Apo essays for Aug 2017


Guest Columnist
Latest Noise About "N. Korean Nukes" Totally Scripted, Contrived
(Apollonian, 10 Aug 17)

Don't doubt or forget: everything, including this latest noise and tumult about N. Korea and their so-called "nukes," is totally scripted and contrived by the Jew puppet-masters of Trump and present political establishment. And this contriving includes the recent stories about Trump's so-called "advisor," McMaster (National Security), briefing Trump's collaborator, George the Jew, Soros (see https://www.infowars.com/exclusive-mcmaster-soros-secretly-working-together-to-stop-trump/). For note Soros is an old pal and partner w. Trump, and it's only natural McMaster would be carrying msgs fm Trump and briefing Soros.

Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com is just another Jewwy flack, pretending to playing "good Jew" "nationalists" against the "bad Jew" "globalists. Jews will continue to CONSOLIDATE their monopolist control over Jew S A, and they'll do this by means of false-flags they're no doubt cooking-up even as we speak here. Jew purpose is to further censor the I-net and prepare a hit on Iran, evidently.

The people of Jew S A must continue to isolating the Jew, by means of grasping the essence of cultural corruption and rot, hubris, and esp. by means of the general satanism within which satanism (extreme subjectivism by which the subject makes oneself God, the creator, as subjectivists hold the consciousness creates reality) Jews work so well and naturally, Jews foremost collectivistic subjectivists--"group-think" artists.

Thus the Christian people must continue to work for decisive break-up of the Jew S A empire by means of 10th Amendment, nullification, and SECESSION in accord w. states rights and sovereignty. And that central-bank instrument and criminal enterprise of legalized counterfeiting must be removed, money restored to commodity-base, gold/silver being best.
[Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/08/toronto-newspaper-zundel-deserved-to.html.]

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Jews, Talmudists Leaders Of Satanic Death Cult
(Apollonian, 12 Aug 17)

Derek, above, at 1:36 am, actually brings-up a serious, genuine, and substantial problem/issue: how in heck did we ever get Jews?--or satanists?--what's their (Jews and satanist) real sociologic, biologic purpose, place, and function? I submit God inflicts Jews upon an over-populated, now corrupt gentile civilization in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Jews (and satanists, in general) function exactly as the great Plague did in Europe in middle of 14th cent. ("Black Plague").

What happens, as we see fm history, is the great Christian, new Renaissance civilization was soooo successful, productive and prosperous that a great, tremendous mass of population was generated, but which became too much for the circumstances of the culture which struggled to accommodate the great new masses of population. Thus God acts so as to "cull the herd," so to speak. Black Plague was one instance of this natural action of de-population. Jews and Satanism is another means of de-population.

Thus the honest Christian human observes the strict OBJECTIVE nature of reality, hence Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth then being the simple observation and reflection of the God-given, hence objective reality. But as humanity becomes over-populated by the previously successful civilization, out-running the basic circumstances of actual living conditions, these humans tend to becoming vain, smug, pretentious, and smitten w. HUBRIS, the idea they've attained to Godly powers of creating reality. These over-populated humans lose their OBJECTIVITY, and become evermore subjectivistic, subjectivism being the idea that all reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality. Satanism then, is extreme form of this subjectivism.

Thus as such widespread, extreme subjectivism is hubris, at first, it progresses to outright SATANISM as it becomes entrenched in the culture, as the culture begins to degenerate and "decline," according to Oswald Spengler, for thematic example. The Old Testament tells us about the great "Tower of Babel" situation and episode for one notable example.

Thus Jews are FOREMOST satanists and subjectivists, being the ultimate COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, engaged in most effective "group-think," Jews most cohesive, most highly organized, and best led, collectivistically aiming at total dominance of the corrupt and degenerate culture which is finally attained by means of that ultimate criminal enterprise of "central-banking" by which real money, commodity-based, is replaced by CURRENCY fraud, enforced by government and such as legal-tender laws--literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING.

So Jews then lead the Satanist cultural element, steadily taking control of the entire culture, enslaving the population, as by means of debt, the culture now in precipitous, irreversible "decline," as we see, and by means of nearly endless "inflation" (replication/proliferation of the currency units), so that the people are eventually rendered totally impoverished, only Jews and their elite suck-alongs among gentiles enjoying any sort of wealth.

Hoffman well demonstrates the extreme subjectivism of the Jews, Jews working by means of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," of and against the original Mosaic law (Torah), by which the law of God is made to be of "none effect," according to Christ (see Gosp.s MARK ch. 7, MATT ch. 15), which "interpretation" Christ vehemently repudiated.

So the present Christian/rationalist task is in education, such as it is possible and feasible, for preaching the OBJECTIVE reality and hence, TRUTH of Christ to the people against the regnant Satanist (subjectivistic) establishment of society as we see it's become, w. Jesuit pope, holohoax religion dominating, and "Israeli" Pharisaics leading the over-populated, corrupt, and beguiled people to perdition and suicide of Agenda-21 and, lately, -30 addendum, genocide and "population reduction." For Satanism is a death-cult, never forget, the people in their hubristic misery needing and wanting reduction in population, and constant warfare and in-fighting among the people being satanic political means-to-ends--DEATH and death-worship.
"Deep State" Is satanic State, In Death Spiral, Pushing Death Cult, Moralism Of Death
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 17)

Note the present "deep state" is the satanic state, Satanism being extreme subjectivism by which one makes oneself God. Thus "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, moves fm the corrupt and degenerate society, sated upon victory and prosperity, to (a) HUBRIS, and (b) then to outright satanism, this by means of the moralism of death, esp. altruism and Kantian-type "duty."

For as the greatest, most fundamental enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is the non-existent "good," necessarily built upon subjectivism, the evermore corrupt and hubristic society moves fm ever-greater hubris to outright pervasive satanism, built upon the moralism of death, altruism and Kantian "duty," necessarily and logically.

For observe the satanic empire necessarily deplores "racism," the determinist principle, and preservation of one's people, glorification of ancestors and culture, hence local gov. supremacy and states rights. Thus globalism deplores "racism."

Thus satanism (a) is a death cult, deplores race and "racism," hence humanity, reason, determinism, all in the name of subjective moralism, and (b) necessarily promotes the moralism of death, altruism, Kantian "duty," thus the elevation of mythical "nature" and "environment," or "earth," over humanity, hence individual freedom. Thus humanity and individual freedom are trashed in favor of "moralism" in general, but understood as subjectivistic moralism, satanic and in favor of death, including suicide, altruism, and Kantian "duty." Such then is the obligatory satanic death cult and moralism of death.

Thus note the satanic society is simply the logical continuation of the corruption of the ever-growing, evermore pervasive hubris of the degenerate society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The HUBRIS simply becomes evermore established, emphasized, and enforced in way of anti-racism, anti-human "environmentalism," and outright anti-rationalism, always in the name of "good" and moralism.

Thus the satanic society not only pushes the obligatory death cult as means of ever-greater political power among the master-minds at the top of the satanic society, but it pushes a veritable general culture and mentality/"spirit" of death-worship in way of moralism of death, by way of altruism and Kantian "duty," always including, for example, anti-racism. Child sacrifice and child-trafficking then are obligatory and necessarily ancillary functions to this satanic culture, spirit, and moralism of the general satanism, hence death-worship.

Thus we see present Jew S A, formerly USA, is "progressed" (or reduced) now to the satanic empire, not merely the occasionally hubristic empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus Jew S A is dominated by foremost satanists (subjectivists), especially the Jews and Israel, bombing the enemies of Israel, Jews, and satanism in general, always now in name of "moralism," including especially anti-racism, but also environmentalism, etc.

And the established Christian churches, for example, exalt the Jews and their satanic (subjectivist) principles, including holohoax, above all, pushing this death moralism against the people, as we see. Thus the practical, established "Christianity," dominated by Jews and satanists, always pushes subjectivism and "good" against and above the proper Christian principle of TRUTH (= Christ), even if they don't always admit it.

Such then is the "deep state" and its necessary satanic logic and program, having now gone far beyond mere HUBRIS of Spenglerian Western "decline," capitalizing upon the hubris of the corrupted people who crave only bread and circuses, led by proverbial noses and the "pied-piper" of moralism and "good," "good" a creature of subjectivism and the worst enemy of truth (= Christ).
The Deification Of "Good" And Moralism--AGAINST Truth/Christ And God-Given Reality, Objectivity, Etc.
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 17)

Remember the satanists are subjectivists so they have to have something to DEIFY to use against Truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and Christianity--something by which to subordinate and discredit truth (= Christ). Satanism itself doesn't work for that deification for the obvious and necessary death cult and death worship, too well known by too many--it's too bloody in coloration.

So the satanists use "good" and moralism, these being the typical, traditional, and foremost enemies of truth (= Christ)--lies can be justified if it's for "good" enough purpose/reason. Thus the satanic (and fascist) state is founded on "good" and "morality"--especially as long as such "good" and moralism is not specified or analyzed.

And of course, it isn't possible or expedient to actually DEFINE what such "good" (or moralism) actually is--it's best, for the satanists/subjectivists, to simply leave it "open" or not talked about and never seriously analyzed--thus the typical and obligatory anti-intellectualism of the "moralists" and satanists. And note "racism" is always condemned in most hysterical terms (see http://www.foreigndesknews.com/news/politics/in-rare-rebuke-of/), as globalism naturally abhors nationalism, individual freedom, and local gov. based on states-rights.

For as "good" (and "evil") is subjective, it's perfect pretext for satanism (merely extreme subjectivism), hence pretext for statism and dictatorship. Thus the "moralists" and satanists always seem so "forthright," "committed," fanatical, and actually insane as they push their moralism in their typical, hysterical manner, intimidating so effectively the fools and "non-committed" who find themselves in midst of the clashes of satanists and their enemies, like the (real) Christians who uphold truth, hence objective reality and determinism (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will), hence science and rationalism, thus the rule-of-law, etc.
[Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-anti-trump-movement-is-failing.html

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Christianity: Upholds TRUTH (= Christ), Meant To Be Anti-satanic, Anti-Semitic
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 17)

What?--Hoffman, u say "anti-Trump movement is failing"?--well, if it is, then it's only because that's plot of the script written by satanic deep-state who use Trump as mere figure-head front-man for the "good-Jew" faction, pushing Israel, planning heavy, huge strike against Iran, evidently, starting a war to cover imminent economic collapse, beginning w. demise of petro-dollar. Steve Bannon confirms: see http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...or-is-over/ar-AAqjmRE?li=BBnb7Kz&OCID=DELLDHP.

For Trump works for the satanists, esp. Jews who tell him his every move, no less than they scripted for Obama. Why otherwise does Trump Justice dept. continue persecution of the Bundys out in Nevada? Judicial Watch notes same thing about Justice dept. slow-walking their FOIA requests, heavily redacting large chunks of the texts which they do finally release. It's because Trump knowingly works for these satanists and Jews, willingly, knowingly takes orders, follows instructions. Sheriff Arpaio is just lucky--Trump knows he'd look too bad if he continued to ignore that situation.

Attorney Gen. Sessions is old neo-con who has long supported satanists of Israel, and George Soros has long been collaborating w. Trump and lately w. Trump's Jew son-in-law, Kushner.

Note also the false-flags and hoaxes continue as at Charlottesville, then in Barcelona Spain w. more idiot hoaxes which at this pt. are mere comical travesties the Jews-media imagines people will swallow--and these idiot hoaxes are now even pushed by such as Alex Jewns of InfoWars.com who yet makes the pt. that the mass-corp. Jews-media neglects to mention the Islamic element to the pretended "terrorism"--which "terrorism" is all caused by the satanic state which illegally invaded Syria and Iraq, for examples--it's all "synthetic," all caused by satanic/Jew "deep-state," all fm the beginning, having been perfected back in 19th cent. when Rothschilds consolidated their strangle-hold over the West and the world.

So Trump is mere continuation of the same basic story being crafted and scripted by satanic "deep-state," in general, "perpetual war for perpetual peace," by which Israel will be benefitted, advanced, and enhanced for power and territory, the I-net will be either destroyed or completely controlled, as we see, and the excess population of gentiles will be "reduced" in accord w. Agendas -21 and -30, by means especially of the Pharmaceutical/medical monopoly, funded by the central-bank, but also other monopolist corporations, like the food industry using GMOs and other poisons, the poison "chem-trails," etc.

The pertinent observation is simply to noting the top satanic masterminds are at least somewhat conflicted, the "good-Jews," pushing Israeli terror-state against "globalist" ("leftist") "bad-Jews." For there is "no honor among thieves," thank the Lord, and the prospective mass-extermination of gentiles must have even top satanic masterminds looking at one another w. good deal of suspicion as they observe their gentile slaves being prospectively killed-off in such massive numbers.

Christian patriots need "revival," this simply based upon the real Christian philosophy of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective, God-given and -created reality against Jew/satanic lies founded upon subjectivism and "midrash." Thus Christians merely need remove that vital and crucial satanic central-bank instrument of legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo) by which Jews/satanists buy all politicians, judges, and everyone and everything, literally. Nullification and states-rights is another easy, simple counter-measure. Christianity was always meant to be anti-satanic and "anti-semitic" (as Jews understand it)--funny thing is only Jews seem know this best about dear Christianity--idiot heretics like Hoffman haven't the slightest idea.
Satanic "Deep State" Steadily, Busily, Intensively At Work To Terrorize People, Destroy Western Culture, Start War
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 17)

God almighty, but satanic "deep state" is BUSY--just ck the Yahoo.com front page for today, still 19 Aug 17, w. all the latest headlines and click-bait topicalities (for the air-brain morons and "snow-flakes"), ho ho ho ho ho, extending esp. to the "sports" section too, don't forget--for all the "sports" junkies among the scum who are called, "the people." The last week's headlines were similar.

Note also Donald Trump is INTEGRAL part to all this satanic programming and psy-ops, including the latest psy-op at Charlottesville, Va., where the state of Va., including the satanic "deep-state," lured in people of general patriotism for preservation of the Confederate monuments and statues--AND THEN ordered a "stand-down" of police protection as they allowed and encouraged the "antifa" scum and thugs to literally beat-up and assault the rightists, patriots, and "white-nationalists." THIS IS STATE TERRORISM, suckers, and u brainless stupid scum out there, pretending to be "the people" of the nation need to get a clue, u dumb b*st*rds.

The people who suffered fm these assaults have excellent grounds for suing the state, the police, and the politicians involved, including the governor and the mayor of the city. Further, it's CONSPIRACY by G. Soros and the other satanists who contrived and organized all this mayhem and rioting (literally), and they should be arrested and prosecuted, which they won't be, and the poor dumb b*st*rds of the nation, "the people," have no leadership, certainly not any real Christian leadership or guidance, betrayed by Trump and other "neo-cons" and "Rinos." The poor, stupid, brainless scum of Jew S A, dumb puke.

So, looking at the headlines, as I noted, above, on the Yahoo.com front page, we have, "White Supremacists Didn't Show Up In Boston, But These Awesome Signs Did." So all conservatives and "white nationalists" are now "supremacists"--such is the satanic "deep-state" treatment--get the picture?--it's "rocket-science," isn't it? Actually seems rather desperate measures by these scummy satanists, I must say, and incidentally, that headline is fm "Huffington Post," ho ho ho oho. What else is new?--ho ho ho oho.

Another headline, fm JewsWeek (ho oho ho) is "Boston Free Speech Rally Ends Early After 15K Counter-Protesters Drown It Out," trumpeting the idea that "conservatives" sponsored the event, but after the satanist "counter-protestors" showed up, the conservatives packed it in--all giving the obvious impression that the satanists rule, and truly they do when they control the central-bank, able to issue nearly infinite funding of the evermore worthless currency to be paid to the morons, scum, puke, filth, queers, suckers, and dumbasses.

FM the Yahoo.com sports section we have this headline: "DeMarcus Cousins on Confederate statues: ‘Take all them motherf—ers down.'" And there were also headlines fm famous niggers, Lebron James and Kevin Durant. The satanic "deep-state" is fully deployed for intimidation/terror against the people, stimulating "impressions" among the dumbasses.

What do the white players think?--well, ck this fm Jew York Times, one of the white morons wants to sympathize w. the stupid niggers: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/18/...jenkins-chris-long-eagles-anthem-protest.html. It's precisely the white players who should be speaking-out about this moronic terror and intimidation, and many of them surely understand what's really going on, but they're toooooooooo goddam stupid and cowardly to say anything. Poor, dumb, brainless morons of Jew S A, as their filthy satanic-dominated culture continues to go steadily down the proverbial "drain."

So don't forget Trump COULDN'T be so stupid as to grasp EXACTLY what is happening and WHO is at work. Don't doubt Trump and Soros are old partners fm earlier on in their business careers: see http://dailycaller.com/2017/07/13/t...on-of-giving-millions-to-soros-linked-groups/. And there are many other such stories one can easily search engine (but don't use Jewgle).

So note the satanic "deep-state" is engaged in manufacturing a little story-line and "narrative," or two or three, surely. Satanists want to keep their "leftist" "antifa" flunkies and thugs well-paid, well-rehearsed, and ever-ready for more work to be done--they've got nearly un-limited funds, don't forget. And as most people are stupid sons-of-bitches more interested in "bread-and-circuses," the "antifa" activity will surely stick in their minds for intimidation and terror. The thugs rioting will also serve as excuse/pretext for declaring martial-law when the time comes.

Such then is the satanic "deep-state" and how it works--AND TRUMP IS INTEGRAL PART in the playing-out, performance, and the inevitable synthetic "policy" that is being forged by his neo-con and Council-on-Foreign Relations picked officials, like Nicki Haley (at the United Nations) and McMasters at Nat. Security, all sponsored and approved by satanic "deep-state," suckers--try to getting a clue, u poor, stupid morons.
Upon The Subject Of Money (And Currency)
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 17)

I made a vid w. Brian Ruhe, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOfw5d2_LH4&t=69s. And in the comments underneath the vid we had someone ck-ing in and telling some lies and mis-representations about money. So here is the comment and my responses following:

Electric Universe 10 hours ago

Apollonian had a few errors in his presentation. The one I want to bring up is about money. Who money serves is based upon its definition. Today's money is credit/debit based money which serves the jewish bankers. Money based upon a commodity, such as gold and/or silver, is wealth based money and serves the rich with the resources. National money serves the people; this is the same money Hitler authorized for use for Germany. Hitler allowed a jewish banker to keep his position due to him not being a communist and two programs were instituted, which created the Reichsmark that served the German people.

Money is always authorized under LAW of government no matter what historically; therefore, it is a jewish lie that claims government cannot be trusted with the money supply. Bill Still has faults, but this opinion of his of the government controlling the money is not a fault as history shows. The jews are using government laws in their favor to control the money supply today. Why not create laws that favor the people? Please read Stephen Zarlenga's historical book on money called "The Lost Science of Money."

I guess I will bring up a second major flaw of Apollonian's incomplete research. Hitler had no financing from the jews or the west before coming to power. Complete fabrication. After he was in power, of course there was money from investors just as with all nations of the world, especially western. And, the Bush family funding Hitler is completely erroneous. Please investigage Veronica Clarke's research into all of this, or Michael Collins Piper, or Deanna Spingola and many others. They all fact checked these claims by people who made such allegation within famous book, etc., and they are all false.


Apollonian Apollonius 7 hours ago
U're soooo full of the usual, brainless moronic ****, EU. (a) First, u don't understand even what "money" is, which is necessarily commodity-based, w. "intrinsic" value--a commodity w. it's own trade-value, used then as a medium of exchange. Real money doesn't change the basic BARTER relation of "TRADE"--know what that means?--trade is done by means of money, aside fm plain swapping of one commodity for another. Money precedes "government." Money then, properly understood as commodity-based, also serves as store of value, naturally. U confuse real money, as I've described, now w. "currency" which is counterfeit, fraud, imposed on people by dictatorship and "legal tender" laws. Purpose of "currency" is "inflation," to be done later, by means of replication of the currency units.

REAL MONEY DOESN'T REQUIRE GOVERNMENTS, dumbass--why would it? But real, honest governments WOULD properly ban fiat currencies as does US Constitution. U're just basically, and totally full of purest, putrid **** that stinks. Best ref. for money is at Mises.org.

(b) U further lie hugely about unc' Adolf not being funded by kikes, at least indirectly--Jews knew perfectly well Hitler was getting money (actually CURRENCY and currency-backed funding) through channels which originated w. the kikes at top of things who totally controlled practically all int. trade fm well into the 19th cent. Jews WANTED another war to consolidate things and especially to "rope-in" Jew S A, protect and legitimize Bolsheviks as well as Israeli terror-state. Easy, simple source on Hitler's financing is Antony C. Sutton's "Wall Street...," works. Another useful source is "Who Financed Hitler," by the Pooles, brother and sister authors.

Apollonian Apollonius 1 second ago
Notice the piece-of-**** liar writes above: "Money is always authorized under LAW of government no matter what historically;...." Fact is REAL MONEY (not "currency"), commodity-based, gold/silver being best, PRECEDES any gov., and needs no gov. to make "legal tender" laws, FORCING the people to accept it for goods/svcs. What the piece-of-**** is really talking about is that criminal dictatorships impose CURRENCY which then requires "legal-tender" laws enforcing such intrinsically worthless currency upon the people. The piece-of-**** liar then invokes "history" ("...as history shows"). And hist. does indeed show that a gold/silver money system ALWAYS leads to prosperity, FOR ALL THE PEOPLE, as in case of USA, now the Jew S A. And currency systems are mere dicatatorships, by definition, and ALWAYS lead to disaster, war, and impoverishment of the people.

Apollonian Apollonius 1 second ago
One other note to be made--and there might be more--regarding the lies and deceptions of EU, above, is Mike Collins Piper knows little to nothing of money, and I'm not aware of any works of his that cover the subject. The lying moron scum is just babbling and dropping names. Deanna Spingola is a Jewwy mouth-piece for AmericanFreePress.net who along w. the Jewwy Keith Johnson pushes the Sandy hoax lies in which it is alleged the fictional "Adam Lanza" killed 27 people, including his fictional mom, and then 26 others at Sandy hoax elementary. So let this all tell u what a Jewwy lying liar is "electric universe."

Apollonian Apollonius 12 seconds ago

Ho ho ho, and what's this?--why should anyone read Zarlenga's book?--what would it say?--the lying piece-of-****, "electric universe," doesn't tell us, but merely implies everyone has to read-up on some idiot book to catch-up w. this lying scum, ho ho ho ho ho. And we never said Bush family "funded" Hitler; we merely pt'd out Prescott Bush senior worked for Harriman who did business w. the German gov., this easily found and verified in A.C. Sutton's works, for example, mentioned in above notes.

"t is a jewish lie that claims government cannot be trusted with the money supply"?--it's simple, easily verified fact all fiat money schemes, founded in dictatorship and "legal tender" laws, collapse, as I noted, in horrific disasters, bankruptcies, and wars--look at present petro-dollar, collapsing before our very eyes. And it should be OBVIOUS gov. has no business whatsoever imposing currency schemes and frauds upon the people, proper gov. designed merely to protecting people's rights, hence banning frauds precisely like the sort of fraudulent criminal enterprises this piece-of-****, EU, advocates--as when US Const. prohibited state governments emitting "bills of credit."

Listen to the liar who lies (fm above): "Today's money is credit/debit based money which serves the jewish bankers." No stupid, it's CURRENCY w. no intrinsic worth, HENCE IT'S NOT "MONEY" AT ALL. And the purpose of "currency" systems is to INFLATE, meaning legally COUNTERFEITING, proliferating and replicating the currency units, making them even more worthless. U're just a liar who lies for sake of criminals, Jew or non-Jew.
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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/20...der-discussions-and-parents-are-mad/#comments

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Face Up To Spectre Of Satanism, Now Definitively Ruling
(Apollonian, 24 Aug 17)

Dr. Eowyn: u gotta finally figure-out the satanists have decisively taken-over, so what good Christians who worship truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) must do is (a) to note this fact regarding ascension of satanists, who push Agenda-21 and -30 genocide, and then (b) WHAT EXACTLY satanism is, which is extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is creation of consciousness, the subject thus making himself God, the creator. (c) The only next step is to organize and make this extreme subjectivism to be COLLECTIVISTIC--"group think," but well-led, achieving such an amazing scam like central-banking, legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo), by which these satanists own and control everything and practically everyone, paying them off w. CURRENCY, nearly infinitely proliferated, now substituted for real money.

First step for folks then is to realize and face this simple fact about satanism ascendant and dominant, then WHAT exactly it is--it really isn't difficult. Note Christianity explicitly opposes this satanism and subjectivism, Christ demonstrating the triumphant Resurrection of truth which cannot be killed--why?--because it's founded upon the God-given, objective reality, which cannot be killed or wished-away. And note by means of central-banking, satanists have bought-off all the establishment churches, Cath. and Prot. Thank the Lord for the I-net, instrument of the Holy Spirit
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/20...der-discussions-and-parents-are-mad/#comments

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Worst Enemy Of Truth (= Christ) Is "Good"
(Apollonian, 26 Aug 17)

Brian: I sympathize w. u, but u've got to be more adult and grown-up, rather than keeping it at the kid's mentality. CHRIST IS TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and truth is Christ, and only way to the Father is through truth (the "son"). Christians worship truth truth truth truth--get the picture? And HOW can u have any such thing as "truth" without the God-given OBJECTIVE REALITY as the basis/foundation of such truth?

And satanism is idea of the SUBJECTIVIST reality whence the subject is God the creator, all reality created by consciousness/mentality, this then being the foundation of satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44). Thus satanists assure whoever that their contrivances are as good as "truth" or any reality--and the satanist is psychotic enough to believe this.

And here's the next, crucial step. Some of these satanists ORGANIZE AND COLLECTIVIZE and contrive further a most effective and practical "GROUP-THINK," upon which they can profitably co-operate, working against the rest of the individuals of the society. These organized satanists soon enough become most powerful, especially when they contrive a practical weapon/instrument consisting of "central-banking" (see Mises.org for expo), by which they replace real (commodity-based) MONEY w. CURRENCY, this currency now capable of being massively, nearly infinitely replicated for the units, known then as "INFLATION," by which they impoverish and despoil the rest of the citizenry who are required by such as "legal-tender" laws to accept this corrupt currency for payments for goods and svcs.

Such then is the nature of satanism which begins rather randomly, but soon enough becomes ORGANIZED, and proceeds to dominates the society--as we see. People nowadays must most crucially realize (a) this organized satanism is now all-powerful, and (b) that it's really simple for its root essence--extreme SUBJECTIVISM--denying the objective reality and idea of TRUTH (= Christ).

But now here's the hard part: HOW does one become attracted to this satanism/subjectivism in the first place?--by means of that hubristic pretension, insistence, obsession w. "good," distinct fm "evil"--FOR THERE IS NO "GOOD-EVIL," this being mere contrivance for purpose of intimidating obedience fm the very young, and then indoctrinating these poor victims w. a tradition of obedience for mere sake of obedience.

Thus Christ emphasizes there is no "good-evil," that EVERYONE is a sinner, and that ONLY way to salvation is by means of God's grace and mercy. Worst enemy of TRUTH (= Christ) is pretended "good"--which doesn't exist. For no one is perfect in eyes of the Lord, "no not one," says St. Paul.

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Brian Heinz | August 25, 2017 at 12:48 pm |
We have been given a stay for 4 yrs at the moment if this country does not turn back to God and leave satan behind I am afraid we will not know this as America any more.