Apo essays for Mar 2021


Guest Columnist
Below submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...ates-murderers-spies-and-criminals-as-heroes/

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Jews: Doing God's Work
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 2021)

Don't forget simple New Test., John 8:44 (King James Version): 44, Christ speaking of and to the Jews, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

For note Judaism IS Talmudism which is the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah, Talmud definitive for Jews, NOT THE TORAH. Thus Talmudism is the "Oral Law Tradition"--the official midrash of and for Jews. For definitive expo on Judaism and Torah, see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. Also see TruthTellers.org.

Note what this ("midrash" and Talmudism) means, suckers: it means there is NO TRUTH, no objective reality--ONLY WHAT JEWS (by their "midrash") SAY IT IS--everything is SUBJECTIVE--absolutely counter and opposite to Christ (= TRUTH; see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and objective grasp of reality.

Do u realize what this midrash and "Oral Law Trad." actually means, u poor, moronic fools?--it means Judaism is SATANISM (extreme subjectivism), quite literally, and all the establishment "Christian" churches and institutes now dutifully toe the satanic line, beginning w. the present commie and globalist pope, "Francis."

Jews and their Satanist suck-alongs (establishment "Christians," both Prot. and Catholic, among all the others) now effect this Satanism by means of central-banking and hence all of its enforcement, including the globalist establishment--that's why u have Agenda-21 and -2030 calling for the genocide and poisoning of humanity and "pop.-reduction," suckers--what do u think covid-19 and the lock-downs are all about, morons?

Then again, consider: if the goyim are really soooo stupid as to sucking-along w. Jews, as we see they do so readily, well, don't these scum really deserve death?--isn't that what's actually happening and taking place? After all, Jews only do what they're allowed to get away with by terminally stupid goyim, eh?
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...pies-and-criminals-as-heroes/#comment-4527728

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History Is CYCLIC, Necessarily, According To Spengler
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 2021)

“The Jews have always been a criminal alien regime living amongst and preying upon a generally law-abiding citizenry.”

But is ur statement really true? Take central-banking, legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org on fiat currency; use their site search-engine): who accepts this fraud/criminality? But Satanists are expert at it, such fraud, as we see, and the stupid, corrupt, dis-honest goyim just lap it all up–they love it. Infinite currency–what a brilliant invention.

For what happens in our CYCLIC existence is that a prosperous society naturally breeds up inferiors and weaklings who wouldn’t have survived but for victorious ancestors who now provide for these inferiors and weaklings, who now become so numerous that they come to rule, and they love infinite currency, as we see.

Thus it’s CYCLIC process, generation and corruption: victory and prosperity leads to hubris and now Satanism (extreme subjectivism) by which the inferiors rule and hold they’re “good,” pretending they’re God the creator, or co-equal therewith. So a place is thus made for the top Satanists who now lead the inferiors and weaklings who defeat and exterminate the just and productive, destroying the now thoroughly satanic society, as needs to happen.

And remember: “justice” is something needing definition which subjectivism affects for the more numerous, prevailing weaklings and inferiors, who rule by means of the leadership of Satanists and Satanism–it’s all a CYCLIC process, demonstrated by history, explained so well by Oswald Spengler.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

6. Chris Moore says: • Website
March 15, 2021 at 5:01 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

This museum depicts the real history of the Jews, rather than some p.c. vanilla, Jewish apologist spin emitted by Zionist fifth column “American” MSM, politicians, corporations, and Hollywood rats.

The Jews have always been a criminal alien regime living amongst and preying upon a generally law-abiding citizenry. But their crime-gang “niche” has been profitable for the other white collar criminals in bed with them — and this is how international Zionism got so big.

White collar criminals still pretend not to see the Jewish criminals waging war against civilized humanity, but at this point, all bets are off. If you’re in bed with the Zionist crime gang or Jewish fifth column — materially, spiritually, emotionally — YOU are part of the problem. And YOU need to be summarily brought to justice.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...erers-spies-and-criminals-as-heroes/#comments

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Atheists: Dupes And Suckers For Satanism
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 2021)

Atheist [see below-copied]: first, u can't prove there is no God, period. Atheism is mere jumping to conclusion, not founded, a foregone conclusion of the ignorant. Thus true Christians understand TRUTH is God (JOHN 14:6), worthy of worship, because we assume the metaphysics of that objectivity by which such reality is understandable, basis of truth, denied or ignored by Satanist dupes like urself.

Too bad u can't see the conflict of philosophy within all the mythological style and wherewithal, which mythology only makes such philosophy graspable for the common folk, more honest than u, who don't have time for formal philosophy.

Second, note I gave u a ref. by which money can be understood in rational fashion for what it is and must be, and why, but u don't have the intelligence to appreciate.

Third, fiat currency is well-known as gross fraud; u're just not smart enough to grasp the concept, and that's no one's fault but ur own. U obviously can't figure-out why u can't have infinite currency as it eventually proliferates to worthlessness--which history PROVES and demonstrates.

And fourth, we see, typical Satanist as u are (u just aren't smart enough to grasp it), u imagine that ur assertions are reality, as if somehow u've become God the creator. It's only urself u're fooling, sucker. Try to getting a clue, fool.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

13. advancedatheist says:
March 15, 2021 at 11:27 pm GMT • 37 minutes ago • 100 Words ↑

Money is not a fact of nature or some spooky metaphysical reality. It is instead a useful fiction which enables us to cooperate with strangers beyond our immediate families and tribes.

To me it’s hilarious that hard-money obsessives think that fiat money is phony or fraudulent, but that their titles to property, court judgments, patents, copyrights, trademarks and so forth are somehow “real.” No, all of these things are just useful ideas in man’s mind.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...erers-spies-and-criminals-as-heroes/#comments

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Real Christianity Is Determinism--No Moronic "Free Will," Which Is Satanic Big Lie
(Apollonian, 16 Mar 2021)

U just don't get it, and hence u suffer as u deserve, buddy. Reality and hist. are CYCLIC, as I explain above (see # 11). Observe how the fools, called "people," pretend to non-existent "good-evil" and "free will"--they're enmired and submerged within SUBJECTIVISM, and that means Satanists/Satanism rules--which is what we've got, what's happening.

So what's needed is the necessary "Copernican revolution" in thought/thinking--and the REAL Christian philosophy. Thus reality, as it's objective (Aristotle), so it is DETERMINED--there's no idiot "free will"--and this is in proper accord w. the real Christianity. For note no "works" will get one to Heaven--one only gets to Heaven by God's grace and mercy, that's all.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

25. Insouciant says:
March 17, 2021 at 1:29 am GMT • 2.2 hours ago ↑

If American hadn’t defeated the Nazis we’d all be speaking German.

like USA did before the wars

instead of Press 1 for Spanish —
jsigur https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...pies-and-criminals-as-heroes/#comment-4529122

Ever try to imagine what USA would be like had it not been dominated by Jewish “inventions and implementations” — and media, Hollywood, etc?
Below by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/estriker/tel-av...pies-and-criminals-as-heroes/#comment-4532843

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"End Of America" Already Happened, Long Ago
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 2021)

Believe me, I thoroughly sympathize w. ur complaints (see below-copied). But note it's futile and dis-honest to pretend the satanist leaders are doing anything but co-operating w. nearly equally corrupt dupes and rabble of the "people" who merrily go along w. leaders. Central-banking (literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org) is the existential key to things giving Satanists their power. Morons think infinite currency is great panacea.

Observe how they ("people" and Satanists) indulge in the putrid virtue-signaling, calling their opponents "racist," pretending they're soooooo "good" and "moral"--this is all founded in moronic general subjectivism (hence Satanism), obviously. Pretending to be soooo "good" is all the rage, especially among the stupid, ignorant youth.

We live now in the era of "idiocracy," truly, and the penalty for such abject, terminal, wide-spread sheer stupidity can only be massive death, I suspect (like covid and now the poison vaccinations, etc.).

U talk about "beginning of the end of America," but buddy that ALREADY happened in 1865--hello. And regardless, we still have the 10th Amendment of the Const. (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com), the states still remaining sovereign, regardless of anything else. And soon enough, things will become so horrifically corrupt that even the Yankees and many minorities will agree we've just GOT TO BREAK-UP this stinking mess called a "union," really now just a murderous, satanic EMPIRE.

And as reality is (a) objective, (b) determined and hence (c) CYCLIC, this abject corruption we observe is part of the necessary course of things. That's why that good old Christian (determinist) philosophy remains so potent for the necessary advocacy and political movement.

For determinism is the crushing anti-thesis to the putrid Satanism/subjectivism which prevails and rages. And folks merely have to agree more actively w. one another that, in general, it's Satanism which so much dominates and rules and needs to be ended.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

30. anarchyst says:
March 17, 2021 at 7:59 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago • 300 Words ↑
@Colin Wright

It’s the JEWS…it’s always the JEWS…

I came of age during the first so-called “civil-rights” movement and saw for myself the underhanded dealings, the demonization of decent, law-abiding whites, and in general, the deterioration of civil society.

Almost all of the “civil-rights” workers and demonstration “handlers” were of one persuasion–New York based leftist communist jews. They cared not one wit about true “civil rights”, but were there to create hate and discontent among their black charges (who were too stupid or naive to see that they were being used to suborn and destroy legitimate government and society–a favorite communist tactic). These New York-based “carpetbaggers” fomented their hate and discontent, only to become future “civil-rights” attorneys, race-hustlers, and America-hating leftist communists…and the ADL and $PLC being invented.

Those of us whites who were in the middle of this “civil-rights” revolution had a saying: “Behind every negro, there is a jew”. No truer words were spoken.

Let’s not forget their infestation of the nation’s education and entertainment systems, in which they can spread their jewish supremacist poison.

The so-called “non-violent civil-rights demonstrations” were anything but “non-violent”. Robberies, rapes, and other criminal acts were common, but never reported, as even the jew-run “mainstream media” was “in on the game” and conveniently turned off their cameras during the acts of violence. You see, even then,”creating crises” was a part of the agenda.

The “beginning of the end” of America was the use of federal troops against white Americans, which, in itself was a violation of “posse comitatus”–the prohibition on the use of federal troops for domestic “law enforcement” purposes. As most whites were (and still are) law-abiding, they (we) were “steamrollered” by the use of federal troops to crush honest dissent. We never recovered from those unconstitutional actions. It was all downhill from there…
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but deleted and CENSORED BY JEW, UNZ, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-puppet-masters-is-there-really-a-deep-state/#comments

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Is There "Deep State"?--What Else Could Be Behind Gross, Never-Ending Corruption?
(Apollonian, 19 Mar 2021)

"Is there really a deep state?" One needs merely ask, what is the most powerful instrumentality of politics, economics, and all sociology and culture?--the one that controls everything else?--the "one ring that controls all the others." And note we're talking about something existential, palpable, perceptible, tangible--practical--hence verifiable.

Well, that instrument then is obviously the currency machine which now generates, literally INFINITE currency simply by means of a printing press, and nowadays, digitally, by means of computers throwing up numbers on spread-sheets, etc. For ref., see Mises.org; use their site search-engine to look up specific terms, like fiat-currency and central-banking, etc.

This magic instrument can also be understood accurately as just legalized counterfeiting, emulating counterfeiters who concoct and manufacture currency--NOT REAL MONEY, like gold/silver. For that's the trick: removing real money, which protects the people and the economy fm the (legalized) counterfeiters, frauds, criminals, murderers, and outright Satanists who now rule. Psst, did u notice they recently pulled-off a breath-taking election-steal?--right in front of everyone's stupid faces.

Note that as the criminal (counterfeiting) establishment expands and cements its rule, it becomes evermore satanic, and necessarily the intensity of constant warfare both externally and internally for any country increases to a certain peak before the culture and economy collapse and the people begin to dying in massive numbers. Even then, the criminals just migrate to another country to start all over again for another historical CYCLE--and this is what's happened as we see fm history.

With this INFINITE phony currency, we see one buys anything/everything one needs, military weapons, armies, navies, and leaders, political hacks and spokesmen, the mass media, religious leaders--esp. like the present Christian establishment who are all Satanists, etc.--which all works to keeping the people stupid and distracted, and at each other's throats, etc., as we see. Thus we have a Tower-of-Babel situation behind which constant confusion the Satanists work so effectively.

Naturally, we always have hacks, clowns, and charlatans to defend the legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE currency, because gee whiz there's just not enough real money to suffice for "decent civilization," ho ho oh hoo.

So much for analysis and description of the existential exterior of the corrupt, satanistic culture, always necessarily founded upon abstract illusions and fictions of non-existent "good-evil," and "free-will," by which to befuddle and confuse the over-populated morons and scum as we see.

SUBJECTIVISM is thus now effectively substituted in the public mind for the objective, determinist reality, subjectivism always and necessarily basis of the idiot virtue-signaling and inferiority-complex induced and imposed upon over-populated goons, suckers, inferiors, weaklings, and fools who were generated fm previously successful cultures built by genuine honest heroes and productive people, but now whose descendants are hopelessly corrupt--see the Roman example, "Decline and Fall...."

Such is the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," explained (basically) by Oswald Spengler. Thus we move fm the honest, objective view of reality and determinist cause-effect, to subjectivism, virtue-signaling, inferiority-complex, and gross, horrendous corruption. Q.E.D.
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Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/blood-and-soul/

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Poor Guyenot, For All His Cleverness, Erudition, Misses The Real Point(s)
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 2021)

Guyenot is extremely interesting writer, and I'm glad to read his work(s), but I think he quite misses the pt.--one of which pt.s is that life is a great struggle--life is WAR, suckers. And this biologic fact about war and struggle isn't only fm Darwin; it goes back to Homer, Heraclitus, Plato too, St. Augustine, then Machiavelli, Hobbes, etc. And this great war/struggle includes that btwn Christian vs. Satanist, Satanists led by Jews/Talmudism (see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com for definitive expo on Jews and Talmudism; also Come-and-hear.com and TruthTellers.org).

Unfortunately Guyenot fails to grasp the satanic teachings of Jews/Talmud--which is extreme SUBJECTIVISM following fm "Oral Law Trad." and "midrash" (interpretation) by which Jews hold reality to be whatever they (or their rabbis) say it is--subjectivism, by which mind/consciousness is source of reality, as according to Immanuel Kant, making the subject to be God, the creator. Jews rule and dominate Satanism, even though out-numbered by the goyim subjectivists because Jews are so sublimely organized in a collectivistic subjectivism. So now everything is up to "interpretation" (midrash) and men can be women if they want to be, etc.

Further, this organized, explicit Pharisaic, "Oral Law Trad." only begins in 3rd to 2nd cent.s, and this was and is what Christ so vehemently preached against, holding the Pharisees to be traitors and gross heretics against Moses, whom Christ affirmed and upheld AGAINST the Pharisees, Christ merely clarifying and re-stating in New Test. Christ told them (Pharisees) that they were "the sons of their father, Satan, and his work (lying like dogs) they would do. Satan was/is a liar fm the beginning and has no truth in him...," etc. See Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Thus Christianity holds to the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality by which objectivity there is such thing as TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And it's this TRUTH of objective reality that Christians really and properly worship, Christ showing and demonstrating the natural ETHICS which follows and which Christian ethics is what most Christian people love and revere about Christ and Christianity--against Satanists and Satanism (extreme subjectivism).

Thus Christ is/was mere characterization of TRUTH personified, a fictional character which the fools and moron fail to grasp about New Test. literature--it doesn't matter whether Christ actually existed or not. The real question is regarding TRUTH, suckers. It's the objective reality and TRUTH which the Satanists and Pharisees hate, never forget.

And yes, as dear St. Martin Luther observed, the "Vatican" falsely pretends to being "the Church," when Vatican is really just a corrupt bureaucracy of child-molesters, as we see, the Vatican now gleefully following orders fm Israel, doing its globalist best to commit genocide in accord w. agendas -21 and -2030, etc.

Note further, these Satanists actually serve a Darwinian purpose, always have and always will, and if Jews are eliminated, well, some other group of Satanists will arise to take their place and do their function--which function is to take advantage of the inferiors, weaklings, fools, suckers, and scum, taking their money, and urging (and forcing) them to taking these poison vaccines as we see, not to mention all the other suicidal activities.
Satanism vs. Racism, Thematic, Idealogic, and most Telling Opposites/Antitheses
(Apollonian, 31 Mar 2021)

A. Introduction, Definitions, Satanism and the Tragedy of Christianity, lost in Confusion, So Difficult to Distinguish fm Satanism for basic principle(s)

This work analyzes the present cultural conflict regarding ascendant, predominant Satanism (which now rules) as it works to continue and further consolidate its conquest(s)--Satanism has succeeded, along w. and following fm hubris, to subverting and eclipsing Christianity (the real thing, beginning w. objective, determinist reality, hence TRUTH) and human reason, though Satanism often pretends to defend reason as it seeks to reject and deny truth and objectivity, not to mention Christianity.

For note Satanism pretends to making use of reason to deny objectivity and its reality. For Satanism/subjectivism is necessary foundation of "good-evil" which obsessionate pretension rules the present culture of over-populated fools and morons. The great irony then is that "good" is necessary pretext for Satanism as it, "good," doesn't exist in objective reality, but Satanism/subjectivism gives it ("good") its foundation.

We know that otherwise the Satanists are always led by Jews, foremost Satanists (see below ref.s), but Jews NEVER call their ideal "Satanism"--except in their Kabalistic works, which other Jews then say is merely "religious," pretending then, otherwise, Jews are simply rationalists, and thus "progressives," and "liberals"--even "democratic," albeit of "radicalist" nature. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Satanism is so hard to pin-down for exact definition (but see below, section B), Satanists and Jews being foremost consummate liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Satanists and Jews will NEVER admit their ideal is Satanist--they ALWAYS proceed w. "reason," "progressivism," and "liberalism," always implying there's such thing as "good"--so ironic and sublime about Satanism/subjectivism.

An interesting note, ironic as it is, is Satanists thus see and present themselves as literally the "good-guys" ("tolerant" and "diverse")--part of their "progressivism" and "liberalism" by which they pretend to being more advanced of intellect. And thus Satanists and "progressives" see racists (determinists) as "evil" and lacking in such intellect. Satanists and "progressives" thus see themselves as better and "above" the racialists, this while accusing the racialists as similarly pretending they're better than and "above" those of other races. But obviously, racialist separatist loyalty doesn't necessarily mean "superiority." For note any claim of "superiority" would beg question of superiority in what way, and by what criterion which analysis Satanists/subjectivists are reluctant to entertain.

B. Definitions, Satanism

First Satanism should be understood and defined: it is extreme subjectivism, the idea reality is product of mind/consciousness, the rejection of the objective reality of Aristotle. Thus Satanism is the making of oneself and consciousness to being the Godly creator of reality (in accord w. Immanuel Kant, for example)--and it often takes the collectivist form, making the collectivist consciousness to be the Godly creator--as in the case of Jews, most sublime, leading, and dominant collectivistic-subjectivists and satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for definitive ref.).

The problem for Christianity, originally understood as mighty opponent of Satanism, is that it has been so horribly confused for understanding, especially among the broad population--Christianity is too often understood now as something to be assumed, without any rational foundation or grounds, then insisted upon, and not as a simple rationalist philosophy as it was originally intended, i.e. WORSHIP OF TRUTH, hence objective reality, necessary basis of such truth, above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). For example, establishment Christianity features the "faith" of "believing," this "believing" now manufacturing a mere subjective, personal "truth" for the individual Christian, such "truth" now mere product of wishful thinking and "believing." "Faith" properly and originally means simply LOYALTY--not "believing," insisting and declaring something is true.

Thus Christianity, properly understood, assumes truth, HENCE OBJECTIVE REALITY, necessary foundation of such truth--against Satanism, which satanism is extreme subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), which rejects objective reality, hence truth. Christianity then features an ethical system founded upon such objectivity, which ethics is now most famous and best known among the people, who otherwise have no understanding or grasp of metaphysics (subjective vs. objective, etc.). Thus we see Christianity, properly understood, is philosophy, founded within literature, as of Old and New Testaments, grounded in reason and the honest apprehension of reality.

For nowadays establishment Christianity is mere captive and branch of gross MYSTICISM and Satanism/subjectivism, this Christianity understood as something merely obsessionately believed ("beeeeleeeeeeved") and insisted upon--which is actually how subjectivism is imposed by the Satanists. The problem is that establishment Christianity is now difficult to distinguish against Satanism, esp. for the broad popular understanding--for the Satanists typically pretend and insist upon reason in their rejection of Christianity, calling Christianity "mysticism," (like Jew, Ayn Rand). Thus Christianity fades in confusion fm the popular understanding for clear philosophic principle(s) and identity distinguishing the two opposites, Satanism/subjectivism vs. Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ), truth necessarily founded in objective reality.

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C. RACISM, Presently understood (by many, esp. among the Satanist dupes, "liberals" and "progressives") as "Evil" Incarnate, is thus foremost rival ideal to Satanism, "Good," and "Moral Virtue," all at same time. Note Satanists believe in a subjective "good," meaning good for Satanists/Satanism. "Evil" then is what is contrary to Satanist "good"--like determinism, hence racism.

Similarly, the opponents of Satanism (and Jews), like many "conservatives," quail to so readily identify as "racists"--it's become such a dirty word (deliberately made to be so by Jews and Satanists and their dominating media smearing), and we so often see "conservatives" squirm desperately to insist they're NOT "racist." Poor fools are incapable or un-willing to see what really underlies such Satanism and racism.

It used to be Satanism was widely understood as "evil," but in the objective (Aristotelian) reality there is no "good-evil," as reality is necessarily DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect--there is no perfect human "free will," hence no possible "good-evil." Thus "good" requires subjectivism for any meaning, as does human "free will," by which the human becomes Godly, creator of reality--and thus, "good." Thus under Satanism, "good" is whatever one wants it to be (subjectivism)--same as "evil." Thus presently, as we see, the foremost "evil" under this satanic dictatorship is RACISM (determinism). But now WHAT is racism, in fact and reality?--does it really make any sense?

Thus we see racism is held to be "evil," according to Satanism, as racism is deterministic, holding to absolute cause-effect, hence the idea that one's human circumstances, including race, determines the fortunes of one's life, there being no "free will." Racism is also loyalty to and pride in one's people and ancestors, presently also held by Satanists to be "evil."

Thus we see the great opposites, Satanism/subjectivism vs. objectivity/determinism (hence racism); "free-will" vs. determinism. Thus Satanism's great enemy is, as we note here, racism (determinism). And this great opposition, now we see and behold, so well characterizes the great present cultural conflict, Satanism and "moral" virtue (such as it is) vs. racism and determinism. Satanism/subjectivism, pretending to "moral virtue" of "free will," hates racism as it hates determinism which denies free will, which denial Satanism cannot and will not accept.

Christianity thus fades for clear understanding of the people, "racism" now taking its place in opposition to "free will," hence Satanism/subjectivism. Finally note "morality" is not properly same as "good-evil," but rather consistency of one's actions in line w. logic. Satanists always pretend and insist "morality" has to do w. (non-existent) "good-evil."

D. Note then the rather comedic circumstances among and with the people and society, Satanists (extreme subjectivists, led by Jews) not wanting to admit they're Satanists, and racialists (or determinists) not wanting to admit they're racialist, the suckers and fools so much pretending to "free will" and "good-evil," neither of these latter two actually existing. For note most youth and young adults have been brought-up believing in "free will" and "good-evil"--it's so difficult to shake-off such prejudices of youth.

But note how well and brilliantly Satanism and racism stand for subjectivism on the one hand, and determinism is denoted by racism on the other hand. Thus Satanism and racism actually are excellent and outstanding themes and ideals (depite denials by proponents) by which to see the two opposites and opponents, subjectivists and determinists (determinism following fm strict objectivity). But yet observe further how willing the Satanists are to seeing and branding their opponents as racists, and the anti-Satanists (determinists) willing to brand their opponents as Satanists--sublime and ironic accuracy in it all.

Finally, note the "bad press" (which press is always owned and controlled mainly by Satanists and their dupes, even if not always exclusively) determinism gets--it's not a popular philosophic expression/understanding, even for all it's simplicity--absolute cause effect, denial of a perfectly "free" human will. For it's necessary for Satanists to be able to play upon inferiority-complex and the pretended "free will" and "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy, so easily impressed and imprinted upon the infantile mentality which everyone is born and begins with.

Thus children brought-up upon the insistence of "good-evil" and "free will" (who are so very many among the population)are most susceptible to Satanism, "liberalism," socialism, etc. Even those children and youth not entirely sold upon such "good-evil" and "free-will" are still often easily intimidated or affected thereby and subject then to the insistent activities of such Satanists/subjectivists--and thus the often noted "conservatives" denying they're racist.