Terror accused 'feared arrest' - 'Boiling Jihad'




Terror accused 'feared arrest'

Katie Bice

February 22, 2008 12:00am

MEMBERS of an alleged Melbourne terror cell wanted to flog and smash an associate they believed had told police of their plans for violent jihad, a jury heard yesterday.

The threats were made in a secretly recorded conversation between members of the group on New Year's Day 2005, prosecutor Richard Maidment, SC, told the Victorian Supreme Court.

He said Shoue Hammoud, Hany Taha, Aimen Joud and alleged spiritual leader Abdul Nacer Benbrika were bugged discussing rumours circulating about them in the local Muslim community.

Mr Hammoud was taped saying his father "reckons the police are trying to get all the brothers. They think we are doing the forbidden and the abominable," the court heard.

The prosecutor said Mr Hammoud told Mr Benbrika: "Just from the talk, they are going to get us arrested, I am telling you.

"We have done nothing but just from the talk that is what's going to get us in trouble."

Mr Maidment said Mr Benbrika had agreed the situation was bad news, that they should deny everything, and had added: "May Allah's curse befall the oppressors."

He said the conversation was significant because of the men's reaction.

"Nobody is saying, 'How outrageous people are telling these terrible lies about us'," he said.

"The concern is that the truth is out and that they are going to get arrested."

The jury was told the men discussed who was dobbing them in and suspected a former friend.

The prosecutor said Mr Joud urged the others to stop taking "soft approaches" towards him, saying he told them: "You know what brother, you just walk up to his door . . . and just smash him."

He said Mr Hammoud added: "I will go rough him up a bit and say, 'Why am I getting headaches about things nobody knows except you?' and suggested he get a "flogging".

Mr Maidment said the group discussed tying the man to a tree to get the truth.

Those on trial are: Mr Benbrika, 48, of Dallas; Abdullah Merhi, 22, of Fawkner; Shane Kent, 31, of Meadow Heights; Majed Raad, 23, of Coburg; Mr Joud, 23, of Hoppers Crossing; Ahmed Raad, 24, of Fawkner; Fadl Sayadi, 28, of Coburg; Ezzit Raad, 26, of Preston; Mr Taha, 33, of Hadfield; Mr Hammoud, 28, of Hadfield; Bassam Raad, 26, of Brunswick; and Amer Haddara, 28, of Yarraville.

The hearing, before Justice Bernard Bongiorno, continues.