Apo essays for Aug 2020


Guest Columnist
It's Civil War, Suckers--Trump Must Declare Martial Law Upon Gross False Charging Of Hero, Rittenhouse, Mere Part Of Larger Consp. Of Treason, Civil Insurrection
(Apollonian, 28 Aug 20)

Video tape clearly shows Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense as he shot BLM terrorist thugs who were clearly assaulting him. Further, Trump needs to arrest the conspirators who arranged for the arrest and charging of Rittenhouse and those who organized the rioting falsely called "protesting," including by the complicit propaganda agencies, "fake news," pretending to be "press."

And who are these murderers, traitors, and criminals behind all the highly organized rioting under cover of "protesting"?--they're the "globalists" who want to enslave USA and its people under the United Nations dictatorship, esp. corp. fascists like G. Soros who engineered the funding and election of complicit officials, like the prosecutors and district attorneys who falsely charged the McCloskeys of St. Louis, Mo. as they were defending their property against the terrorist thugs and criminals.

But Trump will continue to do nothing to arresting this obvious conspiracy of civil insurrection by the globalists who have plainly announced their criminal intentions--why?--because Trump is controlled by the very same forces who control and master-mind the "globalists," those satanic criminals behind the central-bank fraud and conspiracy, the fraud consisting of legalized counterfeiting and "fiat-currency"--see Mises.org for expo on central-bank, etc.; use the site search-engine there for expo on particular terms.

Thus the satanic banking counterfeiters, criminals, and their agents, like G. Soros, who control the politicians, lawyers, liars of the "fake news," down to the criminal thugs pretending to "protest," are directly behind all the rioting and insurrectionary activity--they're obviously the paymasters and master-minds, and they also control Trump by means of the very same counterfeiting and hence campaign-funding--it's all a satanic charade and conspiracy meant to confuse and terrorize the people.

So far, the people have been too stupid and ignorant to understand the fraud and criminality of central-banking, mere legalized counterfeiting, but now the people can easily see and grasp the gross injustice and atrocity of the false charges against a heroic and patriotic citizen, Rittenhouse, who was clearly defending himself against the BLM thugs and terrorists.

Trump needs be confronted w. the facts of this moronic, putrid conspiracy and immediately arrest those responsible for the false charges against Rittenhouse, immediately and at a minimum. And it doesn't stop there against corrupt, criminal, conspiratorial local officials--it goes all the way to G. Soros and the "globalist" master-minds and flunkies. These satanic communists, criminals and murderers have shown their hand now for all to see--they need to be crushed, their assets confiscated, the criminals jailed, given fair trials, and then duly executed for treason and mayhem, the republic restored, and the criminal central-bank dissolved forever.