Aus: Cricket Middle Eastern Style

Proud Aussie


Cricketer banned for ten years,10117,17973419-1243,00.html

I can't find an online picture to post here. However, if you will take my word for it, a picture published in the print media (Herald Sun 29th Jan) shows Darryl Rose in all his middle eastern glory.

I thought violent threats of this nature constituted assault and attracted that attention of police. Oh. Wait. He is of middle eastern appearance and is therefore untouchable

Memo to Mr Rose: No matter how loud you bleat cricket is just a game. A game does not involve death threats. If your 10 year suspension is worse than jail for you then perhaps you belong there.

A MELBOURNE club cricketer who threatened to kill an umpire has been banned for 10 years.

Heatherton Cricket Club coach and vice-captain Darryl Rose said he "lost it in the
heat of the moment" after umpire Gerard Pinto gave three contentious lbw decisions against his team.

The tribunal heard that Rose told Pinto he was "going to f...... kill you" in an outburst from the sidelines in a match against Old Mentonians on January 14.

Pinto, 49, who was escorted from the ground by Old Mentonians as players held back the solidly-built Rose, said it was his most frightening moment in 100 games of umpiring.

"He (Rose) said, `I know what sort of car you've got. I know where you live. I'll catch you and I'll get you'. They were personal and physical threats."

Rose said he had been treated harshly.

"It's pretty devastating. It's worse than going to j

l for me," he said.

Rose told the paper his outburst was the result of Pinto's long-standing vendetta against him, accusing him of "blatantly cheating".

Found him!

A rare picture of Mr Rose not commiting violence or issuing threats.
