81-Year-Old Man Subdues Burglar


81-Year-Old Man Subdues Burglar
Retired New York Detective Thwarts Burglary, Holds Suspect For Police

POSTED: 12:44 pm EDT September 16, 2006
UPDATED: 10:14 am EDT September 18, 2006
PLANTATION, Fla. -- Two alleged burglars got more than they bargained for when they were surprised by an 81-year-old Plantation, Fla., man who held on to one of them until police arrived.

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Retired New York detective Carl Muscarello surprised two men who entered his home Tuesday morning, a police report said.

Muscarello had just returned home with his wife Tuesday morning. She greeted her son in the kitchen while he went into the bedroom to get dressed for golf.

When he heard his wife scream, Mu
scarello ran to his kitchen where he found two men, one armed with a screwdriver, the other with a golf club.

One man ran away, but Muscarello grabbed a hold of the other man and didn't let go until police arrived.

"I leaped on this intruder, and we were able to subdue him," Muscarello said. "But it was not after a long, vicious struggle."

Police identified the held man as Calvin Jackson Jr., 19. He was arrested on an armed burglary charge, but the other attacker and one or two accomplices escaped, said Detective Phil Toman.

"I was not giving up," Muscarello said. "If we let him get up run away, he was going to do this to someone else."

In addition to being one tough ex-cop, Muscarello claims a place in history. He is one of a number of former sailors who claims to be the man in the famous Life magazine photo of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square at the end of World War II.

"He's my hero,
" said his wife, Shelly. "He did what he had to do."
