Communism, Zionism & Feminism Share NWO Pedigree


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Communism, Zionism & Feminism Share NWO Pedigree By Henry Makow
Mankind Is Entering A New Dark Age

George Orwell's warning in "1984" of the enslavement of humanity in a global police state was not an idle exercise. It was coming true in 1949 when the novel was published. The attack on the World Trade Center Sept. 11, staged by NW0 controllers with Hollywood flair, heralded the next phase in this centuries old plot.

Veteran journalist Douglas Reed, writing in 1951, was also aware: "We might logically assume that a primary object of any third war, though cloaked at the start, would be the
xpansion of the Zionist State, and the imposition of a 'world federation' and a new 'management' of mankind. In the aftermath of the Second War such aims, earlier concealed, were much more op
enly admitted by leading politicians" (Far and Wide, p.291)

In 1913, the shareh
olders of the Federal Reserve took a major step toward the enslavement of humanity when they finagled the right to create money out of thin air based on the credit of the American people. This monopoly which rightly is the responsibility of Congress, is worth more than $360 billion annually in interest alone. They are doing everything to protect this monopoly, including the establishment of a global police state.

I discovered this mind-boggling intrigue last December when I probed for the reason why the "establishment" actively promotes the socially destructive Marxist lesbian ideology of "feminism."

By "feminism" I am NOT referring to the right of women to fa
ir and equal treatment in the workplace. That is a fa
Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
March 18, 2002
"In the 1960's, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order."

Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA.

Steinem has tried to suppress this information, unearthed in the 1970's by a radical feminist g
roup called "Red Stockings." In 1979, Steinem and her powerful CIA-con
nected friends, Katharine Graham of the Washington Post and Ford Foundation President Franklin Thomas prevented Random House from publishing it in "Feminist Revolution." Nevertheless the story appeared in the "Village Voice" on May 21, 1979.

Steinem has always pretended that she had been a student radical. "When I was in college, it was the McCarthy era," she told Susan Mitchell in 1997, "and that made me a Marxist." (Icons, Saints and Divas: Intimate Conversations with Women who Changed the World 1997. p 130) Her bio-blurb in June 1973 MS. Magazine states: "Gloria Steinem has been a freelance writer all her professional life. Ms magazine is her first full-time salaried job."

Not true. Raised in an impoverished, dysfunctional family in Toledo Ohio, Steinem somehow managed to attend elite Smith College, Betty Friedan's alma mater. After graduating in 1955, Steine
m received a "Chester Bowles Student Fellowship" to study in India. Curiously, an Internet search reveals that this fellowship has no exi
stence apart from Gloria Steinem. No one else has received it.

In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA's Cord Meyers to direct an "informal group of activists" called the "Independent Research Service." This was part of Meyer's "Congress for Cultural Freedom," which created magazines like "Encounter" and "Partisan Review" to promote a left-liberal chic to oppose Marxism. Steinem, attended Communist-sponsored youth festivals in Europe, published a newspaper, reported on other participants, and helped to provoke riots.

One of Steinem's CIA colleagues was Clay Felker. In the early 1960's, he became an editor at Esquire and published articles by Steinem which established her as a leading voice for women's lib. In 1968, as publisher of New York Magazine, he hired her as a contributing ed
itor, and then editor of Ms. Magazine in 1971. Warner Communications put up almost all the money although it only took 25% of the stock. Ms. Magazine's first publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected
PR executive who planned John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route. Despite its anti establishment image, MS magazine attracted advertising from the cream of corporate America. It published ads for ITT at the same time as women political prisoners in Chile were being tortured by Pinochet, after a coup inspired by the US conglomerate and the CIA.

Steinem's personal relationships also belie her anti establishment pretensions. She had a nine-year relationship with Stanley Pottinger, a Nixon-Ford assistant attorney general, credited with stalling FBI investigations into the assassinations of Martin Luther King, and the ex-Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Latelier. In the 1980's, she dated Henry Kissinger.
For more details, see San Francisco researcher Dave Emory.
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