Cameras Catch Pick Pocket Suspects

The Bobster

Senior News Editor since 2004

Cameras Catch Pick Pocket Suspects

By Jessica Borg

October 15, 2007 - Egg Harbor Township Police are looking for the thieves who have been preying on seniors.

Supermarket shoppers are being extra cautious in light of at least 7 incidents in the area where women 66 to 88-years-old were pick pocketed.

Police have released surveillance video taken from a Shop Rite in Egg Harbor on October 7th. The video shows 4 suspook, 3 sheboons and 1 buck pursuing their intended target. In this case, it's an elderly woman walking down the aisle.

One of the suspooks usually distracts the victim by striking up a conversation about discounts. Then another nigger sow steals the wallet from her purse.

Police say the third suspook, a nigger buck, serves as the lookout. Finally, within 30 minutes of stealing the credit cards, the older female suspook spends thousands of dollars on the same sorts of items, expensive power tools, jewelry, and gift cards.

Police say the 1st theft happened on August 22nd - the latest on October 12th. The victims were shopping at supermarkets in Egg Harbor, Hammonton and Somers Point. One of the cases even involved identity theft, where credit cards were obtained using the victim's personal information.

If you have any information about the identity of the suspects, you are urged to call police immediately.