"Conspiracy theory" is THE TRUTH, suckers, PROVEN over & again--after all, New Test. is story of Jew consp. against TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)


Guest Columnist

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Climate Lockdowns​

TUESDAY, JAN 23, 2024 - 10:40 PM
Authored by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox via The Brownstone Institute,

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/conspiracy-theorists-were-right-about-climate-lockdowns/

Well folks, I really hate to say this, but it’s another win for the conspiracy theorists. They can take off their tinfoil hats and take a deep bow. Yet another one of their outrageous “predictions” is coming true. For anyone keeping score, sadly the score card is rather one-sided. I think the count is something like Conspiracy Theorists = 1,000,000 wins vs. Logic & Normalcy = 0 wins. Boy how I wish we could win some on the “Logic & Normalcy” scale!

So, I acknowledge that I do have a rather dry sense of humor. I throw sarcasm in there a bunch. A couple of my friends tell me they cannot always tell when I’m being serious or if I’m joking. This makes me think that quite a few of you will be wondering, “Is she serious or is she joking with the title to her article?” To that I answer, I will tell you what I know, and then you decide. (You know how I love to promote critical thinking)…
Last week, our unfortunate Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, issued a TRAVEL BAN for an entire county. You read that correctly. No, not a travel advisory, but a full on travel ban! Meaning, New Yorkers in Erie County were forbidden from going anywhere. What’s another name for that? Well, if you live in a rural or very suburban area (which most of New York State is), where driving on a road is the way you get from point A to point B, then I would say a synonym would be “lockdown.”
And what was Dictator Hochul’s, I mean Governor Hochul’s, reason for this lockdown of close to one million New Yorkers that live in Erie County? Wait for it. Ready? It was going to SNOW! For anyone who does not live in New York, or who has never been to Western New York in the winter, that area of our state gets a lot of snow. Often. And yet, the governor thinks (all of a sudden, out of nowhere) everyone living there is so ignorant, they must be confined to their homes until she says it’s safe for them to rejoin the world again. Either that, or she’s just testing you to see how far she can take her totalitarian desires. Or both.
For all the keyboard critics who love to jump in and twist my words, I’ll cut you off at the pass and say that I am not admonishing a governor’s desire to keep people safe in the wake of a storm. That’s not at all what I am saying. If a natural disaster is approaching, people should be warned, emergency services ready to roll, and help made readily available. Encourage people to stock up, stay home, and hunker down? For sure! Forbid people from leaving their homes? NO.
There is a big difference between caring about New Yorkers’ safety, and wanting to control people. Huge.
And in fact, Hochul was banning people from leaving their homes even if it was NOT snowing! Sound unbelievable? It sure does. But remember in my article last week, I cited an ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, who fittingly said, The truth often evades being recognized due to its utter incredibility.”
Put another way, when something is so outrageous, it is often cast aside as untrue. Well, here’s what comrade Kathy posted on her Twitter:

She went on to post several other times about the snow and her travel ban. I was actually encouraged to read that most of the comments she received were negative, logical rebuttals to her power grab.
Here are a few…

Ok, so digging a bit into travel bans, you’ll recognize that there have been travel bans based on big storms in the past here in New York. However, those are issued by the local government (i.e. County Executive), after a state of emergency is declared. They are not issued by the Governor, nor are they issued without an emergency declaration.
Does anyone see the correlation here between government overreach, their quest for “centralized” power, and their fear-mongering?
It’s the same thing the Governor and her DOH have been doing with their hideous “quarantine camp” regulation that I have been fighting in court for nearly two years now! The name of that case is Borrello v. Hochul, and you can read the details and case history here. Connecting the dots to the analysis at hand, you will note that the quarantine camp regulation tried to take the power from (elected) judges (in keeping with our law) who have the authority to temporarily quarantine sick, dangerous people, and shift that power to unelected, statewide, DOH employees and appointees who have zero accountability to We the People.
Under their quarantine camp reg, the Governor and her DOH would have centralized control over 19 million New Yorkers, to force you to lock down in your home, or they could force you (with the use of police) to go to a quarantine center/ facility/ camp (pick your noun), without any proof you are sick, indefinitely, with no procedure by which you can regain your freedom, and with no declared state of emergency! The fear factor used to try to justify the authoritarian power grab here is the threat of death…If we don’t lock people up who are possibly exposed to a disease, then you might die. Swap out “possibly exposed to a disease” and put in its stead “unclean.” What does that make you think of?
My next question: do you see any similarities here to Hochul’s probably illegal climate lockdown?
I say “probably illegal” because I couldn’t find the supposed legal authority that she’s relying upon to prohibit people from driving. If you know what she is relying upon, feel free to post it in the Substack comment section below.
Before you draw your own final conclusion about all this, I will add one last thing for you to consider.
In December, a month before Hochul issued this Erie County travel ban, the (Democrat) County Executive, Mark Poloncarz, set up an online portal so residents could check and see if they would be deemed “essential workers” and thus exempt from any futuristic travel bans. Oh, and he coordinated with their “partners” in the federal government to come up with the list!
Sound familiar, folks?!
Remember Governor Cuomo’s C19 lockdown (“Just 2 weeks to flatten the curve”), which lasted for months, and all the “essential workers” that he exempted? Here’s an article about Erie’s coincidentally-just-in-time-for-a-travel-ban portal, “Erie County’s new online portal will identify essential workers exempt from travel bans.”
So… after taking in all that, is it 1,000,000 to 1… or is it 1,000,001 to 0?
* * *
Republished from the author’s Substack


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The CDC Covered Up The Vaccine's Risks​

SUNDAY, JAN 28, 2024 - 10:20 PM
Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/cdc-covered-vaccines-risks

By the Spring of 2021, Americans were inundated by a cacophony of demands that everyone immediately line up for the shot that would supposedly end the pandemic.
The screams of certainty were deafening.

It was everywhere you turned: TV, radio, newspaper, social media, and medical authorities at all levels.
Several features of this campaign were suspicious.

People had begun to notice that the virus itself was nowhere near as deadly as had been claimed. Yes people got sick but, as with the flu, most everyone shook it off in time. Why get vaccinated for a pathogen against which your immunity can be earned the old-fashioned way? It never made sense that this was somehow essential for the whole population.

Then there was the question of whether it was going to be effective. Coronaviruses are fast-mutating, and the whole history of vaccines suggests they are not capable of keeping up. It’s even worse: some specialists at the time said that mass vaccination against one variant drives the virus to mutate even more, while disabling the capacity of the immune system to resist. That suspicion was confirmed true by the time the year was up.
Then there is the pressing question of safety. It was a new technology and hence an experiment. Absolutely no regular member of the public knew precisely what was in it yet. And yet everyone was forced to line up, roll up their sleeves, and accept it. No drug in the history of the FDA had been rolled out this way.
As for the claim that the shots are “safe,” that was never believable. To say “we don’t know” would have been the only honest statement, simply because there was no record of experience with these vaccines. You cannot declare something to be safe when there is no actual evidence or possibility of evidence within the time frame. It might be or it might not be. That should have been unbearably obvious.
Even at this point in the trajectory, the massive vaccine push had already overreached. Many people of intelligence knew this. There was clearly something odd about how all major pundits, as well as movie stars and social-media influencers, hectored the public. Many of these same people only six months earlier were telling the public to be skeptical of the vaccine because it was being pushed by the Trump administration.
Now at this late date, we are starting to get details about what was going on behind the scenes.
It turns out that the CDC started to see evidence of problems in the spring of 2021, namely the risk of myocarditis.
What did they do with that evidence? They buried it.
The Epoch Times has unearthed a startling email sent by the CDC to either Moderna or Pfizer letting them know that an CDC alert was likely coming.
“The pros and cons of an official HAN are what the main discussion are right now,” Dr. Sara Oliver, the official, wrote.
“I think it’s likely to be a HAN since that is CDC’s primary method of communications to clinicians and public health departments, but people don’t want to appear alarmist either.”
Despite the warning and the heads-up that this was going to be communicated with the public, the action alert was never sent. This was from May 25, 2021. During the same week, the CDC had previously told vaccine makers: “Wanted to make sure you were aware before anything was made public.”
This close collaboration between government regulators and agencies and the private manufacturers is suspicious enough. But to fail to alert the public of known risks is gravely irresponsible. We are talking here about people’s lives and health. They are supposed to be guardians of both but here we see the very opposite happening. They put marketing the shot above the health of the population.
At the time, something felt very wrong about the whole vaccination campaign. In the United States, we don’t do things simply because someone in authority says we should. We are skeptical of such invasions of our bodily integrity in the absence of transparency. When intimidation replaces rationality, there is something strange going on.
Many people got the shot anyway because the propaganda was so overwhelming. Some people went along despite their best instincts simply because they became exhausted from resisting. Even by the spring of 2021, mandates in business and government were starting to appear. Over time these grew more intense as the Biden administration tried every possible means to force the shots on the military, health care, transportation, and every business in America. The latter mandates were shot down by the Supreme Court but many stayed.
It became so insane that city governments like New York, Boston, and New Orleans locked down their whole towns to the vaccinated only. The unvaccinated could not go to theaters, libraries, restaurants, bars, or other indoor venues. They were blamed for prolonging the pandemic and declared generally unclean. All of this happened by the end of the year.
The health risks of the shot were known by the government and the vaccine makers but never revealed to the public. And why? It’s pretty simple. They knew that a truth-telling announcement would collapse demand for the shot. It was already sketchy and faltering so they decided to create the appearance of a united front. This was not only in the United States but in the UK and Europe too.
Clearly, a handful of pharmaceutical companies had by then captured control of myriad government agencies around the world, even the World Health Organization itself. It was so bad that health agencies shelved their entire mission in order to operate as marketing agencies for a particular technology. It was so intense that agencies buried even scary and known risks. We know this for sure now, thanks to sleuthing reporting.
How precisely this happened cries out for explanation. More strangely, most of us didn’t know that this had happened or was happening.
As it turns out, you can explain nearly everything that happened during the darkest months and years of our lives based on the one factor of panicking the population in order to maximize vaccine acceptance throughout the whole population. That was the reason for the prolongation panic, the disease-avoidance theater, the screaming media, the nutty mandates and restrictions, and all the rest. It was all designed to prepare the people for the shot.
It took me and others a very long time to see this. In retrospect, it all makes perfect sense what was going on. But how precisely this came to be—how democracies based on the idea of popular control of government became marketing agencies for Big Pharma—deserves years of investigation and deep reflections on the structural problems with government.
Meanwhile, we now have a health crisis to deal with as a consequence, not only of ill-health from lockdowns and missed diagnostics but also from the shots themselves. We don’t know the scale of the problem because the CDC has not been transparent about that either.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your government. Is it any wonder that trust today is at rock bottom?


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‘Conspiracy theorists’ threaten mainstream media, says Canadian PM​

Justin Trudeau wants “massive changes” in the news landscape

Link: https://swentr.site/news/592897-justin-trudeau-mainstream-media/

‘Conspiracy theorists’ threaten mainstream media, says Canadian PM

File photo: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, January 30, 2024. © Dave Chan / AFP

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday blamed social media for preventing major news outlets from shaping public opinion the way they used to.
The Liberal Party leader took his message to the Conservative stronghold of Alberta, sitting down with radio host Ryan Jespersen for an exclusive 30-minute interview on his Real Talk podcast.
“There is out there a deliberate undermining of the mainstream media,” Trudeau said, answering a question towards the end of the interview. “There are the conspiracy theorists, there are the social media drivers who are trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bubbles, to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts, the way CBC and CTV – when they were our only sources of news – used to project across the country, at least a common understanding of things.”
Earlier this month, Trudeau denounced the move by Bell Media to lay off many of its local journalists and sell 45 of its 103 regional radio stations, arguing that local journalism holds Canadian democracy together.
“There are massive changes that need to happen in our media landscape, and [the] government can try and create conditions and incentives for it to happen,” he told Jespersen on Wednesday.

Canada cracks down on streaming and podcasts

“We’re putting money towards local independent media,” Trudeau added, having argued a moment earlier that such overt funding would compromise news outlets as mouthpieces of the government.
In June 2023, the Canadian parliament passed the Online News Act (ONA), under which search engines and social media platforms would have to compensate news outlets for posting their content. While Google has complied, Facebook is “choosing to be bad guys about this,” Trudeau told Jespersen. Meta has responded to ONA by blocking all news content by Canadian publishers on Facebook and Instagram.
Ultimately, it’s up to Canadians to declare they don’t want to accept the “encrapification of news,” Trudeau said, borrowing the phrase from British Columbia Premier David Eby.
Trudeau’s comments on the podcast also echoed those made by former US President Barack Obama in a May 2023 interview to CBS. Obama named “a divided media” as one of the things he was worried about, noting that the US once had “three TV stations ... and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”
“How do we return to that common conversation? How can we have a common set of facts?”
the 44th US president wondered at the time.

Canadian Dictatorship Update: Trudeau Announces Plan To Imprison Citizens For Speech​

February 28th 2024, 5:45 am

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/cana...nounces-plan-to-imprison-citizens-for-speech/

[see vids at site link, above]

Alex Jones breaks down the latest on Canada’s new “Online Hate” bill & what it means for citizens trying to raise awareness about the NWO:

Don’t miss:

BREAKING: Dan Bongino Breaks Spy Story Of The Century, Alex Jones Sends Emergency Message

Breaking: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland & Jack Smith Collusion in Trump Classified Documents Case​

by Jamie White
April 22nd 2024, 6:05 pm

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/brea...collusion-in-trump-classified-documents-case/

[see documents & vid at site link, above]

"More proof of collaboration between Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case," writes reporter Julie Kelly.

Unredacted documents released by Judge Aileen Cannon in former President Donald Trump’s “classified documents” case reveal the extent of collusion between the Biden administration, the DOJ, and special counsel Jack Smith to “concoct” the case.
The records also appear to confirm, contrary to media reporting, that Trump was telling the truth when he said his team was still negotiating chain of custody with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) when they suddenly lodged a criminal referral in Feb. 2022.

“Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted,” reporter Julie Kelly posted on X Monday.
“On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal. On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case.”

The documents without the blackout markings show the convoluted effort by Biden’s DOJ in conjunction with NARA’s National Archivist David Ferriero to halt normal negotiations with Trump’s team and instead launch an unprecedented criminal investigation.
They show that in May 2021, just months after Trump left office, NARA General Counsel Gary Stern admitted to Ferriero that “things were very chaotic, as they always are in the course of a one-term transition” and that the “transfer of the Trump electronic records is still ongoing and won’t be completed for several more months.”
But by June 2021, Ferriero told Trump’s team that he was “out of patience.”

The unredacted records also reveal NARA was working with the Biden DOJ to craft a criminal referral in September 2021, five months before NARA’s “official” referral to the DOJ in February 2022.
That criminal referral was predicated on Ferriero’s assumption that “alleged — and non-existent — ’24 boxes’ of records ‘have been destroyed.'”
“The Biden White House and DOJ were [sic] intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement–it appears the first go-around related to alleged “destruction” of government papers,” Kelly wrote.

Kelly also highlighted that the records reveal the DOJ told NARA “how to cover its tracks” in a complex bureaucratic runaround.

Meanwhile, recent polling shows most Americans are now wise to the government’s lawfare tactics against Trump, believing the cases against him are “politically motivated witch hunts” to derail his 2024 presidential election run.

JUST IN: Judge Cannon’s Order Unsealing Evidence Reveals WH Lawyer’s Shocking Conspiracy With NARA​

Mark Steffen April 25, 2024 Updated: April 25, 2024

Link: https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/ju...-lawyers-shocking-conspiracy-with-nara-mstef/

[vid at site link, above]

Critics of special counsel Jack Smith are now accusing the Biden Justice Department official of criminally conspiring with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) during an investigation to obtain classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
Investigative reporter Julie Kelly unearthed newly released documents in the case that indicate that a deputy to Smith may have given NARA special access to some of the records that prosecutors planned to use against former President Donald Trump. The disclosure comes just days after Florida’s U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered previous redactions requested by Smith to be removed.
In late September 2021, just as a referral to the DOJ was imminent, Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su asked one of President Trump’s coordinators for the probe to authorize a colleague to access notes taken in the final days of the Trump administration as staffers prepared the storage of classified materials. According to the unredacted document, Su intervened when Gary Stern, general counsel for the National Archives, attempted to provide a copy of the notes to Trump’s representative.
“[C]ould we discuss the process before anything is provided to him?” Su wrote to Stern, who agreed but said the request was “atypical” of most records-gathering efforts.

WATCH: [see vid at site link, above, top]

If true, DOJ could find much of the evidence gathered against Trump severely hampered or even limited in court as a result of a tainted investigation.
“One of Biden’s top WH lawyers conspired with NARA atty Stern to circumvent laws related to notification of holder of records (Trump) under Presidential Records Act. Now this is a legit criminal conspiracy…” Kelly wrote on X.

Other disclosures in the newly released documents indicate that the NARA’s referral to DOJ was handled in part by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland who upgraded the probe to a “full investigation.” Such an action would be at odds with multiple public statements by Garland who emphasized neither he nor the Biden White House would attempt to influence Smith’s investigation.
Decisions in the case have oscillated between victories for Trump and Smith, those legal observers tend to agree that Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, has been generally more receptive to arguments by the president’s defense team.
In November, she scolded Smith for presenting a “broad and unconvincing theory” about why he should be allowed to withhold the identities of certain witnesses in the case. A start date for the trial remains an open matter, though it is expected to kick off this summer.
Smith has suffered a number of other setbacks in the case, including the withdrawal of key subpoenas, moving to throw Trump in jail, and attempting to hide evidence more than 1,000 miles away from the court. Some court observers believe a large chunk of his case could be ultimately dismissed. or extend past Election Day. If that were to happen, President Trump if victorious would have the power to dismiss the case against himself.