Camel-jockey scalds meter maid with coffee


Senior Editor

Angry camel-jockey scalds white meter maid

Meter maid rage: Hummer-driving halfwit scalds her with Starbucks

A hulking Boston bodyguard was arrested yesterday, accused of hurling a scalding Starbucks coffee at a meter maid who slapped a ticket on his illegally parked Hummer in the Back Bay.

The alleged attack unfolded about 8:30 a.m. when Christi Noviello, 44, was walking her Berkeley and Boylston streets beat and saw the black Hummer parked in a loading zone with a woman in the passenger seat.

"I am a nice meter maid,'' Noviello told the Herald yesterday in an exclusive interview. "As a courtesy, I gave the lady a chance to move, but she pointed at the Starbucks and refused.''

Noviello wrote a $55 ticket, a

nd slid it under the Hummer's windshield wiper - apparently enraging its driver, Fra
ncois Youhanna.

"He started yelling, 'I don't accept this ticket!' He had a Venti-sized cup of black coffee in his hand, and he flung it right in my face,'' said Noviello, just hours after she was treated for first- and second-degree burns on her face and upper torso at New England Medical Center.


"I went down, I was panicking. It hurt so bad, I thought my face was falling off,'' she said. "It was in my eyes, I was screaming.''

Starbucks employees rushed out of the store with wet cloths to soothe the burns, as cops arrested Youhanna for assault and battery with a deadly weapon, the hot coffee, which is a felony.

Youhanna insisted he sp
d the coffee on Noviello by mistake after slipping on some ice and falling, a story his female companion echoed. But witnesses said Youhanna - who is 6-foot-2 and 200 pounds - charged at the meter maid
and was very close to her face when the coffee was thrown.

He told cops he owned Gavilier Security Patrol, a bodyguard service that lists his West Roxbury home as the company's address. When a relative was reached at Youhanna's home, the man hung up when asked to comment on the incident.

Youhanna, a native of Lebanon, pleaded not guilty yesterday in Boston Municipal Court and was released on personal recognizance on condition he stay out of trouble and away from the meter maid. A pretrial conference date was set for Feb. 23.

Last year, 16 meter maids were physically assaulted and another 48 were threatened or harassed, said Tom Tinlin, deputy commissioner of the Boston Transportation Department.

"It's appalling. This behavior should
not be
tolerated in a civilized world,'' Tinlin said yesterday. "Christi is one of the nicest people I know. For her to be subjected to such behavior while performing your job is a disgrace.''

Angry an
d incoherent, the rag-headed Leb-banana-ian was most incensed that a woman, and a white woman at that, would have the nerve to disobey and dishonor him, a Muslim piece of shiite, Allah's gift to the world.