Demonic Possession ... Who is Satan?



Are You Possessed?
In his 1972 book Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey offers a number of tips for "diagnosing demonic possession." Here is a rundown of some of his telltale signs:
  • Occult Powers"Be wary of those who have psychic powers," he writes. The ability to foretell the future could be a "gift of discernment from God," but can also be a "counterfeit from Satan."
  • NecromancyMediumistic co
    munications with the dead are generally a "demonic deception," whereby the demon is impersonating the deceased person.
  • Change in IntelligenceWhen a demon is exerting influence over an in
    dividual there may be a "sudden or sporadic increase in the person's intelligence." He cites Hitler as an example.
  • Increased StrengthÃÆ’­ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¢
    â┚¬��Ô�Å¡� "I saw a demon-possessed man at Berkeley with such superhuman power it took six men to hold him down," Lindsey notes.
  • "Filthy" Uncontrolled SwearingThe compulsion to "blaspheme the name of God and Christ" can in tandem with other symptoms be a sign of demonic influence.


If the Pope can't exorcize a demon, who can? Surely Satan will listen to the Pope, and get out of the neighborhood? Father James LeBar appeared on CNN last week to explain how a teenager exorcized by the Head Exorcist in Rome, at a ceremony attended by the Pope, later the same day began shouting nasties and carrying on during a religious service. Is it not incredible that in the year 2000 we are still declaring the reality of demons and such?

Asked about how accurately the movie "The Exorcist" represented a "real" exorcism, LeBar said: "Well, that movie pretty much
shows what it's really like. It's a compilation of a number of things that would happen in different exorcisms, but there is the levitation, expectoration, there is the screaming. All of those thing
s take place in a real exorcism." jr/09

The Image of The Beast

The fact that the President of the USA claims to be Christian has nothing to do with the truth; for in fact he is a member of the Skull and Bones, a very powerful and diablical group of men who control much of the world,and are involved in fact in Devil worship. Please go to these sites to learn more about this group.And for proof that Bush is a member.

hear audio clip

<a href='htt
p://' target='_blank'> </a>


by Abion Wolf, Editor: White Dragon. England

The following article is not written in defense of Satanism, but rather in the true pagan roots that its history lies in. It is essential to bear in mind that neither paganism nor pagans accept the existence of the devil, regarding him as a Christian creation. The legend of Satan, in Christian mythology, like nearly all the Christian stories, has its roots firmly set in pagan history, whether deriving from Woden and Thunor from Saxon England to Pan, the god of goats, from Greece. It must be understood that with the advent of Christianity, the established Pagan religion was changed, altered, assimilated, and often demonized by those seeking to convert the Folk to Christianity.

History of Satan

The first thing the Christians did to convert the "evil" pagans and heathens top Christianity was to du
alize peoples' ideas, stating that thi
s god is good and this god is evil. Naturally people would be attracted to the "good" by human nature. Then, it was an easy step to persuade people into believing there was only one god: all the others are demons, and Woden, Lord of Nature and Horned God is the devil, or Satan. Satan himself only appears evil in the teachings of the Slave religions: The anti- Natural beliefs enforced on us by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. All three beliefs have their common root, but Satan's natural roots are pagan.

Like set from Aryan Egypt, Pan, or the War God Woden (Odin/Wotan), these gods caused the Christ lings great fear. A true religion has balance. Equal good for equal bad. The two are in essence the same thing. The difference between the two, the righteousness of it depending upon who the observer is. But one cannot exist with out the other, just like darkness and light, male and female, positive and negative, etc.

So, why is Satan so "evil"?
Well the Christians fought fear with fear. They demonized our
natural gods. By doing this they demonized you. Once fear had engulfed our people, we could be controlled. They turned our faith into something evil to suit their own goals.

The Image Of Satan

Satan's imagery is certainly something that should never be feared. Not at least by those in touch with their true roots. His image is symbolic to us in many ways and comes from many roots. Firstly, his horns. Many Indo-European gods had horns though and I can`t think of any of them being evil. Herne the Hunter (Woden), Pan, and Cernnonus were all portrayed with horns. All the lords of the forest, its trees and its beasts, many of whom are horned. The forest was the provider of everything our forefathers needed to live. Food and shelter, for example. No evil there. These gods represent a male side. The horn is still used as slang meaning erection and wanting sex. He is the male side of the Earth Provider. Mother Earth being the female si
de (naturally)! Here we have the balance.

Nature and Pagan

However, still today people are turned away from their natural roots and discouraged from returning to their forefathers beliefs, because of being accused of Satanism. Satanism is a Christian invention, and really only portrays the dark side of THAT religion: the perverse and sick side of this unnatural faith. Both Christian and Satanist are unbalanced. Both steer to the extreme good or bad and both will fail you in the end.

Before this dualism was implanted, pagan societies didn't label natural forces with such absolute moral attributes. These were creative and destructive forces in Nature, often symbolized as gods. But even the destructive aspects had creative purposes, and were part of a transcendent cosmic unity. In essence, a pagan does not believe the world was created by god, but rather the world IS god, with different deities representing different elements. Our ancestors could not understand why the
sun went down, or why it rained, so they attributed matters to the work of diffe
rent gods. By personifying them, it also became easier to form relationships with them by our forefathers.

There were gods for war, gods for craftsmen, crop deities, gods who looked after the dead, even gods who cared for drinking wells, caves and springs and areas of the forest. The Horned God, Lord of the Forest was believed to mate with the goddess in Spring, fertilizing the land and its inhabitants. The Horned God was the most revered and principled god of the Folk, and was honored and celebrated by the people. Those who claim to be Satanist today are in truth confused and not in line with their true folkish roots. The Horned God of the Forest, whom Satan stems from, is a deity of goodness, who has been simply demonized into this satanic character by the Christians to take the pagan folk away from their own natural beliefs and into the faith of the crucified one!