Christian War on Women & Choice




September 05, 2004
Christian War on Women & Choice
Christian politicians have used their stranglehold on federal power to put irresponsible fundamentalists into positions of great authority. This, in turn, has had a negative effect on the lives and liberties of all Americas - which seems to be the "compassionate conservative" agenda for George W. Bush.

In Mother Jones, Chris Mooney writes:

Dr. W. David Hager ... has played a little-noticed but central role in stopping the over-the-counter (OTC) sale of the morning-after pi
l known as Plan B. ... It generally prevents pregnancy by blocking fertilization, though it can also inhibit implantation of a fertilized egg. Emergency contraception prevented more than 100,000 pregnancies and 51,
000 abortions in the year 2000, when Plan B was only available by prescription. In a
country where half of all pregnancies are unintentional