Book Review: The Aporias Of Piper's Useful New


Guest Columnist
Book Review:
The Aporias Of Piper's Useful New Jerusalem
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 06)

Michael Collins Piper is funny, and one must ask what's his game with his The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power In America; American Free Press; Wash., D.C. 2004, 184 pages. For Piper's work is a study in irony as it tongue-in-cheek details the Judaic "stranglehold"--at least some outward manifestations thereof--upon US politics, culture, and society. Piper's purpose, given in his work's concluding section, "Some Parting Thoughts...," is to emphasize "the struggle against Zionist power is . . . the unspoken 'big secret' of the day."

Unfortunately the book lacks the necessary perspective as there's no background information upon Jew religion or that master-fraud run by the topmost Jews, the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counter

feiting scam which then provides the money and funds by which
financial instrumen
ts the Jews so absolutely own and dominate American economics, politics, education, justice, the various criminal enterprises, etc. Hey sucker, Jews rule, and you'd better believe it if you know what's good for you. And if you don't believe Jews rule, try doing anything serious to oppose them; you will learn to your regret. (Look at me, your humble reviewer: I'm now living in a homeless shelter....)

Another problem is that as Piper neglects the religious perspective, he then necessarily overlooks one of the greatest antidotes to and weapons against such Judaist Zionism, the New Testament (NT), featuring among other things of course, NT Conspiracy theory-template by which the Zionistic conspiracy complex is so well analyzed and exposited. (Note the murderers of Christ and truth, according to Gosp. JOHN, were Pharisees (Jews), "Sadduceans"--corresponding today to such as Jerry Falwell,
Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, et al.--scribes (lawyers
), elders, and the imperialist
enforcer regime--like the Romans of Christ's day.)

Surely yet another problem is the inconsistency of Piper's text which is just too clever by half. For example, in the chapter, "Cold Hard Facts and Figures," the ninth chapter including the Introduction, under the heading, "City Dwellers...," the second sentence is, "[a]fter the holocaust, twice as many Jews lived in the United States as in Europe." Note then the implied accepting of Piper of the the "holocaust" (actually holohoax) fraud by which Jews pretend they're persecuted--moreso than other races, peoples, or religions.

Such utterly contrived Jew persecution-complex, integral to their religion, is profoundly necessary and good for chutzpah and the deliberately programmed self-righteous hysteria by which Jews intimidate, oppress, and dominate everyone else--but that's
only se
lf-evident, and Piper doesn't bother to embark on further psychologic analysis. Jew insanity works--as it
feeds upon the prior gentile hubris and S
penglerian "Decline of the West."

Thus Piper actually lends currency to such holohoax lies and fraud which can only aid the Jew-Zionist cause--this as Piper purports to inquire as to the nature of Jew-Zionist power and success in the USA. The irony is even greater as Piper is noneother than author of a book, Best Witness, I believe is the title, which has directly and intimately to do with the holohoax fraud. So what could be the purpose of Piper and his publisher-mentor, Willis Carto?

Piper's book is additionally produced in glossy paperback on which back cover there are advertisements for two other books authored by Piper, Final Judgment, and The High Priests Of War; somewhat strangely, there's no mention of Best Witness.

Yet another interesting statement made by Piper is in same chapter, &qu
ot;Cold Har
d Facts...," under the heading, "Media: 'A Disproportionate Influence'"; Piper writes in the very first sentence, "[
a]lthough not in control of the media and the arts
, as some anti-Semites suggest, Jews clearly possess a disproportionate influence in movies, publishing, advertising, and theatre." For it's interesting as the very purpose of Piper's book is to demonstrate this "control" which his own sentence ostensibly denies. And besides, what's wrong with "antisemitism" unless there's something wrong with truth?

Further, the book's previous sixth chapter, "Two Major Media Giants," pointedly details that very Judaic media monopolization, "control," and dominance, after mentioning the Sulzberger (New York Times) media empire, regarding the Meyer-Graham (Washington Post-Newsweek) and Newhouse (New Orleans Times-Picayune, Parade magazine) "empires."

Thus Piper's exce
llent book, des
pite the above-described confusionary flaws, begins with a prologue upon the very first Judaic elected Congressman, Lewis Charles Levin, noneother than one of the main founders of the old "Know Nothi
ng" party which demogogued and agitated against the admission of
Catholics in the mid nineteenth century.

The "Enron" scandal is thereupon exposited in some interesting detail by Piper, illustrating the numerous and massive Judaic connections which were covered up. The INSLAW affair is another amazing suppressed story covered by Piper by which Jews helped Israel achieve a dominating inside for espionage upon our own nation, the USA. The notorious Donald Trump is found to be just another frontman for the sinister Jew banking and financial power. Another revelation is the profound Judaic presence in the history of criminal enterprise in America, featuring for example, the Bronfmans who prospered and now run ostensibly legitimate businesses. And Piper further giv
es quite a few of t
he Judaic identities who are so rich, powerful, and active in present-day American business and culture.

For the question then obtrudes: how do the Jews do it, enforcing their conspiratorial scams and perpet
rating their mass-assassinations as presently against Iraq,
preceded by the 9-11 outrage? And the answer is not difficult when one finally sees the willing assistants and traitors who worship that addiction to Mammon and heresy which the Jews conjure and which in Piper's book is so well detailed.

CONCLUSION: Thus Piper's work is good, even invaluable, for the analytic detailing of the present American oligarchy and mammonist empire--it is positively frightening for the extent of Jew involvement, infiltration, and power over American society in all the possible aspects. We need nothing less than cultural revolution to regain our country; we must emulate the great saint and Roman emperor, Constantine the Great, who banished the Jews by means of the Chr
istian weapon. Don&#39
;t doubt NT Consp. theory can well help for the plotting and understanding of information against the Judaic-"Judeo-Christian" (JC) menace, conspiracy, and disease. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist,
Christian patriot