Book Review: Kengor's new work, "The Devil and Karl Marx"


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Kengor Reverse-Engineers Satanism and the Satanic Process: Book Review, "The Devil And Karl Marx"
By Apollonian, 12 Dec 2020

Paul Kengor's new book, "The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration"; Tan Books; Gastonia, N. Carolina, 2020; xxiv, 461 pp., notes, index, does a good enough job for what it's worth for the facts on Marx and communism it contains, even though Kengor says nothing about the CYCLIC theory of history, as of Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West"), and knows nothing about Satanism for its actual philosophy (extreme subjectivism).

Kengor additionally knows and says nothing about Judaism, the leading, most effective, and successful form of Satanism--Kengor thinks Jews are cool, and this is very bad, a disastrous ignorance (see,, and for best Talmudic expo).

But what one must nonetheless appreciate about Kengor and his work is his rendition of the numerous pertinent historical facts which otherwise so well illustrate that CYCLIC process by which Satanism arises and operates and the actual existential nature of Satanism (worship of death, irrationalism, etc.). Hence even though Kengor overlooks Satanism's philosophy and basic rationale, yet he well notes many specific facts on circumstances, events, and particular people and players for understanding and observing such Satanism in history as it regards communism and Marxism--which are actually logical consequences of the underlying historical CYCLIC process at work and subjectivism of the corrupt, degenerate society.

So one great point to be made then is that Kengor and his work does well for complementing and demonstrating the philosophic and Cyclic account given in the Apollonian series (booklets) for this satanic eruption ("Satanic Peril and Onslaught...," "Discover Real Christianity...," and "Christianity Satanized..."). One of the citations given by Kengor is to the work of Richard Wurmbrand (Nicolai Ionescu), "Marx and Satan"--this work is like Kengor's which notes Satanism, but says little to nothing about the actual philosophy (extreme subjectivism), Wurmbrand merely noting the intense anti-Christianity of the communists in Romania with whom he dealt. Wurmbrand's book is really a failure for satanic expo, making serious mistakes for the facts he submits. Kengor's facts are far more significant and illustrative for the Satanist idea he wants to express.

Unfortunately, even in the midst of it all (his exposition) Kengor fails to note the real meaning of Christianity, worship of truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against the explicit subjectivism, hence Satanism, of the Pharisees, hence Jews and their Talmud. For Christianity upholds the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ). Christianity is anti-satanic, hence anti-Semitic, though Kengor doesn't want to face it or admit it. Kengor wants to emphasize anti-communism above all, so to sell his book and make some money he's got to shut-up about Jews, but most interestingly, Kengor still wants to emphasize the satanic (anti-Christ) nature of communism--which he does repeatedly, emphatically, and well enough, in all truth. Kengor's work then does sufficiently for its effective verification of Apollonian expo, I therefore submit.

Kengor is well aware Satanism is making oneself God (extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mentality being the source of reality, as in Immanuel Kant, for example), though Kengor otherwise ignores the philosophy--the thematic subjectivism--even though he is willing to describe the sort of philosophy as of the "Frankfurt School" of Horkheimer, Adorno, and other Jews in one of his best, most lucid chapters.

Kengor begins his expo in the Preface w. Communism's body count and utter, abject failure to deliver for the people--anything at all--it's nothing but a death orgy and horror of tyranny and dictatorship, all founded upon false premises, like the idea people can act "idealistically," in accord w. the anti-human moral premise of altruism, non-selfishness, non-self-interest. In truth, monstrously un-natural communism cannot stand on its own; communism is always imposed by outside forces, like the West imposed bolshevism against the Russian people, the West, including USA, subsidizing the Bolsheviks by general means of the central banking system and its sort of financing and lending of funds. Thus Kengor seeks to establish his premise about the satanic nature of communism, the inspiration of Karl Marx.

Next, Kengor gives us three chapters on the biographic subject of Karl Marx, and truly we find Marx was quite demonically possessed even by his own admission. Kengor well demonstrates the sheer narcissism and psychosis of Marx who yet was much loved by the "liberal" gentile daughter, Jenny, of his father's neighbor, Ludwig von Westphalen, a lower to mid-level German bureaucrat who was a member of the petty nobility. Karl Marx dabbled in poetry and wrote seriously about being demonically possessed, his poetry duly reflecting this possession both in style and content. Marx the narcissist got a degree in philosophy, but was never able to provide for his family, the family actually quite near starvation for many yrs, the children especially suffering, several even dying, including Marx's eight yr old son, Edgar--a great heart-breaking moment for Marx, his wife, Jenny, and the whole family.

Kengor then details the anti-religion and anti-Christian emphasis of Marxism, following in all logic the anti-human altruist (selfless) moralism by which communist dictatorship pretends, and always fails, to providing for the nurture and health of the people, economy, and culture. Communists are psychotically insistent communism and its economics can "work" and produce--regardless of the continuous, gross failures and disasters communism produces in all ways, economically and sociologically, well demonstrated in history, China being no exception when circumstances are understood.

In Kengor's book's largest single section, Part 4, he gives six lucid chapters on the career of the communist progress through the 19th and 20th cent.s, which always remember, capitalizes on the pre-existing cult of moralism, the non-existent "good-evil," and pretended "free" will. There's another element, extremely significant, which Kengor knows and unfortunately says NOTHING about, the rising central-banking criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency"), especially as master-minded by the Jew powers, notably the Rothschild network throughout the 19th cent. For the communists and socialists were always funded by these central-bankers, the socialists, liberals, and leftist "Christians" (really Satanists and subjectivists) giving cover to the communists, as we see, these leftists pretending they speak for the "masses" and the "poor."

Finally, in the last three chapters which wrap-up the exposition by Kengor, he does some extremely cogent and lucid analysis of the latter stages of the communist/satanic end-game, as we ourselves can easily discern w. our own eyes and observations, the utter break-down for and debacle of the culture w. the homosexual subversion (practically purest Satanism) of the established Christian churches, including the economic and political systems, now crumbling so pathetically and disastrously by means of the destructive, criminal central banks and continuous inflation of the currency.

Thus Kengor analyzes the "Frankfurt School," Freudianism, and the applied Marxism of Antonio Gramsci who described the methodical infiltration and subversion of every branch and unit of government and culture, all of it enabled by the criminal central-banking which financed everything about such corrosive infiltration and subversion, the "educational" system, especially, for example, doing all the training and placement of agents who effect and effected the corruption and destruction, as we see.

Interestingly, Kengor notes the cultural commentary by the Catholic Popes throughout this late modern period, who remarked upon the steady communist progress. Unfortunately, the popes themselves utterly failed to connect the communists w. the Jews and their definitive Satanism/subjectivism, popes and churches actually mis-leading the people, despite some otherwise observant remarks, the present communist Pope Francis a miserable and abject case-in-pt.

Thus one sees Kengor's efforts really, in a way, such a gross failure for coherent philosophic, hence cultural analysis of the historical course of things, Kengor leaving out so tremendously much, about the philosophy of Satanism/subjectivism, which opposes the Christian objectivity, necessary foundation of truth (= Christ), about the Jews who are foremost subjectivists and Satanists, and about the criminal central-bank instrument of such horrendous social destruction, the central bank(s) being absolutely integral to communist progress and dominance, which communists could never have done without.

But otherwise, as noted above, Kengor does well enough for his notation of specific and pertinent facts, including the info on the communist spies who cropped up just before after WWII. So overall, though Kengor fails miserably for the most serious cultural/sociologic explanation, and failing signally for philosophy, not to mention economics, he at least takes into view enough of the isolated facts, events, and personalities to provide sufficient links to the philosophic/cultural exposition given by Apollonian who warns most seriously about that Satanism which leers at humanity at this very moment and which will surely take a great toll of casualties for the over-populated fools so ignorant of Jews and Satanists who have taken such control over all aspects of culture, politics, and economy. Lord help us all. Amen.