Northwest Migration


Make your choice:

Why The Northwest Terrifies Them

What Can We Do For The Homeland

Northwest Migration FAQ 1

Who Is George Lincoln Rockwell

What Will Your Year Be

Three Brutal Thruths

The Vexed Subject

The Street Waking Rationale

The Struggle That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Northwest Migration As It Should Be

Organic Migration Is Reality

Refuting The Nay-Sayers

Somewhere The Old Blood Breeds

The Butler Plan

The Lady Says Do It

The Road Not Taken :NW:
Thanks, 8ball57

Some good information and suggestions in
some of the subjects.

I wish there were such a movement
in the Adirondacks !

88 !
And those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music.
-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)
German Philosopher

And those who were migrating to the Northwest Territory
were thought to be insane
by those who could not read the writting on the wall.
-- Svejk
Here is a ruff draft of what we are doing:

I. The Northwest Pioneer Association is a
community of people of unmixed European and Caucasian ancestry, of good
character, specifically rejecting perversions of the body such as
homosexuality and perversions of the spirit such as Zionism. The purpose
of the NPA is defined by the Fourteen Words of David Lane, "We
must secure the existence of our people and a future for White

II. In furtherance of the Fourteen Words, we commit
ourselves, unreservedly and as the primary gaol of our lives, to the
establishment of a sovereign and independent all-White nation in the
Pacific N

III. On our word of honor, we commit ourselves to
come to the Homeland ourselves, to remain there and
build our lives there, without unreasonable or groundless delay, as soon

as it is possible for us to do so.

IV. On our word of honor, w
e commit ourselves to do
everything that we possibly can to assist others to make the Northwest
Migration, and to assist the Northwest movement in every practical way we

V. We are a community of blood, not faith. We understand
and accept that our movement consists of Aryans of all religious faiths
and none, and we agree to lay aside all differences of religion
now and forever, for the sake of our own and future
