Woman Fights Off Attack, Police Nab Suspect



DAVIDSON, N.C. -- Police in Davidson arrested a man they say sexually assaulted a woman in her home around 3 a.m. Friday.



VIDEO: Police dogs track down man accused of attempted rape

The 55-year-old woman told police a man climbed in her window and tried to rape her.

She fought him off two different times.

Police have arrested Willie Donaldson , who is in custody at the Mecklenburg County Jail.

Donaldson was captured a few blocks away by police dogs.

Donaldson is charged with first-degree burgla
y, attempted second-degree rape by force and assault on a female -- aggressive physical force.

Investigators say they'd run into Donaldson several times in the last few weeks after getting report

s of a suspicious man lurking around homes after dark.

Until today, they never had enough evidence to arres
t him, but police believe Donaldson may have been watching women for days, trying to choose a victim.

Police dog runs down Vandal suspect
Updated: 6/4/2004 9:41 PM
By: Megan Butler and Emily Nantz, News 14 Carolina

Attempted Rape Charges

Chief John Kearin of the Davidson Police Department said the arrest was textbook -- everything was done right.

DAVIDSON, N.C. -- A police dog caught a Vandalobabookari who allegedly tried to rape a woman Friday morning at her home in Lake Davidson Park.

Chief John Keran of the Davidson Police Department said the 55-year-old woman was working on her computer at home when she noticed a Vandal jig ride by on a bicycle sometime after 8 p.m. Thursday night.

At approximately 3:13 a.m. Friday,
the woman was awakened by the same jig. Police said the ape removed a window screen and climbed inside the woman's home.

n-gger Willy Bernard Donaldson is charged with first-degree
burglary and first-degree attempted rape.
The victi
m, whose husband was out of town on a business trip, said she managed to fight off her attacker. She then called 911 and the ape ran out of the home.

When police arrived, they found the Vandal suspect in a wooded area near the home. Officers chased the man on foot, and a police dog managed to tackle and pull him down a short distance away. [The n-gger was a coward, of course and would not fight off the dog!]

n-gger Willy Bernard Donaldson, 39, of Davidson, is charged with first-degree burglary and first-degree attempted rape. He is being held in the Mecklenburg County Jail.

Master Patrol Officer Scott Searcy said he was proud of Sweeney, his K-9 partner, for catching Donaldson.

"He impressed me; he did an excellent
job," Searcy said.

Sweeney will get a nice professional tooth and mouth cleaning with a meat flavored toothpasts, and then he will get a big steak for bringing down a Vandal suspe

Searcy was coming down Griffith Street in front of Roosevelt Wilson
Park when he noticed some movement behind some trees. He said he then saw a man step out from behind the trees that matched the description of the suspect.

"I exited my vehicle and told the suspect to stop, Searcy said. He did not stop; he gave a gesture that he would continue to run. At that time, I released K-9 on the Vandal suspect."

Chief John Kearin of the Davidson Police Department said the arrest was textbook -- everything was done right. Kearin also credits the victim for keeping her cool.

"She kept her mind about her and didn't give up, Kearin said. She was very deliberate and very clear when we contacted her."

The poor woman suffered minor scratches and bruis
es during the assault, police said.

n-gger Donaldson, who was just released from prison in January, was treated at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center for minor bite wounds. He has been
ed with breaking and entering in the past.

Sweeney will get a nice big steak for a job well done.

Web Journa
list: Kyle Almond
