Feminism article at whiterenegade website


Official Poster for email reporters
(from whiterenegade website)

As we all know, feminists encourage women to pursue careers of all types. They imply that a career is more important the having a family. Encouraging White women to put careers ahead of having children has resulted in a lower White birth rate. This low birth rate in the White Western world has given the governments an excuse, or in their minds, some justification to let in more non-White immigrants to compensate for labor shortages.

Feminist have encouraged women to take jobs that men are naturally more qualified for such as
irefighters, police, combat soldiers, and trades people. They have even gone so far as to lower standards with certain jobs just to fill some quotas that the feminists themselves created. This has caused ten
sion between men and women that should never exist.

Feminists giv
e White women victim status along with non-Whites by claiming that women have been discriminated against for jobs over the years. This gives White women a reason to relate to non-Whites. A very cunning ploy.

Feminists love to demean White men. In reality, White men are the most progressive race of men in the world. Africans practice female genital mutilation. Asians and East Indians will often abandon and sometimes kill female offspring in the hope that their next child will be a boy. By comparison, White men are very progressive. It's alarming how some feminists walk on eggshells when it comes to real issues concerning women in the non-white third world. Yet at the same time, pursue their campaign of hate against White men
. It seems the feminists have an ulterior motive.

Feminism is basically a J*w created ideology geared towards White women in an attempt to help weaken, demoralize and destroy the White race.
br>Other side of the issue

On the other hand, a White women shouldn't h
ave to be a submissive slave. A women shouldn't have to put up with any crap. I encourage women to learn self defense. I find women's boxing to be entertaining. I enjoy various types of women's sports. I love to see women working out, staying fit, and being strong. White women are an equal partner with White men in the defense and survival of our race

Here are some fine examples of some beautiful STRONG White women.
(images at link)