Mentally ILL: BLACK Barnor Hesse's Critical Theory --- Yasmine Hider of Universal Church of negro consciousness

Arheel's Uncle

Senior Reporter
Story of crazed superstitious blacks in a cult that

Two women allegedly lured a driver to death. They may be part of a fringe sect​

This article is more than 1 year old
The off-grid bandits accused of killing Adam Simjee appear to be followers of Rashad Jamal, a controversial guru.

“He had absolutely no remorse whatsoever,” Burch said. “That’s probably the most shocking part of it.”
J Oliver Conroy
Sun 11 Sep 2022 05.00 EDT Last modified on Mon 12 Sep 2022 14.15 EDT

Two college students set out on a leisurely drive along an isolated Alabama forest road last month, but only one returned alive.
Adam Simjee and his girlfriend, Mikayla Paulus, had no idea that their trip would end, according to authorities, in a sudden and deadly shootout with bandits living in the nearby woods.

This aerial photo shows one of the locations being investigated in Pike County, Ohio, as part of an ongoing homicide investigation, Friday, April 22, 2016. Several people were found dead Friday at multiple crime scenes in rural Ohio, and at least most of them were shot to death, authorities said. No arrests had been announced, and it's unclear if the killer or killers are among the dead. (Lisa Marie Miller/The Columbus Dispatch via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT
‘Cold, cold blood’: why were eight Ohio relatives killed the same night?

Read more
Now the story has grown even stranger: the two women who allegedly ambushed Simjee and Paulus, killing Simjee, appear to be fans of a growing religious sect, the University of Cosmic Intelligence, whose leader is awaiting trial for child abuse in Georgia. Another adherent was charged earlier this year, in a separate incident, with having murdered his mother with a sword.

There is no evidence that the organization ordered or was aware of the alleged acts of its adherents, or that its teachings condone violence.

On 14 August, Simjee and Paulus, who were students at the University of Central Florida, were on a roadtrip they had planned as a final getaway before the start of the fall semester. The couple were victims of their own kindness, according to police. While driving on a road in the Talladega national forest, a 400,000-acre nature preserve, they stopped to aid a woman who said she was a stranded motorist.

That woman, Yasmine Hider, allegedly drew a gun to rob them and ordered them into the woods. Simjee, who had a concealed pistol, tried to fight back. He and Hider shot each other, according to police. Simjee succumbed to his wounds as his girlfriend frantically gave CPR.

A companion of Hider’s, Krystal Pinkins, was allegedly watching nearby and fled into the forest. Law enforcement trackers later discovered a camp in the woods where people appeared to have been living. Police said that they disarmed Pinkins’s son after the five-year-old approached with a loaded shotgun.

Hider and Pinkins were arrested at the scene and Hider taken for gunshot treatment. Both were charged with murder, kidnapping and robbery. Pinkins was also charged with child endangerment.

It is unclear if and how they have pleaded. Due to a gag order, no one involved in the case, including police, prosecutors, defense attorneys and witnesses, can speak to the press.

“Rest in peace,” Paulus wrote in a Facebook post announcing her boyfriend’s burial. “I’ll carry you with me every single day.”

Vice News has since reported that Hider and Pinkins were followers of the University of Cosmic Intelligence, which critics describe as a conspiracy theory cult.

The group’s leader – Rashad Jamal White, commonly known as Rashad Jamal – is an Atlanta-area social media influencer, rapper and guru whose teachings mix New Age mysticism, polygamy and Afrocentric and black nationalist ideas. Jamal and his followers believe that they are demigods descended from aliens. Adherents refer to themselves as gods and goddesses.

In January, a follower of the University of Cosmic Intelligence, Damien Winslow Washam, was arrested after allegedly attacking several members of his family with a samurai sword, killing his mother.

He had absolutely no remorse whatsoever
Capt Paul Burch
Paul Burch, a captain at the Mobile county sheriff’s office, told a local news outlet that there did not appear to be anyone else involved. Washam did not have a known history of violence or of mental illness. He had apparently recently argued with his mother about his marijuana use.

“He had absolutely no remorse whatsoever,” Burch said. “That’s probably the most shocking part of it.”

“He was listening to those conspiracy kind of videos and it was dumb as hell,” Washam’s father, Hubert Washam, told Vice. “I tried to look at some of these videos and I can’t even listen to them, it’s so dumb. Lizard people and aliens.”

The University of Cosmic Intelligence is prolific on social media and has what appears to be a growing following. Its YouTube channel has 129,000 subscribers. The organization sells crystals and jewelry in an online store.

“My son must have spent three to five thousand dollars on crystals,” Hubert Washam told Vice. “He got really strange,” he added. “And it didn’t seem like, you know – it was strange, but it wasn’t like a mental illness to us. It was more like – I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain it.”

The University of Cosmic Intelligence teaches that humans receive energy from the sun, that the government or other forces control the weather, and that aliens visited ancient civilizations.

These kinds of beliefs are common in African American esoteric movements and there is no reason to regard these movements as more violent than other religions, Stephen Finley, a professor at Louisiana State University, told the Guardian.

Such groups “look outward to other planets and the cosmos and UFOs” because it gives “a sense of transcendence” over the history of race and racism in the US, Finley said. “These ideas come to symbolize a new way of thinking about themselves, a new sense of depth and complexity.”

According to reporting by Vice, Hider previously worked at a Walmart in Oklahoma, where she also attended a college but did not graduate. Pinkins is a certified home health aide who had worked for a health company in Tennessee, her LinkedIn account says.

Over the past couple of years both began following the University of Cosmic Intelligence and sharing its content. Hider left home and stopped talking to her family. She and Pinkins seem to have set out on some kind of trip, run out of money, and been ejected from a hotel.

Scholars who study new religious movements tend to be skeptical of the idea that people who join such organizations are brainwashed or coerced; rather, they’re spiritual seekers drawn to gurus with compelling and attractive world views – “visions of a better world or of higher states of consciousness”, Susan Palmer, a researcher at McGill University, told the Guardian.

Charismatic leaders with a knack for rhetoric “capture your imagination and take you on a journey and also make you feel that they care about you and that you’re close to them”, Palmer said. “I mean, I’ve felt it listening to leaders whom I totally disagree with – I still feel swept up in it.”

Rashad Jamal was arrested earlier this year on child abuse charges including a charge that he molested an ex-girlfriend’s child. He denies those allegations, and has said that he has “never, and will never, harm an innocent child”.

According to Vice, Jamal previously pleaded guilty to battery and strangulation. He was also previously charged with murder and attempted murder but not convicted. He has not been implicated in the allegations against Hider and Pinkins or Washam.

Jamal, who is jailed in Georgia pending the outcome of the child abuse case, denies that his organization is a cult. “I’m not a cult leader,” he told supporters earlier this year. “I stand for righteousness.”

8 Whiteness Categories.jpg
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NEGRO AUTHOR OF THE 8 WHITE IDENTITIES › people › advisory-board › barnor-hesse.html

Barnor Hesse: Program in Critical Theory - Northwestern University

Barnor Hesse Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science and Sociology Ph.D. University of Essex (UK) Website Research Interests: Post-structuralism and political theory Black political thought Modernity and Coloniality Blackness and Affect Race and Governmentality Conceptual Methodologies

Huge program:

Weinberg College

of Arts & Sciences

Northwestern, together with the University of California at Berkeley, houses the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded initiative to document, connect, and support the various programs and projects that now represent critical theory across the globe. A major component of Northwestern’s contribution to the Consortium is the Critical Theory in the Global South project, which exists to develop new critical theory curricula integrating intellectual traditions from the Global South.

EDIT: added link to Andrew Mellon, who was directly responsible for The Great Depression. Mellon's banks were the only ones that did not fail in the Black Tuesday stock market crash in 1929.
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critical theory​

social and political philosophy
critical theory, Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt School. Drawing particularly on the thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, critical theorists maintain that a primary goal of philosophy is to understand and to help overcome the social structures through which people are dominated and oppressed. Believing that science, like other forms of knowledge, has been used as an instrument of oppression, they caution against a blind faith in scientific progress, arguing that scientific knowledge must not be pursued as an end in itself without reference to the goal of human emancipation. Since the 1970s, critical theory has been immensely influential in the study of history, law, literature, and the social sciences.

In a nutshell, those who believe they're oppressed become the oppressors, who then criticize anything and everything possible, whether real or imagined, no matter how insignificant and put the blame on any and all kinds of racism and publically call White people racists, then cancel them which means ostracize them from society into an involuntary exile.

It's biblical, exile, John of Patmos.

Adela Yarbro Collins, a biblical scholar at Yale Divinity School, writes:
Early tradition says that John was banished to Patmos by the Roman authorities. This tradition is credible because banishment was a common punishment used during the Imperial period for a number of offenses. Among such offenses were the practices of magic and astrology. Prophecy was viewed by the Romans as belonging to the same category, whether Pagan, Jewish, or Christian. Prophecy with political implications, like that expressed by John in the Book of Revelation, would have been perceived as a threat to Roman political power and order. Three of the islands in the Sporades were places where political offenders were banished. (Pliny, Natural History 4.69–70; Tacitus, Annals 4.30)[6]
University of California at Berkeley,
Created by Jews, hippies, yippies, black power, gay libs, etc.

This expansive, curated archive—with 700 documents organized across sixteen main projects, delving into the East Bay’s political and cultural revolutions and their aftershocks—is the result.

Beyond the 1960s: A History of Berkeley in the 1970s​

This phrase “Berkeley in the Sixties” conjures a host of associations, many of them revolving around student activists in the Free Speech and antiwar movements. The phrase “Berkeley in the SEVENTIES” is less resonant, but the city in that decade was at the center of many large-scale transformations that were just as consequential in American culture and politics. 1970s Berkeley served as ground zero for the Black Arts and Black Power movements, Women’s Liberation, the movement for ethnic studies, the ecology movement, the gay liberation movement, the Disability Rights Movement, and the free school movement. At the same time, the city was also the scene of countless smaller, more personal attempts to remake society from the ground up.

By the way, the vomiting Beatles' lead singer John Lennon was a stinking blabbering idiot communist.

The misunderstood meaning of John Lennon song 'Imagine' - Far Out Magazine

Lennon later confirmed that the similarities between his ideals set out in the song and Communism were indeed deliberate: "'Imagine', which says: 'Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics,' is virtually the Communist Manifesto, even though I'm not particularly a Communist and I do not belong to any movement."


McCartney, as were the other Beatles, was an activist in his own right. He often contemplated how to use his musical power to change the world and this was kept in mind during the birth of “Blackbird.”
McCartney performed the song on stage for the first time and reveal afterward, in an interview, that “his whole idea of “you were only waiting for this moment to arise” was about, you know, the black people’s struggle in the southern states, and I was using the symbolism of a blackbird. It’s not really about a blackbird whose wings are broken, you know, it’s a bit more symbolic.”
Barnor Hesse Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science and Sociology Ph.D. University of Essex (UK)

International black butthurt. I've no idea how it ended up.​

ISA joins the signatories of the open letter in defense of Dr. Barnor Hesse​

The International Sociological Association rejects efforts to silence critical scholars and scholarship on race, colonialism, and white supremacy, and joins the signatories of the following letter to condemn attacks on Dr. Barnor Hesse, Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology from Northwestern University, USA.
The letter and the signatories can be found here:

Open Letter in Defense of Dr. Barnor Hesse
March 4, 2021
read at site
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Dr. Barnor Hesse


Barnor Hesse

Barnor Hesse
is an Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology at Northwestern University.
His book, Un/settled Multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, Transruptions, is located within the Black British context and engages the meanings of multiculturalism in the West. The book introduces a conceptual language that places emphasis on distinguishing between the multicultural as a signifier of the unsettled meanings of cultural differences, and multiculturalism as the signified of attempts to “fix” their meaning in national imaginaries.
This edited collection also includes debates about multiculturalism in the contexts of globalization, the symbolism and invocation of ‘Windrush’, the making of Black and Brown diasporic identities, and what Barnor Hesse calls “multicultural transruptions” --which he sees as resurgent, irrepressible multicultural issues.

The book on his bookcase,

Blackening Europe: The African American Presence

A review:

We all know blacks created everything, everywhere, and everyone wants to be black- here's proof
Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2016

...of standard black Dunning-Kruger effect in full. An example: "German youth wearing dreadlocks". German youth had dreadlocks when they fought the Romans. Didn't take Bob Marley to get people to let their hair mat up. But cultural influence and "appropriation" is the name of the grievance game (one of them anyway), and this anthology is unintentionally hilarious in its many attempts to overestimate the influence of "black" culture, while at the same time decrying its repression/suppression. "See, we are simultaneously superior and oppressed"... the cry of every racist authoritarian from the past century. I am indeed glad the tide is turning in academia; four generations of this Cultural Marxism has nearly destroyed higher learning in the West.

This anthology will be another hilarious museum piece in a few decades. But remember, "we wuz kangs n sheeet", and we were the Greeks and Romans, too.


“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” — Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ, cited in “Democrats Do the Dumbest Things
“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” — Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ, cited in “Democrats Do the Dumbest Things

This edited collection also includes debates about multiculturalism in the contexts of globalization, the symbolism and invocation of ‘Windrush’, the making of Black and Brown diasporic identities, and what Barnor Hesse calls “multicultural transruptions” --which he sees as resurgent, irrepressible multicultural issues.
YEAH, YOU CATCH IT AFTER BEING NEAR THE CRIMES OR HAVE BEEN A VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIMINAL NIGGERS. Catch it and live through IT, you'll have it forever AND it will save your life.

Two women allegedly lured a driver to death. They may be part of a fringe sect. The off-grid bandits accused of killing Adam Simjee appear to be followers of Rashad Jamal, a controversial guru.​

2 sentenced for murder committed in Talladega National Forest​

Posted By: Crystal McGoughon:
January 04, 2024
In: Crime, Metro/State/Nation
Print Email
From The Tribune staff reports
BIRMINGHAM – Two women were sentenced today for crimes committed in the Talladega National Forest, announced U.S. Attorney Prim F. Escalona and FBI Special Agent in Charge Carlton Peeples.

Screenshot-2024-01-04-at-4.20.40 PM-288x300.png

Yasmine Marie Hider ( › usao-ndal › pr › oklahoma-woman-pleads-guilty-murder-committed-talladega-national-forest

Northern District of Alabama - United States Department of Justice

Oct 4, 2023 Yasmine Marie Hider, 21 of Edmond, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Court R. David Proctor to murder, kidnapping, and robbery. Hider is scheduled to be sentenced on January 4, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
U.S. District Court Judge R. David Proctor sentenced:

Yasmine Marie Hider, 21, of Edmond, Okla., to 35 years in prison
Krystal Diane Pinkins, 37, of Memphis, Tenn., to life in prison.

Hider accepted responsibility and pled guilty to murder, kidnapping and robbery in October 2023. Pursuant to a plea agreement, Hider cooperated in the prosecution and testified against Pinkins at trial. Pinkins was convicted of murder, robbery and unlawful use of a firearm during a crime of violence in September 2023.
“My sincere hope is that these convictions and sentences bring justice to the victims and the victims’ families, reassuring them that these defendants have been held accountable for their actions,” U.S. Attorney Escalona said. “I want to thank our local, state, and federal partners for their tireless efforts in this investigation.”
According to court documents, on Aug. 14, 2022, college students from Florida were driving to Cheaha State Park, in Clay County, Alabama, to hike to the waterfalls. The couple was flagged down by Hider to help “jump start” Pinkins’s car, which was broken down. Hider robbed the young male and female and shot the male as he attempted to defend himself and his girlfriend.

Krystal Diane Pinkins (ABC 33/40)

Officers found Hider with four gunshot wounds several feet away from where the murder occurred. Pinkins provided the firearm and assisted in the planning of the robbery. She watched from the woods as the robbery and murder took place. Pinkins was found six hours later at a secluded campsite.

The FBI and the Forest Service Law Enforcement Investigations – U.S. Department of Agriculture investigated the cases, with assistance from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, Alabama State Park Rangers, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, St. Clair Correctional Facility K9 Tracking Team, District Attorney of the 40th Judicial Circuit of the State of Alabama- Joseph “Joe” D. Ficquette (which includes Clay County), Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Cleburne County Sheriff’s Office, Lineville Police Department, Ashland Police Department, Clay County Rescue Squad, Shinbone Valley Volunteer Fire Department, Tri-County Children’s Advocacy Center, and Jacksonville State University Center for Applied Forensics. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jonathan Cross and John B. Felton are prosecuting the case.
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appear to be followers of Rashad Jamal, a controversial guru. › en › article › m7b99y › an-online-prophet-with-a-huge-following-has-been-convicted-of-child-abuse

An Online Prophet With a Huge Following Has Been Convicted of Child Abuse & Cruelty to children

Aug 21, 2023
Screenshot via YouTube. Rashad Jamal, a New Age prophet with a huge online following among esoteric stupid Black communities, has been convicted of child molestation and cruelty to children. According to ...

Rashad Jamal White, commonly known as Rashad Jamal – is an Atlanta-area social media influencer, rapper and guru whose teachings mix New Age mysticism, polygamy and Afrocentric and black nationalist ideas. Jamal and his followers believe that they are demigods descended from aliens. Adherents refer to themselves as gods and goddesses.

[Wakanda is kings and queens]
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ALL BLACK WOMEN ARE OBESE. › 2020 › 12 › 02 › reducing-stigma-toward-black-women-who-vary-in-body-size

Reducing Stigma Toward Black Women Who Vary in Body Size

Eighty-two percent of Black women are classified as obese. 2 And this disparity starts at an early age—21 percent of young girls are classified as obese compared to fifteen percent of White girls. 3. Most efforts that address › obesity-and-african-americans

Obesity and African Americans | Office of Minority Health

African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese. In 2018, non-Hispanic › condition › obesity-among-black-women

Obesity Among Black Women: Fighting the Disease Through Community

Eighty percent, or four out of five Black women are considered overweight or obese according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. Black women also have the highest rates of obesity › articles › 2012 › exploring-the-causes-of-black-womens-obesity

Exploring the Causes of Black Women's Obesity

The Black Women's Health Study found that women who consumed large amounts of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages were more likely to be overweight or obese. Fast food, little exercise.
How about 70% of all new HIV cases are blacks, the highest of all other sexually transmitted diseases are among the black community?

In 2018, the overall rate of reported new chlamydia cases among Blacks in the United States was 1,192.5 cases per 100,000 population. The rate of reported chlamydia cases among Black females was five times the rate among White females (1,411.1 and 281.7 cases per 100,000 population, respectively.
Similar racial disparities in reported chlamydia rates exist among males. Among males aged 15–19 years, the rate of reported chlamydia cases among Blacks was 9.1 times the rate among Whites (2,668.6 and 293.0 cases per 100,000 population, respectively.
The rate of reported P&S syphilis cases among Blacks was 4.7 times the rate among Whites.
From 2014 to 2018, the rate of reported congenital syphilis increased 126.7% among Blacks (38.2 to 86.6 cases per 100,000 live births). In 2018, the rate of reported cases of congenital syphilis among Blacks was 6.4 times the rate among Whites (86.6 versus 13.5 per 100,000 live births, respectively)
In 2018, the overall rate of reported gonorrhea cases among Blacks in the United States was 7.7 times the rate among Whites. This disparity was similar for Black males (8.5 times the rate among White males) and Black females (6.9 times the rate among White females).

YO, you blacks ought to take care of your own s#it yourselves.

Hello blacks,
Mr & Mrs Black Chlamydia, or Miss "Chlamydia" with the green ooze.
Miss Syphilis?
Miss Gonorrhea?
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Communist MARXIST Mental Strokers. An extremely detailed Marxist ideology "study" on 2 movies, others also mentioned, supposedly about "race capitalism" also deemed to be racist and apartheid. These "clowns" gathered their gazillions of data points from comments on outcome of genetic family lineage 23&Me DNA testing & film reviews or youtube comments.

But I guess these research clowns never critiqued ALL of Stephen King's AntiWhite books/movies that always have the Magical Negro female or male who saves the Whites from themselves. See the film, The Stand, on youtube.
The Benevolent black 'Mother Abigail'

To read the entire Communist Marxist mental masturbation spewing fetid psycho-babble bullisht then go to the site.

J Lit Sci. 2021; 14(1-2): 78–93.
PMCID: PMC9802651
PMID: 36589479

Monstrous Proletariat: The Racial Chimera in District 9 and Sorry to Bother You

Terrell Taylor1 and Claire Sisco King2
Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

Our current political atmosphere demands that cultural critics articulate the interactions between distinct but entangled structures of oppression; nowhere is this more apparent and complicated than the combination of late capitalist exploitation and white supremacist dehumanization of racial and ethnic Others through invisibility in terms of social and political recognition and hypervisibility in terms of militaristic policing and surveillance. Further, critics of these structures must convey the severity of the violent operations of what Cedric Robinson calls “racial capitalism” – the interdigitation of capitalism and racism – such that audiences may feel compelled to challenge the violent structures in question. Many of these critics double as artists of popular culture, positioning mainstream media (television, music, and film) as a venue for political critique. This article attends to two recent films, Neil Blomkamp’s District 9 (2009) and Boots Riley’s Sorry to Bother You (2018), that engage in such critique, deploying spectacular renditions of bodily transformation as allegories of the violence of racial capitalism.
Mainstream popular cinema has frequently sought to ground its plot in a form of social commentary on issues of contemporary concern.
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