90 hispanics in a house

Border Ruffian


video has more information, link on page.

Imagine saving your pesos(or whatever they use in guatemala, ecuador, etc.) to be smuggled into the "land of opportunity", only to end up packed like sardines in a house in WATTS. LMAO the INS needs a program where they help the apprehended illegals to write home and tell their kinfolk what things are really like up here :)


Authorities received
call about 7 p.m. Tuesday with a tip about people being held against their will in the Watts neighborhood.

Police say no arrests were made but about thirty people fled the home when a patrol ca
r arri


The immigrants were from Ecuador, Guatemala and El Salvador. They are believed to be in good health.

Police say the family of one immigrant paid to get him out of the house and that man may have been the o
ne who tipped off police to the apparent smuggling operation.