Apo essays for Jan 2020


Guest Columnist
The REAL Christian History and Philosophy--NOT Mere Religion and Myth
(Apollonian, 17 Jan 20)

A. Satanic Stage Of Cyclic History

Presently (2020 AD) the world, but especially the West and USA, suffer grievously fm effects and conspiracies of Satanism and Satanists, not merely the thematic HUBRIS of corrupt culture--for it's long past mere hubris in the CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline of the West," and we're firmly in the stage of "end-times" as warned in the Biblic, New Test. Book of Revelations. Perhaps worst of all is the over-populated fools and suckers (a) don't suspect this insidious and malignant Satanism, and (b) they don't even know what it, Satanism, is--extreme subjectivism. Satanism thus is not mere religion; it's gross nefarious, devilish philosophy, necessary base to hubristic pretense of perfectly "free," nearly God-like will and non-existent "good-evil."

Note however that apocalyptic "end-times" refers not to any necessary absolute end or destruction of the entire universe, but merely that the present CYCLE of history (as described by aforementioned Oswald Spengler) is ending. Specifically, we find ourselves in practical sight of the end of American economic dominance fm the second world war (WWII). For history, like reality, is (a) objective, (b) determined, (c) CYCLIC, hence the (d) present "end-times" stage for this particular CYCLE in history.

Thus Satanists now CONTROL and guide established, organized Christianity (Catholic and Protestant)--it's become simply a part of the general satanified (Western) culture, an anti-Christ Satanism of its own--so ironic as Christianity is what is and was supposed to safeguard humanity fm this very Satanism so afflicting the West and our times. Yet, Christianity, the real thing--the actual philosophy--still exists and can still be used against this putrid Satanism, even so pervading, inexorable, and inevitable as this satanism seems.

Thus Christianity, the establishment, has become so hopelessly mystified and no longer understood for its proper and basic philosophic purpose--anti-Satanism. The present establishment "Christianity" is really anti-Christianity, quite satanic itself, and actually forwards, promotes, and aids the Satanism and Satanists who now dominate. Observe the present anti-Christ pope, Francis, advocates New World Order (NWO) world-government, "climate-change" lies, etc.

B. What is Satanism?

What is Satanism exactly?--it's the culture of death, oriented and aimed at mass death and killing of humanity and human reason, humanity persuaded to allow it all to happen--irrationalism for the sake of this death, and specifically, extreme subjectivism, the idea that mind/consciousness is creator of reality, thus making the subject to be God, the creator. And don't forget that among Satanists/subjectivists are the COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivist/Satanists who partake of the most effective "group-think," most organized, cohesive, and best led, thus dominating the more isolated and "individualist" Satanist/subjectivists who are most numerous, especially among gentiles, Satanists in general then dominating the rest of the demoralized, dis-organized, conflicted, and hubristic population.

C. Christianity: Worship Of Truth (= Christ)

For note the original and proper purpose of Christianity is worship of TRUTH above all, truth being Christ in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6, such truth (= Christ) the "only way" to God the Father and any sort of practical "happiness," ease, or satisfaction. Thus in this sublime fashion, Christ as through Gosp. JOHN affirms the OBJECTIVE (hence Aristotelian) reality, necessary criterion of and for such TRUTH ideal which opposes (extreme) subjectivism and satanism.

Thus Satanists, as in New Test. myth, strove to murder truth (Christ) as they imagine in their insanity and psychosis they can murder the objective reality. Nowadays, subjectivist/Satanists strive to obliterate the idea of objectivity fm the minds of the volk, inducing ignorance, cognitive dissonance, confusion, demoralization, and fear.

D. Christian Reason (Holy Spirit) Leading To Sublime, Benevolent Ethics

Such then is the beginning and foundation of Christian philosophy, truth and the objective reality, in opposition to satanic lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Thus Christian metaphysics is so simply and plainly stated and founded, the entire rest of the Gospels so much and mostly then demonstrating Christian ethics founded therefrom and thereupon, these Christian ethics and object-lessons being so revered by so many people of all times, races, and cultures accounting for the enduring popularity of Christianity.

Thus Christian philosophic anti-theses are founded, Truth vs. lies, Objectivity vs. subjectivism (Satanism). And it's this basic Christian philosophy, founded in objective reality, which is so desperately covered-up by the satanists who thereupon insist that Christianity is for purpose of upholding most of all, (a) love, (b) "faith"--especially of "beeeeleeeevin" (as if believing thereby makes anything to being true), this corrupt understanding of "faith" (beeeleeevin') being itself source of satanism--and actually the method of Satanism, turned into obsession. (c) Another anti-Christ delusion is that Christianity is about political "peace" at any price, including the sacrifice of one's life for attainment of such political-style "peace." In truth, Christian philosophy only assures one of one's own peace-of-mind.

E. Heresy, Delusion of "Good-Evil," Perfectly "Free" Will, Etc.

Finally, the very worst anti-Christ delusion is that there's any such thing as "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy) to be achieved by means of the additional and underlying delusion of perfectly "free" will. For humans are otherwise hopeless sinners, hopelessly doomed to sin, strife, and conflict, and no pretended "free will" can change this determinist, necessary state and process.

And remember the original sin, described in the Bible, is partaking of the "fruit" of the "tree" of "knowledge of good and evil." For there is no "good-evil" or perfectly "free" will--everything is determined in accord w. God's will, and there's no possible human will or ability to prevent or alter the pre-determined will of God. Note further that in reason and history no clear, solid criterion for any "good-evil" has ever been discovered. For life at any price is not necessarily "good," and human reason and logic are simply methods, hence means.

And the actual nuance or "twist" for humanity is that though things are absolutely determined according to God's will and cause-effect, humans nonetheless can't be too sure of any actual, particular outcome for the details of any course of events or process; hence humans make use of their will and knowledge as if it really matters, calculating and planning actions according to prospective outcomes as best they can expect or foresee. Regardless, in our human wisdom, we know nonetheless the outcomes are determined in accord only w. God's will, regardless of our own, we merely hoping and praying our calculations are not detrimental or counter-productive.

So we see Christianity is not mere religion and myth, as for the children, but Christianity, as much as anything, is philosophy which saves the sinful human fm Satanism, the culture of death and anti-reason, especially for satanic guise of "good-evil," and pretending to Godly-type perfect "free" will, "faith" then deliberately misconstrued as "believing" which renders that delusion that what is believed to being truth itself. For "faith" only properly means loyalty, and the only way of knowledge of truth (= Christ) is by means of reason and honesty, the main and necessary components of any proper "Holy Spirit." Christian philosophy then provides foundation for all/any following Christian ethics.