Americans to Disney: Forget 'The Alamo'



The rallying cry of "Remember the Alamo" is suddenly "Forget 'The Alamo'" ' at least when it comes to the new Disney film which took in a meager $9.2 million in its opening weekend.

"I'm shocked, quite honestly, at the number," Chuck Viane, Disney's head of distribution, told USA Today. "If I could only figure out what went wrong, you'd never let it happen again. The movie deserved better than it did."

The $100 million epic, which recounts the last stand of American heroes including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, finished in third place behind a resurrected "Passion of the Christ" and "Hellboy.&q

The poor box-office showing of "The Alamo" comes on the heels of a WorldNetDaily report last week focusing on allegations the film is filled with revisionist history and political corr


"The movie reads more like a Disney fairy tale and promotes a politically correct revisi
onist agenda aimed at destroying a traditional American hero," said B. Forrest Clayton, a visiting fellow with Freedom Alliance, a pro-military nonprofit organization.

Clayton says he obtained a screenplay of the film in advance and found it to be "full of inaccuracies." He says Davy Crockett is portrayed as a "frightened wanderer" who wanted to escape "over the wall" in the dark of night during the historic battle, but felt paralyzed and trapped by his own undeserved heroic reputation.

The fact that the film tanked upon debut "is noteworthy and ill-timed because Disney and its chief executive officer, Michael Eisner, are under heavy pressur
e to meet or exceed the company's financial targets in the wake of a shareholder revolt," according to Dow Jones Newswires. "At Disney's recent annual meeting, 43% of the share
s vo
opposed Mr.
Eisner's re-election to the board. The board stripped Mr. Eisner of his chairman title as a result, and his ability to hang on as chief executive is no
w tied closely to Disney's performance in coming months."

F-k Disney and Disneyland. Walt Disney was used by the Stalinazis in power to make a propaganda film starring Daffy Duck. This animated film was about Daffy Duck the good Sheepizen, dutifully and "patriotically" paying his Income taxes to Uncle Sham. This was done to bamboozle the Amerikwan Sheeple into thinking it was "patriotic" to pay Income Taxes alla Wilson! Most sheeple willingly capitulated...those that didn't were suddenly subjected to Stalinist repression and
prison! :angry: :ph34r: :angry:

Yeah, the Donald was used by Disney during WW2 to make anti-Nazi prpaganda movies.