Apo essays for Nov 2018


Guest Columnist
Deliberate Cognitive Dissonance (Same Old Confusion And Dis-Info) Pushed By Jews-Media
(Apollonian, 1 Nov 18)

Here's most perfect example of the deliberate garbling and confusion done by Jews-media, this done by FOX News and Tucker Carlson, Carlson so often extolled as one of the more astute commentators of the establishment "right"--which means Israel and "neo-cons." See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U21xq19kyA .

The title of this vid presentation is Carlson's query, "what are Democrats running on"? in terms of ideals or principles for this mid-term election campaign. And note we've previously observed Trump has matter-of-factly identified as "NATIONALIST"--this is truly excellent and most useful and informative characterization which well opposes the adverse ideology of the Democrats. And hence Democrats are obviously the front for the "globalists" of world gov.

But the purpose of Jews-media, of course, and as always, is to confuse and obfuscate, sowing cognitive dissonance, and this globalism is not mentioned by Carlson in the vid; rather he just babbles about details and shows the brainless queer nigger, Don Lemon, complaining, as always, about racism and saying whites are the terrorist threat, etc.

And pt-ing out this amazing, disgusting queer nigger, Lemon, is ANOTHER stroke for nationalist opposition, such stupid, smug, moronic queer nigger so disgusting and off-putting--even for the blacks themselves.

And note then this garbling and confusion sown by Jews-media, including Carlson, is NECESSARY--why?--because they have to obfuscate the original conflict of the 1860s regarding states-rights vs. the national, centralized, federal dictatorship--it's the very same basic issue which Jews and satanists cannot allow to be clarified and understood in this day.

Yet another, more crucial decentralization issue is looming in faces of Americans and that's the economic and currency collapse that's happening as we all speak, the monopolist central-bank of issue being the problem and culprit--it's why the "tech" giants, Jewgle (google), Jew-tube, and Twitter have to exert their monopolist suppression of speech and expression in favor of "globalists," and against the "nationalists" and Christians. And don't doubt Israel, whom Trump primarily works for, desperately wants censorship no less than the "globalists," for obvious reasons.

And of course at bottom of it all is the basic conflict of Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew/satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44)--the objective reality vs. subjectivism, hence satanism--just another thing which Jews must obfuscate and cover-up.

And that supremely satanic power behind all this dictatorship, lying, and propaganda is evermore obviously Israel and Jews--it's just amazing so many people continue to refuse to opening their idiot eyes. But as things economic continue to deteriorate, evermore people suffering, we hope more of the morons might begin to waking-up and getting a brain cell to functioning and grasping the obvious facts in their stupid faces.

Seeing and noting these basic anti-theses (nationalism vs. globalism; Christian truth vs. Jew/satanic lies) is essential for proper, necessary military grasp which makes the picture clear, easy to understand, beyond any deniability, regardless idiot hill-billies, flacks, and shills like Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) who said Christianity comes fm Judaism (see previous blog-essay, for Oct 31).
Cultural, Political Corruption, Jews, Satanists And Satanism March Inexorably Onwards To Perdition
(Apollonian, 12 Nov 18)

Observe now the Senate race in Arizona has seen the flipping of the winner to the Democrat, this w. concession of the Republican candidate who thus legitimizes the charade. Don't forget the Jews are overseers of all this electioneering farce--for it must serve the Jews above all, Jews ultimately controlling the satanic society. It's obviously inconceivable people would vote in favor of satanic Democrat candidate in question, some whore named Sinema. But never forget or doubt this criminal combine of demon-rats vs. Republicans is really, actually a single unit dominated and managed by Jews and satanists.

And we can tell, for one thing, how it's all fixed as immediately after the election and result we get stories fm the Jews-media saying this and that about how and why one party or another won or lost--AS IF it's all a fair election process accurately reflecting the actual voting of the people--nothing is said about the gross corruption, cheating, and fraud that went into it. And overall, again, the money that's "created" by the criminal enterprise of the central bank determines everything most definitively, the poor goons of the people never willing to face the hard facts about such corruption, always willing to lie to themselves that it was best that could be done.

For if Trump did what was most appropriate, he'd declare martial law, and arrest the Democrats for the criminal traitors they really and obviously are--and people would understand. If the "anti-fas" began to rioting, they would be dealt with quickly and easily, and the people would understand and even cheer. And don't forget Israel-first Trump is controlled by Jews and "neo-cons." Getting the demon-rats back into office gives Trump an excuse now as the economy continues to collapse.

Thus things cultural must continue to degenerate in Jew S A, never forget, and the people will only begin to getting wise and organized after much more catastrophe takes place and serious Christian, hence anti-satanic, anti-semitic movement grows and arises. For first now, people must begin to truly suffering on more wide-scale, more intensively, some of them actually dying, before significant number of survivors begin to getting wise--hence anti-semitic.
Honest Nationalism Vs. Genocide And Lies Masked in Idealism, Moralism
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 18)

Well, Trump's "nationalism" ideal challenge has been taken-up by the Frenchie, Macron, who says it's "opposite" of patriotism and is immoral. See https://www.infowars.com/macron-rebukes-trump-nationalism-a-betrayal-of-patriotism/ . And I think this is magnificent opening to the great clash of cultural ideals serving for the people's consideration.

But what then is "patriotism"?--simply ck dictionary; it's obviously loyalty to the patron ideal--the father and parents--loyalty to race, people, and the culture thereof. But Macron wants to re-define such patron as something properly referring to the ideal of altruist morality and collectivism--something more than mere loyalty to parents, people, race, etc. For really, non-nationalism would merely refer to empire. In American history, proper patriotism is to one's "state"--NOT the federal dictatorship we have now, which emerged fm 1860s.

So actually, Macron's supposed "ideal," non-nationalism simply refers to same old cheap moralism--anti-selfishness, etc., which is impossible. And Macron has some obvious difficulty for a clear and coherent ideal--if not nationalism, then what?--imperialism?--something else?--and that's his problem--what something else--what exactly is it, would it be?--see https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2018/11/11/french-president-emanuel-macron-nationalism-is-treason/ . Selfishness must simply be moderated by means of reason, that's all, the ONLY thing that can be done, and that's part of rational nationalist ideal, as for example, the US Constitution.

The great thing though is that people now have a clear CONTRAST in opposing principles. Ultimately, the great opposition will be down to Christian truth vs. satanic lies. Thus, at this pt., we have Trump's honesty, shared by most people, vs. the moralistic lies shared by Jews, satanists, and communists, pretending to non-existent "good" and stupid platitudes like "inclusiveness," "tolerance," "diversity," etc.

Thus the "multi-nationalist" ideal of one-world gov., United Nations, New World Order, etc., can be reduced to GENOCIDE of their admitted purpose of Agenda-21 and -2030 population-reduction, all this in accord w. their socialist dictatorship. For socialist dictatorship is what UN one-world gov. actually is in all truth and reality which can't be denied.

In practice, what is socialist dictatorship?--rule of monopolists and oligarchs at the top enforcing the criminal enterprise of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting wherein the top oligarchal "1%" own everything, these ruling over 99%, but the 1% making use of flunkies and traitors serving as enforcers. Thus socialism is shown-up once again as GENOCIDE, worship of DEATH, just as Ayn Rand noted and described.
Demon-Rats And Globalists Have Reduced Election Farce To Absurd--Seriously
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 18)

This is ridiculous, isn't it?--globalists, including the Jews-media and Demon-rats have totally made a brainless mockery of the 2018 elections. To be more specific, the obvious major players in this idiot farce are (a) the globalists and Demon-rat party, including the top officers/officials, (b) the Jews-media, and (c) the utterly corrupt legal-system, esp. the judges, all having obviously taken huge bribes, etc.

It's now such a farce, the latest elections, NO ONE believes it's been fair, and Trump will look like the most brainless Jewwy flunky if he fails to (a) declare martial law, (b) arrest the ring-leaders (like the negroidal Snipes election commissioner of Broward County, Fla.), and (c) have a do-over, running fair elections w. adequate voter-ID provisions, etc. Otherwise it's a gross globalist/communist take-over, the very thing Trump is expected to prevent and oppose.

This is HOW stinking putrid and absurd things have come to, folks--martial-law is the only thing to be done to restore a modicum of sanity.

Of course we all know who is benefitted most by all this idiocy--THE JEWS, especially Israel (who control Trump, don't doubt), who else? But evidently, those scummy kike psychopaths have just gone too far for their cheating, fraud, and lying--having now fooled themselves to imagine anyone is supposed to take these latest moronic developments as within realm of plausibility.

The virtue of such martial-law is that it would solve lots of things if done right--Trump should take the opportunity. The legal system has grossly failed; martial-law is the only alternative.
Satanists, Kikes Have Monopoly, Using It To Flim-Flam, Mass-Murder, Stupid, Over-Populated Morons, Goons
(Apollonian, 26 Nov 18)

Good grief, but there are just tooooooooo goddam, many, stupid scum, goons, morons, suckers, and fools, OVER-population, and that's why we get wars, famines, pestilences, etc., as we now see. And Jews and satanists then are what God inflicts upon stupid humans in order, and as result, to deal w. the problems, removing the excess population and scum.

And this over-population problem of too many goons, suckers, and scum happens at the end of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as we see, over-populated scum given now to satanism, pretending to perfectly "free" will, hence godliness, capable of creating reality, "good" and "moral virtue," etc., by which they want to dictate.

Thus the over-populated scum and filth sees to the institution of the central-bank, the ultimate satanic instrument by which Jews and satanists wield and exert power, especially, as now through means of one-world dictatorship and empire, the United Nations (UN), etc., including especially the mass corp. Jews-media propaganda machine/complex.

Thus the people are thereupon poisoned by the various means, GMO foods, fluoridated water, toxic vaccines, and not least by radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic, chem-trails, etc. Note the monopolist big-Pharma corps and Med. and Bar association monopolies are all creatures of the top monopolist central-bank. Now we see they use their "tech" monopolies to censor free speech and expression to further push their genocide and dictatorship.

Thus the central-banking monopoly/complex necessarily involves COGNITIVE DISSONANCE to maintaining itself, fueling the warfare, confusion, mass fear campaigns, etc. Thus satanists and Jews deny and obfuscate objective reality by the various means, pushing subjectivism and "midrash," etc., upholding lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) against truth and Christ (JOHN 14:6), for the best example in literature and Western culture.

And this problem of over-population has no easy solution--it ultimately has to be faced. Satanists and Jews are NOT "wonderful" people, regardless their lies and lying. And after these satanists and Jews have killed off so many goons and suckers, satanists and Jews are left w. only themselves to be killed--the reduction ad absurdum--where we find ourselves presently, the "Zionist" Jews having now built the golem, Trump, to temporarily defeat the cowardly "globalists" and leftists, led by the more atheistic Jews, who comically now dare not explicitly blame Israel for their electoral set-back, preferring to say it was Russia's fault.

So now observe in the latest elections, just a couple weeks past, Zionists, top-dogs among Jews, have seen fit to bringing back a few more leftists and globalists in the lower House of Jew S A, by means of the typical frauds to keep stupid goyim confused and frustrated, as usual and always--and there are still lots more stupid goyim and morons to be expended, evidently, the poor, brainless puke, especially among the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) filth, scum, heretics, and hubristic excrescence.
Get With The Program, U Dumb, Brainless Puke--Merely To Save Ur Worthless Lives, Morons: Basic Cultural Problem Is MONOPOLY, Hence "Conspiracy"
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 18)

Can't u over-populated morons see what's happening?--what's going-on?--u damn fools. What's happening is the steady, inexorable tightening of the screws, fools--the big MONOPOLY taking ever-greater control.

So the general program is the usual, typical "political-correctness," obviously--so what's that?--GLOBALISM, suckers--socialism--world dictatorship, thus Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction"). For that's what socialism is, morons--just as the kike novelist, Ayn Rand (look her up), noted (as in "Atlas Shrugged")--DEATH WORSHIP. So these globalists are going to "de-populate" the world, in case u haven't gotten the memo, ignorant fools.

In short, we can say we're up against raging, rampant SATANISM--death worship--but technically, don't forget, specifically it's extreme subjectivism, reality held to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God the creator, but this subjectivism being collectivized and thus dominated by Jews, Jews the most cohesive, organized, dedicated, collectivized (communistic) committed, and experienced, with a long history, subjectivists, theirs known fm the Talmud (see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Talmudical.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com) as "midrash" (roughly, "interpretation'). Jews were and still are always most dedicated, effective communists, don't forget--they're proud of it too, always willing to admit it as in so many of their books and biographies.

Thus these globalist scum must have practical dictatorship--POWER--HOW then do they get it? Well, this practical power comes fm the power of MONOPOLY. Note the well-known Jews-media; then there are the Medical association of doctors/physicians, the Bar association of lawyers, etc. Don't forget "Big Pharma" corporations, also big Agra (agricultural) corps. Lately we've all hrd about the "tech" giants like Jewgle (Google), Jew-book (Facebook), and Jew-tube (Youtube), also Twitter.

All of these afore-mentioned monopolies are creatures of the TOP monopoly, the central bank, the US Federal Reserve Bank, which is literally just legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo), putting out the practically endless fiat currency (not real money, of course).

Observe Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com being sued by various globalists and agents thereof whose lawyers are paid fm the central-bank's practically INFINITE reserve of funds which it merely has to print-out. Poor Ajax has to pay his lawyers out of currency which he himself CANNOT just print-up (or digitalize). Now u see HOW the globalists dictate, control, dominate, and manipulate--u can't beat them long as they have that counterfeiting machine, the central bank--and as long as the stupid people go along w. such criminal enterprise as legalized counterfeiting.

So u see, it's a literal criminal enterprise, central-banking, which controls our culture and the people within--that's why it is SATANIC, keeping the people terrorized, confused, demoralized, and befuddled, the people encouraged to fighting one another rather than being united against the master criminals at the top. That's why COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is always integral part of the corrupt cultural program, as taught in the schools, "tolerance" and "diversity," etc., not to mention socialism--which is death worship and suicide, the poor fools too stupid to grasp--thus the endless wars wherein the fools are willingly, even if reluctantly, sent to die and be killed, etc.

But again, the foremost problem, in concept, is obviously the big monopoly at work and operating, and it's something (monopoly) which most folks can understand--they know, at least generally, what it is and how it works.

So obviously then, we see the great merit in seeing this monopoly and it's operations as CONSPIRACY--and that's why the establishment does not condone this conspiratorial subject and theme, including serious discussion and consideration thereto, attempting so desperately, but steadily and insistently, in trying to intimidate the people beginning w. ridicule, but not limited thereto, and quite willing to use serious legal and legalistic means to stamping it (conspiracy suspicions) out of people's minds and public conversation.

Remember then, the satanist, criminal establishment has certain advantages it uses against the people, and these will be successful up to a pt., but note it's only going to MOST affect the weaklings, and it gets tougher to enforce their criminality as the weaklings and victims steadily die-out and become less numerous, relatively, the obvious criminality and satanic nature evermore blatant for the survivors to see.

It's very much a psychologic war of attrition in so many respects. It's like the Jew monsters always trying to stamp-out "anti-Semitism," but it doesn't work because Jews are scum and people see it and can't long deny it--it's a religion, and it's integral part of our dear Christianity--if u're not anti-Semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker, ho ho ho ho. And if u're not anti-Semitic, u're just not human or honest, pure and simple.

Thus we, the real patriots, can only do our Christian best, knowing we're going to lose many battles before the grim war can possibly be won--BECAUSE of the great number of willing fools, suckers, and goons which the satanists use so ruthlessly, especially at first, but which weaklings and inferiors tend to dying-out as they get used-up as the typical cannon-fodder, fighting the inane wars which the satanists keep starting and keep going, as described by Orwell in his great work, "1984."