BNP talks election results


A person under the firm persuasion that he can command resources virtually has them.

Livy (59 BC-17AD)

The ' Simplicity Paradigm ' and the truth

June 12th 2004
Lee Barnes looks at the bigger picture as the election results come in over the weekend.

In our age of illusions the hardest things of all sometimes appear to be the simplest of all. From flicking a light switch to turn the house lights on when it is dark at night, to eating an ripe South African apple in an English winter, these are simple things for us as individuals to do but are they both outcomes of a vast and complex series
of events that must come together at just the right time to make them happen.

Some observers thought that unless the BNP won hundreds of council seats across the country, then the BNP had not had a
good result. This is the 'simplicity paradigm' that the med
ia want us to believe, but it is not the truth.

Understanding elections is not as simple as just counting votes and seats. The mass media expect us to follow the same 'numbers game' as they do in relation to electoral events, but this is not what is important in relation to the recent elections. The important issues in most elections are usually hidden beneath the crass verbiage and shallow comment of the media scribblers. They want us to dwell on the superficial and the insignificant and ignore the important and the essential. It is the same in this election.

Here are the factors that are important:

London boost in face of adversity

1) We almost doubled our vote in the London Assembly elections and the
failure to get a GLA seat was due solely to electoral fraud and corruption at the electoral counts. Tens of thousands of ballot papers have been designated as 'spoiled' and thousands more votes
have been 'lost in the post'. Even though the media gave the 'establishment alternative
' UKIP millions of pounds of free publicity in the lead up to election day in order to create a ' safety valve' for public discontent they still only managed to win two seats in London.

Whilst the media attacked us in the most disgusting smear campaign in British history our vote still doubled in London. We have weathered the storm of their smears and lies and we have grown stronger. Now we will begin the process of holding the media to account for their interference in a democratic election - along with the CWU postal union, Searchlight and all the other fascists that usurped our democratic rights.

We beat the Green Party in the vote for the London Mayor. This means that
the BNP has more right to state publically that we are one of the authentic 'Voices of Londoners' in the media than any member of the Green Party can. The next time the media promote the G
reens whilst calling us 'unrepresentative' then we will remind them that more people voted for our candidate to be Ma
yor of London than they did the Greens.

Next time we will capture the UKIP seats AND the Green seats in London.

Our place in the south as well as the north

2) The important factor in the local elections is our rise in the South of England and our taking of seats in Bradford. These wins show that we can still grow even whilst the media attack us to the point of hysteria. The win in Burnley shows that we can 'embed' our votes in an constituency and build on them. The local elections also allowed us to publicise the party and build our local support bases. These will be the foundation of future growth.

The win in the south in Epping shows us that we c
an take seats anywhere in the country, not just thse northern towns afflicted with the worst of the poison of multi-culturalism. The people of the south are now aware that unless they act soon,
the problems of the north will soon be the problems of the south. This realisation is of historic importance. The south is about to experience m
assive growth for the BNP. We are all aware that the problems of immigration, Islamic extremism, crime, social welfare cuts, enviromental destruction, incompetent and impotent politicians and corrupt police and these problems will only escalate over time.

We are now on the map in the South as the only party that can take council seats - UKIP are regarded as an one trick pony and seen as only able to win in European elections and rigged elections like the London election. UKIP spent 2 million pounds on advertising in the local elections - they won two council seats and two GLA seats. That is truly disastrous. The BNP could not even get our election leaflets delivered by
the postal service due to the actions of the marxist bigots in the trade unions. Once we have finished legally eviscerating the CWU union and the Royal Mail, then come next election we will e
nsure every election leaflet from the BNP is delivered.

We learn from those that attack us and respond to them.

UKIP folly

3 ) UKIP
are being touted by the media as 'doing well' and under the terms of the 'simplicity paradigm' they did do well in the elections. But let's examine the facts. They won just two local council seats in the whole of the country and one of these is under legal review. They won two seats on the GLA, but will be totally impotent to enact any of their policies. All they will do is demonstrate to the London public that a vote for UKIP really was a wasted vote. The vote that the timid patriots of London lent to UKIP, they will give to us next time.

They have sold their souls to a celebrity idol, Robert Kilroy Silk, and as a result they will eventuall
y undergo a painful and very public split into vicious factionalism as the current leadership struggle to save their positions from the perma-tanned interloper.

The support that
UKIP received in these elections may actually kill it. In the event of it surviving it will be encouraged and allowed by the mainstream media to disseminate 'nationalist' ide
as into the collective consciousness of the British public and thereby preparing the population for our revolutionary nationalist message in the future. As the futility of a vote for UKIP becomes clearer then the disappointed nationalists that voted UKIP will flock to our banner, or be faced with the choice of watching as even more of our freedoms are surrendered to Europe and the international economy.

The nouveaux riche social climbers and redundant ex-aristocrats of UKIP are about to enter the abyss of a global economic collapse. The millions they spent on the party will no longer flow into its coffers. The Europe that they despise may,
in the short term as result of this global crisis, actually even start to support the UK economy as it is hit hard by the global economic downturn. As we no longer have any manufactu
ring industries and the service economy is being hit by the export of jobs to Indian and China, then the United Kingdom will be hit especially hard by a collapse in the global econom

UKIP's sole policy - out of Europe - will seem absurd if the UK suddenly becomes the recipient of much needed European aid money instead of a net donor of cash in the event of the United Kingdom economy collapsing as a result of the downturn of the global economy. Of all the European countries the United Kingdom is the weakest due to its dependency upon the global economy to survive.

But the issue of immigration will continue to grow and grow over the next decade. The issue of Europe will wane, as the issue of immigration rises. The BNP policy of working with our European nationalist partners to form a Pan-European Bloc wo
rking for the rights of all indigenous European peoples and cultures and in the British national interest is the only policy that can defend both the interests of Britain and Euro
pe. A strong nationalist British BNP government united with our European Nationalist partners in a strong Euro-Nationalist European Alliance is the only solution to the immense immigration
crisis and civil chaos facing Europe in this century. The BNP will force Europe to work from within its own political institutions to protect the interests of the indigenous European peoples first, and not prostrate itself to the global economy or America whilst its own people suffer.

The idea that Britain can defend herself, run her economy and take care of her people solely on its own in the world without working with other European nations under a pan - european alliance is the politics of the fantasist. Britain withdrawing from the European Union at this point in history without both economic and political preparation will
be national suicide unless a strong nationalist BNP govenment is running Britain. UKIP are not nationalists. They are adherents of the insane idea of forming an British/Pan Ame
rican trading bloc where America becomes Britain's economic pimp and sells the British economy to the rest of the world. UKIP are not, and never have been nationalists. They can offer no s
olutions other than more economic slavery, though to the Dollar rather than the Euro.

The idea that Britain should withdraw from the European Union and then surrender its independence to George Bush and American megacorps is one that most British people find repugnant.

No lifeboats left

4) The last of the lifeboats have been used up as the Titanic of British politics sinks. The last resort of the average voter that hates the Tories and does not trust Tony Blair is to vote Lib Dem. The idea that Britain needs more liberalism to sort out its problems is one that only the brainwashed lemmings of the tr
ue liberal fascist elite still hold. Real people voted Liberal Democrat as a protest vote against the war in iraq and against Tony Blair - and the more positions of power i
n our communities they hold the more the Lib Dems will reveal their true absurd nature and policies and the faster these voters will desert them. And in the end, after all the last of the remaining li
feboats have sunk, the only party they will have to represent them will be the BNP. These elections are the wake up call to the long dormant British public. They are the final station on our path to power.

Skara Brae,
