Apo essays for Jan 2022

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/the-holocaust-of-six-million-jews-in-world-war-i/

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Mighty I-Net Is, Has Been, Big Disaster For Jews, Now Working For More Intensive Censorship--Like Lately From United Nations
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 22)

Keep talking, Franny baby, ho ho ho--and we like u just the way u are, smug and over-confident, not to mention utterly delusional as to the way u think world looks upon u monsters, called Jews, who gloat over ur having Christ (= Truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) killed.

And it's ONLY the heads of the corrupt "Churches," who take ur money u Jews give out as bribery who lie and say they love u Jew monsters. No one loves Jews--except maybe satan.

Don't u realize Talmud is now out and translated, put on the I-net where all can see what it's all about?--ck Come-and-hear.com--and I'm sure there are other sites too. Mike Hoffman at RevisionistReview.blogspot.com has a couple of books on Judaism, so does Ted Pike at TruthTellers.org. Of course our glorious New Test. is enough all by itself.

For Judaism is Satanism, Franny--know what that is? Satanism is just extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition. Thus u Jews partake in a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism as u believe God judges u as a whole people, not merely as individuals. For Judaism is subjectivism following ur "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Trad."

Nothing for u Jews, beginning w. Torah, means anything but for what the rabbis and leaders decide as "midrash"--and then it becomes the party-line for all Jews who are expected to support and co-operate for this "midrash." And any Jew who doesn't cooperate sufficiently is dealt with, like Ariel Toaff who exposed u Jews for ur child-sacrifice and ritual murder which u monsters still do, no doubt. See https://www.traditioninaction.org/History/A_010_BloodyPassovers.htm/.

Thus Christ (= Truth), copped ur case, told u the truth, that u're "sons of satan...," (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) etc., and u Jew murdering monsters decided to have him killed, and now u gloat over such murder (Gosp. MATT 27:25). But truth ALWAYS RESURRECTS, as reality is OBJECTIVE (the only way there could be any truth), coming back to bite, sucker.

And with the mighty I-net, it's inevitable evermore people will learn the real truth about u satanic, psychopathic monsters. We true anti-satanic, hence anti-Semitic Christians, for the REAL Christianity, not the ones who take money fm u monsters, are confident too, Fran, don't doubt.

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903. Fran Taubman says:
January 30, 2022 at 10:53 pm GMT • 18 minutes ago ↑

Now this is what I am talking about. This guy is writing under an assumed name and identity.
Good luck with this Dalton. Good luck.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/the-holocaust-of-six-million-jews-in-world-war-i/

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Hubristic, Over-Populated Gentiles Just Continue Fiddling While "Rome" Burns
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 22)

I think Geo did fine in drawing-out the psychotic, smug condescension of these satanic monsters, called Jews. Anyone among gentiles who reads that Jewwy drivel will not be impressed w. these infernal psychopathic chosenites.

Ultimate existential (down-to-earth) problem is the central-bank (see Mises.org for best expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency," etc.), literally legalized counterfeiting, which gives Jews all the currency (not real money, like gold/silver) they need to continue controlling, owning, and directing the over-populated morons and fools who were generated by the founders, but didn't have to work hard, and now hubristically indulge themselves, playing "mighty-white," being "generous" to the enemy races, beginning w. Jews.

The fools believe infinite currency units is better than FINITE real money--which leads to the inflation we now see, but they still won't figure it out. And u notice Unz, the Jew, naturally features the inflationist "economists," like Ellen Brown and Mike Hudson, pushing their stupid lies. There doesn't seem to be any solution--except in the wide-spread dying-out of these inferiors--which seems to have happened, to an extent, w. the covid-hoax and poison clot-shots, unfortunately, tragic as it is. More disasters are bound to happen, like perhaps run-away inflation.

Otherwise, patriots must, aside fm removing the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting, exert states-rights, nullification, and secession--break-up the satanic Jew S A, flunky for Israeli terror-state, and repudiate the debts generated by the criminals, psychopaths, and satanic murderers.

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909. geokat62 says:
January 31, 2022 at 12:32 am GMT • 47 minutes ago • 200 Words ↑
@Carolyn Yeager

Trying your best” to convince ONE, in a single short comment, is not going to “defeat the civic nationalists”…

What exactly do you propose I do, Carolyn?

You’re a dabbler, not a crusader.

You call me a dabbler, Fran calls me a crusader. I guess my father was right when he pulled me aside many years ago and warned me… “it’s futile trying to please women.”

But you shouldn’t give people false hope by pretending to be a serious person.

Pretending? If you think I’m content having online exchanges as South Africa is fast approaching for my children and grandchildren, you’re sadly mistaken.

Wasting your time in a lengthy back and forth about Iraq children with the troll “Corvinus” is not serious.

Agreed. It is most unfortunate. But have you never been pulled into an unproductive exchange with some troll on TUR?

It’s like haemorrhoids… nobody likes them, but sometimes you simply can’t avoid them.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-anne-frank-sirhan-sirhan-and-aids/#new_comments

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It's Stupid And Foolish To Be "Grateful" To Unz, Typical Jew Liar, Deceiver, Subversive
(Apollonian, 31 Jan 22)

Why are u "so grateful" to Unz, who's a Jew, loyal to Jews, not white people, though he wants to pretend he's "white" like mestizos and mulattoes? Unz is just smug and condescending towards the fools, like u, who imagine Unz is anything but the typical Jew liar, deceiver, and operator. (a) First of all, Unz is a miserable writer, a long-winded babbler.

(b) Unz the Jew, never forget, is allied w. and much follows Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, who wants to identify Jews along w. and within "white people"--but how is this synthesis possible? For Christianity is anti-thetical and anti-thematic to Judaism.

(c) So Unz doesn't want to seriously examine Judaic "religion" (Talmudism) which is really just subjectivism/Satanism, Satanism being hardly a "religion" beyond the philosophy of extreme subjectivism (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjectivism/), following Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Trad.," which makes consciousness/mentality the source of reality, subject then being creator, God-like, Satanism, by definition. In case of Jews, it's a COLLECTIVIST subjectivism they practice. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Talmudic expo.

(d) Unz doesn't want to face facts of the REAL Christianity which is anti-satanic (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and anti-Semitic; he rather downplays serious analysis of Christianity and rather relies upon the establishment "Judeo-Christianity" (JC, see Whtt.org for expo on JC) whence the distinction and diff. btwn Christianity and Talmudism is down-played, preferring to pretend they're compatible. This anti-thetic nature of the two, Judaism and Christianity, is great stumbling-block for Unz, which he seems to resent.

(e) Unz is decidedly un-sympathetic to blacks or non-whites in general, and he plays up other writers allied w. Jared Taylor to point up this antipathy, especially for the blacks; this is how he expects, evidently, to cozy-up to the whites.

(f) The present central-banking (US Federal Reserve--the "Fed"), literally legalized counterfeiting, is the very tool and instrument of Judaic hegemony over everyone else in both the world and Jew S A, and u'll notice Unz NEVER says a word against it, Unz featuring so-called "economists" (like Ellen Brown and Michael Hudson) who similarly never complain about the Fed except upon mere tactical matters of administrative policy. See Mises.org for best expo on Fed; use site search engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

(g) Finally, for this list, note Unz further downplays use of the word, "conspiracy," which he sometimes allows for SOME Jews, though not all, like himself. Unz especially wants to obscure conspiracy of the "globalists," as of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilaterals who are obviously dependent upon the central-bank.

Unz is a Jew, a true and typical Jew who lies freely, as when he says he only "moderates lightly" (in truth Unz censors heavily, intensively, and ruthlessly), Unz being loyal to Jews, though he will concede and allow for some Jews as aberrations, hostile to whites and gentiles, even if they seem to be most and many Jews--again, as way of gaining confidence of stupid goyim.

Unz psy-ops consists of seconding and supporting the work of Jared Taylor, as noted above, for purpose of synthesizing Jews in and among "white people"--this is his main object.

(1) Thus Unz stage-manages the discussion/debate that goes on in the comments sections. So Unz pursues the object of Jew synthesization w. white gentiles by means of heavy, intensive censorship and suppression of determined white anti-semites and real Christians, (2) Unz always keeping a large reserve of Jew commentators ready to counter-argue against the more outspoken among the gentile commenters, ruthlessly and furiously censoring the more un-compromising anti-Semitic commenters, as noted; believe me, I know. Unz is the TYPICAL lying Jew pursuing object of subversion and deception of stupid gentiles.

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112. TREG says:
January 31, 2022 at 6:04 pm GMT • 6.6 hours ago ↑

I am so grateful to Ron Unz and his growing American Pravda Series. I do what I can by sharing it at every opportunity. I owe him so much. I feel a deep gratitude to him personally and yet I’ve never met the man. A big high five, that’s for sure! Thank you.

• Agree: dearieme, Nancy