brief synopsis of NAZI OCCULTISM.




Conquer NATURE


Work with NATURE ?

Baconian and Goethean Science

The true spirit of this kind of scientism can be illustrated

by a telling metaphor coined early in this epoch

by scientism's seminal spokesman, Francis Bacon.

He said, propounding scientific experimentalism,

that we must put Nature on the rack
and force Her to answer the questions we put to Her. --

This figure will speak volumes to those who meditate upon it:

We, seeking information for whatever motives,

are to torture the Goddess who gave us birth and nurture,

so as to cause Her, through unbearable pain and injury,

to blurt out
secrets which She,

in her wisdom, conceals from the impure and self-seeking. --

In much of so-called "physiological research" a
nd "medical training"

this is hardly even a metaphor;

the torture unto death is quite literal.

The usual victims are animals,

but all too many "researchers" are not above using human "subjects"

when they can get enough power over them.

And even a slight whiff of occult knowledge shows us a deeper meaning:

The central rite of "Satanism" or "black magic" --

sometimes crude, sometimes sophisticated --

is the deliberate, ritual torture and killing of animals and,

at a more advanced level, of humans.

When done in a precise way, t
his practice confers knowledge

and power upon the practitioner;

also, it affects the whole earth,

hardening and rigidifying it,

to the characteristic Ahrimanic purpose. <
Thus we can see the hordes of "researchers"

and medical students -- who hurt, injure, and "sacrifice" animals --

as undergoing an unconscious, Ahrimanic black magic initiation,

which hardens, brutalizes, and Ahrimanizes their souls,

and throu
gh them also the culture,

and even the earth itself.

(Sacrifice is the actual word they commonly use,
not thinking which "god" they sacrifice unto.)

Vivisection is truly the archetypal act of modern science

as it is generally understood and practiced.

In contrast to our Baconian science,

there does exist a little-known scientific trend,

inaugurated by the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

In the general culture he is known primarily as
the author of Faust;

but he was also a scientist, known for (if known at all)

the prediction of the discovery of the intermaxillary bone in humans,

or, less often, for his anti-N
ewtonian theory of color.

His mode of scientific thinking was quite different from

the Baconian-Ahrimanic mode,

and likewise he illustrated it with a telling metaphor.

He said (in paraphrase) that we must approach

Nature as a reverent lover,

and, perhaps, She will whisper to us Her intimate secrets. --

The contrast to Bacon
's metaphor could hardly be more stark.

Also, the Goethean method of scientific investigation,

in contrast to amoral experimentalism,

is a method of self-improvement and self-development --

a reverent meditating upon the facts of experience,

in the hope that they will speak.

This scientific method has, of course,

been all but buried under the Baconian-Ahrimanic avalanche,

even in
Goethe's own country.
And it was no mere accident that Steiner's

first professional appointment

was to edit Goethe's scientific writings,

in the Goethe-Schill
er Archive in Weimar.

Steiner and his successors have developed

and expanded the Goethean

method to an amazing extent,

giving us a reasonable hope for renewed life

in our deadened,

death-dealing scientific culture.

Steiner too has been almost totally ignored by scientists in the West,

slightly less so in Central Europe.

Also, the practice of Goethean-Steinerean science

has vast implications for t
he soul of the practitioner,

as well as for the whole earth.

Spiritual science sees soul and spirit in Nature,

in a real, practical way, completely consistent

with the "empirical" facts.

It reverently approaches the scientific laboratory

as a holy place,

and the experiment as a sacramen

as a revelation of the Creator-Spirits through

the sacred symbols of Nature.

This is consistent only with the moral development

of the scientist,

and w
ith the furtherance of the Gods' plan

of human and cosmic evolution.


This is a brief synopsis of NAZI OCCULTISM.

No wonder the J*w bankers had to wipe out all NAZIS and GERMANS !

88 always !
A considerable amount of literature has been published in various countries about how the Nazi Party?s rise to power was aided by supernatural and demonic forces.

Other than the writers statement that the forces were demonic,
This is true and the very reason the Z had to wipe out all NAZI

Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose,
who was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters,
states that he proposed to extermin
the entire German General Staff, thousands of people, after the war.

Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime,

and the few who imposed its will down from the top,



What some students of the OCCULT beleive regarding the
rise of NS and Hitlers personal star is that he was one of several who
were chosent to become the AVATAR to lead humanity out of the
hands of the J*w tyranny of HATE.

If Hitler had failed early on there were oth
ers who would have been quickly brought into the breach.

One obviously was Rudolph Hess.
Another phenomenal ARYAN WARRIOR of the SPIRIT.

concluded that the ancestors of the German race lived on Atlantis

Hitler scored on all points until the entrapment by the Rus under
Joe Stalin the J*w.

He failed in believing that Britain and America would be glad to enter into a Euro-American pact for development and mutual support.He did not see how deeply the Z was embedded in both nations . He was so aware of the issue of RACE he did not see that there were thoes who did not WANT to see.

This , and becoming entrapped by those betrayals , were the beginnings of the collapse of the NAZI Third REICH.<b
He knew he co
uld not be raedy till late 43 or 44.
He wanted to stall. Stalin saw this and FORCED the early war
ensuring the eventual defeat of the NAZI machine.

Hitler saw this
and knew he would lose.
He was driven by he geist that he had begun
to keep the hope alive as long as possible
even when he knew it was hopelesss.

He had one or more near him who were playing the ASP.

Elements within the OCCULT strata were from the beginning not of the Brotherhood of Light.

They were plants to be ready to disconnect the programming at any
of several knots along the way.

They were simply very good intel and infiltrated at an early stage to be ready when needed.

Hitlers system was broken down daily by what was given him to drink , mostly herbal tea. so he was thinking more clouded and disconnected.

He had been early on programmed for certain steps.

These steps depended on his being etherically clear.
intake of things he did not suspect kept him from being able

to maintain the connection to the HIGHER FORCES on the levels
that were needed for such an undertaking.

When the step
s did not happen he was unable to correct the programming
He could not HOLD the cnnection and connectingwas becoming difficult.
The POWERS that had set up his rise to zenith were unable to keep
the focus of the OCCULT sources in fine tune thru Hitlers Energies .

They were very good at what they did but they had been presupposed
by the Z forces.

They never had the paranoia of the Z forces and were of a
personal character that was open and trusting ,
so it was easy for the tentacles of the Z to work into the
inner recesses of the party hierarchy very early on
and hang in till time to destruct.

The people behind the NAZI phenomenomen had gathered several years
before and were given freely and bountifully assistance from
RS who want to see humans FREE of the ancient tyranny.
The conection had to be maintained.


The tyranny had thousands of year
s of practice in OCCULT matters
and knew there was going to be a push for freedom by
these young patriots in Germany.

The infiltration was there at the beginng. The failure of the NSDAP was simply a matter of correct timing by the Z , after wrenching agreements from other nations to solidify the powereof Z such as The BALFOUR DECLARATION.

As Hitler was suffering already from the gassing in WWI, and had weak lungs since childhood, his system was compromised and quite susceptible to the ravages of minute doses of certain natural poisons. Administered in his tea.

The powers of the OCCULT FORCES behind the NAZI REICH would be undefeatable unless the focus of the powers , the SUN of the ACTION,
were removed. The SUN of the ACTION was the magnetism of Adolph Hitler.

long as he was healthy the NSDAP was undefeatable.
SPIRIT cannot flow thru a sick body.

A NAZI symbol is the SUN

HITLER ws the embodiment of the SUN WHEEL, the
focus of the energies
being called up in OCCULT ritual.

The opposition had to wait till it was too late to bring in one of the many substitutes. Then they began to destroy the icon , Hitler,
as the only available method of destroying the movement,

no other way was open as the power of the forces that were
trying to bring FREEDOM and LIGHT to Germany and Europe

and put the BULLY into the abyss for a thousand years

could not be stopped any other way.

They had to take down Hitler to undermine the accrued energies.

As Hitler's health degenerated the energies were receeding into
the mist and not available anymore,

and just a tired and sick human was left to
try to keep the torch lighted fo
r millions.

The inevitable was well known by party hierarchy after '43.

I remember we began to hurt then.

A feeling of loss of something fine was en
veloping many of us .

te]which sank, and spread to Northern Europe and the Middle East. The supposed Aryan Middle Easterners founded the great civilizations of Egypt and the Fertile Crescent, including the Hebrews. [/quote]

Atlantis sank in three disasters over a period of time giving some
the opportunity to escape.

Prior to each crisis, the "LEARNED ONES" were warned and great groups left.

Some went to Portugal and EGYPT some to N. & S.America.

Some went to the IRISH & Scots coast.

The Hebrew Script
ure, according to Lanz's analysis, was a history of the attempt for Aryans to preserve their race. He interpreted the fall as the miscegenation between Aryans and lesser races.

Up to a point hes got it. We were not Germans then. The label GERMAN means a large body of nations of Northern Europen ancestry .

The actual people of Germany were more of a tribe made up of several other tribes who joined together and became called called Teutons after the predomin
ant member group.

Even that designation was not extant when our RACE was originally confronted with the evil.

What was happening then was that our ANCESTORS were already developing civilizations in several areas that were very advanced beyond anything known on
this planet.
Our first outpost here was the fertile crescent, Mesopatamia.

We were( ARE) a cross breed with genes of a far superior people.

Those pe
ople were TALL, over seven to ten feet, and glowing WHITE with blonde or red hair and blue and green eyes .

We were highly intelligent and telepathic with other psychic powers.

We were given civic law, agriculture, geometry, alphabet, music, animal husbandry, seed storing, art, architecture, and all the wonderful assets that we

learned well and have carried and SHARED for nealy ten thousand years.

At the time of our first being charged with the shepherding of this planet
we were WARNED not to ever mix with the


Thats a direct translation from a text that is carbon dated at over 7000 years.

We were told that the desertdwellers would work their way into our confidence and begin to take over our busines
s, homes, legislatures, and KINGSHIPS !

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>we were also told to NEVER BREED WITH THEM.

We would destroy our R


( ADAM and EVE were a few million years earlier)

We did begin to rely on them and let them into our homes to clean and do
chores and run ereands an bit by bit they did work their way in.

Our ANECSTORS were still around ( a superior RACE) and saw what was happening so told one PRIEST of their bloodlines and good judgement
to take a trusted bunch and GO TO EGYPT, until he would be recalled.
ALL of this was written down and kept.


The high priest( ARYAN ANCESTOR) took his family and some
chosen stock and went to EGYPT to await his furth
ur mission.

His instructions were to shepherd all the people and for NONE of his people to breed with the desertdwellers but to keep his RACE seperate.

Thus did an earl
y patriarch follow to the letter his instructions and there was no RACE MIXING.

Time was he was recalled, ABRAHAM , an ARYAN, A chaldean
whos family was ol
d before a Hebrew nation called itself as one.

There were some of the desertdwellers in Egypt and ABRAHAM
looked out for them but the ARYANS kept SEPERATE !

Abraham was recalled with his family and rulership settled down.
For a while.

There came a time of war and our people had to scatter.
Many died of radiation.
Those who left our homeland soon enough we did not have a lot of warning,

went to northern lands and had great skills and language they took with them.

Most died awful deaths.

Some setled in what is now Mongolia and western China.

Some went furthur north and west..

Even eastward into what is now NORTHERN INDIA ,
nwhere they established great civilization until the little
dark ones kept attacking and decimating and mixing.

The cast
e system established here was necessary
BECAUSE the dark ones kept encroaching.

So now the Northern Hindus are light and intelligent
and the southr
n ones are not.

Same in China,

In the north the people are more intelligent,
As you travel South and east they are dumber and shorter

The desert dwellers who survived the nuclear war had some
memories of or high quality develpoment and had learned writing.

They beagn first a spoken record then a written record of all our history.

They simply wrote it all as tho THEY were the highest developed
humans and had such and such a great past.

Most of it was lies and the rest was OUR history rewritten
to aggrandize the semitic desert dwellers !

This is the beginnings of the
Hebrew BIBLE !

ALL BASED ON LIES and corrruption of OUR HISTORY !

The truths are twisted and rewritten as a text for CO

ALL I have written here is available in translations of ancient texts.

The time came when our ANCESTORS began to
come south from
vast Northern climes and settle the lands that are now Europe.

We had kept our language and numbers, seed gathering and food storage,
animal husbandry and herbal usages.

We formed colonies and villages.


A mixture of many tribes all from the roots of ancient Mesopotamia.

Germanic is a name that covered all the tribes.

Some settled here and there and some died out.

Othere settled nad then had to move on.

We were a highly intelligent and honorable people
and could fight like no other among the desertdwellers.

They encroached westward and that history is common knowledge,
many wars to throw them back eastward.

The enmity goes back ten thousand years. East against West.

Asian vs Occidental.

Our remnants wer

e tall blonde, redheaded, brown soft haired ,
blue eyed, green eyed , handsome people of strong bodies
and excellent character.

The semites
multiplied and were shiort , dark skined,
wide eyed, long nosed,
with nappy hair and black eyes.

They straightened their hair and dyed it with sage
as the black was a RUSTY shade and they wanted a true black

Many desert dweller semites to this day have their hair straightened
and dyed black.

The semites have known since we first came to this planet that we are superior and are here to bring order out of chaos.

In the cycles of time it is the time of the WHITE RACE to rule
and do as we must to create order.

They HATE us for this.

They thrive on disorder.

They have been practicising GENOCIDE on us for 6800 years.

They remember we are smarter, stronger, more honest nad giving.

They have used all of this against us all these centuries.
They are finally read
y to pull the plug and take total control.


You know who we are and what we came from and how the Z
began to accrue a respect
and religiosity they never earned
and the roots of the bible are lies .

You know how to resurrect our ARYAN geist and throw them out !

Lanz believed Jesus ("Frauja") was an Aryan savior and the medieval Christian character of Europe, with its monasteries and nobility, embodied the Aryan ideal.

Jesus was a political radical ESSENE who tried to take over the ministry of John the Baptizer and was set up by the J*ws because he was drawing a lot of criticism for his sinful ways.

He was NOT
ARYAN. He was half J*w and half Roman bastard adopted by an old man, Joseph the carpenter, who wanted the mother of Jesus who already had the littt
le boy prior to the bethrothal.

The xian nobility had NO characteristics of the GERMANIC people.

Thats why they had to use FORCE and murder to set up their nobility.

Thats why
the xian church had to march thru Europe and torture,

maim, mutilate, murder, rape ,and kill all GERMANIC peoples

from Italy to the northsea.

All to "CONVERT" the GERMANIC SPIRIT to xianity.

Convert or die.

The "Aryan ideal." was what was being genocided and still is.

It is the anti thesis of all that is the

alien/asian desertdweller woman hating cannibals.

The evil was the xian asian/alien desert dwellers beliefs in

a god of HATE that were being enforced on all the tribes
and nations of EUROPE.

xianity won by killin


This war of thousands o
f years is almost over.

We will win. do we win with anything left?

Or do we take control NOW while there is still
a semblance of a civiliazation left.?

How much of our ANECSTORS GENES do YOU have??

What sort of future do you want?

The book is most likely worth the purchase price.

we need to know can be found by RESEARCH.

Dont ever believe any ONE source. Read five versions of everything.

Then ask the GODDESS !

Heil Hitler!
