Commies still crying after 25 years about the



I would consider setting up the KKK (along with the commies)
as a "bad thing".

Having had upclose look at BOTH

I freely admit I would not consider setting up the commies
"a bad thing"

because I see most Americans are not aware of
how insidious these vermin are.

On the other hand I PERSONALLY see the KKK as an agent of education

Some bad apples being weed out by leader
hip , but

MOSTLY people trying to get others to "see" where America
is being led down the spiral stair to confusion and oblivion.:wacko:

Double standard ??

You bet !

My life and that of my decendants are at stake !

Originally posted by ncpatriot@Jun 17 2004, 10:27 PM
TNB states: "The first article attributes Butkovich and Dawson with being instrumental in setting up the commies to get their just deserts. Are you inferring that either Butkovich or Dawson are z? The article doesn't mention that either one are z, but assuming they were, how is what Butkovich or Dawson did a bad thing. They set up the commies, didn't they? "

I tried doing a geneological search on the surname 'Butkovich
#39;, all the groups wanted you to join up and I wasn't interested. However, with a moniker like Bernard Butkovich, I'd give it a 90% chance it is a "z" as you call it. If you go to jewh you will see lots of Bernards on their list. As for the 2 articles, I was trying to find some that would be considered 'non-biased' as opposed to something from Stormfront, or Truth at Last, or a KKK site, (all known "j
** haters").

And yeah, I would consider setting up the KKK (along with the commies) as a "bad thing". Wouldn't you?
Can we discuss this over a few beers at the local tavern?

Sophia- I didn't state that exactly right. Setting up the commies is NOT a bad thing. :D

Tyrone- Sure. I take it you are in N.C.? We can always use the PM function to communicate more 'intimately' if desired. :Cheers:
NC, I also freely admit that if I were commander for a day

all PROVABLE commies would be executed by firing squad

and it would be televised !

:Swastika2: :D