White woman "academic" gets a hard lesson in TNB, gang raped by savages.


News Editor
Stories like this are a reminder of why I never go to nigger infested countries. They are infested with niggers and niggers hate whites and seek to harm them at every opportunity. I guess this woman is now clear on this matter. This is a hard way to learn the truth about niggers!!



of course the hacking of the hair demonstrates the innate hatred of niggers for us whites. She was lucky to have survived this ordeal for sure.

U.S. academic, 32, gang raped in Papua New Guinea by nine armed men who hacked off her hair with a bush knife and tied her husband naked to a tree

The woman was researching exotic birds in the jungle on Karkar Island
Walking with her husband and a guide when they were set upon by gang
Men ordered husband and guide to strip naked then tied them to trees
Then bound the researcher's hands and brutally raped her for 20 minutes
Follows murder of Australian man whose girlfriend was raped in country

A U.S. academic has been gang raped in Papua New Guinea by nine armed men who hacked off her blonde hair and left her husband tied naked to a tree.

The 32-year-old woman, who was conducting research into exotic birds in a remote forest on Karkar Island, was walking along a bush track with her husband and a guide on Friday when they were set upon by the gang armed with knives and rifles.

Her husband and the guide were stripped and bound by the men, who then used a bush knife to hack off the woman's hair before raping her in a terrifying ordeal lasting 20 minutes.
'Cowardly act of animals': The U.S. academic was walking along a bush track with her husband and a guide when they were ambushed by nine men armed with rifles knives

'Act of animals': The U.S. academic, 32, was with her husband and a guide when they were ambushed by nine men armed with rifles and knives - she was gang raped and her blonde hair hacked off

The woman chose to speak out about the horrific attack - condemned by the country's prime minister Peter O'Neil as 'the cowardly act of animals' - to highlight the violence that women in Papua New Guinea experience.


The brutal gang rape came less than a week after an Australian man living in the central highlands of Papua New Guinea was shot dead and his Filipina girlfriend gang raped when a group of men broke into their house.

The U.S. woman, who did not want to reveal her identity, spoke to media in Port Moresby as she and her husband waited for a flight to leave the country.

'I was walking along a bush track with my husband and our guide when we were ambushed by nine men armed with rifles and knifes,' she said.

Relaying an ordeal that has sent shock waves throughout the country, the woman said the men first ordered her husband and the guide to strip naked before they were tried to trees.

Then they turned to the woman.

Her clothes were torn off, her hands were bound and her blonde hair was hacked off down to the scalp with bush knives. She was then raped one by one by the gang for a terrifying 20 minutes.

Her ordeal ended only when something in the forest startled the gang and they ran away.
Violence: The woman, who was on her fifth visit to Papua New Guinea, was conducting research into exotic birds and climate change on the remote island off the country's northern coast

Violence: The woman, who was on her fifth visit to Papua New Guinea, was conducting research into exotic birds and climate change on the remote island off the country's northern coast

The U.S. couple's guide managed to break free and released them, before they all ran naked along jungle tracks for several hours, determined to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the scene of the attack in case the gang came back.

Eventually they reached a remote village where they were given some clothing and from where they were able to raise the alarm.

They later made their way back to Madang, on the northern coast of the mainland, before flying to the capital Port Moreseby.

A local photographer working for AFP helped the couple file police reports and organise a flight out of the country.

'This story should not come out just because I am white,' said the woman, who was on her fifth visit to the country since her first trip in 2010. She would stay for up to four months conducting her research into exotic birds and the impact of climate change on the forest.

'My story should come out in the hopes that it empowers Papua New Guinean women to stand up and say no more violence against women in this country,' said the woman, who did not want to reveal her identity.

'I hope my story can make a change.' (uh, yeah, I see all those feral niggers changing their evil ways because of your story......NOT!!)

But senior police admit they have heard such calls before from tribal women all around Papua New Guinea.
Remote: The 32-year-old academic was working on remote Karkar Island during her fifth trip to Papua New Guinea

Remote: The 32-year-old academic was working on remote Karkar Island during her fifth trip to Papua New Guinea when she was attacked

Wives suffer extreme violence in some cases from their husbands over domestic issues, and brutal punishments are handed out to women accused of witchcraft, which is practised in remote parts of the country.

In February a 20-year-old mother accused of witchcraft was dragged from her village, taken to a rubbish dump, stripped and burned alive near Mount Hagen, in the centre of the country.

And earlier this month an elderly woman was beheaded with a bush knife after being accused of sorcery.

The U.S. woman's terrifying story has been reported to the US Embassy in Port Moresby, but a duty officer today gave no comment.

A spokesman for the police in Port Moresby said a statement had been taken but no arrests had been made.:bongo:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...fe-tied-husband-naked-tree.html#ixzz2R5hYATza
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Jared Diamond, the great prophet of geographical destiny, tells the West that it has much to learn from the tribal people of Papua New Guinea

""I believe the few remaining tribes and nomad groups left on the planet have a great deal to teach us," he says and it is this belief that inspired The World Until Yesterday. Some tribal customs, such as widow-strangling, will not be missed, of course. "We should not romanticise traditional societies," he says. "There are horrible things that we want to avoid, but there wonderful things that we should emulate."

Take the example of child rearing. Far from being harsh towards children, many tribes and groups adopt highly permissive attitudes. "I mean permissive in that it is an absolute no-no to punish a child. If a mother or father among African pygmies hits a child, that would be grounds for divorce. There is no physical punishment allowed at all in these societies. If a child plays with a sharp knife and waves it around, so be it. They will cut themselves on some occasions, but society figures it is better for the child to learn the hard way early in life. They are allowed to make their own choices and follow their own interests.""

I consider his theses to be absolutely absurd, but then again, there may be something to be said for the wise people of Papua New Guinea's vigorous response to U.S. academics.

"A U.S. academic has been gang raped in Papua New Guinea by nine armed men who hacked off her blonde hair and left her husband tied naked to a tree. The 32-year-old woman, who was conducting research into exotic birds in a remote forest on Karkar Island, was walking along a bush track with her husband and a guide on Friday when they were set upon by the gang armed with knives and rifles. Her husband and the guide were stripped and bound by the men, who then used a bush knife to hack off the woman's hair before raping her in a terrifying ordeal lasting 20 minutes."

It would certainly make the average East Coast cocktail party more lively if the sort of overeducated midwits who take Diamond at face value were to follow the example of the noble people of Papua New Guinea in this regard.

Now, I realize that many doubt my thesis that most of the desirable tenets of Christian civilization will not survive in post-Christian society, but note that in Diamond, we already have a well-regarded, much-honored academic overtly advocating a return to many pagan, pre-civilized customs. But it never seems to occur to those who eagerly anticipate Western post-Christianity that those raised in a pagan society without Christian customs and strictures will not necessarily retain the civilized customs that are inculcated in the secularist or pagan raised in a Christian society.

It is easy to say, well, we'll keep the Western strictures against widow-strangling, witch-burning, and academic-raping, we'll just toss the ones against homosexual-marrying, public fornication, polygamy, and letting children play with loaded guns... wait a minute! The brutal reality is that a society in which most children are "allowed to make their own choices and follow their own interests" is a society where the values, and the resulting societal strictures, will eventually be decided by those semi-feral children and not their overly permissive parents.

What has long been decried by the civilized Christian West as "the cowardly act of animals" – how very raciss and judgmental – may well become the next "new normal". No one should be so foolish as to believe that behavioral change on a societal level is either predestined or readily controlled by government bureaucracy. It is easier to destroy than create; it is easier to degrade than strengthen. The progressives who proudly proclaim that the youth of today are much more open to "gay marriage" should keep in mind that in the not-too-distant future, those formerly open-minded youths may well find themselves position of the disregarded, close-minded elderly, listening in horror as the progressives of tomorrow proudly proclaim that the youth are much more open to "sexual services on demand".
It is easy to say, well, we'll keep the Western strictures against widow-strangling, witch-burning, and academic-raping, we'll just toss the ones against homosexual-marrying, public fornication, polygamy, and letting children play with loaded guns... wait a minute! The brutal reality is that a society in which most children are "allowed to make their own choices and follow their own interests" is a society where the values, and the resulting societal strictures, will eventually be decided by those semi-feral children and not their overly permissive parents.

What has long been decried by the civilized Christian West as "the cowardly act of animals" – how very raciss and judgmental – may well become the next "new normal". No one should be so foolish as to believe that behavioral change on a societal level is either predestined or readily controlled by government bureaucracy. It is easier to destroy than create; it is easier to degrade than strengthen. The progressives who proudly proclaim that the youth of today are much more open to "gay marriage" should keep in mind that in the not-too-distant future, those formerly open-minded youths may well find themselves position of the disregarded, close-minded elderly, listening in horror as the progressives of tomorrow proudly proclaim that the youth are much more open to "sexual services on demand".

Sadly this sub-human permissiveness was pushed by the jewish psychologist, Benjamin Spock, who by promulgating his theory that "kids should not be physically disciplined, lest it wreck their psyches" has turned our kids into the sheeplish automaton that the jews/the State/ZOG wants.

I, like a lot of kids of my time got physically punished, but that never ruined my psyche or stunted my development. This "lack of permissiveness" in our old culture meant that I was raised correctly and to be respectful of just authorities. (ZOG and their minions don't count!) 'Our' kids have become more and more feral since the 1960s and that is a real problem. When such kids grow up and become kwaps, soldiers or feds, this leads to the horrible chaos and bloodshed happening in Amerikwa today. Niggers overdiscipline their nigglets and they in turn think violence against children, the elderly, their sows or bucks and especially we whites/Whites is alright. Sadly jiggaboos like the Papuans or "our" jiggaboos only understand force.

To be honest, sometimes we have to spank our children or even use the rod in serious cases. Sadly, we have let Child "Protective Services" (with the help of ZOG's "finest") dictate what we can and cannot do, concerning correcting an unruly child.
Like many things in Western society, the idea of learning from the savages started in the late 1880s. In what used to be America, during the 1880s, several trends came to dominate the upper-class twits - namely, feminism, spiritualism, naturalism [The Road to Wellville movie and novel - anyone remember it? Cornflakes comes from this era] and the so-called 'free love movement'. The people who were attracted to these movements weren't Jews, as there were very few of them in the States but mostly upper-class Protestants who came from extremely wealthy families, many of whom had cut their teeth on the Abolitionist movement of the 1850s.

The idea that kids should have a childhood comes from this era as well, as the upper-classes decided that kids were not 'small adults' as was the popular idea but a different form of human, incapable of reasoning, hence, they had to be taught. Why these twits didn't apply this idea to niggers is beyond the point of this post. The 'reform' movements of the Gilded Age and Progressive Eras saw the birth of the 'child' movement and Amurrica's current child fetish.

During the 1920s, Franz Boas, a liar without equal, established his 'school' of anthropology with race-traitor Margaret Mead being his best student. This school rejected the science of eugenics and through falsified data made the idea of studying primitives popular. Of course, the Jewish 'academics' took these ideas and extrapolated them onto contemporary Amurrican society - hence, children shouldn't be spanked or punished in any way but allowed to express themselves. It's like that kike Adam Sandler's movie 'Big Daddy' where the kike allows his son to do whatever he wishes, and dress however he wishes, and lives to regret it.

Children need structure and need to be taught discipline and self-restraint because they are incapable of realizing that actions have consequences. Many a time, I needed my butt whooped and many a time I got it. Looking back on it, I realize that my father was expressing his love for me because he was trying to teach me valuable life lessons.

The idea that children shouldn't be spanked and be allowed every whim and desire is yet another way that the Jew has yearned to destroy the racial spirit in us that makes us realize how to raise our own children.
-In conclusion, the inhabitants of PNG are filty, violent, primitive, scum-sucking niggers who should be nuked off the face of the Earth as soon as possible

How dare you! Just kidding.

The land should be taken over by Whites and the jigs either put in reservations, made to work as servants or simply driven to the sea and drowned. All local names should be renamed to Aryan names and the name 'Papua' should be removed from the name of the land. New Guinea could be okay, I guess. Perhaps Moresby Island or Moresby Land would be even better for the island.
Any TNB from then on should he heavily punished, period. No more coddling of the jiggaboo papuajigs ever again.