Book Review: "Lincoln Uber Alles: Dictatorship Comes To America," by Emison


Guest Columnist
Book Review: "Lincoln Uber Alles"
(Apollonian, 14 Dec 16)

John Avery Emison's book, "Lincoln Uber Alles: Dictatorship Comes to America," Pelican Publishing Co. Inc., Gretna, La., 2009, 320 pp, 300 text, notes, index, is outstanding work of exposition for the horrific turn in American politics which took place in the 1860s, the people tolerating a great war of mass-murder and extermination and the dictatorship which necessarily accompanied--how did it happen? For the sociologic circumstances had to have allowed for this tragedy--war was generated far too easily.

Thus the USA had become throughout the 19th cent. a tremendous, bustling economic juggernaut, and even a run-away vehicle of production and manufacturing. Lots of people were afforded the opportunity of getting rich, quick. How could the people of the south not want to play along? Thus the war took 4 yrs to getting over the initial political bumbling and then to extinguishing the upstart southern Confederacy of about 5.5 million whites by the northern 22 million, the economy of the north seeming barely to feel any substantial resistance or even slow-down as the nation continued westward expansion, all at the same time as the war was prosecuted.

And of course, the war was not really a "civil" war, defined as factions vying for control over a political entity, the Confederacy only working to separate. The war was prosecuted by federal forces exterminating the states, esp. the southern states, but necessarily including the north as well--little did the fools there grasp. Exterminating the white southern opposition was mere part-parcel to Plains Indian extermination which was going on much at the same time and then immediately after the war, which all thereupon and soon enough culminated in the overtly imperialist Spanish-American War of 1898.

Emison eloquently derides Lincoln's legal rationalizations and especially his excuse for "preserving the union"--what total psychopathic insanity--who could possibly fall for it? For the union was by necessary essence a voluntary union. It's impossible the states and people would voluntarily sentence themselves to slavery whence they could not un-do such union (see below expo on "unmistakability," etc.). So the word, "preservation" is utterly nonsensical and meaningless, mere euphemism for genocide, terrorism, and mass-murder, and the wonder is so many utterly brainless little lobotomized morons would even seriously entertain such idiot notion, "preservation" of a failed marriage, which "marriage" metaphor Emison well emphasizes and notes in several places.

The southern leadership totally mis-judged the situation, esp. political and cultural, and grossly under-estimated the great and overwhelming odds they were up against, everything considered. For not only was the south without a navy; it wasn't even armed w. sufficient fire-arms in way of rifles for the soldiers. And the south was not prepared for the determined military effort which was to be made by the north in horrific mass-murder and devastation to be wreaked upon the southern people.

The author, Emison, is a Ph.d environmental scientist, but does the finest work for laying down the basic legal principles involved which are not covered in any other work I know of. For the establishment consolidationists like to insist there was no right of secession; Emison brilliantly and simply refutes these claims, and shows why and how secession was perfectly within the rights of the states.

First, there's "unmistakability": the states were sovereign before joining the union, without any doubt, and never lost this sovereignty, and the law requires this "unmistakability" for any possible giving-up of sovereignty--which never happened, never even remotely. For it would have been absolutely impossible for states to joining any union if they knew they'd be required to giving-up sovereignty.

Then there's "entrenchment": a law by one legislature or session cannot bind another or later session of legislature fm un-doing or rescinding that law or any law. So if a state by act of legislation joins a union of other states, a later state legislation can un-do the original act.

Finally, there's the "equal footing" of the states by which states which came into the union later, formed fm territories which had belonged to the union, were equal in footing, able to secede no less than the original states which formed the union. Emison does excellently in fully documenting, demonstrating, and expositing these concepts even though he's not a lawyer himself--perhaps it's because he's not a lawyer that he does so well in his exposition.

So Emison's work is outstanding on that one, basic, central, and extremely important, issue of legality and law, but his work also covers other historical matters too, including the very interesting issue of the German influence regarding political refugees fm Europe and the various revolutions of 1848 which were so heavily socialistic, favoring highly centralized government. Lincoln's election was highly dependent upon these socialist-inclined Germans, and in several states which Lincoln only barely won, his margin of victory was provided by heavy support fm the German element. For note Lincoln only got 39 % of total pop. vote, bare pluralities in some of the states he won.

Emison very well covers the nature of the horrific and grim warfare which was inflicted against the civilian population of the southern states whence people were too often murdered by union troops and forces, and civilian property was wantonly destroyed. Emison shows how this warfare was done, especially by Gen. William T. Sherman, and others too, who understood the very morale of southern civilians had to be destroyed. For there was no moving through an area leaving the civilian property intact as it would and could be used by the Confederate military later--everything had to be destroyed, and it was under the union military leadership, esp. as the war continued through and after 1863.

Emison also brilliantly covers one other issue in his most excellent work, the issue of race, and he does this by pt-ing out how the union effort was certainly not for improving the lot of blacks who were most certainly NOT WANTED by the white population of the north. Blacks were not allowed to vote or give evidence or testimony in most areas of the northern states. Indeed, the racial attitude of the people, esp. of the north, was hostile to the blacks, and such racial animosity was well-reflected in the exterminationist attitude directed towards the Indians before, during, and after the war when the Plains Indians of the west were so ruthlessly dealt with.

The propaganda pushed by the northern and establishment (evermore Jew-owned, managed, and dominated) press, controlled during the war by Republican political administration, and regarding blacks, was primarily directed by Republicans working to using blacks to maintain a political hegemony, not allowing the whites of the south to joining w. Democrats and taking-over control of the governments, state and federal. Republicans thus showed they ran the war for benefit of Republicans, and Republicans were determined the war would reap political dividends not to be easily or soon given-up. Thus we see the situation of today, the centralized, socialist, welfare-state controlled by the same basic political influence, originated by the Lincoln Republicans.
Obama's America remembers Lincoln

By Henri Astier
BBC News


1860s postcard honouring President Abraham Lincoln for his Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves

Lincoln secured his place in history by declaring slaves free in 1863

In 2009 the US not only inaugurated its first black president - it also honoured the president who paved Barack Obama's way to the country's highest post.

Events across the nation marked the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth, celebrating a man widely seen as the greatest US president - the secular saint who redeemed America's original sin of slavery.

Mr Obama has been compared to Lincoln - the lanky junior politician from Illinois who captured the presidency on the strength of his oratory, proving that anyone can make it to the White House.

But amid the commemorations, it is easy to forget that Lincoln - a civil-war president - never lacked for critics. Even in this anniversary year, there has been vigorous debate over his legacy.

One lingering source of controversy among historians is Lincoln's moderation on the slavery issue.

Harvard University's Donald Yacovone says complexities have been lost in celebrations that have focused on hero worship.

[Lincoln] supported enactment of the anti-fugitive slave law, he supported exclusion of black jurors and all basic civil rights

Donald Yacovone, Harvard University

"A lot of it is superficial," Mr Yacovone told BBC News. "A lot of it is blind to real, not imagined faults that Lincoln represented."

Mr Yacovone and Henry Louis Gates, one of the most prominent African-American scholars, have co-edited a volume of Lincoln's writings on race and slavery.

Despite his visceral hatred of slavery, Mr Yacovone says, Lincoln - like the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries - never believed in the equality of races.

"He supported enactment of the anti-fugitive slave law, he supported exclusion of black jurors and all basic civil rights," Mr Yacovone says.

He notes that African-Africans were cool about Lincoln in the 1860 election. The leading US black newspaper at the time reacted to his election by expressing "despair of our future".

Abraham Lincoln
Born February 1809
Representative for Illinois, 1847-1849
Elected president 1860, pledging to keep slavery in the South
Faced secession from 11 states 1861
Proclaimed emancipation of all slaves 1863 [false statement--Lincoln "emancipated" ONLY the slaves in seceded states of the south, NOT in those slave states which stayed in Union, Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, and Maryland. -note by ed.]
Assassinated April 1865

Lincoln believed until late in the Civil War that he did not have the right to abolish slavery where it existed, and that the only constitutional way to fight it was to oppose its extension.

He once said he might take 100 years to get rid of slavery.

"He was willing to have blacks endure that to preserve the Union and to avoid a Civil War," Mr Yacovone says.

Lincoln, moreover, supported the policy of "colonisation" - removing blacks from North America. "If you're a black American in 1860, what in that programme could you support?" Mr Yacovone asks.

The idea that Lincoln was a reluctant emancipator is not new. Several radical academics have argued this since the 1960s - as did a 2000 book, Forced into Glory, by the editor of Ebony Magazine, Lerone Bennett.

Enduring eloquence

To most historians such criticism is wide of the mark. Civil War scholar James McPherson says Lincoln's moderation was a matter of political necessity.

"Lincoln was a master of the art of the possible and he moved as fast as was possible on the slavery question without alienating support that he could not afford to lose along the way," he told BBC News.

We cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract

Gettysburg Address, 1863

Ronald White, author of A Lincoln: A Biography, says the idea that Lincoln was a man of his time and a moderate is a "truism".

Lincoln's main quality, he says, was his ability to change his mind. "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present," Lincoln said a month before the landmark Emancipation Declaration in January 1863. "As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew."

Mr White says: "Today we regard this as flip-flopping - but I'm all for people who flip-flop."

Another key to Lincoln's greatness, he adds, is his use of language. He is one of those few leaders whose words still strike a deep chord across the centuries.

On the first anniversary of 9/11, when New Yorkers looked for a historical text that would give voice to their feelings, Governor George Pataki, standing at Ground Zero, read Lincoln's Gettysburg address, which includes the words:

"We cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract."

Lincoln may have had less than a year of formal education, Mr White says, but somehow his words last: "There's a timelessness about them".


However perhaps the most heated recent Lincoln controversy has not been over race, but the nature of political greatness.

In a mammoth article in the New Republic magazine, Princeton historian Sean Wilentz criticised both the "defamatory image" of Lincoln as a racist and the "awestruck hagiographies that have become ubiquitous in this anniversary year".

The American intelligentsia for the most part is still looking for some kind of figure than can float above politics

Sean Wilentz
Princeton University

"The American intelligentsia for the most part is still looking for some kind of figure than can float above politics, that can bring real principle to government, that was uncompromising. And they imagine great leaders of the past have had those attributes, which is just wrong," Mr Wilentz says.

This "do-gooder, liberal strand in American politics" - as Mr Wilentz describes it - is as old as the Republic but experienced a resurgence in the 1960s. "It's a high-minded politics that is in fact anti-politics," he says.

Among scholars, Mr Wilentz says, this bias has recently led fans to overemphasise Lincoln's skills as a writer - the result, he contends, is an "aestheticised president" that "now belongs to the English department".

Mistrust of conventional politics, he contends, has also led Lincoln sceptics to give credit for the abolition of slavery to activist figures - who are generally seen by many as the history-making heroes, as opposed to mere machine politicians.

Lincoln branding?

Mr Wilentz' article drew fierce responses, with some countering that his critique was motivated by bitterness at the outcome of the 2008 Democratic primaries (Mr Wilentz supported Washington insider Hillary Clinton against Mr Obama).

[Inauguration] on 20 January 2009
Barack Obama used the "Lincoln Bible" for his own swearing in

Perhaps inevitably, current politics and historical remembrance have become intertwined.

Mr Obama himself has encouraged parallels by quoting Lincoln in some of his early speeches.

For his swearing in, he chose the copy of the Bible Lincoln had used in 1861.

Whether or not such parallels are helpful is a matter of debate. Mr White believes current comparisons between Mr Obama's lengthy consultations on Afghan strategy and Lincoln's unhurried approach to making war decisions are valid.

"Lincoln would say to him - take your time'," Mr White says. "I'm afraid that our 24/7 news cycle doesn't give our leaders the time to really think about these issues."

Mr Wilentz is more critical of such parallels. Early comparisons between the 16th president and the 44th, he says, were "campaign branding".
Twelve Executive Orders That Will Live In Infamy


Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 15:41.

Trust in government is the same as writing your epitaph, especially with the American Deep State in control. Since the election of Donald Trump, American, in large part, has stopped prepping. This is such a bad mistake. The Deep State is going to respond in force to the Trump agenda and strike out and and try to execute a total takeover. If they are successful, you will be dependent on them for everything. Don't believe me? Fear mongering? The cognitive dissonance crowd may wish to read a compilation of Executive Orders I have put together which will demonstrate the reign of terror that the Deep State has planned.

Even before the Biden theft of the American government, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the destruction of America is a plot that is being perpetrated from within and we tolerated it. Subsequently, we are paying the price. The Biden administration is merely the fulfillment of a long-term goal to destroy America and eliminate as many Patriotic Christians. Here are 12 Executive Orders that will live in infamy.

Government Control Over All Fuel and Transportation

These are some of the things that government can do to you courtesy of several executive orders. Executive Order 10990 Allows the government to take control over all modes of transportation, highways, and seaports. Executive Order 11003 Allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft. Executive Order 11005 Allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities. Executive Order 10997 Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

Government Control Over All Food and Water

Executive Order 10998 Allows the government to take over all food resources and farms

The Ability to Enslave the American People

Executive Order 11000 Allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. Executive Order 11001 Allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions. Executive Order 11002 Designates the Postmaster General to operate national registration of all persons. Executive Order 11004 Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Ability to Grant the President Total Dictatorial Control

Executive Order 11051 Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis. Executive Order 11310 Grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President. Executive Order 11049 Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period. There are more examples, but I think you get the idea. Your government has practiced to subjugate and even murder you in times such as these. Who could forget the manifestation of Jade Helm 15 and 16 in which many of these Executive orders were put into practice. Yet, we still slumber.


Is there anything that can be done to stop the egregious violations of our civil liberties? The short answer is maybe! However, there are some things that can be done to mitigate the threat and to soften the landing following an economic collapse. All Americans who want to increase their chances of survival, need to begin to prep and pray in earnest. Please keep in mind that all of these Executive Orders are pre-lockdowns. And sitll we tolerate the tyranny. Over the next several days, the CSS is going to perform a psychological analysis of the fact that we Americans are blindly walking to our demise with little resistance just as many did in Nazi Germany.