United White Nationalists of America


I was asked by another Comrade to pass this around so here it is. We must stick together in helping eachother.

Greetings, We have started United White Nationalists of America (UWNA), witch is an umbrella group working to Unite White Nationalists all over America and in the long run all over the World. We will work with any and ALL White Movement Organizations. I belive that this will bring unity among the White Nationalists in America and bring the meny WN Ogganizations together in a since that we will start working together in many ways that will allow us to become stornger as a White Movement.

I know there will be the ones out there that say, This won't work, but I don't see anyone else doing anything like this and if it does it will be the White Movement of tomorrow. Thank of it, Unity among our Race. I feel it is worth my time and money to try. The question is will you be a part
of it and help bring Unity to our
White Movement? I feel I owe it to my Children and the White Children of America and the World for that matter.

I am looking for good White Men and Women as State Contacts, if you feel you have what it takes to make this happen then Email me at njwn@newp.org For mor info copy and past the URL below:
