Apo essays for Jun 2018

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Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/05/what-pope-francis-might-have-said-to.html

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Again, As Usual, Hoffman Tries To Defend Tyranny By Means Of Moralism/Pharisaism
(Apollonian, 1 Jun 18)

NEWSFLASH, Hoffman: fetuses cannot possibly have "unalienable rights" (or any rights) (a) because they're not parties to any possible contract, (b) not capable of reason, etc. Too bad a supposedly edjumacated Pharisaic and pretended "scholar," as u pretend to be, can't figure that out.

(c) Rather, fetuses are mere RECIPIENTS OF CHARITY, that's all, and the only "rights" are held by the parents who are properly considered the parties of any rights, in accord w. any possible, conceivable contract, possession of reason, capable of self-defense, that ability of self-defense basis of rights, basis of humanity to according rights to those capable of self-defense and ENFORCEMENT, which enforcement fetuses are incapable, as they're incapable of human reason until much later in their lives, given to them by their parents and will of God.

As usual w. a Pharisaic, moralistic, sanctimonious, irrationalist, anti-human golem like u, Hoffman, u utterly miss the pt. regarding "rights" and the real problem w. regard to "abortion" issue--which such abortion could ONLY, in all reason, be properly possessed by the parents, esp. the mother who bears significant life-affecting risks, aside fm the heretofore mindless fetus, not capable of any rational decisions, or any decisions at all until far later in life, that life provided by the parents (and God).

As usual for a Pharisaic heretic and golem like urself, Hoffman, u're only interested to SHOW and DISPLAY ur pretended "moralism," "sensitivity," etc., like the actual "snow-flake" u really are. Who knows?--what it is u imagine u're proving by ur moronic displays, Hoffman--pretending u're "sensitive," eh?--but WHAT do u expect to gain, thereby? All u demonstrate and manifest, Hoffman, is the usual INFERIORITY-COMPLEX, desperately trying to "prove" u're human, eh?

But u're just the same moralistic MONSTER, a golem, Hoffman, pretentious, hubristic, and disgusting, justifying dictatorship by means of ur utterly putrid emotionalism and condescension on the pretext and excuse of fetuses and babies whom u find it convenient to using as pretext.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/penn-magazine-june-2018-issue-israel.html#comment-form

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The Corrupt, Hubristic, satanified Culture, Dominated By Ultimate Subjectivists, Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Jun 18)

Ok, so Israel terror state, run by foremost mass-murderers, wants to rule world, but then who doesn't? But Israel is SUCCESSFUL in this bid for rulership, and the rest of us are jealous, eh? Well, regardless, it's still important to analyze things fm historic/sociologic pt. of view.

Why are Jews, including esp. Israeli murderers, so successful?--well, they run the central-banking of the world (see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine), which is actually legalized counterfeiting, they just printing-up paper currency--not real money which must be commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount. Currency is infinite; u just add zeroes to the number printed on the bills, see.

So having all the currency at their disposal, they naturally rule, owning and buying everything and everybody--just observe reality, and observe history which confirms--is it really that difficult to grasp?

But note further: Jews couldn't succeed without millions of willing cohorts, co-conspirators, and collaborators among the corrupt, over-populated goyim. So then what is it about Jews that lends to their "success"?

Well, note that in a corrupt environment, the murderer will always beat the pick-pocket. And the larger gangs of murderers will beat the isolated psychos who can't work w. others in co-ordinated effort. Jews are most outstanding, best organized collectivists who naturally dominate the more individualistic goyim, given more to in-fighting and quarrelsome rivalry.

So what's the core of Jew "philosophy" or mentality, as contained in the Talmud, the Talmud being their basic document?--it is "midrash"--the INTERPRETATION (subjectivism) of the Torah (see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Talmudical.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com for best expo). Thus reality is SUBJECTIVE and is only what rabbis say it is--most thorough-going SUBJECTIVISM. Thus we have freedom of speech, esp. for Jews--except when any speech threatens the Jew hegemony.

Obviously then, this Judaic subjectivism only works when there's enough corrupt gentiles to help Jews ENFORCE their regime. And u only get enough of these corrupt goyim AFTER the gentile culture has been sooooo "successful" that they've produced all these now over-populated gentiles, as we see. HOW did this corruption and over-populated stage of history occur?--what happened?

Simple: in CYCLIC history, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the successful culture has now become decadent, the people now consumed in HUBRIS, the idea that they can achieve "good," which "good" doesn't actually exist, there being no criterion for definition of (non-existent) "good" that works in all cases. "Good" is SUBJECTIVE. And it's this gross, pervading subjectivism and HUBRIS which takes over the evermore corrupt culture.

Thus the culture originally arose based upon honest farmers, as in the Roman example, who were also brave and successful warriors--they upheld the OBJECTIVE view and understanding of reality--hence Aristotle, though of course, most people don't grasp actual philosophy in specific terms, most folks never having even hrd of Aristotle.

But once the culture takes on this corruption and hubris, ever-greater subjectivism, the Jews, most sublimely organized, begin to dominate evermore--as we see, USA now the Jew S A, dominated and commanded by Jews, as we plainly see.

Note further the rise of the general SATANISM--what is this satanism? Satanism then is extreme subjectivism, the idea consciousness/mentality is creator of reality--making oneself God, the creator--satanism, by definition. And note this "satanism" isn't really anything either mystic or even "religious," in all truth--actually quite easy to observe.

Pt. then is this general satanism/subjectivism increases for the now corrupt general culture, the Jews/Talmudists naturally dominate, the Jews leveraging the less well organized goyim satanists, the satanists, led by Jews now dominating the general, corrupt culture and population (over-populated now w. these satanists), the satanists in general dominating and intimidating the rest of the dis-organized and demoralized population, the satanists in general more organized and well-led by the Jews, Jews foremost satanists of all time.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/06/is-truth-anti-semitic.html

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So What's Hoffman's Pt.?
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

Well Hoffman, the world only wonders exactly what ur pt. might be for this blog article of urs, eh? After all, u agree w. Jews (a) that there's such thing as "good-evil" moralism (Pelagianism), and (b) that "anti-Semitism" is one of those grave sins against such Pharisaism/moralism.

But why is or would "anti-Semitism" be such a sin? After all, Jews are at war w. humanity, aren't they?--isn't that anti-human war simple, basic tenet of their filthy Talmudic religion? And aren't Jews loyal to their fellow Jews, INCLUDING the religious ones who consciously follow the Talmud? Why would any decent person say they were Jews, but for a general, religious contempt for humanity?

So then why isn't anti-Semitism justified?--soon it will be absolutely necessary as gentiles continue to be exterminated, the poor, stupid puke (who actually only then get what they deserve). But traitors like u, Hoffman, hold anti-Semitism to be "immoral," don't u? So u then are just an integral part of the general sociologic problem, aren't u? Jews wouldn't have their power without suicidal, traitorous, hubris-filled fools like u, would they?

So u see Hoffman, the Jews have numerous allies working for them, as u do in all ur traitorous stupidity and obsession to pretending to moralism-Pharisaism and being "good"--like the moronic childish golem u really are.
Below-copied by ap in response to blog of "Kriminalgeschichte, 68" , of 2 Jun 18, https://chechar.wordpress.com/2018/06/02/kriminalgeschichte-68/#comments.

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Cesar Tort Emulates Jew satanists For Pretending To "Good," Defending Pelagian Heresy
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

Cesar: u're very poor philosopher, very poor w. simplest logic, and this is easily demonstrated:

(a) The very basic dialectic in New Test. is Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). Don't forget Christ is mere symbol for TRUTH. Jews hate Christ as they hate truth--and the joke is Jews imagine they can kill truth, like they killed Christ (the man).

Jews imagine they're God (or co-equal therewith), collectively, they being the creators of any truth they please. Truth is what rabbis say it is, according to "midrash" (interpretation). See also exposition on their Talmud, Talmud being their basic statement of their religion/philosophy, Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

(b) Thus u see, Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS, such subjectivism basis of their constant, incessant lies and lying, making use of highly organized "group-think," by which they manipulate gentiles and their culture, esp. after gentiles have built and developed a sophisticated civilization. In the CYCLE of hist., then, gentiles become corrupt and HUBRISTIC (subjectivistic) as the culture becomes evermore corrupt and decadent, according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

(c) Thus Christian ethics, which is the great attraction for Christianity among all the world's peoples, not just whites, necessarily follows fm basic metaphysics of such TRUTH premise, necessarily based upon OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle).

(d) Thus Christian truth exists because of the OBJECTIVE (God-created) reality which gives truth substance, truth mere reflection of such objective reality, verified by sense-perception. Any abstracts then, like ethics, are built and dependent upon these basic truths founded and verified by sense-perception.

(e) Remember also that "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, not beleeeeeeving, this Judaic-style beleeeeeeving used by Jews to pretending to a contrived, made-up, false reality. Reality is NOT NOT NOT created by "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" or such understanding of "faith."

(f) "Good-evil" doesn't and couldn't exist (except by subjective definition) as humans are creatures of will, hence self-interested, of necessity and by definition. Humans always follow their interest, best they can, necessarily--even though they're not always most logical. Thus humans are held to be "sinners" (self-interested) in accord w. this inherent, necessary willful nature--and this "sinful" nature goes back to Old Test., Christ merely restating and clarifying the Old Test. theology given by Moses, defending against the heretical Pharisees, Talmud, and Jews who rejected Moses in favor of their midrash.

(g) Thus reality is necessarily "determined" and "deterministic" in accord w. absolute cause-effect, following fm the objective reality. Augustine is simply being strictly logical in accord w. basic premise(s) and the objective reality--strict determinism, no "good-evil" which is mere metaphor, mainly for children, most of the common people hardly literate, or even logical, esp. in Christ's time.

(h) So sinful humans can ONLY rely upon and pray for God's mercy and grace for salvation, the logical necessity being that humans, in proper gratitude and inspiration, emulating Christ and his ethics of compassion for fellow humans, treating them fairly, etc.--but it doesn't mean one has to sacrifice oneself and commit suicide, however, and esp. in case of race--which treason to race is forbidden by the 5th Commandment, "honor thy parentage (race)."

CONCLUSION: So note St. Augustine was pt-ing out the Jew-like SUBJECTIVISM, hence HERESY, of Pelagius who was aping the Jew subjectivism, pretending to non-existent "good," impossible in an absolutely deterministic world, in accord w. Christian objectivity, thus truth, and absolute determinism (cause-effect).

So just as the Christian vs. Jew dichotomy is TRUTH vs. lies, and objective vs. subjective (Aristotle vs. Plato and Talmud), so it is for determinism vs. the subjectivist, perfectly "free" God-like human will which such pretended perfect freedom of human will is hubristic, pretending to Godliness, hence SATANIC.

Ur hero, Immanuel Kant, is mere rehash of original Platonism, pretending to "good" and false morality of "duty" which such "dutiful" ethics EVERY philosopher has admitted in nonsense. Get a clue, sucker. Cesar, u really are most pathetic, moronic joke for ur idiot mis-understanding, mis-construal of Christianity--which Christianity is most successful anti-Semitism which ever existed, u poor fool, ho ho ho ho
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/penn-magazine-june-2018-issue-israel.html#comment-form

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The Devilish, Clever satanic System, And "Deep State" Operating Like Clock-Work In Culture Of Death
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

So u see how the scam of central-banking works--legalized counterfeiting (literally)--it's not only a criminal enterprise, but it's a MONOPOLY--only this one entity, a privately-owned corp., the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve (also the Bank of Int. Settlements, the IMF, etc.), can legally do this, effectively issuing the "currency" (NOT real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, which is necessarily limited in quantity and finite).

(a) For every new wave of currency now that is issued by this criminal enterprise devalues that currency already existing, hence effectively TAXES the wealth of the entire economy.

(b) Thus it's the "gift" that keeps on giving as "currency" is theoretically INFINITE in amount, and one can issue more and evermore, taxing more and evermore--till the people behind it all own EVERYTHING and everybody--including esp. all the assassins and enforcers who necessarily grow evermore oppressive.

(c) Thus these criminal monopolists at the top own and control the mass corp. "media" (the "Jews-media") who keep the lies about central-banking going, telling the people they're so lucky to have such central-bank and an "elastic currency," etc. (d) They own and control the "edjumacation" system, the "teachers" all belonging to a union which eliminates and agitates against any rival system, like home-schooling.

(e) They own and monopolize the medical and "big-Pharma" corp.s who kill and sicken the people, the people encouraged then to buying more and other poison drugs.

(f) They own and control the agricultural corp.s which use the glyphosates and other poisons to keeping the people sick, including the GMO (genetically-modified) food substitutes which they force upon the people as it's all one gigantic monopolistic system, u see.

(g) And by means of such infinite funding and "currency" they're able to buy, own, and control all the politicians, lawyers, and judges who all work for the powers around the central-bank--anyone who dissents is eliminated one way or another.

Thus the central-bank is the KEY to the utterly corrupt society, run by criminals at the top who own all the monopolies, controlling the entire society.

And they maintain control by further means of constant warfare for the sake of warfare btwn and among contrived enemies, as we see now btwn "Muslims" and "Christians," whose "leaders" are controlled, bought, and paid-for by these powers at the top.

So now we see who's the "deep-state"--the powers behind and around this basic institution of central-banking, everything else dependent, feeding, and serving this basic, central, monopolist criminal enterprise issuing that secret weapon and instrument, the "currency."

To cap it all, the gov. follows an explicit program of GENOCIDE as in form of "Agenda-21" and -2030 addendum.

Thus the people are impoverished, sickened, mis-informed, and busy fighting one another so that there's no possible solution as long as the masterminds play their cards right.

And it's all absolutely fool-proof, this utterly corrupt society, as "money" is an abstract subject, don't forget, and far too many cannot figure out what such money properly is and must be--the small minority that can understand what money really is and must be is easily dealt-with, truth-tellers like Ron Paul neatly marginalized.

The entire scam and criminal enterprise then will continue until practically all the people are DEAD, dying fm sickness and disease, having killed one another, the only ones to possibly survive being those master-minds at the top who are left unto themselves, ultimately, and now must suspect one another--for "THERE'S NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES," and that's only thing that eventually brings the system down, people being the stupid scum ("sinners") they naturally are.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/penn-magazine-june-2018-issue-israel.html#comment-form

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Humanity Vs. Satanism
(Apollonian, 6 Jun 18)

Well, do u think (see below-copied comment) we just simply have too many gentiles? So as I note, these excess have to be killed-off one way or another. Thus Jews are the God-sent, socio-biologic agents, like a disease, like typhus, plague, or leprosy, that remove such excess puke, called "people."

Who/what are the excess?--the more consciously SUBJECTIVISTS who are soooo desperate to be (thought of as) "good," who suck-along w. Jews. Thus Jews set up the war of these subjectivists against rest of humanity.

Subjectivists think Agenda-21 genocide and 2030 addendum is good thing.

So u have the subjectivists, led by Jews, vs. (real, hence anti-semitic) Christians, w. a great mass of moronic, ignorant, stupid puke in the middle--in present over-populated conditions of a "mature" culture in "Decline of the West," according to Oswald Spengler.

Such then is the great war, constantly going back-and-forth among the people, throughout history, the Jews/subjectivists (SATANISTS) vs. everyone else, (real) Christians attempting to rallying the most human of the "people."

So far, evermore people seem to be catching-on to globalist take-over and genocide of agenda-21, victimizing the European people, for example, BUT there's still big, huge problem for the satanist weapon of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting criminal enterprise continuing to dominating the culture.

Thus folks have to realize Christianity is anti-semitic, designed to be that way, championing TRUTH (= Christ) in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6, hence the OBJECTIVE reality--hence determinist nature, AGAINST the idea of a perfectly "free" human will and non-existent "good-evil" which motivates satanists/subjectivists.

U ask if we'll "ever see those obvious truths?"--not under over-populated conditions, and "tower-of-Babel" mentality. It's why, eventually, there needs be overt warfare, terror, and killing-off of the inferiors who refuse to face reality. Stupid fools of excessive stupidity, foolishness, must naturally, so to speak, die-off. Life is war, according to Homer, Heraclitus, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Darwin, Spencer, Neitzsche, et al. We must be brave, w. strong stomachs, and do necessary duty to survive.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

Anonymous June 6, 2018 at 3:01 AM

Long but repetitive, nevertheless another view of the gentile morass that is being deepened as we speak. Try talking to Christian zionists about these truths and see what you get. Imagine. People actually defending the jews based on mythologies 2000 years old. I fight these dimbulbs each day. "Oh, can't we just get along with the jews"? Since the truth is hidden in plain sight in America, people can't see the ropes that circle their pencil necks. It's galling to see people willingly participating as but mere ants in this world. Why does the gentile readily slip the noose around his neck?
It's revolt or face elimination, will we ever see those obvious truths?
I sent below-copied msg to Ken after he got on his show and told how he feels pressure fm the satanists.

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Note From Ap To Victim Of Satanists
(Apollonian, 9 Jun 18)

Hello Ken: I just now hrd ur latest show. Yes Ken, u're hated by Satanists as u expose them so well, esp. in way of analyzing and explaining how their currency scam works, taking away real money. After all, money must be limited and finite, whereas currency is infinite (potentially), thus the continuing issuances of such currency amounts to a TAX, devaluing the currency already in circulation--Satanists hate u for messing-up their little scam they've got going. Central-banking is main, basic instrument of Satanists/satanism.

I've done lots of research into Satanism, and I think I already sent u a note that at bottom it's very simple--simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM by which the Satanist insists reality is merely what they want it to be, a product of consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator--and this was actually the explicit philosophy of such as Immanuel Kant who said all that by way of rationalizing a "morality" of "duty." This subjectivism/satanism is covered by modern buzz-words like "post-modernism," "post-structuralism," and "deconstructionism"

Basic purpose of subjectivism is to provide a premise/basis for an otherwise non-existent "morality" of "good-evil" which "good-evil" has NEVER been justified for a solid premise which works in all cases. People are most easily intimidated by this "good-evil" fallacy which is first programmed into them when they're children--most NEVER recover.

So u see Ken, Satanism is actually quite practical and easily understood, not mystical or even "religious"--it's just a scam by which the canny and clever intimidate the weak--remember most people are really quite weak psychologically--we all are when/if we don't take care.

The problem is philosophical, having to do w. the basis of knowledge. And one must simply remember that basic premises (called "metaphysics") are necessarily assumptions, which cannot be proven, and first one must reduce these possible basic premises/assumptions down to few as possible. And the basic dichotomy then is whether there is an OBJECTIVE reality--or is everything simply subjective? Greatest philosopher who advocated objectivity was Aristotle, still the greatest, called by St. Thomas Aquinas, "the" philosopher, "master of those who know."

And Christ assures us there's truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which couldn't exist without the objective assumption--against the Satanists whose father is the devil "who was a liar fm the beginning (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)"

For consider what is a lie?--it's a statement of a (false) reality which however is represented as being the real (objective) reality.

Note further, the real POWER of Satanism is in the COLLUSION of a common or collective subjectivism, agreed-upon by a number of people who co-operate--as in the institution of central-banking. These practical, collectivistic subjectivists/Satanists only need cohesion and adequate leadership who can take advantage over the otherwise un-organized common people who fail to grasp and unite against these criminals and conspirators.

Satanists have made greatest inroads upon all the present establishment Christian churches, Prot. and Catholic--did u hear about the pope sending a representative to latest Bilderberg meeting, going on right now, as we speak? Satanists thus control establishment Christians esp. by means of idea that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" can make something be true, thus pretending to be God, the creator--though the fools don't realize it--they then call this idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" "faith," which properly only means LOYALTY, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Take good care, bro. Ken, as u do such excellent work, informing the people. My only advice is to take note how really SIMPLE this Satanism is, how then it is so easily used against the stupid people--and we have huge masses of stupid goons, suckers, and morons who are only interested in "bread and circuses." U still are appreciated much by those of us who try to stay above the "bread and circuses," who refuse to watching TV. A.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/dr-eowny-florida-obituaries-show-no.html

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"Cat" Has Long Been Out "Bag" For Sandy Hoax--Like JFK, Soon Enough 9/11 Too
(Apollonian, 12 Jun 18)

YEs, and above by Fetzer is in addition to "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, caught dead on vid playing his second role in the farce, not to mention the photos of un-damaged classroom windows on morn of the hoax. And how is it Reuben Vabner is allowed to keep on taking down articles and BlogSpot posts which expose him for gross MOSSAD fraud he evidently is?

Get a clue fm the overwhelming and continuing, increasing toll of inductive evidence: Sandy hoax was elaborate, heavily staged, heavily funded psy-ops against the people--WHICH FAILED--proverbial "cat" is out of the "bag," suckers--too many people now know--like JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations. Next shoe to drop will be something like Israel did 9/11--by Chris Bollyn at Bollyn.com.

It's fake, phony "left" (Bilderberg) vs. fake, phony "right" (Israel, "neo-cons," Trump), which is the big "good-cop vs. bad-cop" hoax next to crumbling, exposing "deep-state" (central-banking, legalized counterfeiting) behind them all, by themselves at very top of satanic pyramid.

"Deep state" now needs a big war to getting rid of I-net--why they're preparing another "chem-attack" hoax in Syria (see http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-ne...chemical-attacks-to-provoke-response_06112018), demolishing muzzy cemetery next to Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temp. Mount in Jerusalem (see https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201806111065315720-Israeli-Demolish-Graves-Historic-Cemetery/). "Deep state" is scared things are getting away fm them, as G. Soros laments, "everything has gone wrong."
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Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/philip-geraldi-remembering-uss-liberty.html#comment-form

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Alison Needs Getting A Brain
(Apollonian, 12 Jun 18)

Alison: u're the ignorant, JEw-friendly, Jew-serving liar. Fetzer int-viewed Nelson WAYYYYY back in 2011--look it up on his site, "radioFetzer."

It's not POSSIBLE or conceivable for any non-kike American to "putting pressure" on Israeli TERROR-STATE, w. dozens and dozens of kike billionaires funding the American elections, including scummy hacks like LBJ.

Nelson is also just another Jew-serving sycophant, making excuses for kike filth. Know what Jews believe?--ck their filthy, satanic Talmud, analysis at Talmudical.blogspot.com.

What a moronic fool who pretends anyone, not kike, could intimidate the topmost psychopaths and criminals of the entire world, Jews of Israel, not to mention their in-place agents who remain in Jew S A. (for practical purposes, all Jews). And don't forget what Ariel Sharon reportedly said to Shimon Peres way back in 2001--"we Jews control America, and the Americans know it."

LBJ was just ANOTHER pawn, flunky, and henchman for Jew criminals--LBJ had Jews as grandparents--see http://www.5tjt.com/our-first-jewish-president-lyndon-johnson-an-update/.

What's the master criminal instrument?--the US Federal Reserve Bank, literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org, use their search engine for terms.

LBJ, a criminal political hack, putting "pressure on Israel to conduct the attack"--what idiotic stupidity only kikes would try to push, and only on the most stupid, moronic gentiles who would swallow it, ho o ho ho ho. Get a few brain-cells, Alison.

---------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Alison"------------------------------

Alison June 9, 2018 at 2:47 PM

You appear unaware of the extensive investigation of the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by Phillip Nelson. He devotes 32 pages to it in "LBJ: From Mastermind to 'The Colossus.'" Nelson (relying in part on earlier work done by British journalist Peter Hounam) concluded that LBJ was behind it, and put pressure on Israel to conduct this attack--while pretending it was carried out by Egypt--so he could join Israel in its 6-day war against Egypt. LBJ caused many things to happen, such as diverting this ship 6000 miles to the location in the Eastern Mediterranean where it was attacked, and denying it an armed escort, although it had only four guns. LBJ would not let other ships go to the rescue and ordered squadrons of fighter jets which had been deployed to protect the Liberty recalled. When the Israelis did not succeed in sinking the ship LBJ wanted no one left alive to tell about what happened. The survivors were threatened with court-martial and ending their days in prison if they ever told anyone about what happened.

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Corrupt, Over-Populated Gentiles Suffer Inexorable Hubris In satanic Society
(Apollonian, 15 Jun 18)

My theory about Jews and the cultures they infest and actually commandeer is that (a) Jews can't do what they do BY THEMSELVES. (b) What happens is Jews are actually a disease which can only affect a culture ALREADY essentially corrupt, decadent, and degenerate, as we see USA is.

(c) Thus Jews can be understood according to CYCLIC theory, as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" whence gentiles, in perfect accord w. the ROMAN pattern, begin w. truly heroic and brave origin generations, but eventually give-in to decadence, the following generations never having to fight for their lives like the founders and originals.

Thus the corrupted generations indulge in idea they're "good," suffering HUBRIS, despite Christian philosophy (embedded within the literature and religion) teaching humans are inherently and incorrigibly "sinful"--as they're given to necessary self-interest as creatures of will.

Humans only possible redemption is keeping to honesty, realizing they're sinners, incapable of "good"--which "good" doesn't really exist, philosophy demonstrating there's no solid premise that works in all situations for any real, meaningful, actual "good."

But even more fundamentally, the corrupted humans begin to indulge in un-reason and even ANTI-reason, consistent w. hubris, pretending they're co-equal w. God, capable of a perfectly "free" will, w. power of creating reality, like "good" and "moral virtue."

Thus "Christians" begin to pretending that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin" can actually change reality--simply by means of "beleeeeeeeeeeeving"--which now they call "faith" but which "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, NOT NOT NOT mere "beleeeeeeeeeeevin" which is cheap and changes nothing in the real, OBJECTIVE reality of Aristotle.

Thus in the cultural and psychologic HUBRIS and evermore corrupt society, the erstwhile Christians become SATANISTIC by means of this corruption and cheap, hereticalist "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin"--as we see now the corrupt Christian churches, along w. everyone else, esp. politicians, supporting gross murderous terror state of Israel, these fools of (false and phony) "Christians" now pretending, for example, Christ was "Jew"--when "Jew" properly means only followers of Pharisees and Talmud, "Jews" NOT NOT NOT same as Judeans. See Talmudical.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com.

Remember "Satanism" is, at root, simply EXTREME subjectivism, idea that mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God, capable then of creating "good" and "virtue"--and note this was explicit "philosophy" of Immanuel Kant whom present Jews and establishment "edjumacation" now trumpet as foremost "philosophy," Kant the great "hero" of modern and now post-modern (anti-) philosophy.

Jews naturally dominate this cultural corruption as they're (a) foremost satanists, (b) making use of most effective collectivistic subjectivism, most effective "group-think," (c) most organized and well-led, thus over-awing and intimidating the more isolated and stupid gentile subjectivists and satanists who indulge same basic subjectivism, BUT not nearly as well-organized.

To confirm Jew subjectivism, just ck Talmudical.blogspot.com on Jew "midrash" (interpretation)--subjectivism ("midrash") is essence of their "religion."

Thus Jews make sure to controlling the central-banking establishment (see Mises.org for best expo on central-banking; use site search-engine) which gives them their practical, existential power, keeping gentiles fighting one another, allowing Jews to continuing to dominate the general culture even though Jews seem vastly out-numbered--they're still the, by far, best organized, never forget or doubt--and that's enough to dominate, lead, and manipulate as they do so successfully and effectively, verified by hist.

Natural, logical plan of satanism is to getting gentiles to killing-off one another so as to ease Jews' dictatorship--worked brilliantly in WWI and II.

And the tragic problem for gentiles is it's hard and nearly impossible to resist this satanistic culture of death especially once Jews have firm control of central-banking, promoting false morality of non-existent "good" and perfectly "free" will.

Gentiles seem then doomed to necessary "removal" and reduction of excess population so otherwise susceptible and subject to Jew "leadership" and domination within such corrupt, satanic, degenerate culture.

But gentiles' (only) "hope" is there's "no honor among thieves," and Jews at top will themselves begin to falling-out among themselves, esp. as they see gentiles being steadily "bumped-off," the population steadily reduced, Jew masterminds now suspecting evermore they will be double-crossed--as we see is perhaps happening presently btwn the "atheistic," "globalist" Jews of the "left" vs. more "religious," "neo-con" Jews of the "right."

People must begin to realize and see that healthy society/economy necessarily needs "sound money," NOT NOT NOT mere "currency" and legalized counterfeiting of practically infinite currency which steadily devaluates the currency unit to benefit only of top bankers and their satellites. Real commodity money must be FINITE and limited in amount against this pernicious, un-limited in quantity, nearly infinite "currency."

Meantime, gentiles excess population will continue to dying-off and being killed--only this sort of tragedy seems to motivate the remainder population to thinking and realizing necessity of such as "sound" money over corrupt currency and central-banking. Amen.
Obvious "Deep-State" (Read Jew) Obstruction Of FBI And Justice Dept.--IGNORED By Jews-Friendly Media
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 18)

So what now is the REAL story regarding the hitlery e-mail investigation, including the totally criminal Clinton Foundation scam, phony "charity," the contrived investigation of Trump and any Russian connections, all this having to do w. DOJ (Justice) and FBI?

The REAL story is the CUCKOLDING of Trump who's had it made clear to him that his own DOJ is stonewalling, delaying, slow-walking, and COVERING-UP against legitimate demands fm Congress and citizens for turning-over documents and evidence (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCVSx_4V0wo)--Trump does nothing about this continuing criminal activity--WHY? Well, it's because Trump is TOTALLY OWNED by these "deep-state" Jew scum who control everything, who give Trump his marching orders, and tells him what he can and should do and not do--same Jews tell Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) what and how to do things.

But Ajax has now been pushed (see his latest, 15 Jun 18 show) to identifying the real nature of the beast, the US Federal Reserve central Bank which puts-out nearly infinite currency, specifically funding endless law-suits after law-suits filed against him, Ajax, purpose being to simply exhaust Ajax and cause him to spending all his money defending and hiring shysters.

Little did Ajax suspect this strategy of censorship and law-suits when he was puffed by noneother than hitlery Clinton during the 2016 Pres. campaign. Just like "good-cop vs. bad-cop" strategy, we see present "good Jew vs. bad Jew," btwn the "globalist" "leftists" of CFR (council on foreign relations) and "neo-cons" and Israel-first "rightists."

Ironic, isn't it?--that Trump is now emphatically pretending to being the "strong" leader against N. Korea for putting such pressure (instigated by Jews and Israel, no doubt) against their nuclear program--which program is only thing keeping Jew S A honest and off-balance fm attacking--just like Libya (which was attacked after de-activating their own nuke program, yrs ago). Kim, the N. Korean leader is simply betraying his people by going along w. Trump.

And u can ck the last several dozen Judicial Watch vids to confirm they have been complaining all about this delaying and refusing to turn over documents by Trump administration appointees at DOJ. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_QN_3xdfZY just for the last/latest. These dumbasses at Judicial Watch are NOTORIOUS suck-ups to kikes, and the dumb puke refuse to conclude it's Jews in the deep-state at work, preventing them fm getting the documents, the cowardly, traitorous stupid puke.

And of course, no one in the Jews-media or in politics, including any Republicans or the Pauls, Rand or Ron, mentions this OBVIOUS Jew/Israel deep-state control and influence behind the refusal to present the evidence, the OBVIOUS "gorilla" sitting in the living room which anyone else can easily see--such an incredible joke.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://surburg.blogspot.com/2018/06/marks-thoughts-christian-view-of.html#comment-form

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Homosexuality?--Mere Manifestation Of General satanism, Hubris, Subjectivism, Spenglerian "Decline"
(Apollonian, 20 Jun 18)

What?--the "homosexualization" of our culture?--WHAT "culture"? We're up against absolute satanification--what's "satanism," anyway?--it's making oneself God the creator. How does this satanification work?--well, it begins w. the (philosophic) idea and premise that human consciousness/mentality is what creates reality--SUBJECTIVISM.

But Christ rejected subjectivism, like he rejected the "midrash" (interpretation) of Jew Talmud--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, also Come-and-hear.com. Thus Christ defended Torah law of Moses against Jew interpretation by the "Oral law" and "Tradition of the Elders" (see Gosp. MARK 7:13).

For Christ upheld and posed the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, ABOVE ALL--not "love" or "faith," or "peace," or non-existent "good." Christ = TRUTH. In fact Christ is truth--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Thus the great Biblic and Christian anti-thesis is Christian TRUTH vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).

For "truth" cannot exist without first the OBJECTIVE, God-given reality serving as basis/criterion for such truth. All Christian ethics then follows fm such truth, objective reality, and human reason, the Holy Spirit.

So what now is it that promotes and encourages this horrific satanism sweeping the world? First, it's subjectivism, idea that consciousness creates reality, making oneself God the creator, which gives the basic premise to satanism. But then how does this satanic, subjectivist premise begin?--through the idea taught to so many stupid morons who imagine they're "Christians" that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" makes it all true--which is totally false and satanic.

And "faith" properly means only LOYALTY--NOT NOT NOT idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the way Jews, few as they are compared to the masses of stupid Christians and gentiles, rule is their satanic subjectivism is sublimely organized and collectivized for a most profound, persuasive, and effective "group-think" sort of satanic program which now dominates the satanic and corrupt culture--even though Jews are so much out-numbered by stupid gentiles who are relatively un-organized and isolated.

And HOW does this subjectivist premise take such firm hold, aside fm idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'"? Well, the over-populated scum among gentiles and nominal "Christians" yearn to pretend like children they're "good" (Pelagian heresy), so brilliantly programmed w. inferiority-complex as they are fm the time they're small children--they never learn self-respect. For there is no "good-evil"--it doesn't exist.

Humans are sinners, true, but they're not "evil" just as they're not capable of (non-existent) "good." Far toooo many of these stupid, over-populated scum indulge in "guilt," pretending to suck-up to God, begging for forgiveness for simply being what they were created to be, self-interested as they're creatures of will, subject then to mistakes in the use of will and considering the alternative courses of action they must take.

Surburg writes, "nfortunately, we live at a time when an incredible shift is taking place in our culture." But what's happening is the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The former culture fm Greeks, Romans, and Renaissance was so productive and created so much an excess of over-population now of human filth, garbage, scum, suckers, and goons, that we see them taking on this putrid satanism and subjectivism, homosexuality being only a manifestation.

Thus the culture and society begins in a grim sort of obligatory honesty and objectivity, but soon enough peaks and then descends and degenerates to subjectivism and hubris of pretended "good" vs. "evil" as we now see in this stinking satanic and homosexual indulgence.
Below-copied essay by ap in response to below-copied note at comments,

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Patriots Must Grasp satanic Sociology, Circumstances In CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 22 Jun 18)

"Unknown": u just gotta keep ur head, buddy--like a good soldier who's used to being under enemy fire. Remember MOST people, sociologically, are half-baked weaklings and FOLLOWERS who do little thinking for themselves; they need and want LEADERSHIP--and all they really want, immediately, is "bread and circuses." Long as they have this cheap "prosperity," and football games on TV they really don't care too much about ANYTHING else.

It's only when actual disaster begins and gets (economic collapse) going that the fools begin to be concerned, and even then they can't think for themselves, needing leadership--the way it's ALWAYS been since beginning of time.

Regarding "Rt 91"--I wasn't even sure what u were talking about--had to go to search engine to see u're talking about "Las Vegas shootings" fm last yr. See, we're under "tower of babel" circumstances--"info and propaganda OVERLOAD"--all DELIBERATELY fomented by top satanists and Jews.

Note "satanism" is basically extreme subjectivism--idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making themselves God. Lots of gentiles fall victim to this subjectivist fallacy, pretending and yearning for non-existent "good-evil," lacking organization--Jews provide leadership for these satanists as Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists who co-operate and collude most effectively.

So my advice is to keep things SIMPLE for the morons--simple but still TRUE, accurate, and informative. Thus we're up against truly SATANIC circumstances, u must grasp. Thus Jews (obviously) DOMINATE as (a) Judaism is satanism--see Talmudical.blogspot.com--and (b) Jews are MOST ORGANIZED satanists, capable of leveraging, manipulating, and then leading the masses of gentile satanists and "liberal" ("useful") idiots who actually, don't forget, greatly out-number Jews.

For Jew satanists (a redundancy, actually) are most effective COLLECTIVISTS who agree upon basic premises and goals for their satanic goals, and don't forget they've ALREADY WON for establishment of their main, invincible weapon, CENTRAL-BANKING (US Federal Reserve Bank), literally legalized counterfeiting by which they simply print and nowadays digitalize otherwise worthless CURRENCY (not real commodity-based) money--see Mises.org for best expo. Thus top satanist masterminds literally OWN and control all establishment politicians, judges, and everyone and everything w. masses of printed-up (and digitalized) currency--literally legalized counterfeiting which the morons (the "people") just can't understand w. their pea-sized brains, addicted to watching TV as they are.

Thus history is CYCLIC, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and we Christian patriots can only hope to affect things when the serious economic ("hyper-inflation" of the currency) catastrophe begins--even then it won't be easy as satanists dominate for ability of dis-info. Life sucks, don't forget, and no one guarantees it was ever going to be easy thing contending against this satanic subjectivism by which people imagine they're "good" (which child's "good" doesn't exist) and that, collectivistically, they can be God.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Unknown June 21, 2018 at 11:16 AM

I am believing that these crimes are too big to be pursued. People would rather believe that Debbie Wasserman is a good representative and Obama was a scandal-free President. These kids could all come forward and admit they are the ones in the photos and still no one would believe. I am so disillusioned that I find it hard to keep following these hoaxes. I'm amazed how few people still care about Rt 91 massacre.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/dr-eowyn-lexington-businesses-denounce.html

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satanism, Subjectivism Is The Enemy, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)

Indeed: Democrats are outright satanic scum and filth, Jew world order TRAITORS, pure and simple. BUT don't think Trump is really any diff., Trump TOTALLY owned by these Jews, esp. Israel, working for Israeli terror state, illegally invading Syria, illegally involved in present invasion of Yemen, in w. 9/11 principal, Giuliani.

Who/what's behind present effort to censor I-net?--have u observed the MOSSAD agent, Vabner ("Lennie Pozner") continuing w. impunity to taking down damaging info of Fetzer's blogs, exposing Vabner?

Larger picture is Israel has every reason (a) to radical censoring of I-net, and (b) even to fomenting outright civil unrest and violence in Jew S A by means of their allies, the "leftist," "liberal" CFR (council on foreign relations), Tri-lateralists, et al.

Have u noticed supposed Trump-controlled DOJ (Justice dept.) CONTINUES to stonewall and refuse info to Congress?--who's behind that but Israeli terror-state and Jews?--who TOTALLY OWN Trump. Now u see why Trump does nothing--he's just another bought-and-paid-for flunky for Jews.

What's the real game behind everything else?--it's "good Jew" (Israel-first and "neo-cons") vs. "bad Jews" ("globalists" and "leftists"). Of course, for the leftists, it's other way round, though they know Jews are behind everything.

What's the operative scam behind everything else, the actual ENGINE to things?--it's the central-bank which puts-out nearly infinite CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver which is LIMITED in quantity).

But too many (over-populated) people are too stupid to understand infinite currency ALWAYS kills whatever culture/economy it infects, and we're seeing the last of Western culture, passing before our very eyes at hands of rampant satanism which is only thing under-lying this deadly, fatal central-bank scam, destroying and impoverishing the people.

For Western culture is in CYCLIC, last, "declining" stages, according to Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West"). West produced prosperity, but also now an over-population of stupid, corrupt, hubris-ridden population which allowed the rise of this deadly central-bank scam now in hands of foremost satanists, Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com).

Thus we must suffer, and in meantime re-institute REAL MONEY (hence gold/silver). Of course, don't forget observing of US Constitution and NULLIFICATION, according to Tenth Amendment, Jefferson, and Madison's original Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions--states are sovereign.

But under-lying everything must be BASIC CULTURE--the original Christianity which is absolutely anti-semitic, Christ = Truth (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against satanic lies. And what is "satanism"?--it's extreme subjectivism holding reality is created by human consciousness/mentality, making oneself God--esp. in false quest for non-existent "good-evil."

Jews then dominate the satanic, hubris-infused culture as Jews are most collectivistic, hence most ORGANIZED for their Satanism, making it most practical, hence most effective, hence absolutely RULING and dominant--as we see.

So just continue to preaching original Christian philosophy of TRUTH (= Christ) and honesty against satanic lies, lying, extreme subjectivism, and the culture of DEATH--esp. in way of racial loyalty to people and culture, in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/brock-dorsey-qanon-path-to-dictatorship.html#comment-form

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"Q-Anon" Obviously False Solution, Fatal Diversion
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)

Ho hoh o ho--notice the usual, typical overlooking, ignoring the 8,000 lb. gorilla sitting in middle of the room for Q-anon--Jews, Israel, and their scummy satanist allies among the gentiles--esp. those anti-Christ scum who call themselves "Christian" who back terror-state of Israel, like the "evangelicals," and indeed, all the establishment churches, Cath. and Prot.

Who won WWII?--communists, United Nations (Jew world order), and Israel. And now Jews of Israel "control America, and the Americans know it," allegedly according to the late Israeli PM, Ariel Sharon, as he spoke to fellow kike, Shimon Peres, back in 2001.

But the most relevant overall theory, sociologic and historic, is Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," in general. Thus an initially, originally great culture becomes empire and naturally "declines" out of the inevitable HUBRIS which arises--as humans are sinners in first place ("self-interested," endowed w. "will," though not completely "free").

Thus this now thoroughly corrupt empire is filled w. over-populated scum, filth, puke, goons, suckers, and morons, ruled now by criminals and psychopaths, the large general culture/society/economy absolutely dominated by a criminal enterprise known as "central-banking"--see Mises.org for expo, use their search engine.

This central banking is literally legalized counterfeiting and features INFINITE currency instead of limited, FINITE real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best. Thus economic "depressions" and recessions are manipulated by means of "inflation," the issuing of evermore currency, done over and over and over--nearly infinitely, though it always, inevitably must eventually fail. But the ignorant, now over-populated scum, filth, goons, and suckers go for it, taught to hate "gold," "selfishness" (hence human-nature and humanity), and "capitalism," buzz-words which the scum, puke, and filth are easily encouraged to ritualistically hate--as Orwell described--"four feet good, two feet bad."

So this central-banking scam is the practical, "existential" ENGINE behind, and at bottom of everything else for the criminals and satanists ruling this thoroughly corrupt culture/society, Jews dominating, naturally, as they're most collectivist, organized, thus practical and effective for rulership--they've always got a plan, ho ho ho ho--Israel-first Trump is their latest.

So naturally, near the end of things, in Spenglerian CYCLIC history, as the central-bank scam nears end of its line for success and fooling the masses of morons, goons, and suckers, it is indeed quite possible, even likely, the top masterminds might begin to falling-out w. one-another, as in form of "good Jews," led by Trump (and "neo-cons"), totally owned by Jews, as is obvious, who blames equally obvious satanic scum, the "bad Jews," the "leftist," "liberals" of the CFR (council on foreign relations) and Tri-lateralists, the powers behind the central-bank, though central-bank itself isn't mentioned--neo-cons intend to just starting a new one, ho ho ho oho.

So we need real money, gold/silver, removal of the criminal, satanic central-bank (a), and (b) we need return of states-rights, national sovereignty, NULLIFICATION, in accord w. Jefferson, Madison, et al., etc.

But under-lying everything cultural, don't forget, we need that basic, original ANTI-SEMITIC (anti-satanic) good old Christianity featuring the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, basis for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which most opposes satanism (JOHN 8:44) which satanism is founded upon extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality--which subjectivism is what's needed (according to Immanuel Kant, for example) for the non-existent "good-evil" which is original pretext for subjectivism and satanism.

So u easily see Q-anon is just ANOTHER Jew-inspired diversion and utterly false "solution" which DOES NOT NOT NOT address the real problem, the satanism and subjectivism which enthralls the suckers, morons, scum, and over-populated goons being manipulated by top satanists, Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com for expo).
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/06/patrick-mcshay-multiculturalism.html#comment-form

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satanism: Culture Of Subjectivism And Death, Suckers
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)

Well now, just stop and think a bit: what ELSE would u advocate if u were SATANIST in a satanistic society? Thus satanists, qua satanism, demands the culture of death.

For note, the rational culture observes the objective reality, hence human nature of self-interest, hence individual freedom according to law and contract, hence property rights, etc. Satanism and satanists are necessarily against objective reality, u see--reality is only what THEY say (subjectivism).

For WHAT is satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making oneself God--satanism, by definition.

Thus Immanuel Kant, for example, laid the formal foundation on pretext of moralism. Everything (beginning in metaphysics) for Kant must be jury-rigged to enable "morality" and "moralism," otherwise non-existent idea of "good-evil," and for Kant, idea of DUTY, self-abnegation. Kant doesn't say WHY--he simply insists and declares this is necessary for morality.

So, u see, satanism is whatever u want to be true--like "good-evil" for Kant--or anything.

So now we see the satanists, in guise of "anti-fascists" demanding things and declaring we all must do as they say, because they say so.

Thus everyone else must commit suicide for these satanists, hence leftists and liberals, as they're the arbiters of moralism and morality--because they say so.

Hence racism (loyalty to one's people/culture/ancestors, in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage [race]") is "evil" according to these satanists/leftists--because they say so, u see.

And boys don't have to be boys; they can be girls if they want--subjectivism, u see.

So I hope u see now the satanic state of things cultural and sociologic which things have reduced to--it can get worse (DEATH--ON LARGEST SCALE, SUCKERS--in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum), and these satanists intend to seeing things DO get worse.

Who are foremost and most dedicated, experienced, insistent, obsessed satanists?--who share an amazing sort of psycho-pathology, yet one that's amazingly successful?--see Talmudical.blogspot.com and RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, also Come-and-hear.com--they practice "midrash" (interpretation) of the "Oral Law Tradition" by which anything is true if they say so. They killed Jesus Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and actually brag about it. And note "truth" could ONLY exist in an objective reality--which they hate and are sworn to destroy--at least in theory, concept, mind, and profession--do u doubt it? Ho ho ho ho ho ho
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