), what their filthy, satanic "religion" is all about--like lying and mass-murder of gentiles--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

Note "religion" is always based upon philosophy of some sort first and most, only later and subsequently elaborated for myth and ritual, etc., and Jew "religion" IS philosophy, built thereupon, of (extreme) subjectivism, SATANISM, reality held to be product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, Jews merely practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, making them, collectively, to be co-equal w. God, etc.--see citations given above.

And as Jews are such sublime collectivists, leading more isolated, "individualistic" subjectivists among goyim, they rule and dominate the now thoroughly corrupt culture/civilization of hubristic gentiles so many pretending to "free will" and "good-evil" delusions, mere expressions of subjectivism (hence Satanism), the stupid goyim just toooooo brainlessly moronic and corrupt to realizing, making them suckers and slaves for the Jews, all present establishment "Christianity," for example, totally in hands of Jews/satanists.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 796, Lev Ke says:
July 21, 2019 at 4:05 pm GMT • 200 Words

The only explanation for Ron’s belief in the Apollo missions is the strength of childhood exposure to extreme propaganda. Strong emotions brought about by endlessly repeated fairy-tales presented as real during youth seem to be VERY hard to pierce and undo.

Ron, do yourself a favour and spend some time on this. Debunk the ‘hoax’ if you will. You owe it to yourself. You have written way too many great, very well researched and documented articles about stuff that is considered much more controversial and emotional and far-reaching than this. It’s absurd that you would dismiss this claim off-hand, without the thorough examination that you spent on other topics.

The time-line, plus the existence of the Van Allen belts AND the fact that we are never shown a scale model of the earth and the moon in which the locations of ALL human ‘space-exploration’ events so far are shown [highlighting the absurdity of the claim that we suddenly, without any intermediary steps or tests went from low-earth orbit to another celestial body, 1,000 times further, and then suddenly LOST the ability to do so], are three very simply facts that make for enough weirdness and absurdity to make any person with half a brain ask questions. Let alone someone of your calibre.