Islam and Christianity ? And Disobedient Wives




Islam and Christianity ' And Disobedient Wives

Exclusive commentary by Egbert F. Bhatty

Feb 23, 2004

Are disobedient wives treated better under Christianity than Islam?

In a recent piece published in these pages, Mr Paul M Weyrich, the noted conservative, blasted Islam because the Qur'an contains a directive for the husband to beat his disobedient wife.

The relevant verse [Sura 4:34] is as follows:

Men are the
aintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property;

the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded;

and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave th
em alone in the sleeping-places and beat them;

then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

Mr Weyrich opined that this situation should make every adult ' especially women ' in our country rise to their feet in righteous indignation.

I agree.

However, it is quite apparent that Mr Weyrich is unaware that

a woman is beaten every 9 seconds in America,

the most Christian society on the earth today.

[Source: Commonwealth Fund study [1993] based on Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz' book Behind Closed Doors: Violence In The American Family]

Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz estimate that some 2 million women

are beaten a
nd abused in America each year. They believe the number could be as high as 4 million each year.

In contrast, President George Bush [2003] puts the number at 700,000 each year.

But, like
his claim o
f WMDs in Iraq, the President's data has to be treated with some circumspection.

as statistics from the Family Violence Prevention Fund [2002] show that some 3 million women are physically abused each year.

In the end, whatever the number of women beaten in America ' whether 4 million or 3 million or 2 million or 700,000 or just one

' it is one too many!

Whence this violence against women in America, the stronghold of Christianity?

Gloria Durka writing in Religious Education 86 [1994]: 337 [Facing Ourselves, Facing The Unfamiliar]

points to studies that show that members of most U.S. religious denominations"‚¦..
see no connection between the belief system of their church and family violence.

And, yet, we are all aware that

the Christian religious tradition teaches male dominance and female submission.

See, for example, Ephesians 5:22 and 5:24; Colossians 3:18; and 1 Peter 3:1.

Matilda Joslyn Gage in
her magisterial st
udy Woman, Church and State [1893]:

305 encapsulates this perfectly:

From Moses to Paul, t
he Bible everywhere speaks of her being made for man,

secondary to man, and under his authority by direct command of the Almighty.

It is this superior/inferior, master/slave relationship which derives from these

Biblical teachings that leads to the beating of women in the Christian tradition.

Not long ago, before secular law came to their rescue,

women in Christian countries were the property of their husbands.

As such they could be killed by their husband or sold in the market.

Disobedient wives could be drowned, bridled, or flogged.

In Christian countries flogging of disobedient women was so common

that the size of
the whip was regulated by law '

no thicker than a man's thumb.

Pity the woman whose husband had a large hand!

Islam, on the other hand, did not permit the flogging of
a disobedient wife.

In Islam, the disobedient wife could be hit but only with the force of water hitting the face during ritual cleansing

[daraba al-ma ala w
ajhihi] such that the punishment,

as Mr Weyrich rightly points out will not leave scars and bruising.

That is a far better treatment than meted out to a Christian wife.

It is true that Christian women were not subjected to stoning,

as in Islam,
but, surely the prospect of dying by drowning is not any more pleasant.

If a Christian husband did not want to hire an assassin to strangle his wife,

all he had to do was push her into the river,
and prevent her rescue with a remark such as:

"t is nothing, only a woman being drowned. [Gage: 304]

While agreeing with Mr Weyrich that a
ll of us should rise in righteous indignation

at the treatment of women in Islam,

I cannot wear the blinkers that the rabid right-wingers do.

Yes, the treatment of Musl
im women is bad.

But, given
the fact that a women is beaten every 9 seconds in America,

is Christianity any better?

Sophia: America is a Hypochristian, NOT a Christian Nation. And nowhere in the New Testament is a man to mistreat his wife...because he is told to love his wife as Christ would love him...period! In fact, Biblical Christianity was the first true women's lib, precisely because of what the Bible had said about men and their wives. In Roman times, the husband/father was the absolute overlord of the family. He could have his entire family in chains as his slaves or he could have any and all of them beaten, starved and killed under the Paterfamilias. When such a man became a real Christian, he could not nor would not mistreat his family because the Bible forbids it!
>This kind of behavior to one's wife was Unscriptural, Unbiblical and Ungodly! Nowhere in the New Testament was this ever condoned or allowed! Christ Jesus God would spew from his mouth such
scum who habitually beat their
wives and thus treated the Bible's admonitions with despite! No true Christian would or should abuse his wife under any circumstances!!!

I appreciate your experiences with christians, Xuxa.

but I have conselled many christian men and women,

some from marriages to each other,

Others from christian homes where the abuse was horrendous.

Many christian men today beat wives and children and kill them.

christian women drown or other wise abuse or kill their kids,

some after being abused and abandoned by their husbands, lovers

or wannabes.

This is reality...

Whatever you have seen in your personal experience is not
everyone elses reality.

Ask any emergency room in any hospital that treats women who

come in unconscious with an eye hanging out an
a lot of teeth missing.

Or dead.

I understand your wishing that the world were a better place than it is.

Me too.

If I could wave a wand and make all meaness go away
3; :)

Until we recognize it, accept it and examine it

we cannot hea
l it.

First we have to stop denying.

Religions are killing us all.

"Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz estimate that some 2 million women

are beaten and abused in America each year. They believe the number could be as high as 4 million each year.

In contrast, President George Bush [2003] puts the number at 700,000 each year."

Are none of these christian households ?

"In "Christian" countries flogging of disobedient women was so common

that the
size of the whip was regulated by law '

no thicker than a man's thumb."

This was law in England, France, Germany , America,and such.

I remember thet in school.

All until the
19th C.

And all were and are predominately christian countries.

Who made these laws when the rling parties were christian.?

Legal wife beating. State sanctioned wife abuse.

"If a Christian husband did not want to hire an assassin to strangle his wife,

all he had to do was push her into the river,
and prevent
her rescue with a remark such as:

"t is nothing, only a woman being drowned. [Gage: 304]"

Historic reference to actual law here.

"points to studies that show that members of most U.S. religious denominations"‚¦..
see no connection between the belief system of their church and family violence."

The "its not us, its the other guy, we are not lke that" syndrome.

The peo
ple down the road, another congregation,

those wierdos on the other side of the hill !

Are all these statistics "OTHER CHRISTIANS"

r>Perhaps you want to
write Egbert F. Bhatty

and ask him how all these things are happening and none of the abusers are christian ?

If he can see as u do, that all these laws were made by some imposters,

and all these facts were perpetrated by people posing as christians.

No, sorry, but christians, just like muslims and jews, all preach the denigration of women.

RELIGIONS were invented to seperae al
l people, men and women,

from our true divine source.

Its called tyranny.

In fact Jesus Christ God hated religion, since religion was and is nothing but a selfish way of "proving" that man is good enough to go to heaven, when in fact we are all sinners in the hands of a Loving but Just God. We all deserve Hell and that's where the dilemma for God came to get wicked creatures such as ourselves into heaven. That's why he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Godhead to save us all from sin, so that whosoever accepts him as Lord, God and Savior, repents (turn away from) his or her sins and is born-again the Bible Way, will be saved from Hell and the Lake of Fire (John 3:16-21). The fact that we could call ourselves "C
ristian" and yet mercilessly beat, torture murder our wives and children makes me sick. The "Christian" religion is nothing more than a perversion of the real Christianity of the Bible. M
of these "Christians" don't know the Bible
from a hole in the ground and the few that do, do not believe in what the Bible has to say. They make vain repetitions of prayers, thinking that God will hear them for their many words But God (Jesus Christ) gave us the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:8-13) as a template to how we should pray. When, in the 8th Chapter of the Gospel of John, a mob of Pharisees and scribes took a woman whom they have caught in adultery, in the very act and tried to tempt him by misquoting scripture so as to entrap him. However, He said: He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her. They, realize that they were sinners left Jesus and the adulterous woman.
Finally he asked Woman, where are those thine accusers? Has no man condem
ned you? She answered in the negative and the Lord said "Neither to I condemn you...go and sin no more.

Christ came to give power to those who would believe on Him and accept him as their
Lord and Go
d...he did not come to give a religion which would then be use
d to excuse wifebeating, wifekilling and other nasty things. To Christ Jesus, religion was nothing but an abomination before God and He knew the Pharisee's god was their perverted religion, money and power...nothing more. That is why He condemned them so much! ;)