Apo essays for May 2018


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/jack-mullen-alex-jones-explains-its-not.html#comment-form

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CYCLIC History And Inexorable satanic Corruption
(Apollonian, 7 May 18)

What's this?--Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) says it ain't the kikes?--hoh o ho ho ho ho. But just ask urself--HOW could Ajax be sooo "successful" and rich if he wasn't suck-up and flack for Jews?

So who/what is "destroying the world"? Just ck Oswald Spengler and his "Decline of the West," in which he notes the CYCLIC nature of hist. which follows the DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) reality.

Thus hist. is CYCLIC as many great historians, including Spengler, have noted. At first the culture/civilization arises due to excellent ancestors and original generations who grasp and follow the OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) nature of reality. Thus this/these founding, original generation(s) are honest, simple, productive people, brave and successful (at least lucky) in warfare.

But by and by, after the initial civilization and traditions have been successful, a corrupting HUBRIS sets in, and these following generations become evermore SUBJECTIVE, especially in way of putrid moralism/Pharisaism, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," "good" the worst enemy of truth and honesty.

Ultimately the most extreme form of this subjectivism arrives, called SATANISM, insisting reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself (the subject) to being God or Godly, the creator. Note nothing of this satanism is either mystic or even particularly religious--actually quite practical, understandable, and easily verified--following the indulgence in moralism/Pharisaism.

But this satanism becomes most powerful, along w. the continuing corruption of the culture/society when such satanism becomes COLLECTIVIZED, collectivistic, and ORGANIZED--which is where and how our dear Jews come in--they're most activist, committed, and esp. ORGANIZED for their criminality and satanism, subjectivism being the foundation of lies, lying, and fraud--esp. in way of the ultimate criminal conspiracy, the CENTRAL-BANK, literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for best expo.

And all this about Jews and satanism is easily verified, the Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com for just one good source) being monument to this satanic criminality and warfare against all humanity, reason, law, justice, etc.

Thus Jews are natural leaders of satanism and the satanists who work so actively for power for power's sake over all humanity, this corrupted humanity encouraged to warfare, esp. for the sake of moralism/Pharisaism, as we see, esp. in way of "climate change," etc.

Thus the satanists, hence Jews, the leaders, are like a disease, like leprosy, or plague, or typhus, which sets in among the corrupt, hubristic humanity and culture to extermination and removal of the corrupted inferiors and weaklings--all this in CYCLIC manner, as we see verified in history.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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The Literary Message Of New Test.
(Apollonian, 7 May 18)

"Ultimately, there is no valid reason to suppose that what is told in the New Testament about Jesus’ resurrection and apparitions was historical."

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Well golly gee, but what's "historical"?--ho ho ho. After all, New Test. is LITERATURE, morons--get a clue. And the purpose of the literature is to deliver a philosophic lesson which can then be put to religious STYLE for purpose of emphasis and memory of people. New Test. is simply the Greek-inspired replacement of the earlier Homeric literature.

So if we Christians (followers of Christ = TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) say Christ is God, then a good way of emphasizing this Godliness and God-hood in the story is by reference to "resurrection" which can only be done by God--do u begin to "getting it"?

And the un-mistakable PHILOSOPHY of New Test. is mainly ethical--why people love it so dearly, Christ the foremost exemplar and philosophic commentator.

And don't forget the basic story given, Christ preaching, clarifying and restating the Mosaic law and meaning thereof--AGAINST the hereticalist Pharisees who led the middle-class faction, or at least a good part of it, about 5% of the pop. of Judea at the time.

Christ WAS NOT NOT NOT "Jew," Jew referring to descendents of Pharisees who later wrote out the Talmud, 500 AD. Following the story, don't forget, these filthy Pharisees (Jews) decided they could and should kill truth (= Christ). For note there could be no truth WITHOUT the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle).

Note then the Pharisees preached the "Traditions of the Elders," later called the "Talmud" which pretended to "interpret" ("midrash") the Torah, first five books, this Talmud now definitive for Jews (not to be confused w. Judeans)--which all such midrash "interpretation" Christ emphatically rejected and repudiated.

So note then the msg of New Test. is perfectly rational, rationalistic, featuring the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, foundation of truth (= Christ) AGAINST the subjectivism of Pharisaism, all Christian ethics following therefrom, which New Test. demonstrates so brilliantly.

Thus in contrast to the Jew-Talmudic hatred of and war against humanity, reason, truth, and reality, Christ features that basic sympathy for one's fellow humans as a basic ethical precept. Thus again, Christianity is worship of TRUTH, above all, not "love" or "faith" (which properly means loyalty, not beleeeeeeeeeeevin'), or (non-existent) "good," or "peace."
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/jack-mullen-alex-jones-explains-its-not.html#comment-form

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Note Way General satanism, Founded In Hubris, Is Manipulated, Applied
(Apollonian, 8 May 18)

Yes Chris (see below-copied): but note the Jews literally preach WAR against rest of humanity--it's in their Talmud (Law--see Talmudical.blogspot.com) and Zohar (Cabala--Jew mysticism). So of course they'll lie about it--just part of the general war effort.

Thus note, Jews actually worship a war-god, and when u think about it, u can see the logic to it all.

But most important to note is their (Jew) brilliant effectiveness given the circumstances of cultural "Decline of the West," and the cultural hubris among so many gentiles who adopt subjectivism, the necessary premise to "good-evil" moralism/Pharisaism, based upon hubristic perfectly "free" human will.

For (a) most of the subjectivists among gentiles don't take such subjectivism all the way, as Jews do, to pt. of SATANISM--the idea that all reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness.

(b) The other pt. is that Jews adopt a co-operative subjectivism in which they agree upon certain goals--making a kind of COLLECTIVIST subjectivism in which they all agree and collude for particular ends--most effective "group-think."

(c) Jews then, as they're so sublimely organized and collectivized among themselves for this EXTREME subjectivism and "group-think," organize and co-opt the various gentiles, Jews always the LEADERS for obvious reason, the gentiles less committed and FAR less organized among themselves, in so many cases, but susceptible to this overwhelming Jew influence and leadership--why and how it always seems Jews are SOOOOOO powerful.

So u see, in the end, the Jews are simply in place and configured, sociologically, to take best advantage of gentile corruption and hubris within the general cultural corruption.

And that basic instrument they all (both Jews and gentiles, but always led by Jews, of course, as I note and describe, above) make use of is CENTRAL-BANKING, literally legalized counterfeiting, as I note, which gives them practical, existential power, even though it always seems there's so few Jews. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search engine.

Jews are actually then, simply the leaders of SATANISM, extreme subjectivism, by which they, along w. gentiles, create that most effective weapon, central-banking, Jews merely taking advantage of over-populated, stupid gentiles indulging in hubris and subjectivism, Jews much like a disease which works against over-population, keeping stupid, hubristic gentiles in-fighting, etc.

So u see, Jews and satanists, satanism all actually fulfill a distinct socio-biologic purpose and function--removing and de-populating hubristic inferiors and weaklings among over-populated gentiles.

--------------above by ap in response to "Chris Calo," below-copied--------------

Chris CaloMay 7, 2018 at 11:23 AM

Zionist Jews are liers,and thiefs,just look again at the number they have used sines the begining of time 6 million

Chris CaloMay 7, 2018 at 11:24 AM

Why you can't say anything about the Jews
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/dr-eowyn-national-data-bases-dont-show.html#comment-form

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Truth (= Christ), Induction, Science, And Reason Within satanic "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 15 May 18)

The INDUCTIVE evidence (which is how investigations, both in science and law are conducted) is ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING--that Sandy was HOAX HOAX HOAX. "Sloppy Sniper" (David Wheeler, prof. crisis-actor) is crushing, smashing, and conclusive evidence, all by itself, Wheeler trying to hide fm the camera, idiotically carrying TWO rifles, holding it by magazine is all comically persuasive, taken on whole. Then there's Fetzer's excellent book on the incident.

So no scientist or any rational person could possibly have any doubts on Sandy hoax.

And don't forget the totality of the inductive evidence--like regarding JFK assassination which most people KNOW was consp.--the poor scum just don't know what to do about it. The latest Judyth Vary Baker material is ABSOLUTELY CONCLUSIVE.

Most of all, what most people are simply tooooo gosh-darned stupid to grasp, the very top-most, ruling institution of this utterly corrupt culture is a criminal enterprise, CENTRAL-BANKING, literally legalized counterfeiting, substituting INFINITE currency for real (necessarily finite) money, commodity-based--see Mises.org for fullest expo.

So long as this criminal enterprise, the US Federal Reserve bank, which toooo few grasp for the sublime corruption, continues to thrive, continuing to pump out ENDLESS funds, buying everyone off, funding endless lies and prop., etc., nothing will happen. THERE'S JUST TOOO MANY, OVER-POPULATED MORONS, satisfied w. "bread and circuses" paid-for by this fraudulent, endless currency.

So patriots simply have to be prepared and ready when and as the criminal currency system continues to falter and collapse. Petro-Yuan (gold-backed), ironic as it may seem, is going to kill the petro-dollar, so patriots only have to take heed and take measures, informing the poor, stupid goyim, much as possible.

That's why Trump, puppet of Israel, will take us into war as way of "muddying waters," as we see.

What's solution?--well, we need to heed attention to satanic criminals who worship LIES, lying, and liars, according to Gosp. JOHN 8:44--they're falling-out against one-another, the "leftist," "globalist" atheists having been snookered in last election (2016), thinking they had it in the bag, hoh o ho ho.

But Trump is flunky for Zionist, Israel-first Jews, just as bad as hitlery and leftists--notice how Jew tube and other censorship has increased under Trump and Zionists.

So I'd say patriots should rather heed to the larger Satanism which is led by Jews, JEws being the top, most organized, among Satanists. And Satanism, never forget is basically (extreme) subjectivism, idea reality is created by mentality/consciousness, making oneself God. And note there's really nothing either mysterious or even "religious" about this Satanism. The twist is top Jews are sublime colluders in a collectivistic subjectivism--as in way of CENTRAL-BANKING scam, Jews most organized, leveraging all the other Satanists, including among the gentile satanists who far out-number Jews, Satanists then leveraging all the rest of society but for very few true Christian opponents.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/lasha-darkmoon-bloodbath-israel-embarks.html

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Darkmoon (And Fetzer) Substitute "Moral" Outrage For Clear Analysis
(Apollonian, 17 May 18)

Well our dear "Darkmoon," once again, and as sooooo often, commits the very error of "understatement" she imagines she denounces. For the Talmudic program and "religion" is literally a war (-program) against humanity, reason, logic, etc., so the latest shootings and murders are simply the latest stages of same old war policy and prosecution. See Hoffman's definitive expo at Talmudical.blogspot.com--also Come-and-hear.com.

So u gotta hand it to Jews and Israelis for consistency as they merely continue to pushing their satanic program of death and mass-murder in very face of the paralyzed West and all humanity. And note Jews have STRONG allies and supporters in "neo-con" Pres. Trump and "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) supporters among nominal "Christians." For observe satanism has so profoundly subverted establishment "Christian" culture, including ALL the establishment churches, Protestant and Catholic.

How is this?--how and why does this satanic subversion and corruption get-by so easily? Well note and never forget satanism is essentially (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea mentality/consciousness is creator of reality--thus making the subject to be God, the creator. Note further, this satanism is neither mysterious or even "religious."

The only next step for establishment satanism is COLLECTIVIZATION, most successful and effective "group-think," the collusion of the satanists, not only Jews, upon common goals and ends--as for example, and especially the central-bank, US Federal Reserve, literally legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org; use their search-engine), which now dominates the totally corrupted, former "Western" culture--which has been de-Westernized, in all truth, the real Christianity utterly over-thrown, corrupted, and traduced.

And what then is the "real Christianity"?--Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, above moronic "love," or "faith," or peace, or (non-existent) "good."

For note TRUTH requires necessarily an OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality as the obligatory criterion; otherwise anything and nothing is "truth" and everything is lies.

Jews, Talmudists, and satanists hold there is no "truth" but for what the rabbis ("midrash," according to Talmud) say--SUBJECTIVISM. And that's the basic cultural conflict presently which Darkmoon, as well as Fetzer himself, overlook and fail to address, conflict btwn subjectivism (hence satanism) vs. objective reality.

So HOW specifically does this satanic subjectivism and culture of death obtain and succeed?--it takes advantage of the HUBRIS of the Western people and leaders thereof--and this means due to default of such as Darkmoon and Fetzer, who FAIL to analyze and uphold the objective nature, foundation of truth (= Christ). Talmudists couldn't perpetrate this horrific cultural subversion and overthrow by themselves; their gentile satanist allies far out-number them and clear the way for Talmudists, who merely provide a leadership cadre.

Thus the hubristic culture, society, and mis-guided, mis-informed people strive to achieve non-existent "good" against non-existent "evil"--which are totally SUBJECTIVE--this is the amazing, simple PRETEXT for satanism and the satanic cultural overthrow against truth (= Christ) and objective reality. And it's this basic overthrow which Darkmoon and Fetzer fail to observe and analyze.

So far, Fetzer and Darkmoon merely pt.-out mere items and details, and stopping there, and overlook the necessary conclusions (like the conflict btwn objective vs. subjective) for cultural/political/psychologic analysis--and the people and society perish, as we see. Amen.
How You KNOW, And Can Prove, Who Started The World Wars--Was NOT Germans
(Apollonian, 18 May 18)

Who started and instigated, guided, and sustained the world wars, one and two?--the same ones who bank-rolled the entire enterprise(s), supplied the hosts ("Lend-Lease"), the "allies" and "United Nations" (UN), and so effectively armed them, providing all the necessary and sufficient wherewithal, including food and other materials, etc., for "victory"--it was USA, who else? Rather, it was the bankers and top-most leadership (of USA) who did all the basic dirty-work, who conceived and carried-out the plans, etc. Don't forget, it was UK and France who first declared war on Germany in Sep. 1939.

And don't waste our time about Poland which threatened Germany w. war if they didn't forswear Danzig, a completely German city, which Poles horribly stole land of the Germans (after WWI), against the agreements, which lands included over a million Germans, which Germans were then horribly mis-treated, many murdered by the Poles, thus telegraphing the looming fate of Danzig--all easily verified facts of simple history.

Thus the UK made the notorious offensive alliance w. Poland in March 1939, inviting the Poles to go ahead and start something, the stupid Poles (the leadership) not expecting the Brits to do nothing when the Germans eventually closed-in--not to mention the Ruskies coming fm the east--which no one seems to have expected, eh? Did it serve the Poles right that even though they were pretext "victims" at the start, the allies yet nonetheless sold them out at Yalta (1945), giving the Russians much of the lands of erstwhile Poland of 1939?

After all, the Ruskies were original partners of Germany in 1939, weren't they?--but never mind mere trivialities. For the instigators and master-minds got what they wanted, didn't they?--world gov. and dictatorship of UN.

Thus we see the underlying mentality of FDR's idiotic thick propaganda, always pretending the Germans were the "aggressors," FDR "protesting too much," as if people can't figure-out the big bank-rollers and (lend-lease) suppliers are OBVIOUSLY and plainly the instigators and masters of the blackguards, henchmen, and thugs who actually commenced the warfare, like UK and France, not to mention the precious Poles who were suckered into providing the pretext.

And when Germany suddenly rounded upon Ruskies in Jun, 1941, well, that was fine too, eh? FDR was soooo happy to thereupon sign on w. "Uncle Joe" for some nice lend-lease, feeding and supplying Ruskies to fight and kill Germans. Thus the arms dealers and manufacturers made such excellent money producing and selling arms and other materials to be given away at tax-payers' expense, the poor fools. And on top of it all, the bankers and master-minds got their world dictatorship like they always wanted--and it's been satanic gravy-train for them ever since, even now, to this very day.

And all these facts I've herein given and recited, above, are absolutely irrefutable, admitted even by the perpetrators themselves, even if in somewhat back-handed fashion. Don't forget Germany's eager willingness to make peace w. UK after the fall of France in 1940--it wasn't the Germans who wanted war while Ruskies fought war of choice w. Finland to gain territory and then threatened Rumania to giving up Moldavia, etc.

Hence the pt. is that the glaring, in-ur-face PROOF the world wars were instigated, guided, and sustained by American, esp. the Jew, bankers, of course in collusion/conspiracy w. other bankers, too, is LEND-LEASE, which all turned-out so conveniently and lucratively for FDR and cronies (don't forget FDR was Asst Sec. of Navy during WWI, later in 1920 running, and losing, as VP nominee for Dems), getting the war(s) going and stoked-up so nicely simply by supplying and financing the goons and suckers who actually initiated and fought and died for the wars, UK, France, and Poland.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/05/molestation-facilitator-honored-by.html

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More Bleating From Pharisaist Golem, Hoffman
(Apollonian, 19 May 18)

Hoffman cries and whines in his latest blog posting, see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/05/molestation-facilitator-honored-by.html,

As a researcher investigating these recondite matters for the past 20 years, one would expect that my work would be welcomed, publicized and promoted by those who claim they are fighting for Jesus Christ. Instead, I am censored and suppressed at almost every turn by those claiming to be on God’s side in the fight for Truth.​

But Hoffman, get over urself, buddy: u're not in any "fight for truth"--u couldn't care less about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--u're just the typical cheap moralist-Pharisaist pretending u're "good," which "good-evil" doesn't exist, sucker.

U're "censored and suppressed"?--look who's talking, eh Hoffman, u moronic, insufferable hypocrite, ho ho ho ho ho. U're rightfully ignored, Hoffman, for the incompetent, so-called "researcher" u pretend to be. Just look at the putrid "research" u did on subject of "usury" in ur book, "Usury in Christendom...," eh?

U don't even "research" the origin and meaning of "usury," and u obviously know NOTHING about money and banking, or economics. Again, ur only purpose is moralism and the cheap moralistic pretending, preaching, and breast-beating, as we all see fm u over and again.

And urs is NOT a "truth mission," Hoffman, as has been explained to u, lying Pharisaic and moralistic golem as u really are. Fact u beleeeeeeeeeeeeev in ur moralistic lying only makes u the sort of useful monstrosity which Jews call "golem."
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/new-york-times-exemplifies-post-truth.html#comment-form

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Truth (= Christ) Continues To Standing Up Very Well, Never Doubt, Against satanism, ZOG, And Sandy Hoax

Yes Fetzer, ur outstanding book, "Nobody Died...," is itself excellent for the truth, providing all the inductive evidence anyone needs who's honest and serious about the truth and truth in general, not only about the Sandy hoax.

Conclusive, actually, is all the Dave Wheeler material, Wheeler caught as notorious "sloppy sniper." For there's no doubt Wheeler played two roles, at least, including "sloppy sniper," whom ZOG tries to confuse w. the agent, Aldenberg. There were surely other multiple-role actors as well, who appeared not only in this Sandy hoax, but others too.

And regarding "sloppy sniper," people only need ask themselves would a proper, trained agent carry his dangerous weapon by the ammo magazine?--and what's this foolery w. the toting-about w. TWO rifles?--good gravy--but it's precisely the sort of travesty a stooge like Wheeler would be caught doing.

'Twas surely a major mistake for the producers of Sandy Hoax to skimp on duplication of actors w. Dave Wheeler who stands-out like a sore thumb, who can be seen in vids looking at and trying to hide fm view of cameras, hoh o ho ho.

Truly, (a) anyone seriously interested in truth will be impressed by all the overwhelming inductive evidence, as in "Nobody Died...," which fairly SHOUTS to high heaven--"HOAX HOAX HOAX, folks."

And (b), real patriots, interested in preservation of Constitutional rights and 2nd Amendment, especially, grasp and understand the various purposes behind the hoax, including terrorizing of the people in general and institution of dictatorship in various ways, including further control of edjumacation and corruption of the people's consciousness towards dependence upon Big Bro.

And indeed, the satanic agents of ZOG understood very well the tremendous weight of the inductive evidence for all the numerous informative accounts, expositions, and vids put out on the subject of the Sandy hoax by such as Halbig, Fetzer, Tracy, and many, many others--that's why ZOG and Jew-tube took them all down in desperate and pathetic attempt to suppress the truth.

So did Fetzer and allies fail?--surely not, as we see presently ZOG is in yet ANOTHER horrific scandal for their attempt to exonerate and cover-up the many crimes (just some of the latest ones) of hitlery Clinton, including then the ham-handed attempts to subvert Trump and his election campaign, and implicate him as traitorous colluder w. Ruskies.

So ZOG, toooo clever by half, is going down, down, and the people were well alerted by heroic efforts of patriots like Wolfgang, Fetzer, Tracy, and so many others who've had to suffer in so many ways, but really, as one would only expect, given ZOG's advantages beginning w. the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting machine at the top and behind everything.

And the great battle against satanic ZOG isn't over even yet, one may be sure, but Halbig, Fetzer, Tracy, and so many others have very well shown how it can be done, facts and truth being truly stubborn things which all people know are precious and absolutely necessary for life itself.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.satanicsf.com/easter-satan-satanism/

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New Test. Is LITERATURE First, Get A Clue
(Apollonian, 25 May 18)

Dan: u need to learn about literature, of which New Test. is one of the most glorious examples. Thus literature, the most elaborate and ambitious, is VEHICLE of philosophy. In New Test., following the older Old Test., it presents an allegoric account of (a) metaphysics, the objective (Aristotelian) reality, (b) following which is an ETHICS, this ethics so much idolized, admired, respected, revered, and even worshipped. Christian ethics is what makes New Test. and Christianity in general so famous as they obviously are, objects of tremendous and universal admiration.

Unfortunately, the metaphysical part of New Test. is overlooked, mis-represented, mis-understood, and ignored. (c) Note further, the New Test. story, such as it is, is presented much in elaborated DIALECTIC, esp. btwn Christ and the (satanic) Pharisees who preach the Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation), though formal Talmud hadn't been fully written-out till 500 AD in Babylon. Observe then the dialectic btwn objective view of Christ vs. (extreme) subjectivist of Pharisees.

Note further, New Test. is presented in way of story, epic, and myth, as most people were barely literate in those days, so Christ had to be adept in (a) speaking (rhetoric), and then (b) well-versed in the Old Test. literature so as to make things understandable to the people who understood things philosophic in way of what we call "religion," religion being something committed to memory and then practiced both in ritual and in daily life--religion then being something not only held within the intellect, but fully integrated (much as possible) throughout, body and spirit, intellect and emotion--this "religion" is still the case in present day for MOST PEOPLE, people in general having great difficulty w. formal philosophy, logic, science, etc.

Finally, regarding Easter, note the story requires this episode as the claim (Gosp. JOHN) is that Christ is God the Son, and only God is capable of such thing as resurrection. Hence the resurrection is the indication and proof for the readers and the people (as attested also by St. Paul) that Christ is God. Quit pretending New Test. and Gospels are presented as police-reports, text as mere accounting of facts and events--it's a STORY for purpose of conveying PHILOSOPHY, esp. in contrast and repudiation of the Pharisaic "Traditions of the Elders" which at the time was still mainly verbally understood among the Pharisees whom Christ reviled as gross heretics ("vipers and serpents"--Gosp. MATT, ch. 23).

Thus Christ defended what he held was original Mosaic Law--against the Pharisaic heretics--Christ merely re-stating, clarifying, and simplifying for the people.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.satanicsf.com/st-germain-united-satanism/

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Dan Begins Well For Necessary Analysis, But Then Fails For Conclusions
(Apollonian, 26 May 18)

Well Dan, I think u're right to pt.-out the lack of clarity for St. Germain people. After all, we (true) Christians, working fm basic text of New Test., say Christ = TRUTH, first and above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Thus all Christian ethics follow fm this basic metaphysical precept, truth being only possible w. the objective (Aristotelian) reality as criterion/premise. "Treat others as one would be treated." Gosp. JOHN then makes satanism quite clear for what it stands for--LIES, at JOHN 8:44.

And the basic dialectic btwn Christ and Pharisees is regarding subjectivism of Pharisees, specifically their "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah which is essence of their Talmud, their definitive statement. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Further, u should be advised that all present-day establishment "Christian" churches, Prot. and Catholic, are totally co-opted by the criminal central-bank establishment, including esp. the present US Federal Reserve bank (the "fed"), and essentially controlled by terror-state of Israel. Essentially, these various churches are oriented upon MYSTICISM (not truth, hence reason) which is used as cover for gross subjectivism and hence, satanism.

And they (these churches) refuse to admit Christ is truth and that Christianity is worship of truth above all. These mystic/satanic-oriented churches rather emphasize such things as "love," "faith," peace, and non-existent "good" (vs. the non-existent "evil"). Having been born and raised Catholic, I can attest the present-day "Vatican" is totally satanic gang of child-molesters, led by present satanic pope Francis, working for globalist world gov. and alien invasion, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of European countries, etc.

Another problem w. establishment "Christians," including "vatican" is their false understanding of "faith" which only properly means LOYALTY. These present-day mystics and satanists of establishment "Christianity" ("churchianity") tend to pushing "faith" as beleeeeeeeeeeeeving--as if "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" makes it all true--which is just idiotic, mystic, and satanic.

This unfortunate problem w. simple word, "faith," comes fm Gosp. JOHN and its emphasis upon "believing," which word ("believing") is used in that gospel no less than 99 times--so the weak-minded morons among nominal "Christians" seem to imagine that "beleeeeeeeeeving" something is a virtue and, evidently, what God and Christ want. But the word and "believing" as given in Gosp. JOHN really has to do w. actual PRACTICE of Christianity, worship of truth. Thus the true (practicing) Christian is thus referred to as a genuine "believer."

"Love" all by itself is not necessarily virtue, and note then the absurdity of Christianity as "religion of love"--as if "love" is what is worshipped. This confusion much seems to come fm the works of St. Paul and such as (Epistle) 1JOHN 4:8, where it says, "God is love." But this by JOHN is mere metaphor meant to contrast w. the Judaic/Talmudic war against humanity.

Christianity further does not advocate (political) "peace" at any price; it only brings an inner peace to the true Christian--and it doesn't advocate pacifism.

So u see, Dan, u're quite right to bring-up and examining basic definitions regarding Christianity, religion in general, and philosophy. The problem I see w. ur method is u only scratch the surface, and u reach no genuine substantial conclusions, u being satisfied in only and merely bringing-up topics and issues, but then just leaving them un-finished for proper analysis, pretending then u've done the job.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.satanicsf.com/atomwaffen-ona-satan-satanism/

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Dan Jokes About satanic "Principles"
(Apollonian, 26 May 18)

Dan says, "Whereas most Satanists spend half our lives disavowing stereotypes about violence,...." But Dan, remember: u're SUBJECTIVISTS, holding reality is what u want it to be, u being the God-like creators of ur own reality (thorough-going subjectivists), eh?--but correct me if I'm wrong.

Then u tell us about, "Satanic principles like compassion, wisdom, and justice...." But Dan, as subjectivists, u HAVE NO "PRINCIPLES," at all, whatsoever, aside fm the founding, basic subjectivism--anything goes, as u're God, the creator of ur own universe, right?--but enlighten us if I'm wrong here.

Regarding the "Nazi" heroes, remember they are saints who dared to fight the satanists and Jews who imposed bolshevism and which Jews along w. their satanist cohorts continue to push "globalist" world dictatorship, featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide. The "Nazis" only failed to see the larger program of Jews/Talmudists and (extreme) subjectivists, which is the real, most practical, collectivist, organized, and well-led satanism which presently threatens and oppresses the world, led by terror-state of Israel.

Unfortunately for Nazism and the world, the Nazis featured mostly a political program, nazis not nearly as adept for metaphysical and other abstract principles which are extremely important for fullest integrity of the large social purpose and effect--which requires a complete cultural system, not only political.

Note the "Nazis" attempted to make-up for the previous Christian culture and anti-semitism which had held together and built the glorious (and anti-semitic) Western civilization previous to the late modern era which ensued fm French Rev. and dominance of Jew-led central-banking, as of the Rothschilds. Now we struggle against the satanic/Jew world order and dictatorship as the struggle against Jew-led satanism continues.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.satanicsf.com/dillahunty-magic-skepticism-satan/

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As Usual, Dan Fails To Follow-Out Implications Of Observations
(Apollonian, 26 May 18)

Dan tells us, "...truth is pretty elastic in America lately." And one cannot but agree and acknowledge the accuracy of such observation. But don't forget Oswald Spengler's great work, now about 100 yrs old, "Decline of the West." Folks, we're looking at the very break-down of Western civilization, so well described in New Test. "Book of Revelations," no less.

So what, historically, is happening? For note, Spengler describes a CYCLIC process and phenomenon which is similar to the great Roman example. Thus the culture is born of honest farmers who are fairly ignorant, but yet brave, these good people holding to the OBJECTIVE reality. Thus w. some luck, along w. their basic honesty and courage, these agrarian soldiers build their culture along w. military victories, and eventually they find themselves at the top of a thriving civilization--but this is merely the first part of the CYCLE--it isn't over.

Eventually, the "prosperity" becomes corrupted, as by means of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine) along w. the people, and as the culture ages, we see these corrupted people, the effete descendents of the original brave and honest heroes and founders, pretending to "moral virtue," esp. false, hereticalist "good-evil," and hence the SUBJECTIVIST view of reality--upon which such "moral virtue," esp. the false "good-evil," is sooo dependent.

And thus we see pretending to such false moral virtue and "good-evil" is actually, ironic as it may seem, the evermore intruding premise/pretext of subjectivism and satanism, the most extreme form of subjectivism, this satanism and subjectivism steadily eroding the culture. And just this very sort of subjectivism/satanism is precisely what has so much destroyed the USA, now the corrupted Jew S A, controlled and manipulated by Israeli terror-state. Trump is a liar, folks--it ain't "America first" at all--it's rather Israel first, and observe how Trump is sucking along w. Israel, and setting-up for a big hit against Iran.

Dan additionally tells us, "...Satanism is illusion, in emotional terms if nothing else. And that’s why it works." Well, yeah Dan, but even more pointedly, satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, the assumption reality is created by consciousness/mentality--it's actually simple and well-known metaphysical precept which rejects (Aristotelian) objectivity and makes us Gods, creators of our own reality. But there's more to this (satanism and subjectivism).

Imagine now we have a COLLECTIVE satanism/subjectivism by which a large group co-operates in a clever, well-hatched, and brilliantly-led "group-think"--or conspiracy. Isn't this sort of a group-think what criminals typically do?--of course some criminals are more successful than others.

So it is the whole world now, not only the West and Jew S A, has fallen victim to this criminality and satanism, esp. in form of central-banking like the US Federal Reserve bank (the "fed") which is literally legalized counterfeiting, the putting-out of ENDLESS "currency" (not real money which must be commodity-based, gold/silver being best) by which these criminals at the top rule and dictate, now owning everything and practically everybody.

So Dan, I merely submit u're actually quite accurate in much that u say, esp. at the beginning, BUT it's such a pity u don't bother to taking ur observations and analysis to the necessary end and conclusions. Do u think it's mere co-incidence ZOG has poisoned the food w. GMOs (genetically modified) and glyphosates?--poisoned the water w. fluoride, in so many cases, is engaged in poisoning the atmosphere w. "chem-trails" and geo-engineering, poisoned the air-waves w. electro-magnetic radiation, not to mention well-known nuclear poisoning, and determined upon Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE?--this is the real, practical satanism, Dan.

And it's interesting u don't consider the fruits of this putrid, but very real satanism which has been taking place under our very noses over the yrs now, esp. since the definitive domination of central-banking as of the Rothschilds' fm the Napoleonic wars and the "fed," since 1913.