Apo essays for Nov 2017


Guest Columnist
WHY War Is Inevitable, Necessarily
(Apollonian, 3 Nov 17)

Well now, Prince William of the Royal Brits, expecting his own third child, says world is over-populated--see https://sputniknews.com/viral/201711031058788998-prince-william-wildlife-speech/. Of course, u realize they have to say this in order to justify their mass-murder program, on-going, by slow-kill process by which they are steadily mass-murdering people, esp. in way of inducing cancer by means of poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO foods and food-additives, poison in the water, in "chem-trails," not to mention the toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic, this mass-murder of the world's people a featured item of Agenda-21 and -30.

This amazing mass-murder program, in plain sight, is being done due to the great support the program has among the scum, filth, puke, suckers, and goons, all surely over-populated--they rather sanctioning the very murder program that's being done against them.

How does it work?--these stupid goons sanctioning their own murders and murderers?--amazing, isn't it? Well, note the practical power given to the central bankers (see Mises.org for expo on central banking) who do what?--they (a) replace real (hence commodity-based) money, like gold/silver, which cannot be counterfeited, with CURRENCY, which is now easily replicated/proliferated--legally counterfeited--and it's enforced by means of "legal-tender" laws which force people to accept the "currency."

(b) Then the currency, very simply, is issued nearly infinitely ("inflation") which makes the previous and already circulating issues of currency, in the pockets of the goons and morons, now to being devaluated, rendered evermore worthless. And the goons and morons NEVER CATCH ON--can't figure it out.

(c) For after all, MONEY is an abstract subject-matter, hence the stupid puke, goons, and morons can NEVER ever figure it out--they'd rather watch TV.

(d) And now u see the necessity for war, because inevitably, these over-populated morons, scum, and filth, who refuse to think, who refuse to face reality, must simply be exterminated--THERE'S NO OTHER WAY--as they won't think, even to saving their own idiot lives. How then the wars actually come about and trigger is mere matter of detail.

Such then are circumstances for the present satanic society and death cult (as of above-noted Prince William) built upon the hubris of the people and false "prosperity." Of course, many, if not most, of the people are just stupid puke addicted to "bread and circuses"--and watching TV, staying "entertained" and diverted fm reality--reality is their greatest enemy.
Horrific, Satanic Conspiracy Hiding In Plain Sight: Ajax Jewns (InfoWars), The Golem
(Apollonian, 3 Nov 17)

Well well, folks, notice the Las Vegas "shootings" went miserably awry--it was a false-flag hoax--see the Jew-tube vids of "Charles Walton," provided he doesn't get taken-down--at least on the Las Vegas shootings subject--he has total of over 4 thousand vids, and I don't want to vouch for the others. So ZOG then gave us this latest hoax in NYC w. the truck-driver guy who allegedly killed 8, but there are enough expose' vids on that hoax (see "Russian Vids" on Jew-tube) --but Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com dutifully pushes it, dutiful Jew flack as he is, the dumb, traitorous, hereticalist bastard scum--he's the "golem" for kike filth, without doubt.

Ajax of course, works w. Trump who lies and says he doesn't control the DOJ (Justice dept.)--see https://newrepublic.com/minutes/145...onna-braziles-rigged-primary-claim-terrifying. And indeed Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch (see Jew-tube) confirms Justice dept. is covering for hitlery and refusing to cooperate for their FOIA requests. For Trump takes instructions fm Jews/Israel, just like Jewns.

So now we see Trump co-operates for the false-flag and psy-ops hoaxes, like Las Vegas and now lately, NYC truck running-overs, total hoaxes (even if some people were actually killed as alleged by such as Robert David Steele (see Jew tube)). Trump also co-operates for the criminal invasions of Syria and the other countries on behalf of Israel fm whom he takes instructions, for whom he works--it's "Israel first," not America, the scummy, criminal liar--more people need to get hip.

But the interesting thing is Ajax Jewns who went into conniptions today (Friday, the 3rd of Nov) on his show about the Hollywood child-molesting, ranting, yelling, and raving as he regularly and habitually does--the guy is palpably psychotic. And it occurred to me he's LITERALLY the great "golem" which kikes have created and are inflicting upon people of the West, but then HOW could Jewns be greater golem than Trump? For Trump is going to get us into war for sake of Israel, esp. against Iran (a), and (b) he's going to CENSOR the I-net, or see to it's happening, also for Israel--this on pretext of war and civil un-rest which is being contrived w. the totally fabricated and concocted "terrorism" of the Islamics which they've deliberately imported into Jew S A. See https://www.prisonplanet.com/obama-...terror-attacks-as-the-price-of-diversity.html .

But I was listening (today, 3 Nov) to this piece-of-filth, Jewns, babbling on and on about child-pornography and even the snuff films in his supremely inimitable manner--not even Trump out-does Jewns in this idiot, moronic self-righteousness. And it occurred to me the cause and cult of SATANISM is being pushed far more so by scum like Jewns, as he's precisely the sort of golem who would and could do this pushing of satanism. Note I'm not saying Jewns is deliberate satanist; he's simply a brainless, moronic dupe who genuinely believes he's "righteous" and "good," stupid, scummy Pharisee.

Remember: satanism is extreme subjectivism by which one pretends to godly powers of creation of reality, reality held as product of mentality/consciousness--the original pretext is always pretending to "good" and inferiority-complex by which one obsessively wishes for good, to being good.

I NEVER FORGET hitlery during the campaign, in one of her speeches, in 2016, puffing Jewns, in her way--and I KNEW something was up--the creation of the Jew-friendly golem in this scummy puke, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com).

Jewns is such a perfect, stinking fool, no less than Harvey Weinstein or anyone, pretending he's rich and famous due to his own great abilities and talent, the stupid puke--thus is he the perfect GOLEM, a satanic creature concocted by Jews--no less than Winston Churchill was, fighting Hitler and Germany, etc.

Trump surely understands he's traitor pushing Israel first, but Jewns is just stupid and self-righteous enough to actually believe in his idiot "righteousness," moronic as it obviously is. Don't forget the recent litigation Jewns went through w. his ex-wife, Jewns required to be psychologically examined, and diagnosed as serious narcissist, believing so fervently in hubristic "free" will as he does and ALWAYS talks about on his show--Jewns the perfect golem, truly.

So we see the gross, traitorous conspiracy in plain sight before our very faces--the twin golem figures of Trump and Ajax Jewns, pushing satanism and "Israel-first." God help Jew S A and the masses of its TV-addicted morons.
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), The Perfect Golem--Most Perfect Characterization For The Fool
(Apollonian, 3 Nov 17)

People have been wondering and discussing who/what is Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com?--"controlled opposition"?--gate-keeper?--flack? Well, yes, he's all of the afore-mentioned, though he surely doesn't think of it that way--for Ajax is fairly honest and sincere in his fat-headed, stupid manner, though he imagines he's soooooooooooo successful and even talented, ho ho ho hoh oho--after all, he's rich, kinda', somewhat, probably has a couple million, not doing too badly.

But he works for Jews, and he surely knows it--even though it doesn't bother him as he probably thinks Jews are perfectly all right humans, no diff. fm anyone else, hoho ho ho ho ho--as he so often says, hoho ho ho ho, scummy liar. But hey, he figures, if Jews are good to him, well, hey they must be ok--they're just like anyone else, right?--ho ho ho o ho ho--that dumb fat-faced, fat-head scum better hope so. Because if the kikes decide to getting rid of the dumbass yankee hill-billy, then he's a goner, hoh o oh ho ho ho. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews and what their Talmud teaches.

For Ajax Jewns is best and most perfectly understood as a "golem"--look it up. "Golem" is a creation of the Jews, a monster, meant to serve a purpose of theirs, satanic and monstrous. For Ajax, though he doesn't know or realize it, stupid hill-billy as he is, is a satanic master-mind, most perfectly promoting and encouraging satanism which is built upon EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, subjectivism the idea that all reality proceeds fm consciousness/mentality, making oneself God.

And Ajax is most loud-mouthed, hysterical, even psychotic pusher of morality, moral virtue, good-evil, and free will--HUBRIS, though the stupid hill-billy won't admit to the last one, hubris. For Ajax is just stupid enough to truly believing in it all, good-evil, moral-virtue, and free will--he's honest in all his stupidity--the perfect, self-propelled golem. Don't forget, Ajax was psychologically examined as part of his litigation against his ex-wife, I understand, and he was diagnosed as serious narcissist.

For note, as satanism is built upon subjectivism, it requires only a pretext like "good-evil" and "free" will. And many if not most people are taught these "good-evil" and "free-will" delusions at early age, few ever over-coming these horrific, sublime lies and delusions.

And I KNEW something was up when I saw and hrd hitlery Clinton mention Ajax Jewns by name in one of her campaign speeches in 2016. I didn't immediately think of "golem" then, but I knew those filthy Jews MUST have some purpose for such otherwise against-interest puffing on part of consummate satanist as hitlery. And then, earlier today, 3rd of Nov., 2017, listening to his (Ajax) idiot babbling on his show, talking about Cory Feldman and child molesting, it hit me for his (Ajax's) putrid, moronic self-righteousness--in which self-righteousness HE NEVER FAILS, and always mentions dozens of time on his show, denouncing "evil," as he does. I knew and know and understand (a) he's totally psychotic, but in a devilish way, but (b) he's also HONEST so far as his belief in "good-evil" goes--THE PERFECT GOLEM, the perfect leader, even if he doesn't realize it, for satanism.

Thus we see how the Jews work and operate, always taking advantage of HUBRIS--and this insanity works sooooooooooooo well for Ajax as it affords him his fantasy of patriotic and moral virtue on one hand, and now combined w. MONEY on the other--it sure does PAY to being so self-righteous in his idiot's putrid fashion.

And Trump is yet ANOTHER such-like golem, though I must wonder if he seriously believes in himself in such stupid, brainless, self-righteous manner as Ajax, Trump so readily making himself of service to kikes. For Trump has to know about all the false-flags and psy-ops hoaxes, like the recent fake truck running-over of 8 people in NYC. And Trump also surely knows all about ISIS being creation of MOSSAD and CIA--just like the Russkies say.

And evermore people have to realize how Trump never makes a move without strict instructions fm his Israeli-Jew master-minds who are working in the Justice dept., state-dept., and defense-dept., all of them working for Israel, even if not so much for Jew world order gov. And one thing Jews and Israelis want is CENSORSHIP of the I-net, Jew-tube, etc.--absolutely necessary for continued domination and rulership of the goyim--even though Wikileaks was much a part of what got him elected--but Jews don't care.

People must grasp the satanic condition of the culture (a), and then (b) how Jews are masters of it, ruling by means of it and manipulations--w. stupid scum like Ajax Jewns, it's not that hard to do, most people so stupid and easily manipulated by means of inferiority-complex, moralism, and virtue-signaling, Jewns willing, eager tool, so well-paid, so self-satisfied--really and truly the PERFECT golem.
AI Satanism Takes Decisive Control: Doubt Mass-Murder And Genocide Is On "International" Menu?--U're An Absolute Moron
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 17)

Here's perfect example of anti-human, anti-rational program is IN PLACE and operating. Of course we KNOW Yahoo.com as well as MSN.com are "globalist" operations/corporations, pushing for the "leftist" Jews, led by hitlery and Obola--against the "right-wing" Jews of Trump. But further, note these leftist-globalists are ABSOLUTELY serious about Agenda-2030 genocide and pop.-reduction (a), and this is the official and operating policy working by means of AI (artificial intelligence).

Specifically, u can tell this anti-human AI is in place when u ck simple thing like the sports scores. Today is merely Saturday evening, some college football games are still in progress even as I speak. But get this: if u try to ck for the scores of the college games just now played, earlier today, u'll find, on Yahoo.com, the scores are not posted on front page--it's treated as past news, and what's posted is the game-time for next week's games--again, this is Sat. evening, some of this week's games still in progress--such is AI--such is the genocidal, anti-human program WHICH IS ALREADY IN PROCESS.

For don't forget the poison prescription drugs and poison vaccines being pushed and administered to the stupid TV-addicted population, not to mention the GMO poison foods and food-additives, poison fluoridated water, poison "chem-trails," poison glyphosate herbicides, toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic.

Note this (sports scores, as I note) isn't human--for any humans of any culture KNOW the people want the news of current games and scores, which obviously such currency must exist for the games played for today--it means only one thing: anti-human genocide--it's SATANIC, and nothing less.

It all just goes to show the pass things have come to for the satanic leftist-globalists--it's all OUT-OF-CONTROL for the blatant anti-rationalism, anti-humanity, and such then is the "legacy" of hitlery Clinton and Obola the magic nigger, the faces of globalism-left, "antifa," political-correctness, and genocidal AI. The rightist-Jews evidently have taken note, seen that AI has taken decisive control for the leftist-globalists, and that's how and why they pushed Trump and paid huge funds to the controllers of the electoral college to see Trump was elected in place of hitlery which would have been absolute sociologic disaster.

So the Israeli-rightist Jews decided to intervene, installed Trump, and actively prepare for war against Iran--a few more false-flag hoax shootings is all they want, and total removal of the free Internet. And when the false-flag hoaxes push Iranian "terrorists" Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com will be the loudest voice pushing for war, don't doubt--Ajax Jewns, the Jews' foremost Golem.
[Below-copied is e-mail just sent to collaborator.]

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Genocidal AI (Art. "Intelligence") ALREADY In Place, Suckers--Why "Rightist" Jews Stepped-In, Substituted Trump
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 17)

Ken: I've discovered an incredible clue for things and it explains how and why the rightist (Israel) Jews suddenly changed course for installation of hitlery Clinton and substituted Trump.

Here's the clue: ck the front-page for reporting on the sports scores for college football, specifically for Yahoo.com--controlled by the corporate "leftist/globalist" Jews. The incredible fact/reality is that TODAY'S scores are ALREADY past news and don't show for the front-page. Note some of the games for today are still in progress as I speak, here. Instead, what's shown is the schedule for next-week's games--today's scores can only be found on inside pages for old news.

What does it indicate?--(a) HUMANS ARE NO LONGER IN CONTROL except at very top--they've already, not only decided upon, but they've actually put in place AI--artificial intelligence.

(b) The plan then is plainly anti-human genocide and mass-murder, all in accord w. Agenda-2030. And don't forget the signs and actual programs already in place: poison-drugs and -vaccines pushed by the monopolist Jew-controlled corp.s ("big-pharma"), poison GMO foods and other food-additives, poison "chem-trails," poisoned water supplies, w. glyphosate poisons everywhere, in everything, toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic.

(c) So what happened?--the "rightist" Jews of "neo-cons" and Israel took note and saw this is insane and far too premature for their own plans for the goyim, and thus (d) THIS IS WHY AND HOW they ("rightist" Israeli-Jews) decided to step-in and substitute their boy, Trump, and they did this by means of huge funding and pay-offs (evidently) to the local/state controllers of electoral college and process.

NO Wonder the leftists of CNN and MSNBC are apoplectic and outraged in sense of betrayal and infantile resentment--but they don't have the guts to blame Israel. Israel seems to have decided to merely adjust things now to a big hit on Iran, evidently.

It goes to show how sadly far things have gone for the anti-human, genocidal insanity, esp. of the "globalist-leftists"--which even the ruthless Jews of the "right" (Israel) observed and decided to pre-empt. Take good care, A.
"Peter Principle" At Work In Ajax Jewns (InfoWars) Embracing Owen Shroyer
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 17)

Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) just can't understand things: gee whiz, but his Jewwy hero, Trump won, for goodness sakes--so Jewns wonders, gee, but why and how are the jews of Fake-book and now Jew-tube censoring him (Jewns) sooooo scandalously, openly, brazenly?--don't they know that Jewns and Trump won?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. See the story by jewns at https://www.prisonplanet.com/google...nformation-campaign-under-cover-of-night.html , and esp. his pathetic vid on the subject at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48nu4LVjkDA&t=2161s.

What a poor, stupid bastard--see, he's (Ajax) just a flack for the Jews, a gate-keeper, who lies and pretends he's not, and he refuses to see it's Israel-first for Trump and the Jews he has in his cabinet and everywhere else. And u can ck Judicial Watch which continues to be stone-walled by the Jew-controlled Trump Justice dept. Even the morons at FOX News, like Judge Jeanine are stunned, not to mention certain Republicans in Congress, even, who cannot figure-out why the Trump AG, Sessions, can't get started for prosecution or even serious investigation of Clinton crime corporation, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

And we note how the false-flags and outright hoax "shootings" just continue along, including the Las Vegas fiasco, next the Texas church shooting--which rather distracted somewhat fm the previous Las Vegas hoax. And obvious purpose is to eventually declaring martial law, founded upon these continued fakes and frauds now being done under auspices of Trump. So does Ajax warn us about this up-coming catastrophe?--not at all; rather the opposite, shilling along, giving credence to it all.

And so now (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W95pQX4DLgk) we see Ajax employing his latest star protégé,' one Owen Shroyer, a TOTAL zero, in his early 20s, w. no experience, who knows NOTHING and has nothing of any substance to say. BUT, what's dear little Owen good at?--emotional expressions and utterances of moral outrage, all done in style of Ajax. And we see in dear little Owen the reduction-ad-absurdum for Ajax Jewns and the visible proof of the justly-famous "Peter Principle" in action (arriving at level of INCOMPETENCE).

So instead of the "globalist"-leftist Jew world order (JWO), we're just going to get the straight-out fascist martial-law fm Trump and his Israel-oriented cohorts, Ajax sucking-along and flacking for it all, including his little side-kick, Owen Shroyer, yet another reduction-ad-absurdum in the "Peter Principle" demonstration.

Thus the JWO continues to roll along, just w. a diff. style, featuring now the "golems" of Ajax and Trump, replacement for the Clinton crime corp. as face and front-men. For there are serious "events" up-coming: one is the absolutely certain economic implosion, the Chinese Yuan replacing the Dollar as world reserve currency, and another will be a more catastrophic false-flag, like perhaps an EMP attack to be blamed on N. Korea--which will be a perfect scam to distract fm the truly horrific economic catastrophe--all this while we watch Owen Shroyer exulting in all his empty-headed little "moralist" glory, though actually most perfect reduction-ad-absurdum for Ajax, who blazed the original moralistic trail.

Moralist HUBRIS, foundation of satanist triumph, never forget.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-silent-partner-in-americas.html

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Hoffman's Greatest Sin: Ignoring God's Reality
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 17)

Hoffman: the reason u're such a noxious, corrosive, and subversive influence in USA and West is demonstrated by ur statement, this article of urs, "[w]e state these facts out of love for all people, and in particular Judaic persons...."

For u fail for justice and simple truth that Jews are at war w. Christ (= Truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and all humanity. War against humanity, hence lies and lying, hence "midrash," are the religion of Jews, aside fm war against God and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And it's only justice and even necessity for the lives of gentiles and Christian humanity to respond to this Judaic war against humanity in justice and appropriate fashion.

A certain kind of "love" and respect for humanity in general are justified following Christ and St. Paul, but not any special sort of positive regard for Jews--for that would be against justice and honesty, hence Christ and truth.

So Jews must be resisted and exposed, MOST ACTIVELY--they are leaders of the present satanic counter-culture which continues to prevail and to presage most horrific prospects, as for gross massive genocide in accord w. their Agenda-2030.

Key to this satanic/Judaic culture is "midrash" SUBJECTIVISM by which reality and Torah are "interpreted" to whatever Jews want and say it is, thus MAKING THEMSELVES GOD, creator of reality--this in opposition to Christian TRUTH founded in the OBJECTIVE, God-given world.

And pretext to this satanism and subjectivism, first impressed upon the youth, is Pelagian heresy of "good-evil" against Christian teaching that humans are sinners in accord w. objective reality and truth which cannot be changed by a not perfectly human "free" will--for there is no "freedom" to change the basic sinful nature of humanity. Such is the basic, foundational difference btwn Christian and Talmudic/Judaic/satanist--the objective view vs. Jew/satanic subjectivism and "midrash."
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-silent-partner-in-americas.html

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WHO Are Leading Terrorists And satanists?
(Apollonian, 28 Nov 17)

In order to grasp Christian philosophy one must begin w. fundamentals. Thus Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), first and foremost, and everything else must stem fm this foundation in OBJECTIVE reality, God-given, criterion for all/any truth, in opposition to lies, lying, and liars of Jews and satanists who do the work of their father, the devil (JOHN 8:44).

And the worst enemy of truth is the lie there's any "good," which Christ affirms is only an attribute of God (Gosp. MARK 10:18, LUKE 18:19), non-existent "good" being foundation of Hoffman's Pelagian hereticalism, and always pretext given to children to gain obedience, pretended "good" the basis of HUBRIS and worst of all, SUBJECTIVISM, extreme form of which is satanism, making oneself God, creator of reality.

So we see this subjectivism and hubris is ever the weakness of humanity, the extreme form of which is satanism, but among gentiles we observe this satanic subjectivism is most often an individualist indulgence, never too well-organized, gentiles too often falling into in-fighting among themselves. Hubris and subjectivism is however the mark of a decadent culture, and it is then the fetid environment in which the Jews and satanists thrive as they are so notoriously well-organized and collectivistic for their subjectivism and satanism--as we see presently in West and USA, Jews absolutely dominating, Israel the "tail" wagging the gentile "dog."

"Loving" one's enemies is a mis-translation, for one must first of all be honest and truthful in honor of Christ (= truth), and grasp it is simply dis-honest and un-just to respect Jews and satanists who must be condemned and treated in accord w. justice. A better understanding is KNOWING ONE'S ENEMIES--which is far more accurate grasping of Christ's commandment.

Thus the plain and evident fact is Jews and satanist cohorts are the core of satanic culture of death, presently pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, who most organize and define subjectivistic/satanic nature and essence, Jews organizing the central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) and fiat-CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based) system, Israel behind the 9/11 terrorist strike (see Bollyn.com and his work, "Solving 9/11").

So when it comes to satanic nature and essence, we see Jews are the core organizers and leaders, most collectivistic and organized--as they are for the central-banking and the terror-network headed in Israel, confirmed by the late terrorist and Israeli P.M, Menachem Begin, who boasted he and his Jews were the leading terrorists not only in the Mid-East, but in the entire world.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Ben.quivenit@gmail.com said...
Michael Hoffman:

Judaism Discovered is brilliant. Tempting one to ire as learning the truth about the Talmud may be, the reader appreciates your display of the Christian virtue of temperance, and being explicit in seeking the highest good for Judaics.

We are commanded to love our enemies, even when they have infiltrated, centralized power and overthrown to ruin so many institutions which so drastically impact our daily lives.

I believe that you are correct when you assail usury as the foundation of the distress from which the world presently cries out as one lost in a dark wilderness. More intriguing still is the fact (sourced to you as well) that a certain family of German Christians were the world's premier usurers for some time.

The Talmud and the sinful seductions of the Synagogue of Satan would have no power at all today were it not for Christians falling for the lie that they can somehow fool Christ with lukewarmness while worshiping Mammon. Judaics primarily responsible for all the evil in the world? Not a chance. That title goes first to unfaithful Christians.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/11/it-doesnt-get-any-more-explosive-than.html

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Isn't Hatred Natural Effect And Consequence?--Isn't It Often Just And Deserved?
(Apollonian, 30 Nov 17)

Who cares about Jews?--isn't that question properly up to Jews? And if Jews wanted humanity to not hate Jews w. a special sort of anti-semitic hatred, wouldn't it require Jews to examine or re-examine their own hatred of gentiles?

My question is, what about humanity?--that's who I care about. Isn't hatred/repulsion then just a negative kind of emotion, the reciprocal of love/attraction?--and isn't it something that naturally happens as result of prior conditions? So the question rather regards prior conditions, including treatment given to humanity by Jews, hatred mere result and effect of natural justice.

So my observation in case of Israel and Jews, for example, stealing the land of Palestine fm the rightful owners, including the incessant murders of Palestinians through the years, is just one of those natural circumstances which causes hatred of Jews.

Jews insist on keeping the stolen land, so the murder of Palestinians becomes just a ritual thing incident to that stealing of the land which Jews want to make and keep an institution--they go together, quite naturally. Ritual murder is incident to Jews' hatred of humanity.

Thus hatred of Jews is natural consequence, and indeed, all history reflects this attitude of all humankind of all races towards Jews who have been expelled fm practically every country on earth--there's natural reason for this hatred, and it has to do w. Jews' war against God, truth, and human-kind which gives natural rise to this anti-semitism.

And of course, Jews blame this natural hatred and anti-Semitism upon God, reality, and humanity--it's all their fault. So the real problem goes beyond mere "hatred"--it has to do w. cause-effect, reason, justice, and the way the world works which Jews REFUSE to accept.

For the world is objective, God-given, according to Christ and Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), objectivity the basis of truth (= Christ), but the Jews refuse to accept this, Jews holding that reality and truth are rather what they say it is, all in accord w. "midrash" (subjectivism) and what's "good for Jews."

Hence the problem of hatred of Jews stems fm Jews' problem w. nature of reality itself and their satanic worship of lies, lying, and liars as noted in Gosp. JOHN 8:44. Humanity doesn't appreciate lies, lying, and liars, so naturally humanity doesn't appreciate Jews--and this is properly Jews' problem, not humanity's; Jews' fault, not humanity's.