Advance Of Cultural Dialectic With Manful


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Advance Of Cultural Dialectic With Manful Application
(Apollonian, Dec 05)

Thanks much Rich (, for "taking bait"; u'll not be disappointed. For our whole purpose is instructing and/or informing the comrades and faithful--our good volk, whoever and however (we only hope it's also somewhat entertaining enough, I guess). [See Post Script below for comment on latest gossip of Walt Mueller.]

We're great slaves to patriotism aren't we? Surely, I'll go straight to (patriot's and saint's) heaven without having to suffer any purgatorial time, while u Rich may have to suffer a slight while for all ur previous sinning. Sorry about that, but as long as u have hope to eventually getting to heaven, well, I guess hope is good enough, eh? I prefer certainty, even though I know I thus risk hubris. What a white guy, eh?

This is way to getting serious DIALECTIC, thanks again. Thus Pla
to admired Socrates' method. Later (in hist. of science, philosophy, art, and rhetoric) we get Hegel's great German style. Nowadays, after Johnny Carson, we have such as Pat Robertson talking to that tall, white-haired black guy who so often agrees w. everything Pat says including assassinating Chavez, Pres. of Venezuala. U and I could well comment on these brave words fm patriotical perspective (alternative, heh heh).

Maybe lazy and jaded artisticals like Linder/VNN (and his abstract side-kick, Eric Thomson) might be inspired by our examples, eh?--no, well maybe birdman, the bird-ous one (ha ha), might be shamed into some serious inspiration for a change, eh?--perhaps? no, oh well, at least we try in finest patriot style and passion, downright saintly. Birdman's brilliance is matched only by monumental stubbornness, stupendous for his consistency, high pervert for artistic method, even though, yes, a regular r
d individualist.

Most pertinently though, for patriot information
al purposes, we observe the "dialectic" being pushed by "Big Jew" and associated "Sadduceans," of course. Thus we apply realistic New Testament (NT) consp. theory/analytic. We, u and I, comrade Rich, demonstrate the utmost Christianity and virtue. Thus we're most Christian compatible, leading those excellent volk best, while Linder/VNN and birdman fail, Linder (falsely thinking he's like Mark Twain) for perverse (childish) cynicalism; birdman for gross persistent, unmoving and unthinking vanity and pomposity, however consistent.

So evidently, Bush is now being marginalized and isolated, set up as sacrificial victim of official public disapproval. But some Jew-ness ("neo-con") will be attached as Bush will be identified with the ultra religious Jews of Ariel Sharon and his own faction of "Sadduceans," Falwell, Pat (Robertson, of course, our rivals), Limb
ough I notice Linder/VNN is busy trashing old Rush.

The big question therefore, comrade Rich, for purpose of public dial
ectic, is who now will be the other faction in this "good-cop versus bad-cop" charade, roughly parallel with present Democrats vs. Republicans Jew farce?

Thus I submit the John Birchers have it fairly accurate as they identify the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, et al., these consisting as the "official" oppostion, though Bush has lots of representation fm that faction too.

Bottom line is whatever and however, NT Conspiracy analytic fits perfectly.

Hence then let me reply specifically to ur cogent pts of observation.

a. Regarding ur first pt., about "good-evil," the object is to see scientifically, first and most. The farce is all about the volk and what they'll swallow, yes, including "good-evil," but that's only for kids, don't fo
rget. But w
e shouldn't too much talk down to people, like Pharisaicals, always shooting for lowest common denominator. That then should be our Christian rhetorical approach--honesty, informativeness,
as for enemy's next move, rather like chessplayers, we, I'd guess.

b. Ur second pt., about witch-hunts and inquisitorial activity, is also incisive and notable. I was speaking about specific things, revisionism (hence history and science), and then like Kant and German Transcendental Idealism (GTI). This is what guys like birdman, Germar Rudolf, and Zundel should most be talking about (Linder/VNN too), CONSISTENT WITH NT CONSP. theory-analytic. This will inform the people.

To Repeat, this is the moment for such as Zundel and Rudolf TO INVOKE NT Consp. theory. U and I, comrade Rich, are the dialecticians-rhetoricians-dramatists--But such as Zundel or maybe Rudolf are the specific guys who could most make cultural-dramatic impact, say as "spokesmen" or "
figures," l
ike historical figures--like Martin Luther, historical heroes.

After all, Zundel pretends to being historian, right? Apply science and volk, enough of them, may begin to learning something of significant substa
nce. Zundel needs inspiration too--that's what we do (or try). If we can't, volk must rely on Lynx and Lamb (L & L). At moment, Zundel must take some kind of inspiration fm L & L, like everyone else.

I especially like that shot of them (L & L) with the smiley faces with Hitler toothbrush mustash and hair-lick, eh?--almost as good as ur (website's) famous T-shirt (photo--if that is indeed u)--for which millions of people think of u, comrade Rich, and have been inspired by--God surely gave u lots of brownie points for that. But u must continue to advance, not rest upon laurels, however lofty.

So no, we don't want just "Spanish Inquisition" as communists try to emulate w. "show trials" as at Nurembu
rg, or now with Milo
sevich in Europe, the poor man; rather, we want a serious and sincere Constantinian revolution, a genuine upsurge and reversal of Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

U're right about "monetary collapse"--but we gotta honestly persuade volk, only enough of the
m, u unnastan', that whatever and however, it (such collapse) is the way we destroy mammonist power of these Pharisees, counterfeiters and scam-artists. And further, we persuade volk, enough of them, that actually, such overthrow will be a positive plus and advance in civilization, taking away, once and for all, the earthly power of Pharisaics, all of them, and all the "Sadduceans" too. How the mighty will fall, by golly.

As lawyer, u at least understand the "theory" of a system of real law and genuine "sanctity-of-contract" by which real, honest and most substantial business is conducted. This Law, and regard and respect therefor then, is the real
"wealth of nations&
quot; or national wealth, the necessary foundation--original founders knew it; such as Ed Steele knows it too.

Having gold will help (as Ed Steele points out); but real religious (hence Christian), hence democratic spirit among people will also have to prevail simultaneously. So we start with aesthetics, not-too-emotio
nal/hysterical, always consistent w. purest reason, much as possible--and that's why L & L are so good, sticking with just basic youthful emotion of innocence and honesty (little hysterics), moving to calm basic common sense--Jews hate it, of course.

See, we have the basics present; we just gotta put it all together, such as u and I, and L & L are the just the sort of artists we need, with real, genuine integrity--all we really need to begin with.

Thus as advocates of Law we reject non-law, subjectivism, hence Pelagianism and heresy, by which Jews make themselves God, intimidating Pope to preaching holohoax false religi

rime" then is simply heresy against objective law. Of course criminals object to truth--which indicts and exposes them. Such is criminality upheld as ideal: cultural psychoticism at its worst, Spengler's "Decline of the West," rule of non-law. Dictatorship of Jews--it only only works when there are too many (dumb and heretical) gentiles, in the gr
eat historical cycle.

But then if there get to be too many lions, the herd of Wildebeests and Zebras must suffer; eventually lions must turn upon themselves (Leopards too). History is cyclic as Anaximander indicates.

As practical step to this "Constantinian revolution" towards overthrow of Fed (Federal reserve Bank counterfeiting fraud) scam, we advocate very simple thing like ELECTION OF SENATORS BY STATE LEGISLATURE, as originally. This kind of practical political action, comrade Rich, is easy in concept and application--HENCE EMINENTLY "PRACTICAL." State legislatur
es could do it, like, tomorrow--
today, even.

Another practical consideration is impeaching and removing Bush. The person to replace Bush-Cheney is Ron Paul, another Congressman. Again, we shouldn't wait. State legislatures will speed things most naturally by expeditious election of alternate Senate, sooner the better.

Of course there will be great wiggling and squirming in the popular culture as the
Jews and oligarchs (CFR) will resist--hey, they're doing that now with Orwellian "perp. war for perp. peace." But again, we only need the Constantinian revolutionary spirit and mentality.

Such as Linder/VNN only has to go along w. reason, reason the guide and substance. Then this revolutionary activity will all work. U for example, comrade Rich, will only have to abide a moderate and reasonable "Apollonian Corner" no less than I'd have to tolerate a Rich's corner, making use of ur own statements and observations--I wouldn't fear.
Birdman and Linder/VNN would have
to be same way, much as possible or reasonable--and they'd have to be reasonable.

Otherwise we'll be stuck with stagnation according to Peter Principle looking for inspiration, hoping upon such as L & L, those little cuties. We want rather to keep an initiative more consciously measured, I think.

c. The (or a good) conclusion for our observations is regarding ur very last note on "elections." The only real
pt is in getting something substantial started and going for a genuine cultural initiative. We do our best. Democracy has some virtue, however limited. The real advance we provide for such democratic movement is INFORMATION.

L & L is thus a good cultural-artistic foundation, artistically and emotionally, upon which to build and form up with, comrade Rich, as in spirt of "volk mentality," corresponding to an imagined ideal for democratic SPIRIT, such as it is. Hence we preach a Christian aest
hetic as well as philosophy.

U might say we could so well use L & L as a standard, for all it's truly worth, of a practical kind of "good" (going back to ur very first comment) and inspiration. It would thus serve as a provisional example for Spenglerian resurgence in history--and yes, Jews might then try to destroy it as we see fm kidnapping of Lindbergh baby by the Judaic Purple Gang in the 1930's. (Again, see

But no matter how or what, we soldier ever onwards, a
nd like saints we have various examples, Constantine-the-Great, Oliver Cromwell, George Washington, et al., not forgetting some other good soldiers, perhaps less successful or famous, like Joe McCarthy and unc' Adolf. We only have to keep a philosophical kind of measuring mind or mentality--which k*kes and traitors can't do so well as they get too psychotic and emotional about things to be able to think or calculate. How sad.

But that's how we beat Jews
and Sadduceans in reason and in minds of ge
ntiles and goyim.

Thus we give Pharisaic-"Sadducean" enemy every opportunity possible to lose and make mistakes, kicking them when possible and expedient. Death to Judaism, Talmudism, subjectivism, fraud, insanity, oppression, and fascism, eh?

CONCLUSION: Thus we make use of Christian culture/inspiration, truly a good weapon if we can handle it, for our volk, understanding history, informing, and leading. Like Ed Steele says, the enemy can't kill that basic idea, NT consp. theory
, along with all the rest. If nothing else, the disease-parasite will eventually kill host--unless he's perfect for management--which is unlikely unless God is really against us good volk, like L & L--do u think? Judaic-Sadducean parasitic enemy-disease will turn upon itself, topmost masterminds betraying the lower-level Jews, as Christ noted. Thus do we apply a grim scientific analytic for our invincible patriot dialectic--keep up ur goo
d work, comrade Rich. Honest elections and dea
th to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot