Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins




Nature's Eternal Religion 2 - 14

Both of these Jewish creeds consistently follow policies
which are disastrous
to the welfare of the White Race. </span>

I have already gone into considerably detail about the catastrophic effects of Christianity on the great White Roman civilization.

I have also pointed out previously that the J*ws in communist Russia
killed off 20,000,000 of the best White Russians.

However, the programs and policies of both these creeds
extend much further than these two major catastrophes of history
and to point out how disastrous the effects of both
anity and communism have been upon the fortunes
of the White Race would require a whole volume in itself.

I believe we have scattered throughout this book a mass
of such examples
that it is hardly necessary to again repeat them here.

Another similarity that manifests itself in both of these Jewish creeds
is that both have an incurable ability to put forth a profuseness of verbiage
that is extremely vague and beclouded with confusion.

Not only is the verbiage profuse, but incredibly lacking in substance.

<span style=\'color:blue\'>( J*w insanity :tongue: )

This is an old Jewish trick to confuse and confound
the minds of their opposition, the latter being deceived into thinking
that all this vast collection of words must have some higher meaning
beyond their comprehension.

To further destroy and beat back the opposition,
both creeds have developed to a high state the art
of hurling vicious trigger words and hate words at their opponents.

The Christians developed such hate-trigger words
as atheist, heathen, heretic, apostate, blasphemy,
pagan, sinner and anti-Christ.

The communists have developed a whole stable of similar trigger w
and some of these are
Fascist, Nazi, racist, bigot, prejudice, and anti-Semitic.

Without anyone really stopping to analyze what each of these words mean
and why they should be considered as bad,
these words have been developed to a high state of implied evil
so that by just merely calling these names,
you need not really debate the issues,
but mercilessly strike down your opponents
without resorting to any debate or reasoning whatsoever.

If the similarities between Christianity and communism seem rather striking,
there is a very good reason for their parallel ide

That reason is, of course, they were both concocted
by the Jewish power structure for the common objective
of destroying the White Race.

Unfortunately, up to this point, both their ideologies
have been devastatingly effective.

It is partially the purpose of this book
and the Creativity Movement to confront this devastating attack
on the mind of the White Race
and expose these twin Jewish
ideologies for what they are.

Furthermore, I am firmly convinced, and it is my measured conclusion,
that the J*ws could never have foisted modern communism
on a long suffering humanity,

had they not first softened up,
unhinged and confused the intellect of the White Race
with the fallacious snares of Christianity.

It is therefore the further objective of Creativity
to help straighten out the befuddled thinking of the White Race
to where they then can, and will,
expunge both of these twin Jewish scourges
from the face
of this planet.