Apo essays for May 2020


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/church...ry-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#new_comments

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Satanists Hate Truth Most Of All
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Can..." tells us, <blockquote>"[t]he Unzite Nazis are relentless bullies, incurable ignoramuses and utterly useless to debate with."</blockquote> But what actual sense does this statement by "Can..." really make? For HOW could we be "bullies"?--that's palpably ridiculous, just another moronic lie by satanic liars who lie as they breathe. Thou "protesteth too much," sucker.

"Incurable ignoramuses"? Well, we do our best, but at least we make it a pt. to know enough about u Satanists who pretend u're like others pursuing an otherwise harmless "religion." And that Satanism is one thing dear unc' Adolf rather unfortunately left-out of his exposition, Hitler being a practical politician, not too terribly analytic about serious things like ur satanistic religion founded upon such extreme subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Trad."), nothing being "true" but what is officially approved by and in the "party-line."

U Satanists typically retort that "oh no, u're not 'religious'," but u see, u're Satanists simply to extent u're such careful and thorough-going subjectivists, going along and conspiring w. ur fellow Satanists. And that's why unc' Adolf left so much that was necessary out of his exposition when he neglected to pt. out about u people that u really are such Satanists in the first place--Satanism, the anti-thesis of Christianity, not mere version or variety as u try to lead so many to think.

For then Hitler would have had to go into an exposition upon Satanism, what it is really--a very simple philosophy--of extreme subjectivism by which reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject the creator--God--Satanism by definition.

Satanists, including especially ur sort, the most successful by far, and the most popular (many gentiles even trying hard to imitating u--even some so-called "Christians" adopting parts of it), in all history, then wrap ur satanic philosophy, which is really very simple, in an elaborated ritual and mumbo-jumbo to THEN make it seem oh so "religious" and mysterious when it's really basically just pretty simple philosophy at the core--extreme subjectivism.

THEN unc' Adolf would have had to go just a step further: he'd show that not only were u Satanist monsters extreme subjectivists, BUT u're futher, most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists and Satanists--something which is unique. U're actually foremost "group-thinkers" which is fairly unknown to and un-observed by others--u're most organized, committed, motivated, and best, most incisively led, most effective and successful throughout hist.--when the corrupted civilization and people allow u to get away w. it all--as we see they've done evermore since Reformation, but esp. since French Rev.--the Spenglerian Western "Decline." U Satanist monsters now dominate the world fm ur head-quarters in stolen Palestine. Do u doubt "end-times" must be near?

Thus our Christian ancestors taught us and following generations to HATE u Satanist devils, simply for who and what u are and how u identify, even fm a very young age, knowing we'd learn, at least SOME of us, the whys and wherefores of ur satanism as we grew-up.

Unc' Adolf was a heroic leader, and that's why u hate him. And indeed our dear Christianity records that special hatred for u people, u monsters, as necessary thing, history supplying the details, u gloating at the imagined death of Christ (= truth and the objective reality it's based upon), ur worst enemy, but for whom now u want to substitute our dear unc' Adolf as foremost villain who merely told a PART of the truth about ur supreme, satanic anti-humanity.

Thus even as u're so far out-numbered by the gentile subjectivists, they're not NEARLY so integrally organized and cohesive as u; hence u naturally lead and dominate them--just like the early communists of Bolshevik Russia were led and dominated by u infernal Satanists who all denied ur satanic "religiousness."

And thus in a demoralized, degenerate society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," u Satanists and subjectivists, including ur relatively larger gentile component ("liberals" and "progressives") who are always to be found sucking-along, but led by u highly collectivistic Satanists at the core who dominate and rule the entire society of goyim, few of them realizing how it's all happening--amazed at the relatively small number of u satanic master-minds at the top--like the present-day Central-bankers, eh?

And then u satanic liars will say, "ohhh, but gee whiz, but our people are only a tiny percentage of the whole population." Pretty "ignorant" isn't it?

Regardless, unc' Adolf really didn't seem to grasp the subtle criminality of such legalized counterfeiting which is the essence of central-banking (see Mises.org, again). For Hitler was far more a practical politician, not too terribly analytic as philosopher or scholar, though he did go a good ways, and he never hesitated to name u criminals and monsters--for which all u hate him so. Pretty "ignorant," eh?

Finally, u say we're "...utterly useless to debate with," but that's only as long as we stick to the truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--then it's truly useless, we understand. But it's actually NECESSARY for u Satanists to "debate" and lie in order to confuse the goyim, most of whom, so far, will so allow themselves to be confused, as u put over ur constant lies, lying, and especially that sublime criminal enterprise of central-banking (legalized counterfeiting)--and as long as u control that necessary bank instrument, u'll continue to rule, u hope.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------

515. CanSpeccy says: • Website

April 23, 2020 at 4:28 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Stebbing Heuer

Steb, you’re arguing with morons. Take a break.

The Unzite Nazis are relentless bullies, incurable ignoramuses and utterly useless to debate with.

The only interesting thing about this article is to discover that Paul Craig Roberts, a former Math/Econ professor, Deputy Treasury Secretary, etc., etc., has stooped so low, or become so senile, as to propagate contemptible revisionist nonsense of the kind that Ron Unz is committed to spreading.

• Agree: FB
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/church...ry-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#new_comments

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Do Satanists Suffer Hubris?--Is Pope Catholic?
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"FB" (and other Satanists): buddy, ur leader here, Unz, censors and deletes most of my comments, though he amazingly published about 5 in a row, just lately, even though the program here limits me to mere two entries per day as I get an error msg, "too many comments; take a break."

Unz returned to his usual form just now, finally deleting my latest (though it gets published elsewhere). U Satanists actually, simply can't stand truth, and that's why u HATE unc' Adolf and why Unz deletes and censors my comments. Unz is strictly "limited hangout," and ADL saying he's "anti-Semitic" is just the usual psy-ops we get fm u satanists. Unz does God's work, indubitably.

U have a lot of gall (as usual for u) to talk about "...eruption of mental illness…" when u Satanists pour out that on-going, nearly endless stream of lies and lying about holohoax even after it's so long been exposed as ur usual lying, and even though we know the truth is rather that it's gentiles who've been mass-murdered by u Satanists, including the Palestinians, as people see daily, nowadays.

It's why u gloat in ur satanic Talmud over the execution of Jesus Christ too, right?--anyone who opposes u Satanists are routinely hated, slandered, and reviled--like our hero, unc' Adolf who over-reached when he declared war against Jew S A, and u all thus hit it lucky once again.

So u see, people among us gentiles who really know and follow u Satanists, know that whoever it is u Satanists are demonizing, like unc' Adolf, MUST be good for the gentiles, since u Satanists are constantly at war w. humanity (gentiles) as it's what u do as ur primary purpose in cultivating, breeding, grooming, punishing, rewarding, and culling the gentiles so constantly and intensively, as we see in Palestine, just for one obvious thing.

U Satanist do indeed "hide under beds" in evermore places, un-questionably, and evermore people know a lot about it, evermore, sucker--do u really think such process can keep going much longer?--do u think something will have to "give," sometime? And then, do u think ur top Satanists may decide to throw a few (or perhaps a lot) of u lower-ranking Satanists to proverbial "wolves"?--would u be surprised when that happens?

Like treason, do u think Satanism can long "prosper"?--after all, u might run-out of gentiles to enslaving then, right? Smug Satanists--u never worry about too much, right? Ho ho ho.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------

571. FB says: • Website

April 24, 2020 at 10:16 am GMT • 100 Words

Typical UNZ idiot…

Make sure to check thoroughly under your bed for hiding Jews…they’re everywhere these days you know…

Like I said…scratch one of you ridiculous ****ler nutters with facts you prefer not to face, and you get an eruption of mental illness…

Funny how you stick up for this creepy old Nazi hag…maybe you’re hoping to plug her…?

• LOL: Grahamsno(G64)

• Troll: Ondra Hada
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/church...ry-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#new_comments

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"Truth" Only Has Real, Distinct Meaning In Objective Reality, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Can..." says, <blockquote>"...Unzite Nazis are relentless bullies, incurable ignoramuses and utterly useless to debate with."</blockquote> Unz censored my first response, so I'll try again, eh? We fans of dear unc' Adolf aren't necessarily "Nazis," as u Satanists like to say we are--but we'll defend the heroic Nat. socialists--they tried their best and deserve lots of credit. How do u think u Satanists can win?--u'd have to exterminate all humanity--then u wouldn't have any slaves.

For I'm Christian (worship of TRUTH), and I hold Christianity is quite enough to deal w. the Satanist problem. I'm not socialist, though I have to admit that back then in 20s, and 30s in Germany, socialism was the political idiomatic one had to speak to achieve high office, as did Hitler.

How could we be "bullies" when the site here is "moderated" and censored by Unz?--isn't it obvious Unz would be the "bully"? Now let me deal w "usefulness for debating," and then I'll get to the real truth of the matter regarding "Can...'s" quoted statement.

U Satanists only appear to "debate"--what do we need u Satanists for anyway? For u preach subjectivism, esp. extreme subjectivism by which reality, HENCE "MORALITY," is mere product of ur mentality/consciousness--which is modeled in ur "midrash" and "Oral Law Trad.," by which Torah means whatever rabbis officially determine.

Thus u Satanists ALWAYS WIN any "debate"--u're subjectivists and u can't handle Christian truth necessarily founded in objective reality. Thus we gentiles naturally defend unc' Adolf who was all the world had at the time to defend humanity against u Satanists who run the central-banking of the world, like u plainly do now--see Mises.org for expo.

U Satanists want to demonize unc' Adolf as u did w. ur holohoax prop. and lies, and it failed--observe u losers don't even bother w. holohoax on Unz's comments pages here. BUT u still want to push ur other lies founded in ur satanic subjectivism and "moralism."

So here's the obvious conclusion for it all, and the world can judge for itself whether it's true or "incurably ignorant." WWII was started by UK and France's official declarations in Sep. 1939--why isn't this obvious and reasonable?

Unc' Adolf and Germans never declared war until after UK and France, but u amazing Satanists deny this obvious, blatant fact. Only then was unc' Adolf required to go to war which essentially waited till after that smaller, brief war started by Poland had been finished (for Poles wanted to take Danzig).

Regardless, war was surely inevitable, given the satanic Soviet Union run by Satanists who deny they're "religious," ho ho ho ho. Humanity, Germany, and Hitler were required to observe an active defensive, all throughout since WWI.

War is carried on here in the Unz comments, and there can be no resolution btwn Christian defenders of truth, hence objective reality VERSUS Satanism-subjectivism founded and derived fm midrash and Oral Law Trad.--there's no common ground or premises. And the war must and will go on.

Thus unc' Adolf was heroic, brave defender of humanity and gentiles against Satanist-subjectivists who have advanced, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," since at least the Reformation, and esp. since French Rev. This, preceding then seems obvious, reasonable and accurate conclusion and observation--at least for humanity and gentiles.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------

515. CanSpeccy says: • Website

April 23, 2020 at 4:28 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Stebbing Heuer

Steb, you’re arguing with morons. Take a break.

The Unzite Nazis are relentless bullies, incurable ignoramuses and utterly useless to debate with.

The only interesting thing about this article is to discover that Paul Craig Roberts, a former Math/Econ professor, Deputy Treasury Secretary, etc., etc., has stooped so low, or become so senile, as to propagate contemptible revisionist nonsense of the kind that Ron Unz is committed to spreading.

• Agree: FB
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/#comment-3855525

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How Could Dear Unc' Adolf Have Been All That Bad?
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

Well, "Cyrano," buddy, what about ur co-racialist, Bernie Sanders, who preaches "democratic" socialism? For socialism is a buzz-word, u see, and back in the 20s and 30s of previous cent., that "socialism" was the ruling "meme" and idiomatic one was REQUIRED to speaking in order to achieve any credibility in vying for high-office.

U say, <blockquote>"Hitler was a degenerate phony."</blockquote>But too many people disagree w. u Cyrano, buddy, ho ho ho ho--and that's what counts regarding political power. Dear unc' Adolf showed the world how to deal w. commies and bolshies, didn't he?--a "degenerate phony," indeed--is that why all the Satanists, as we see here on Unz, hate him so?--ho ho ho ho--I don't think so.

My advice to u is, when u see all these disgusting, lying Satanists here on Unz hating and reviling dear unc' Adolf, u KNOW he couldn't have been all bad, eh?

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

591. Cyrano says:

April 24, 2020 at 5:45 pm GMT • 100 Words

Hitler was a degenerate phony. If he so much disliked communism and went on a holly crusade against it, how come he found it expedient to fake a derivative of communism – which is what socialism really is?

Why pay homage to something that you profess to despise from the bottom of your soul? A total phony, like all the current phonies in the west – spent the cold war battling communism and now pretending that they are “socialist” by implementing multiculturalism as a proof of their humanism. Yeah, right.
Below-copied by ap was submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/#comment-3855525

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Talmudic War Btwn Satanists, Gentiles
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

Jews are Satanists (extreme subjectivists) and enemies of all humanity, according to their Talmud--"the best of the gentiles, kill him." And Christianity (worship of truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is war against Satan and Jews, "sons of satan, the father of lies" (JOHN 8:44).

Real question is what is Unz trying to accomplish, anyway?--as Jews are subjectivists and Satanists, while Christianity endorses the objective, hence deterministic reality. There isn't and couldn't be ANY common-ground btwn the two sides and philosophies--why u Satanists can't understand gentile love for heroic unc' Adolf.

Socio-biologically, Jews/satanists are that deterministic mechanism by which the excess over-population of gentiles, weaklings and inferiors (like "liberals" and "progressives"), is killed-off--as we see presently in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."
Below-copied by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/#comment-3855525

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Understanding Circumstances Of CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline..."
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Mefo...," u do great job for clarifying the discussion, thanks--it now allows me to do some clarifying. So first, unc' Adolf didn't "lose," though he did, under circumstances, make "fatal" mistake of declaring war which brought in Jew S A, creating the fatal Western front, etc.

For u see, the whole strategic situation was that Germany had been grossly defeated in WWI, having been starved practically to death by UK navy--the whole first world war strategy fm very beginning (probably going back to 1907, according to Docherty and Macgregor of "Hidden History...," and https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.wordpress.com/) --Brits only had to hope France and Russia could hold out long enough for the blockade to work and take full effect, etc.--it almost didn't work, Jew S A having to come in in the "nick of time" to save the Satanic situation.

So after end of WWI the allies, including now Jew S A, who were committed (though reluctant to admit it), don't forget, only had to wait for opportunity to pounce as Germans inevitably recovered to smash-down Germans again--only now under auspices of their new "world gov."/dictatorship mechanism, the UN (United Nations), Jew S A fully "in," this time. And the Satanists were always on top of things, and definitive signal was given by FDR (Roosevelt) soon as he was re-elected, in 1937 w. his "quarantine" agitation--proverbial "fix" was in, "die" was "cast."

Only thing still not understood and grasped, not leastly by unc' Adolf, at the time, was the tremendous power and effect of economics, most expressed and exerted in the "lend-lease" instrument by which soviets were empowered to crush Germany on eastern front. Soviets were ALWAYS enforcers for the Satanists at the top, fm beginning (and even before 1917).

Next, u say, <blockquote>"The winner of WW2 was finance capital,...,"</blockquote> which is kinda' right, given ur understanding, BUT u must note that central-banking (which is what it really is--see Mises.org) is actually a criminal enterprise, a totally illegal monopoly, consisting of literally legalized counterfeiting--this is NOT NOT NOT NOT "free market" in ANY sense, but strictly, totally criminal, and it's greatest tragedy (nothing less) that most of the idiots, scum, goons, weaklings, inferiors, TV-addicts, morons, suckers, "liberals," and "progressives" can't figure this out about central-banking.

So u see, at the bottom of everything, we have a sociologic disaster consisting of too many, over-populated ignorant scum, addicted to the very poison which is killing them, like the central-bank, these over-populated morons thinking that, hey, central-banking is okay, legitimate, even necessary business, etc.--these absolute idiots even think it's "free market"--terminal stupidity, nothing less.

So something has to happen to these over-populated moronic goons--either they gotta get "smart," which is un-likely, OR they need to die-out and be killed-off--a frightening prospect in any case, as lots of innocents would be caught-up, as always in this TRAGIC human existence of ours. Right now, we're all (still) waiting for inevitable strike on Iran being arranged by our satanic keepers and rulers.

In conclusion, u must now see, unc' Adolf didn't, because he couldn't, have made any "fatal mistakes"--impossible--because Germany was doomed fm very beginning, in the determinist, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," things having been set-up and activated by those busy Satanists who are in control (have been since Rothschilds, during and after Napoleon), having benefitted fm and exploited the horrendous socio-biologic circumstances of over-population of hubristic, terminally stupid morons and goons--esp. in form of "liberals," "progressives," and socialists, the Satanists' gleefully collaborating lick-spittles.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

756. Mefobills says:

April 27, 2020 at 2:56 am GMT • 200 Words
@Carolyn Yeager

Mefobills chimed in (#727) with: “Hitler’s miscalculations are having serious repercussions to the white race, no doubt.” I hear that a lot. It’s called “passing the buck.” Hitler to his credit did not do that. But you guys do.


It’s not passing the buck, it is an admission of observable reality. Winners get to write history.

The propaganda narrative of WW2 was left in place, and then the holocaust industry built on it.

Hollywood (Jewly-wood) has cast the Nazi’s as the eternal boogey man. So, rather than correcting history, the holocaust industry profited from lies.

Christ is no longer nailed to the cross, it is now the perpetual victim, the Jew. White men as proxy’s for Germans are the tormentor, who nailed the Jew to the cross.

Various in-groups, including feminists, are encouraged to jump on the victim-hood bandwagon via more propaganda issued from sources such as Frankfurt skool.

The winner of WW2 was finance capital, which in turn is a kissing cousin of Zion. The “international” also is anti-nation.

The strongest force for protection of a people group is a nation-state, and hence white race was indeed damaged by Germany losing in WW2. Religion, nation, and race have all been inverted and hence the white race has lost its anti-bodies.

Germany lost in WW2 because Hitler made fatal mistakes.

• Replies: @Carolyn Yeager, @Ondra Hada
Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/#comment-3855525

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"Johnny Rico"--Foremost Lying Satanist In Unz Stable Of Liars
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Johnny," we gotta hand it to u, buddy: u are surely the topmost, foremost liar here in all of Unz's stable of Satanists. "Johnny Rico," eh?--as if u're Italian or something?--ho hoo hoho. U say, <blockquote>"The tone on this thread, of course, is that all of this [WW2] is Britain’s fault."</blockquote> WHAT?--are u kidding?--now u're lying to urself, eh?

For we fans and "worshippers" of unc' Adolf have ALWAYS held to unc' Adolf, haven't we?--it wasn't UK at fore-front at all, but rather u Satanists, and it began definitively w. FDR (Roosevelt) in 1937 w. his "quarantine" agitation.

Ur lying liars' strategy is obviously simply to try taking the gentiles into the "weeds," so to speak, carping on details as u try doing, ur lies and lying now getting tiresome, buddy. U say, <blockquote>"I just think you need to draw the line somewhere if you want to be taken seriously."</blockquote>"Taken seriously"?--by u satanistic, lying monsters?--u expect us gentiles to take u seriously?--who're u kidding, sucker? Gosh, but if u’re not careful, ur own chutzpah may smother u, eh?

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

759. Johnny Rico says:

April 27, 2020 at 3:20 am GMT • 200 Words
@John Wear

How is the military coup on March 27th a valid reason for Germany to invade and smash Yugoslavia?

Germany had no territorial issues as with Czechoslovakia or Poland?

The fact of the matter as is described in all histories of this event is that Hitler had made a deal to not move troops through Yugoslavia on the 25th for Yugoslav joining the TriPartite thing and the Serbian coup threw a serious wrench into plans for Barbarossa which was planned 3 months later. He needed to cleanup this southern flank with ‘Operation Marita’ quickly.

Painting this as anything but naked aggression and warmongering is a bit much.

The tone on this thread, of course, is that all of this is Britain’s fault. World War II was caused by Britain daring to resist German expansion.

I just think you need to draw the line somewhere if you want to be taken seriously.

Twice, Hitler was master of Europe – after Munich and after France. Yet he kept gambling. Because he wanted everything not because Britain forced him to. To mourn him as a victim is ludicrous.

HE betrayed his alliance with Stalin to attack the Soviet Union. HE declared war on the United States. Those are facts.

Of course he rationalized these things. Who wouldn’t? That doesn’t mean you have to buy it. That’s on you.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/announcement/facebook-bans-the-unz-review/#new_comments

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Is There Really To Be Compromise Btwn Truth (= Christ) And Satanic Lies, Lying, Liars?--Seriously?
(Apollonian, 6 May 20)

Well Unz: looks like ur satanic masters decided u need a little more legitimation, eh?--and so they decided to pretend u're "banned" in typical satanic manner--it will gain more sympathy fm the dumber gentiles whom u like to publish in ur comments sections.

But then again, maybe ur fellow Satanists aren't so "connected" after all, given ur general satanic success and the resultant giddy dis-organization. Perhaps it wasn't satanic masterminds at the top who ordered u banned, but rather the mid-level sort who, going on their own, take u more seriously as genuine "revisionist." And we don't fail to note ur jolly, smug, and condescending attitude about it all.

Think of of it, Unz: ur entire psy-ops is to pretend there's some "resolution" or "middle-ground" btwn genuine Christians, upholders of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and human beings and, on the other hand, u Satanists and "leftist," "liberal," and "progressive" suck-alongs and lick-spittles.

But do u think the joke is on u, Unz? For there's un-likely to be any compromise btwn Christian truth and u Satanists, buddy--do u think?
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/IkgSu3ylsRNp/

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Unc' Adolf In Historic Perspective
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

The "real" unc' Adolf? (see below-copied)--just keep it in general terms: (a) unc' Adolf NAMED the kike, said a good deal as to what they were/are all about--Satanic (though he didn't name it this way and didn't too much give a complete exposition of Satanism) criminality. Perhaps that's his greatest claim to fame--THE COURAGE TO EXPLICITLY NAME THE KIKE as fundamental to the large cultural problem.

(b) Then unc' Adolf associated, quite accurately, the Jew w. the Bolsheviks, esp. as it was then in Soviet Union, Russia.

(c) Most of all, unc' Adolf worked to re-constitute Germany, and worked to arm her in face of the Bolshevik problem which problem we're facing in this very day. Thus the Western plutocrats thereupon attacked Germany fm the rear, so to speak, w. their war of 1939, declared by UK and France.

(d) The HUGE "big-lie" that the world still doesn't entirely grasp is that it was Germany and Hitler who started the war--this against all logic and plain facts, which facts are yet understood by many nonetheless. A great exposition on this big-lie against Germany is David Hoggan's "The Forced War."

(e) Note also the way history is twisted and distorted: for WWII goes back, NECESSARILY, to WWI--and this is the absolute greatest problem for historians--SO FEW PEOPLE GRASP THE FACTS ABOUT THE FIRST WW, whence Germany was deliberately attacked by the "Entente" alliance powers, France, UK, and Czarist Russia, the Russians taking active part in Serbian conspiracy to murder the Austrian Archduke, Germany then blamed for starting the war in the grossly fraudulent T. of Versailles. See esp., https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.wordpress.com/category/archduke-ferdinand/ .

(f) Thus Germany was crushed by Entente powers which erected the "League of Nations" travesty, fore-runner of present communist agency of United Nations (UN), Germany dis-armed, impoverished, and threatened by outright bolshevism fm the east, over-run w. Jew Bolsheviks in their civilian life and gov., etc. HITLER RESCUED GERMANY, AND POTENTIALLY THE WORLD FM THESE HORRIFIC CONDITIONS.

Regardless unc' Adolf led a glorious rebellion against such Jew/Satanic conditions, and it's going to happen again, suckers, but this time, hopefully, led by proper Christian leadership. Amen.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

sundaymorning • 2 days ago

I don't try to understand the real Hitler because I don't read German and so I have to depend on some Jews and their allies translator. I read old material from the era if I can find it. The main points of the story are the same then and now and still don't make any sense. The Jewish side of the story has changed a lot.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/v7TiYER9A6KY/

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There's Great difference, Divide, Contrast Btwn Thinking And Mere Speaking
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

Well, ok, but if NO ONE ELSE is expressing the necessary thought pattern, then one who thinks he can do the necessary job needs to try, no matter how difficult it might be. Thus (a) Satanism is defined--extreme subjectivism--NO ONE ELSE EXPRESSES THIS BASIC THOUGHT. Most morons just imagine it means really mean, nasty, disgusting, etc., NO EXACT, useful, meaningful definition.

(b) Judaism is Satanism, merely, simply a specific form of it, most successful Satanism in all history--while most morons imagine it's just an alternative form of Christianity, like Lutheranism is just a diff. variety to Episcopalians. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo on Judaism/Talmudism. (c) Satanism (extreme subjectivism) presently DOMINATES AND RULES, suckers--and people need to grasp and realize this in specific terms--it's not getting that way--IT ALREADY IS.

(d) Reality is objective (against subjectivism) and hence, DETERMINED, as I went to some lengths to explain to Ruhe, near the end of the vid. (e) THUS reality and history is CYCLIC, and (f) an excess population is eventually produced, due precisely to the previous success of the culture, consisting of (g) inferiors, weaklings, suckers, goons, esp. in form of TV-addicts, "liberals and progressives" who suck-along, allowing themselves to be intimidated and led by outright Satanists, esp, Thus the culture, now so heavily laden w. these over-populated inferiors fails to recover fm its inexorable Spenglerian "decline."

(h) Jews dominate the now hopelessly corrupt culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West" due to their collectivism, cohesion, dedication, and ORGANIZATION--even though (j) they're far less numerous than the idiot Satanists/subjectivists among goyim who are far less cohesive and organized.

(k) U gotta realize that FIRST u need the essential thought, then one can try to be articulate, smooth, slick, etc. I have little confidence in the glib sort--they ALWAYS screw it up--in that way, I'm a little like u for disgust w. these incompetent people--good at gab, but can't think for ****. I wish we could have it all the way we wish, but we have to START somewhere, somehow, and believe it or not, I submit, I do well enough for showing the way, giving a solid start, whatever else in way of criticism u may have. U now have something solid to work with by which to apply all ur slickness.

(l) Once that basic thought is organized and established, THEN u can get slick, glib, and smooooooth--like u, for example. Too many people try to do it other way round (slickness first, then carefulness and thoroughness)--they've failed, as we plainly see, and screwed it all up, and NOW we're in serious trouble. With my method, at least u haven't lost anything, and I submit, there's a serious basis laid upon which one can build in substantial manner. Being slick is HIGHLY over-rated, and has NOT accomplished anything much, if anything at all, so far.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

wescruz • 2 months ago

This guy has it right, but he needs to brush up first and prepare better, because he bumbles and stumbles

as a guest. I don't think Brian Ruhe cares at all, but crude is crude! Let's get some quality speakers on your show Brian!

-----------------------below-copied by ap in response to above-------------

apollonian > wescruz • 2 months ago • edited

Ho ho ho, I think u're right, in part, but good speakers aren't typically good thinkers--they're too bent on being slick and smooth talkers. Great example of "good speaker" is John DeNugent (see JohnDeNugent.com), slick, but a pathological liar. I think that's what happens to the "good speakers," they use their slick abilities to lying too much--they tend to become politicians, ho oh o ho ho ho. U say, "crude"?--not sure what u mean by that, but I try to deliver the thought, the idea behind the words and phrasing. Thanks for ur observations.

wescruz > apollonian • 2 days ago

I know what you say. But still one is not speaking only to hear "one's head rattle". If one is speaking to others, then one ne3eds to be able to convey a message without it getting all hog tied!
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/pFheYXGqCvZF/

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Smug, Brainless, Blithe, Jew-Friendly, Jew-Serving Lies, Lying By "Venerable" Pannobhasa
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

Here, below-copied, is the quintessential lie, knowing and deliberate by our pretending Buddhist paragon: Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu apollonian • 4 days ago [comes fm way down below, near bottom of this comment section]

"Saying that Hitler broke his promises whenever he considered it convenient to do so is pretty obvious history, recorded in official diplomatic documents. His repeated claims that he would make no new demands for territory, followed by new demands, is an obvious case in point. The point is not that Churchill was good, but that both Churchill and Hitler, like ALL great leaders, were ruthless bastards."

(a) The Buddhist pretender knowingly and deliberately lies when he says "...recorded in official diplomatic documents." Buddhist puke gives no citation, no ref., and obviously KNOWS OF NO ACTUAL "DOCUMENT" which would demonstrate his lie about Hitler--Buddhist puke just blatantly lies pretending there might be a document, somewhere, somehow, which might support his lie and lying. Buddhist puke babbles this idiot lie of his imagining it would intimidate or impress the random reader to thinking the Buddhist puke has actually done any reading, or research, and actually came across such a "document."

(b) Buddhist then babbles about "repeated claims," as if he knows anything about this subject, when NSDAP ALWAYS affirmed Danzig was part of Germany--even fm before Hitler's election and appointment to public office in 1933.

(c) And the "pt." has NOTHING to do w. "good or evil" of anyone, Churchill or Hitler, but who started the war--which was the West, UK and France instigated by Jew S A, Poland mere pretext and side-issue, UK having made an OFFENSIVE treaty, inviting Poland to start the war, which Poland did by continuing to encroach Danzig and by other things too, including mass-murder of German people (see Hoggan, "The Forced War")--these are the facts deliberately ignored and attempted to be covered-up by the pretending Buddhist lying liar. Q.E.D.