Dialectic Can Potentially Yield Significant


Official Poster for email reporters

Dialectic Can Potentially Yield Significant Cultural Initiative
(Apollonian, 12 Dec 05)

Thanks much comrade Rich (WhiteAlert.com; see below copied mat. fm Rich). U finally did it and replied for ur part in an extended dialecticalistic which will surely go down in history.

Note the (American) Civil War whence Gen. Thomas commanded Union forces in Tennessee against the Confederate Braxton Bragg (or maybe it was Hood, I forgot). But anyway, Lincoln wanted Thomas to attack, but Thomas delayed, wanting to make sure he'd succeed. Lincoln was alleged to be worried Thomas might lack true loyalty for the Union cause as he was actually from the South.

Finally Lincoln sent a replacement General with orders who arrived the very day Thomas finally moved decisively crushing the Confederates completely. (But I don't mean this all to commend the Federal Union&#3

9;s imperialist victory--I merely m
ean to cite the example of Thomas's deliberateness even in all its ponderousness.) Never underestimate ur ability to dialogue.

CONCLUSION: Thus Rich u emulated Gen. Thomas as we continue patriot dialectical--as regarding ur excellent "Pearl Harbor" subject-matter. Imagine if we can get Lynx and Lamb (PrussianBlue.net) to sing a song for us about the excessive stupidity of heresy. If Dave Duke then joined our cultural campaign against such heresy, like Pelagianism ("good-evil" delusion/fallacy), do u think we might be able to generate a cultural INITIATIVE? What if Mel Gibson was to say a few words about heresy for the faithful? Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot