Some groups and individuals hope to create a 'White Republic' in the Northwest or elsewhere. Is this plan any more realistic than Whites regaining control of the whole United States?
The Communist Party infiltrated the Democratic Party and made the U.S. an instrument of Soviet foreign policy
during WWII. Can white nationalists take over one of the major 'twoparties'? How about a third party?
School integration, affirmative action, unchecked immigration, foreign wars, gun control, abortion, off-shoring of american jobs, fag rights, school and public prayer have all activated many members of the vast white-wing conspiracy. Can these various issues be focused toward a white nationalist movement?
Aside from the groups mentioned above there are various other groups from American Renaissance, the Council of Conservative Citizens, Crosstar, the National Alliance and the Creativity Movement (WCOTC) each with their own perspective.
Is there a realistic plan for white nationalists to work toward in the interests of creating a future for their children other than that of a persecuted minority? How can we measure progress or lack of it toward a whiter future and what if that future may be a hundred years off?
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