David Lane and Wotanism


Why Wotanism and the Pyramid Prophecy?

The power of a religion was again demonstrated in the suicide bombings of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Service to the perceived commands of "God" can even override the instinct for self preservation. Giving credit where it is due, the proponents of a religion called Identity Christianity realized the power of a religion when they formulated its theology as a tool to
esist the Judeo-American/Judeo-Christian murder of the White race. However, for reasons detailed here, the strategy has been a complete and utter failure. It has not stopped forced bussing, open borders,anti
-White propaganda, miscegenation or the ever accelerating plunge to extinction.

(more at link

WOTANSVOLK - by David Lane

An objective study o
f history will show beyond dispute by rational men that religion has been a major force, if not the major force, in shaping our conditions and destiny. A religion can preserve or destroy a people depending primarily on its structure and the motives of its agents. Fundamental to any religion is its God, Gods or Goddes
ses. They are what distinguish the religious entity from the secular. The belief that one serves the will of whatever higher power the "Gods" represent is a motivational force that has inspired
both men and women to perform acts above and beyond the ordinary. Indeed, many have made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, in service to the will of the Gods. As one who has made his reason for existence the preservation of his own race, I have given literally thousands of hours of study and reflection to the religious teachings affecting the Aryan race.

(more at link

I enjoy reading the works of David Lane. I put this one on my favorites so I can read some of his writings. I try to stay away from the religion topic because this seems to cause mass confusion among our race. But thanks for the link. I look forward to some intesting reading.



Wotanism, Odinism, Wodenism, is the best representation of that power.

In other articles I have shown why a biblical religion is incompatible
with racial survival,
so that will not be the subject here,
other than to briefly summarize:

First, prior to biblical religion, the Aryan race was secure
in its nations and existence,
as well as dominant throughout the known world.

Today, after nearly 2,000 years of biblical religion,
including inquisitions, the dark ages,

the slaughter and murder of millions in the name of Jesus,
the Aryan race faces near certain extinction.

The effects must now outweigh the "could have been's"
and "wou
ld have been's."

Second, a Folk preserving religion must follow
a God of the whole Folk,
not a personal God of personal advantage.


a Folkish religion must teach fertility, not "sex is sin" and woman-hatred

(as Paul in Co
rinthians 7:1, John in Revelation 14:4 and Jesus in Matthew 5:28).

I could continue, but the purpose is to promote my religion,
not attack others. I have been asked why,
considering my judgements regarding biblical religion,
that I do not endorse the atheistic concept known
as the Church of the Creator.

I've expressed admiration for those portions of COTC
teachings which seem valuable,
but I am not an Atheist any more than a Theist
or biblical rel

In the tradition of the ancients and of many great thinkers of our race,
I am a Deist.
Echoing the words of far greater thinkers than myself,
I see an intelligent motivatin
g force throughout the universe
and behind Nature's Laws.


Precisely NAZI philosophy.

judaeo/xian religions teach the denigration and suppression
of women as the most effective tool of destruction of ARYAN people.

Any who would work to save our race need to rethink the
views of women taught by judaeo/
xian/muslim asian/alien thinking.

Only restoring the respect for women and chivalrous treatment will
ARYAN women again choose ARYAN men.

This article is a synopsis of NAZI thinking.

"MOTHER NATURE will not be fooled"

All gods and goddesses are created by MOTHER NATURE
who sends forth HER male aspect to seed plane
ts with life.

Heil Hitler !

David Lane
Year of birth: 1938
Location: United States Penitentiary in Florence, Colorado
Articles: Among others, "88 Precepts," "The Mystery Religions & The Seven Seals," "Revolution by Number," "White Genocide Manifesto"
Background: Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, White Aryan Resistance, The Order, 14 Word Press
Criminal activity: Convicted of racketeering stemming from his activities as a member of The Order, sentenced to 40 years; convicted of violating civil rights in the murder of Alan Berg, sentenced to 150 years.
Ideology: White supremacy, Wotansvolk
Quote: Lane coined the 14 Words, a far-right motto: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Read more about Lane at the ADL site here: The Making of a Neo-Nazi

Some of David Lane's earliest childhood memories are of dressing up as a German soldier and giving straight-arm salutes. Lane later came to believe in government coverups and a J*wish conspiracy to exterminate the white race. These beliefs led him to farright groups like Aryan Nations, White Aryan Resistance and David Duke's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. But it was his role as a founding member of the terrorist organization The Order that won him notoriety --as well as prison sentences totaling 190 years on racketeering charges and civil rights violations, the latter stemming from the 1984 murder of Denver talk radio host Alan Berg. Since being con
victed and imprisoned, Lane, like other members of The Order, has continued to promote his racist and anti-Semitic views. Along with his wife Katja, he formed 14 Word Press to distribute his writings and r
elated paraphernalia.

>>>"Lane apparently became involved with the John Birch Society, which he now calls
the biggest bunch of airheads and reality-deniers in history. He shared some of the Birchers' conspiracy notions, however, including the belief that media sources were secretly manipulated by some cohesive and coordinated group. He was given a pamphlet describing J*wish control over the media:

I only had to take the time to verify its truth in the library and elsewhere. From there everything fell into place"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦.By 1978 my research was essentially complete and the real problem was sharply delinea
ted in my mind. The Western nations were ruled by a Zionist conspiracy"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦.the Zionist conspiracy above all things wants to exterminate the White Aryan race.

He is a GREAT HERO in the vein of

Adolph Hitler.

Long may his spirit guide us !

Heil Hitler.

Sein Geist ist als Leuchtfeuer
zu allen Geliebten der Freiheit!



The way forward for our Faith is not an easy one,
but most worthwhile things are not easily obtained.

Discipline and commitment are vital for any movement,
spiritual, physical or mental; huge patience and perseverance
are needed.

Our path will not always be exciting or glamorous -
we are the road builders, we may not be the ones who later walk down
that road in this life.
We may be ridiculed or scorned, lies and smears may be made against us,
and some of these may even come from those we trusted.

We are the ones who must make the greatest sacrifices now -
fices of time, effort and money - so that our children,
and their children, will benefit.

But each sacrifice, each gift, receives a gift in return.
Maybe not wealth or fame, but satisfaction no gold cou
ld buy.

There will be times of disillusion and frustration,
because the restoration of our rel
igion brings greater awareness with it.
Suddenly it will seem more painful and enraging to see the ugliness
around in our cities, the senseless cruelty, the ignorance,
the destruction of Land and Folk.

With deeper awareness comes deeper troughs of gloom,
but also higher peaks of elation.

There may be times when we feel nearly crushed,
with no strength to carry on; times when all seems doomed and hopeless.
Then life can be bleak, but we are not alone -
the spirits of our ancestors are with us - the Gods are with us -
we need only to look for them within ourselves, and around us,
within nature.

They bring the strength to overcome despai
Each of us has access to that strength, it is in our blood,
our hearts, and our spirit.

The practice of Odinism will not make problems vanish,
but it gives us the will to face, and the strengt
h to fight against
and overcome them.

With the restoration of our community to our Gods and Folk Soul
comes an inner knowledge of oursel
ves, of our place in the Mutiverse,
the knowledge of a divine spark within each of us.
We see the manifestation of the God force everywhere,
around and within us.
We see them in the vast majesty of a northern forest,
in a single blade of grass; we hear it in the roar of stormy sea,
and in a child's laughter.
Wherever it manifests we can recognise it.

Yes, our path is sometimes hard, but it is a noble way, and it is ours -

We are of the Gods, and now is the time in which we have begun
the restoration of the beauty of our Faith in Midgarth.

It is we w
ho hold the flame, we who must nurture the shoot. .

It is we who must show our Folk the way back to their true Faith - their spiritual birthright.






All articles are the
work of OR members and friends (1980's to present)
and do not necessarily represent the views of the OR as a whole.


Personally I prefer Setain philosophy
which says we are not to live in doom and gloom
but create as we choose. :sun:



In the wars, occupations and revolutions that America has instigated,
financed, and participated in, from Dixie, to Cuba, to Mexico,
to Panama, to Italy, to Germany twice, to Japan, to Korea,
to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Iran, to Lybya, to Bosnia, to Serbia,
to Waco, to Ruby Ridge, and on and on, the dead and maimed number
br> a bare minimum of two hundred million,

half of them being White people.

In its determination to mix and destroy the integrity of races,
nations and cultures, and particularly to mix, overrun,
integrate, miscegenate, reduce by wars, and ultimately exterminate

the White race,

the Red, White and Blue traveling mass murder machine is,
and has been, an engine of holocaust, genocide and death,
unmatched in human history.

As alway
s, the tyrants falsely accuse defeated freedom fighters
of the self same holocaust tactics which the tyrants employ themselves,
thus claiming false moral authority.

But observers with personal integrity and uncontaminated reasoning
ability look at the big picture, i.e. two hundred
million holocaust victims,
and recognize that the propaganda of the Victors
becomes the history of the Vanquished.

America denies us White nations,
White schools, White neighborhoods,
White organizations, and
everything necessary
for racial survival, then
unceasingly promotes inter-racial mating
for what will soon be the last generation of White women.

That is deliberate, malicious, conscious genocide

True moral authority belongs to those who resist genocide,
in obedience to Nature's first and highest law
which is the preservation of ones own kind.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not peri
sh from the earth.

David Lane

Divid Lane has a birthday in two weeks.

For all who appreciate his holding the

torch of enlightenment by his writings and

elegant personal conduct during his long

persecutuion by Z

you can send him a card of uplift here:

David Lane
US Penitentery
P.O.Box 7000

Warrior David Lane died today at age 69

"And the first and highest law of nature is the preservation of ones own kind. Then go forth to accomplish the Fourteen Words, fearing nothing. Not prisons, not the slander of the Muspelheimers or their treasonous shabbaz goy, not even death."


Today May 28th 2007 I received a phone call from the chaplain at the prison in Indiana where David had been recently transferred. David apparently died in his sleep last night or early this morning.

In his last letters to me and in the last few conversations I had with him on the phone he wanted me to let you all know his belief that something MAJOR is going to happen in the near future. Whether he was fortelling his death or something else I am not sure and I am not sure if
he knew what it was going to be, but I think that he foresaw his coming death from a few things that he said.

Here is the video of a song that David wrote and Prussian Blue performed which won the best video award at the Myrtle Beach Film Festival.

Handful of supremacists rally in Spokane

Handful of supremacists rally in Spokane

SPOKANE -- Spokane saw its first white-supremacist demonstration in five years over the weekend.

At least eight neo-Nazi skinheads gathered outside the Spokane County Courthouse on Saturday. The demonstration was part of what they called a "worldwide remembrance day" for David Eden Lane.

Lane was a founding member of a domestic terrorist group known as The Order, formed in 1983 in Metaline Falls, north of Spokane. He and several others were convicted of involvement in the 1984 assassination of Jewish radio talk show host Alan Berg in Denver, as well as other crimes. He died in May in a federal prison in Indiana.

Spokane police reported no incidents, although the skinheads did get a few stares and a taunt or two from players and fans of the Hoopfest basketball tournament.

The last white supremacist demonstration in Spokane was in April of 2002 when a dozen Aryan Nations members and skinheads held an anti-Israel rally in Riverfront Park.
David Lane and Pyramid Prophecy


