Eugene Terre'blanche murdered!!

This page had to be translated from Russian.Sorry for the bilingual and long post.

Russians Protest Boer Genocide

Colleagues ДПНИ have transferred in embassy of the republic of South Africa the letter with the official reference to the president of republicСоратники ДПНИ передали в посольство ЮАР письмо с официальным обращением к президенту республики
Russia: 2010-04-15 7:33:28 AM


To the president of the republic of South AfricaПрезиденту ЮАР

To Jacob ZumuДжейкобу Зуму

The address: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001Адрес: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001
From the head of Central justice ДПНИ От главы Центральной управы ДПНИ
Basmanova Vladimir Anatolevicha Басманова Владимира Анатольевича
The reference Обращение
Concerning murder of the citizen of the republic of South Africa J.Teriblansha and a racial discrimination of the white population in the republic of South Africaпо поводу убийства гражданина ЮАР Ю.Тэрибланша и расовой дискриминации белого населения в ЮАР

In connection with murder of the outstanding politician and the citizen of the republic of South Africa of Eugene Teriblansha because of its racial accessory and ideological belief, and also in connection with regular infringement of the rights of the white population in the republic of South Africa, we demand:В связи с убийством выдающегося политического деятеля и гражданина ЮАР Юджина Тэрибланша по причине его расовой принадлежности и идеологических убеждений, а также в связи с систематическим нарушением прав белого населения в ЮАР, мы требуем:

1. Grantings квотированного numbers of places for the parties representing interests of the white majority (such as Front of freedom plus, the Revived nationalist party and д.р.);1. Предоставления квотированного числа мест для партий, представляющих интересы белого большинства (таких как Фронт свободы плюс, Возрожденная националистическая партия и д.р.);

2. To stop discrimination of the white population;2. Прекратить дискриминацию белого населения;

3. To punish responsible Teriblansha in murder, and also Dzhuliusa Malema, urged to kill drills;3. Наказать ответственных в убийстве Тэрибланша, а также Джулиуса Малема, призвавшего убивать буров;

4. To develop programs on возращению white citizens of the republic of South Africa (the most part from which besides is the highly skilled experts which mass inflow could promote essentially to republic development as a whole) who have been compelled to leave republic in connection with high level of a racial discrimination (granting of a package of social guarantees, allocation of financial assets on development, soft loans on purchase of habitation and its accomplishment);4. Разработать программы по возращению белых граждан ЮАР (большая часть из которых к тому же является высококвалифицированными специалистами, массовый приток которых мог бы существенно способствовать развитию республики в целом), которые вынуждёны были покинуть республику в связи с высоким уровнем расовой дискриминации (предоставление пакета социальных гарантий, выделение финансовых средств на освоение, льготных кредитов на покупку жилья и его благоустройства);

5. To cancel квотирование workplaces for black citizens of the republic of South Africa;5. Отменить квотирование рабочих мест для чёрнокожих граждан ЮАР;

6. To allocate the state grants to groups of self-defence of white citizens;6. Выделить государственные субсидии отрядам самообороны белых граждан;

7. To recognise national currency of Oranii, and also the right of Oranii to development of own independent mass-media;7. Признать национальную валюту Орании, а также права Орании на развитие собственных независимых СМИ;

8. To recognise the right of drills to creation of the independent state – Folk staff, or a cultural autonomy in the country northeast;8. Признать право буров на создание своего независимого государства – Фолькштат, либо культурной автономии на северо-востоке страны;

9. To limit illegal immigration from the next African countries.9. Ограничить нелегальную иммиграцию из соседних африканских стран.

On April, 13th, 201013 апреля 2010 года

To: President of South AfricaTo: President of South Africa
Mr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa ZumaMr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
Adress: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001

rom: Head of central executive commitee of DPNIFrom: Head of central executive commitee of DPNI
Basmanov Vladimir AnatolievichBasmanov Vladimir Anatolievich

Appeal due to killing of South African Eugene Ney Terblansh and racial discrimination the white population in South AfricaAppeal due to killing of South African Eugene Ney Terblansh and racial discrimination the white population in South Africa

In correspondence with the murder of prominent politician and a citizen of South Africa Eugene Ney Terblansh due to his race and ideology, as well as in connection with the systematic violation of the rights of white people in South Africa, we insist of:In correspondence with the murder of prominent politician and a citizen of South Africa Eugene Ney Terblansh due to his race and ideology, as well as in connection with the systematic violation of the rights of white people in South Africa, we insist of:

1. Providing quoted number of seats for parties representing the interests of the white majority (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revived Nationalist Party, and etc.);1. Providing quoted number of seats for parties representing the interests of the white majority (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revived Nationalist Party, and etc.);

2. Stop discrimination against white people;2. Stop discrimination against white people;

3. Punish those who is responsible in the murder of Eugene Terblansh and punish Julius Maleme, who induced to kill a Boer;3. Punish those who is responsible in the murder of Eugene Terblansh and punish Julius Maleme, who induced to kill a Boer;

4. Develop programs for the return of the white citizens of South Africa (most of which is also a highly skilled experts, the massive influx of which could significantly contribute to the development of the republic as a whole) who were forced to leave the country due to high levels of racial discrimination (providing a package of social guarantees, funding4. Develop programs for the return of the white citizens of South Africa (most of which is also a highly skilled experts, the massive influx of which could significantly contribute to the development of the republic as a whole) who were forced to leave the country due to high levels of racial discrimination (providing a package of social guarantees, funding

for development, soft loans for housing purchase and improvement);for development, soft loans for housing purchase and improvement);

5. Cancel job quotas for blacks in South Africa;5. Cancel job quotas for blacks in South Africa;

6. Select state subsidies vigilante groups of white citizens;6. Select state subsidies vigilante groups of white citizens;

7. Accept right for national currency of Orania, and the right to develop its own independent mass media of Orania;7. Accept right for national currency of Orania, and the right to develop its own independent mass media of Orania;

8. Admit the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;8. Admit the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;

9. Limit illegal immigration from neighbouring African countries.9. Limit illegal immigration from neighboring African countries.

April 13, 2010






Colleagues ДПНИ have transferred in embassy of the republic of South Africa the letter with the official reference to the president of republicСоратники ДПНИ передали в посольство ЮАР письмо с официальным обращением к президенту республики
Russia: 2010-04-15 7:33:28 AM Россия: 2010-04-15 07:33:28

On April, 14th, 2010 colleagues ДПНИ in protest at oppression of the white population of republic - have carried out the action at embassy of the republic of South Africa, then in embassy the letter addressed to the president of the republic of South Africa to Jacob Zume has been transferred.14 апреля 2010 года соратники ДПНИ в знак протеста против притеснения белого населения республики - провели акцию у посольство ЮАР, затем в посольство было передано письмо, адресованное президенту ЮАР Джейкобу Зуме.

To the president of the republic of South AfricaПрезиденту ЮАР

To Jacob ZumuДжейкобу Зуму

The address: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001Адрес: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001
From the head of Central justice ДПНИ От главы Центральной управы ДПНИ
Basmanova Vladimir Anatolevicha Басманова Владимира Анатольевича
The reference Обращение
Concerning murder of the citizen of the republic of South Africa J.Teriblansha and a racial discrimination of the white population in the republic of South Africaпо поводу убийства гражданина ЮАР Ю.Тэрибланша и расовой дискриминации белого населения в ЮАР

In connection with murder of the outstanding politician and the citizen of the republic of South Africa of Eugene Teriblansha because of its racial accessory and ideological belief, and also in connection with regular infringement of the rights of the white population in the republic of South Africa, we demand:В связи с убийством выдающегося политического деятеля и гражданина ЮАР Юджина Тэрибланша по причине его расовой принадлежности и идеологических убеждений, а также в связи с систематическим нарушением прав белого населения в ЮАР, мы требуем:

1. Grantings квотированного numbers of places for the parties representing interests of the white majority (such as Front of freedom plus, the Revived nationalist party and д.р.);1. Предоставления квотированного числа мест для партий, представляющих интересы белого большинства (таких как Фронт свободы плюс, Возрожденная националистическая партия и д.р.);

2. To stop discrimination of the white population;2. Прекратить дискриминацию белого населения;

3. To punish responsible Teriblansha in murder, and also Dzhuliusa Malema, urged to kill drills;3. Наказать ответственных в убийстве Тэрибланша, а также Джулиуса Малема, призвавшего убивать буров;

4. To develop programs on возращению white citizens of the republic of South Africa (the most part from which besides is the highly skilled experts which mass inflow could promote essentially to republic development as a whole) who have been compelled to leave republic in connection with high level of a racial discrimination (granting of a package of social guarantees, allocation of financial assets on development, soft loans on purchase of habitation and its accomplishment);4. Разработать программы по возращению белых граждан ЮАР (большая часть из которых к тому же является высококвалифицированными специалистами, массовый приток которых мог бы существенно способствовать развитию республики в целом), которые вынуждёны были покинуть республику в связи с высоким уровнем расовой дискриминации (предоставление пакета социальных гарантий, выделение финансовых средств на освоение, льготных кредитов на покупку жилья и его благоустройства);

5. To cancel квотирование workplaces for black citizens of the republic of South Africa;5. Отменить квотирование рабочих мест для чёрнокожих граждан ЮАР;

6. To allocate the state grants to groups of self-defence of white citizens;6. Выделить государственные субсидии отрядам самообороны белых граждан;

7. To recognise national currency of Oranii, and also the right of Oranii to development of own independent mass-media;7. Признать национальную валюту Орании, а также права Орании на развитие собственных независимых СМИ;

8. To recognise the right of drills to creation of the independent state – Folk staff, or a cultural autonomy in the country northeast;8. Признать право буров на создание своего независимого государства – Фолькштат, либо культурной автономии на северо-востоке страны;

9. To limit illegal immigration from the next African countries.9. Ограничить нелегальную иммиграцию из соседних африканских стран.

On April, 13th, 201013 апреля 2010 года

To: President of South AfricaTo: President of South Africa
Mr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa ZumaMr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
Adress: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001Adress: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001

From: Head of central executive commitee of DPNIFrom: Head of central executive commitee of DPNI
Basmanov Vladimir AnatolievichBasmanov Vladimir Anatolievich

Appeal due to killing of South African Eugene Ney Terblansh and racial discrimination the white population in South AfricaAppeal due to killing of South African Eugene Ney Terblansh and racial discrimination the white population in South Africa

In correspondence with the murder of prominent politician and a citizen of South Africa Eugene Ney Terblansh due to his race and ideology, as well as in connection with the systematic violation of the rights of white people in South Africa, we insist of:In correspondence with the murder of prominent politician and a citizen of South Africa Eugene Ney Terblansh due to his race and ideology, as well as in connection with the systematic violation of the rights of white people in South Africa, we insist of:

1. Providing quoted number of seats for parties representing the interests of the white majority (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revived Nationalist Party, and etc.);1. Providing quoted number of seats for parties representing the interests of the white majority (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revived Nationalist Party, and etc.);

2. Stop discrimination against white people;2. Stop discrimination against white people;

3. Punish those who is responsible in the murder of Eugene Terblansh and punish Julius Maleme, who induced to kill a Boer;3. Punish those who is responsible in the murder of Eugene Terblansh and punish Julius Maleme, who induced to kill a Boer;

4. Develop programs for the return of the white citizens of South Africa (most of which is also a highly skilled experts, the massive influx of which could significantly contribute to the development of the republic as a whole) who were forced to leave the country due to high levels of racial discrimination (providing a package of social guarantees, funding4. Develop programs for the return of the white citizens of South Africa (most of which is also a highly skilled experts, the massive influx of which could significantly contribute to the development of the republic as a whole) who were forced to leave the country due to high levels of racial discrimination (providing a package of social guarantees, funding

for development, soft loans for housing purchase and improvement);for development, soft loans for housing purchase and improvement);

5. Cancel job quotas for blacks in South Africa;5. Cancel job quotas for blacks in South Africa;

6. Select state subsidies vigilante groups of white citizens;6. Select state subsidies vigilante groups of white citizens;

7. Accept right for national currency of Orania, and the right to develop its own independent mass media of Orania;7. Accept right for national currency of Orania, and the right to develop its own independent mass media of Orania;

8. Admit the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;8. Admit the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;

9. Limit illegal immigration from neighbouring African countries.9. Limit illegal immigration from neighboring African countries.

April 13, 2010April 13, 2010

The same day ДПНИ the letter has sent the Secretary general of the United Nations:В этот же день ДПНИ направило письмо Генеральному секретарю ООН:

To the secretary general of the United NationsГенеральному секретарю ООН
To Ban Ki-moonПан Ги Муну

The address: United Nations Headquarters,Адрес: United Nations Headquarters,
First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

From the head of Central justice ДПНИОт главы Центральной управы ДПНИ
Basmanova Vladimir AnatolevichaБасманова Владимира Анатольевича

The referenceОбращение

Concerning discrimination and infringement of the rights of the white population in the republic of South AfricaПо поводу дискриминации и нарушения прав белого населения в ЮАР

The organisation of the incorporated nations (United Nations) is created by the world community for world and safety strengthening and acts as the guarantor of observance of human rights worldwide. A special zone of attention of all international human rights organisations always was realisation of the right of a national minority on self-determination that is especially actual in a situation when the national majority which has received predominating posts in the state, carries out purposeful and regular to the policy of discrimination. Such system in relation to a white national minority in the republic of South Africa is built today.Организация объединённых наций (ООН) создана мировым сообществом для укрепления мира и безопасности и выступает гарантом соблюдения прав человека по всему миру. Особой зоной внимания всех международных правозащитных организаций всегда являлась реализация права национального меньшинства на самоопределение, что особенно актуально в ситуации, когда национальное большинство, получившее главенствующие должности в государстве, проводит целенаправленную и систематическую политику дискриминации. Именно такая система по отношению к белому национальному меньшинству в ЮАР выстроена сегодня.

At the time of United Nations apartheid has actively interfered with internal questions of the state for the purpose of a non-admission of the further racial discrimination of the black population. However 20 years as apartheid board remained in the past, and level of infringement of the rights of citizens in connection with their racial accessory only has grown, though discrimination has now return character.Во времена апартеида ООН активно вмешалась во внутренние вопросы государства с целью недопущения дальнейшей расовой дискриминации чёрнокожего населения. Однако уже 20 лет как правление апартеида осталась в прошлом, а уровень нарушения прав граждан в связи с их расовой принадлежностью только вырос, хотя сама дискриминация теперь имеет обратный характер.

One of vivid examples told is квотирование workplaces for black inhabitants of the state that leads to discrimination in the right to work of the white population and leak of highly skilled experts that essentially strengthens crisis of institutes of public health services and law and order maintenance.Одним из ярких примеров сказанного является квотирование рабочих мест для чернокожих жителей государства, что приводит к дискриминации в праве на труд белого населения и утечке высококвалифицированных специалистов, что существенно усиливает кризис институтов здравоохранения и обеспечения правопорядка.

20 years in the most developed region of the African continent are carried out a social genocide white and purposeful провоцирование a criminal contingent on fulfilment of crimes of various severity level concerning white citizens of the republic of South Africa, including murders, rapes, robberies. Attempts of creation and development of groups of national self-defence by drills - are stopped. It thus that in places of compact settlement of drills or white Europeans where there are no self-defence groups, criminal groups of black Africans spend local ethnic cleanings. Crimes on the facts of violence over white citizens in connection with their racial accessory either are not investigated by the authorities, or investigated selectively.20 лет в самом развитом регионе африканского континента осуществляется социальный геноцид белых и целенаправленное провоцирование криминального контингента на совершение преступлений различной степени тяжести в отношении белых граждан ЮАР, в том числе убийств, изнасилований, грабежей. Попытки создания и развития отрядов народной самообороны бурами - пресекаются. Это при том, что в местах компактного поселения буров либо белых европейцев, где отсутствуют отряды самообороны, преступными группами темнокожих африканцев проводятся локальные этнические чистки. Преступления по фактам насилия над белыми гражданами в связи с их расовой принадлежностью либо не расследуются властями, либо расследуются избирательно.

Presence of discrimination white in the South African republic inevitably causes indignation of world community and calls into question expediency of introduction of advantages for общностей, exposed to discrimination in the past.Наличие дискриминации белых в Южно-Африканской республике неизбежно вызывает возмущение мировой общественности и ставит под сомнение целесообразность введения преимуществ для общностей, подвергавшихся дискриминации в прошлом.

Thus, activity of the authorities of the republic of South Africa in relation to white citizens undermines trust level to ideas of equality, поликультурности, an open society, support of the rights of national minorities by the national majority.Таким образом, деятельность властей ЮАР по отношению к белым гражданам подрывает уровень доверия к идеям равноправия, поликультурности, открытого общества, поддержки прав национальных меньшинств национальным большинством.

Recently the representative of the youth organisation of party in power «African national congress» Dzhuliusom Malemom (publicly sung a song «Kill a drill») had been provoked the next wave of violence in relation to the white population of the republic of South Africa in which result to death 69 summer representative of opposition – Eugene It has been hammered by Terblansh.Недавно представителем молодёжной организации правящей партии «Африканский национальный конгресс» Джулиусом Малемом (публично исполнившим песню «Убей бура») была спровоцирована очередная волна насилия по отношению к белому населению ЮАР, в результате которой был до смерти забит 69 летний представитель оппозиции – Юджин Ней Тэрбланш.

Proceeding from the aforesaid we, the Russian social movement against illegal immigration (ДПНИ), demand from the United Nations Organization of acceptance of following measures for residing safety in the South African republics of all persons, without dependence from their racial accessory, and also maintenance of observance of human rights and inadmissibility of a policy of double standards:Исходя из вышесказанного мы, Российское общественное Движение против нелегальной иммиграции (ДПНИ), требуем от Организации Объединенных Наций принятия следующих мер для обеспечения безопасности проживания в Южно-Африканской республики всех лиц, вне зависимости от их расовой принадлежности, а также обеспечения соблюдения прав человека и недопустимости политики двойных стандартов:

1. To recognise the right of drills to creation of the independent state – Folk staff, or a cultural autonomy in the country northeast;1. Признать право буров на создание своего независимого государства – Фолькштат, либо культурной автономии на северо-востоке страны;

2. To consider the problem on creation of system of financial and humanitarian support of creation and development of the white autonomies allowing the white population of the republic of South Africa to realise the right to national development, on the sample of the city of Oranija;2. Рассмотреть вопрос о создании системы финансовой и гуманитарной поддержки создания и развития белых автономий, позволяющих белому населению ЮАР реализовать своё право на национальное развитие, по образцу города Орания;

3. To develop recommendations about liquidation of discrimination of the white population in territory of the republic of South Africa;3. Разработать рекомендации по ликвидации дискриминации белого населения на территории ЮАР;

4. To oblige to cancel квотирование labour places for the black population;4. Обязать отменить квотирование трудовых мест для темнокожего населения;

5. To give квотированное number of places in parliament for the parties representing interests of national minorities (such as Front of freedom plus, the Revived nationalist party and д.р.);5. Предоставить квотированное число мест в парламенте для партий, представляющих интересы национальных меньшинств (таких как Фронт свободы плюс, Возрожденная националистическая партия и д.р.);

6. To promote a recognition of national currency of Oranii, and also the right of Oranii to development of own independent mass-media;6. Способствовать признанию национальной валюты Орании, а также права Орании на развитие собственных независимых СМИ;

7. In case of continuation of discrimination of a white national minority and the centralised pressure upon the political opposition representing their interests to suspend membership of the republic of South Africa in the United Nations;7. В случае продолжения дискриминации белого национального меньшинства и централизованного давления на политическую оппозицию , представляющую их интересы, приостановить членство ЮАР в ООН;

8. To enter the limited peace-making contingent on territory of the republic of South Africa for protection of the rights of a national minority, the control over the termination of ethnic cleanings, and also decrease in a scandalous crime rate in the country;8. Ввести ограниченный миротворческий контингент на территорию ЮАР для защиты прав национального меньшинства, контроля за прекращением этнических чисток, а также снижения вопиющего уровня преступности в стране;

9. To develop programs under the decision of a problem of the illegal immigration which sizes, according to some information, make to a quarter of the population of the country. As it is known, level of illegal immigration is directly proportional to a crime rate, including, made because of interracial hostility;9. Разработать программы по решению проблемы нелегальной иммиграции , размеры которой, по некоторым данным, составляют до четверти населения страны. Как известно, уровень нелегальной иммиграции прямо пропорционален уровню преступности, в том числе, совершаемой на почве межрасовой неприязни;

10. To strengthen the control over observance of the rights white in other African countries, in particular in where the white minority traditionally showed high social, economic, political activity, such as Kenya, Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique.10. Усилить контроль за соблюдением прав белых в других африканских странах, в особенности в тех, где белое меньшинство традиционно проявляло высокую социальную, экономическую, политическую активность, таких как Кения, Зимбабве, Ангола и Мозамбик.

I ask you, the mister the Secretary general to give answers or comments on the substance of the stated.Прошу Вас, господин Генеральный секретарь, дать ответы или комментарии по существу изложенного.

To: Secretary-General UN Mr. Ban Ki-moonTo: Secretary-General UN Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Adress: United Nations Headquarters,Adress: United Nations Headquarters,
First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

From: Head of central executive commitee of DPNIFrom: Head of central executive commitee of DPNI
BasmanovVladimir AnatolievichBasmanovVladimir Anatolievich

Appeal to Secretary-General with regard to discrimination and violation of rights of white people in South Africa.Appeal to Secretary-General with regard to discrimination and violation of rights of white people in South Africa.

United Nations (UN) was created by the international community to keep peace and security and as a guarantor of human rights around the world. A particular area of attention of all international human rights organisations has always been a realisation of the rights of national minorities to self-determination, which is especially important in situations where the national majority, have taken a commanding position in the state, conducting a proactive and systematic policy of discrimination. Such system is available in attitude to the white ethnic minority in South Africa and such situation has continuation basis even today.United Nations (UN) was created by the international community to keep peace and security and as a guarantor of human rights around the world. A particular area of attention of all international human rights organizations has always been a realization of the rights of national minorities to self-determination, which is especially important in situations where the national majority, have taken a commanding position in the state, conducting a proactive and systematic policy of discrimination. Such system is available in attitude to the white ethnic minority in South Africa and such situation has continuation basis even today.

During the apartheid era the UN played active role in internal affairs of different countries in order to prevent further racial discrimination of black people. However, it is 20 years as a board of apartheid behind us, and the level of civil rights violations because of their race only increased, even though the discrimination is now reversed.During the apartheid era the UN played active role in internal affairs of different countries in order to prevent further racial discrimination of black people. However, it is 20 years as a board of apartheid behind us, and the level of civil rights violations because of their race only increased, even though the discrimination is now reversed.
One good example of this is system of job quotas distribution for black residents of the state, which leads to discrimination the right to work of white people and a drain of qualified professionals, which significantly enhances the crisis in health care institutions and law enforcement.One good example of this is system of job quotas distribution for black residents of the state, which leads to discrimination the right to work of white people and a drain of qualified professionals, which significantly enhances the crisis in health care institutions and law enforcement.

During 20 years time South Africa is standing under social discrimination of white people by black majority with provocations of the criminal contingent with different kind of offences against the white South African citizens, including murder, rape, looting.During 20 years time South Africa is standing under social discrimination of white people by black majority with provocations of the criminal contingent with different kind of offenses against the white South African citizens, including murder, rape, looting.

All attempts to establish and develop people's self-defence detachments forces were prosecuted. This is despite the fact that in places of compact settlement of Boers or white Europeans, where there are no white self-defence militias, criminal groups of black Africans are executing ethnic purges. Crimes on violence against Whites because of their race or not investigated by the authorities, or selectively investigated.All attempts to establish and develop people's self-defence detachments forces were prosecuted. This is despite the fact that in places of compact settlement of Boers or white Europeans, where there are no white self-defence militias, criminal groups of black Africans are executing ethnic purges. Crimes on violence against Whites because of their race or not investigated by the authorities, or selectively investigated.

The presence of white discrimination in South Africa inevitably is outraged by world society opinion and reproduces doubts in necessity of introducing benefits for communities which were affected by discrimination in the past.The presence of white discrimination in South Africa inevitably is outraged by world society opinion and reproduces doubts in necessity of introducing benefits for communities which were affected by discrimination in the past.

Thus, all activities of the South African authorities to the white citizens undermine confidence in the ideas of equality, multiculturalism, open society, support the rights of national minorities a national majority.Thus, all activities of the South African authorities to the white citizens undermine confidence in the ideas of equality, multiculturalism, open society, support the rights of national minorities a national majority.

Recently, representative of the youth organisation of the ruling African National Congress - Julius Maleme publicly performed the song "Kill the Boer" and triggered another wave of violence against the white population of South Africa, which resulted in the death of up to 69 year-old opposition representative - Eugene Ney Terblansh.Recently, representative of the youth organization of the ruling African National Congress - Julius Maleme publicly performed the song "Kill the Boer" and triggered another wave of violence against the white population of South Africa, which resulted in the death of up to 69 year-old opposition representative - Eugene Ney Terblansh.

Based on the foregoing, we, as Russian Public Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI), require from the United Nations to adopt the following measures to ensure security at the South African republic of all persons, regardless of their race, basing on respect of human rights and without double standards:Based on the foregoing, we, as Russian Public Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI), require from the United Nations to adopt the following measures to ensure security at the South African republic of all persons, regardless of their race, basing on respect of human rights and without double standards:

1. Confirm the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;1. Confirm the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;
2. Consider the issue about establishing a system of financial and humanitarian support for the creation and development of white autonomy, allowing the white population of South Africa to realise their right for national development, the model of Orania city;2. Consider the issue about establishing a system of financial and humanitarian support for the creation and development of white autonomy, allowing the white population of South Africa to realize their right for national development, the model of Orania city;
3. To elaborate recommendations for the elimination of discrimination of the white population in South Africa;3. To elaborate recommendations for the elimination of discrimination of the white population in South Africa;
4. To abolishing the quota of jobs for black people;4. To abolishing the quota of jobs for black people;
5. To grant quoted number of seats in Parliament to parties which are representing the interests of national minorities (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revival Nationalist Party, and etc.);5. To grant quoted number of seats in Parliament to parties which are representing the interests of national minorities (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revival Nationalist Party, and etc.);
6. To promote legalisation of the national currency of ORANIA - Oranim and offer the right to develop their own independent media;6. To promote legalisation of the national currency of Orania- Oranim and offer the right to develop their own independent media;
7. In case of continued discrimination of white ethnic minority, and pressure on the political opposition, representing their interests of white people, countermeasure is to suspend the membership of South Africa in the UN;7. In case of continued discrimination of white ethnic minority, and pressure on the political opposition, representing their interests of white people, countermeasure is to suspend the membership of South Africa in the UN;
8. To place limited peacekeeping contingent on the territory of South Africa to protect the rights of national minorities, to stop ethnic purges, as well as reducing the level of blatant criminality in the country;8. To place limited peacekeeping contingent on the territory of South Africa to protect the rights of national minorities, to stop ethnic purges, as well as reducing the level of blatant criminality in the country;
9. Develop programs to address the problem of illegal immigrants, the quantity of them, according to some sources, is more than 25 % of total population. It is known that illegal immigration is directly proportional to the level of crime, including motivated by racial hatred;9. Develop programs to address the problem of illegal immigrants, the quantity of them, according to some sources, is more than 25% of total population. It is known that illegal immigration is directly proportional to the level of crime, including motivated by racial hatred;
10. Strengthen the monitoring of human rights of white population in other African countries, especially in those where the white minority has traditionally exercised significant social, economic, political activity, such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola and Mozambique.10. Strengthen the monitoring of human rights of white population in other African countries, especially in those where the white minority has traditionally exercised significant social, economic, political activity, such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola and Mozambique.

Please would be so kind, Mr. Secretary-General, to give answers or comment on the merits of the above.Please would be so kind, Mr. Secretary-General, to give answers or comment on the merits of the above.

Date: 12/04/2010Date: 12/04/2010

On April, 17th in Stockholm there will pass protest action against a genocide in Southern Africa:17 апреля в Стокгольме пройдет акция протеста против геноцида в Южной Африке:
Sweden: Protest against the genocide in South AfricaSweden: Protest against the genocide in South Africa

On Saturday the 17th of April 2010, the Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen) march to the South African embassy in Stockholm, housing representatives of the ANC government. On Saturday the 17th of April 2010, the Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen) march to the South African embassy in Stockholm, housing representatives of the ANC government.

We hold the ANC responsible not only for the murder of Eugéne Terre’Blanche, leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), but also for the ongoing genocide of whites in South Africa. We hold the ANC responsible not only for the murder of Eugéne Terre’Blanche, leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), but also for the ongoing genocide of whites in South Africa.

Eugéne Terre’Blanche dedicated his life to the struggle for his people and a sovereign state for the white Boer people. Tragically his life ended, just like thousands of other white farmers, brutally murdered by blacks. Several thousands and yet more, are those who mourn the loss. We shall never forget his sacrifice! Eugéne Terre’Blanche dedicated his life to the struggle for his people and a sovereign state for the white Boer people. Tragically his life ended, just like thousands of other white farmers, brutally murdered by blacks. Several thousands and yet more, are those who mourn the loss. We shall never forget his sacrifice!

Therefore we march - under the slogan "Stop the Boer genocide!" - in honour and remembrance for the white leader of the AWB. But we also march to tell the world about the situation for our kindred people in South Africa. We will tell of a government who in silence support murder, rape and plunder of whites. Therefore we march - under the slogan "Stop the Boer genocide!" - in honor and remembrance for the white leader of the AWB. But we also march to tell the world about the situation for our kindred people in South Africa. We will tell of a government who in silence support murder, rape and plunder of whites.

Hereby we call upon our brothers and sisters around the globe to take a stand, no longer can we sit and do nothing as the white population of South Africa is being murdered. What happens in South Africa today, will happen in our nations tomorrow! Hereby we call upon our brothers and sisters around the globe to take a stand, no longer can we sit and do nothing as the white population of South Africa is being murdered. What happens in South Africa today, will happen in our nations tomorrow!

The Swedish Resistance Movement march to the South African embassy in Stockholm on Saturday 17th of April, to show the Boer nation that they are not alone, that we are with them in their struggle for survival. The Swedish Resistance Movement march to the South African embassy in Stockholm on Saturday 17th of April, to show the Boer nation that they are not alone, that we are with them in their struggle for survival.

We urge YOU to do the same, to show the world that the white race is still a force to reckon with, for this our comrades, IS YOUR DUTY! We urge YOU to do the same, to show the world that the white race is still a force to reckon with, for this our comrades, IS YOUR DUTY!

Swedish Resistance Movement WWW.PATRIOT.NU
Russian nationalists are the White race's best bet right now for survival into the future.

I think I am going to buy one of the old SA flags (pre nigger) and fly it here at the house. I think it is illegal to do so in SA.

Russian nationalists are the White race's best bet right now for survival into the future.

I think I am going to buy one of the old SA flags (pre nigger) and fly it here at the house. I think it is illegal to do so in SA.


Yes, I agree Trick. Russia and Eastern Europe don't put up with mongrelization like the Western countries do. I have the Old South African flag too. I want to get the two Boer flags which are the two smaller flags from center to right.

Afrikaner/Boers fear that a genocide is being planned: Hatespeech-spouting ANC youth league members to get military training at Saldanha military academy…

The London metropolitan police had laid down some strict ground-rules for Saturday’s march to the SA Embassy: protestors were not allowed to carry any pictures of the cruelly slaughtered AWB-leader Eugene Terre’Blanche nor any symbols from his organization.

Meanwhile the fear levels among the Afrikaners inside and outside South Africa are still rising, fears which the ANC-regime has done nothing to quell, also because the out-of-control genocidal hatespeech of its youth league members have not stopped – and even more ominously, because ANC youth league cadres were scheduled to undergo military training at the Saldanha naval academy soon.
Terre’Blanche murder suspects due in court


Christopher Mahlangu is due back in court this week.
Ventersdorp - The trial of two men accused of killing right-wing leader Eugene Terre’Blanche is expected to get under way on Monday in Ventersdorp.

Rumours of an application for a postponement by the defence could not be officially confirmed. The trial was set down for a week.

On Friday, the National Prosecuting Authority made it clear that there would be no separation of trial.

“For the proceedings they will appear together in the same court but in terms of the legislation they will be tried under different acts, one for the adult and one for the minor...There will be no separation of trial,”�� spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said.

The two had previously appeared separately.

Chris Mahlangu, 28, and his 15-year-old co-accused stand accused of murdering the AWB leader in April at his farmhouse.

The court heard that Terre'Blanche had been struck with such force with an iron bar that his jaw was broken and the bone had pierced his tongue.

Initial reports was that Terre'Blanche sustained 28 injuries, but according to a medical summary disclosed on June 10, he had seven.
Terre'Blanche murder accused plead not guilty

Two black farm workers accused of bludgeoning to death South African white supremacist Eugene Terre'Blanche pleaded not guilty Monday, as their lawyer said he had physically abused them.

The workers -- Chris Mahlangu, 29, and a 16-year-old -- are accused of hacking to death the co-founder of the far-right Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) at his farmhouse outside Ventersdorp on April 3, 2010.

Norman Arendse, the lawyer for the minor, who cannot be named under South African law, told the court that the boy was a victim of child labour.

He said the teenager was verbally, physically and even sexually abused by Terre'Blanche.

"Most witnesses are reluctant to testify on these allegations. The main reason appears to be naked fear and intimidation," he told the court.

"Fear that they will lose the little they earn, and fear that they will lose the roof over their head and the food they receive for working on the farms."

The murder last year had sparked angry exchanges between AWB supporters and black locals outside the courthouse, but more than one year later tensions have eased.

A large media contingent outnumbered a group of about 20 AWB supporters gathered for the hearing in the northwestern town, but left after the hearing got underway.

The group flew the apartheid-era South African flag and put up posters with slogans like "our farmer Afrikaner blood", printed over the image of an old white man with bloodied hands.

Few black people came to the courthouse, in stark contrast to the emotional protests which characterised the first appearance last year.

Terre'Blanche's brother Andries was also in court, but refused to comment.

Family and AWB spokesman Johan Potgieter told journalists they wanted the heaviest possible sentence for the alleged killers.

"We want a life-time sentence without a case of parole," he said. "We won't allow that they murder our leaders or wish us away."

The 69-year-old Terre'Blanche's head was beaten with a knob-headed stick, and a machete was found still embedded in his flesh. His genitals were also exposed.

The two suspects handed themselves in to police after the killing, saying they had fought with their employer over pay, which reportedly was 300 rand (41 dollars, 30 euros) a month.

The teenager's lawyer told court that the case was extraordinary because the accused did not flee or tried to disturb the murder scene.

"He will deny that he participated in the killing of the deceased -- either acting alone or in a common purpose. He will deny that he robbed the deceased or sold any items," Arendse said.

According to the state attorney, George Baloyi, Mahlangu had been working for Terre'Blanche for five months and his duties included herding cattle and doing gardening for the AWB leader's wife.

The minor had been employed for just over a month.

Terre'Blanche's movement accuses local black politicians of planning the white supremacist's murder.

"They want to take our farms, our jobs. Do you want to call that working with the boers (Afrikaners)? I don't think that," said Potgieter.

The AWB movement violently opposed South Africa's all-race democracy, staging bomb attacks ahead of the 1994 polls that brought in Nelson Mandela as the first black president.

Since then, it has faded to the fringe of South African society.

The trial is set down for ten days, after it was postponed several times since last year.

ET accused 'not sodomised'


The AWB's Eugene TerreBlanche

A policeman yesterday refuted a sodomy claim by the farm worker accused of killing rightwing leader Eugene Terre Blanche.

"No, my Lord, from myself and my investigation it never surfaced, even during my interview with [the accused Chris Mahlangu]," investigating officer Lieutenant-Colonel Tsietsi Mano testified at the trial in Ventersdorp, North West.

Mahlangu's lawyer, Kgomotso Tlouane, had put it to Mano that his client alleged Terre Blanche had sodomised him.

Mahlangu and a teenager, who may not be named, are charged with beating Terre Blanche to death in his farmhouse outside Ventersdorp in April 2010.

Both have pleaded not guilty to murder, housebreaking and robbery with aggravating circumstances. Mahlangu says he acted in self-defence. The teenager has denied involvement in the crime.

Investigating officer Mano was questioned about fluid allegedly seen on Terre Blanche's genitals.

"I never saw the body," he said.

The body was removed before Mano arrived at the house on the night of the murder. He said he saw it only during the postmortem.

"I asked the pathologist [if she found semen] and she said no. I know for a fact I asked," Mano said.

In October, pathologist Ruweida Moorad testified that Terre Blanche's body might have been wiped before the postmortem.

"Perhaps when it [the body] was transported in a body bag it [the semen] was wiped off. I honestly don't know," she said at the time.

A substance believed to be semen was visible in photographs of the rightwinger's body taken at the crime scene.

Yesterday, Tlouane said his client had been sodomised and assaulted when he had tried to retrieve a suitcase from Terre Blanche's house. Mahlangu claimed he had been unable to escape and, in self-defence, had picked up an iron rod in the bedroom and hit Terre Blanche.

He claimed the rightwinger was standing up when he hit him and had fallen onto the bed, where his body was found, Tlouane said.

"[Mahlangu's] instructions were that he regretted that he went to look for the suitcase . if he hadn't gone there, one the sodomy [and] two the fight [would not have happened]," Tlouane said.

But Mano denied Mahlangu's version of events. He maintained his sworn statement was based on the information Mahlangu had given him after the murder.

"[Mahlangu told me] that he could see Terre Blanche lying on the bed. The deceased never saw or heard them as he was asleep."

Mano testified that the accused had planned to castrate Terre Blanche after the murder.

"Mahlangu said he pulled Terre Blanche's pants down and exposed his genitals. His intention was to dismember Terre Blanche. But he decided against it."

Testifying about a statement Mahlangu made on the night of the murder, Mano said the murder weapon had come from a storeroom at the farm. Mahlangu and the teenager had entered Terre Blanche's house through a window and had found him lying on his back on the bed.

"Mahlangu hit Mr Terre Blanche on the forehead with the iron rod. Two other blows followed, on the face. There was a lot of blood . He repeatedly hit Terre Blanche on the chest. His colleague took the rod from him. He hit Terre Blanche in the face . [and] on the chest," Mano said.

Norman Arendse, for the minor, also cross-examined Mano. He said if the semen on Terre Blanche was wiped off before the body was removed, it would mean someone had tampered with evidence.

"If it was deliberately removed then it was a serious offence, because that part of the evidence would be crucial," Arendse said.

The trial continues.
Eugene Terre'Blanche murder: farmworker found guilty

Chris Mahlangu, 29, is convicted of bludgeoning the white supremacist to death at his farmhouse in South Africa, Tuesday 22 May 2012 18.22 BST


Chris Mahlangu, who was found guilty of murdering Eugene Terre'Blanche at a court in Ventersdorp, South Africa.

A black farmworker has been found guilty of murdering Eugene Terre'Blanche, the white supremacist whose brutal demise threatened to inflame racial tensions in South Africa.

Chris Mahlangu, 29, was convicted at a court in the small rural town of Ventersdorp. His co-accused, Patrick Ndlovu, 18, was acquitted of murder, but found guilty of housebreaking.

Terre'Blanche, co-founder of the far-right Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), who wanted to overthrow South Africa's black majority government, was killed at his farmhouse in Ventersdorp on 3 April, 2010.

Prosecutors had accused Mahlangu and Ndlovu of breaking into the 69-year-old's home, where they found him asleep, and bludgeoning him to death with a steel pipe. A post-mortem report revealed he sustained 28 injuries.

Mahlangu and Ndlovu pleaded not guilty to murder, housebreaking and robbery with aggravating circumstances. Both declined to testify.

Judge John Horn ruled on Tuesday: "After all the evidence given, I conclude that accused number one is guilty as charged."

Horn dismissed Mahlangu's claim that he acted in self-defence and said there was no evidence that Terre'Blanche was killed due to his political views. The dispute had been over wages on the farm.

While Terre'Blanche was portrayed as arrogant and violent, neither of the accused testified about this, or any claims of abuse, the judge added. "None of these things could justify the brutal attack on the deceased."

His verdict marked the end of a two-year case that had raised fears of a violent backlash along racial lines that would evoke apartheid demons, but ultimately lost its sting to prosaic concerns over legal delays and a botched police investigation.

The AWB organisation waged a bloody and futile campaign to resist the end of white minority rule and the establishment of democracy under Nelson Mandela in 1994. Terre'Blanche, a burly fascist known for his thick white beard, piercing blue eyes and fiery rhetoric, had become an irrelevant figure by the time of his death.

"He was revered by some, but despised by others," Horn said during his judgment.

His body was found on his bed with his underwear pulled down to reveal his genitals. Initial testimony suggested that there was semen on his body, but the substance was never analysed.

Mahlangu claimed that he acted in self-defence after Terre'Blanche had raped him – an allegation that the prosecution said was made up and was rejected by the court. Judge Horn asked why it was only mentioned towards the end of the trial, and only through other witnesses.

He said: "Sodomy is such a personal intrusion, I can't believe [Mahlangu] would not have raised it immediately."

Ndlovu was 15 at the time of the killing and was tried as a minor. The trial has been held behind closed doors to protect his identity. Last month, the judge ruled that most evidence against the teenager was inadmissible because police failed to follow South Africa's child protection law in handling the case.

Terre'Blanche's family said Mahlangu should spend the rest of his life in jail and expressed disappointment at the acquittal of Ndlovu. "He was guilty," relative Andre Nienaber told South Africa's Mail & Guardian. "He was part of it. He admitted it. He should never go free."

During the trial, the defence alleged that the farmworkers had been abused by Terre'Blanche and were trying to defend themselves. A lawyer for Ndlovu said he had been subject to "appalling conditions … not fit for human habitation [and] child exploitation" on the farm."

Terre'Blanche had been jailed in 1997 and sentenced to six years for the attempted murder of a black security guard and assaulting a black petrol-station worker.

After Terre'Blanche's death, some members of the local black community called Mahlangu a hero for his alleged role in the crime. Some Afrikaners claimed his murder highlighted the violence faced by white farmers in South Africa, with around 3,000 said to have been killed since 1994.

On Tuesday, protesters from both sides scuffled outside the courthouse in Ventersdorp, about 80 miles west of Johannesburg. Scores of AWB members wearing military fatigues set up camp with their red, white and black, swastika-style flags planted in the ground.

Nearby, a bigger group of supporters of the two farmworkers sang anti-apartheid songs. Police set up cordons to keep the two sides apart but the tensions did not explode into broader violence, and the crowd showed little reaction to the verdict.

Former AWB leader Andre Visagie said the group would be watching closely what prison sentence Mahlangu now receives.

"We as a people want to see what message the court send out to the farm murderers out there," he told the Mail & Guardian. "Do they spend three or five years in jail, and then get out to murder again? If a firm message is not sent out to the farm murderers, then the rainbow nation will remain a dream."

Eugene Terreblanche murder: South African man guilty


Chris Mahlangu (L) and Patrick Ndlovu (R) had both denied all charges

One of the two South African farm workers accused of murdering white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche in 2010 has been found guilty.

The court convicted Chris Mahlangu, but acquitted a second accused, Patrick Ndlovu, who was just 15 at the time.

There is tight security outside the court in the north-western town of Ventersdorp.


The 2010 killing highlighted South Africa's fragile race relations, 16 years after white minority rule ended.

When news emerged of Eugene Terreblanche's violent death in April 2010, South Africa braced itself for racial tensions. But as the trial of the two farm workers progressed, it became clear that this was nothing more than a grisly criminal case”

However, the BBC's Karen Allen, who is in Ventersdorp, says fears that the killing could trigger political violence, dividing the country along racial lines, have not been realised.

She says the case has brought to the fore allegations of wage exploitation and a sexual motive, along with claims of a botched police investigation.

Scores of members of Terreblanche's Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement - AWB) wearing military fatigues have set up camp outside court, with their trademark red, white and black, swastika-style flags planted defiantly in the ground, our correspondent says.

Not far away, supporters of the two black farm workers are singing songs from the struggle against white minority rule and the police have set up cordons to keep the two sides apart.

But there have been a few scuffles between the two groups.
Sodomy claim dismissed
Chris Mahlangu (L) and Patrick Ndlovu Chris Mahlangu (L) and Patrick Ndlovu (R) had both denied all charges

Both Mahlangu, 29, and Ndlovu, 18, had denied the charges of murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances.

Judge John Horn said there was no evidence that Ndlovu had played an active role in the killing, but he was convicted of housebreaking with intent to steal.

They are due to be sentenced next month.

During the trial, a lawyer for Ndlovu, who has been named for the first time as he was a minor at the time, said he had been subject to "appalling conditions... not fit for human habitation [and] child exploitation" on the farm.

The lawyer said his client had not killed Terreblanche, but had found his body and called the police.

A photo taken on June 11, 2004 shows South African white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche during press conference after being released from prison in Potchefstroom.

Much of the evidence against the teenager was dismissed because the police did not follow South Africa's child protection law when handling the case.

The prosecution said they had found Terreblanche asleep and beaten him with a steel pipe.

The judge said there was no proof that Terreblanche had raped Mahlangu - allegations raised sometime after the trial had started.

"Sodomy is such a personal intrusion, I can't believe [Chris Mahlangu] would not have raised it immediately," Judge Horn said.

After Terreblanche's death, some members of the local black community called Mahlangu a "hero" for his alleged role in the killing.

At the time, police said he had been stabbed and beaten with a wooden club. He was found with his underpants pulled down and a post-mortem report revealed he suffered 28 injuries.

His AWB organisation waged a violent campaign to resist the end of apartheid and the establishment of democratic rule in 1994.

He spent three years in jail after the 2001 attempted murder of a farm worker.

Some members of Terreblanche's Afrikaner community said his killing highlighted the violence faced by white farmers in South Africa, with some 3,000 said to have been killed since 1994.


JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A black farmworker was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday for the brutal murder of South African white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche in a case that has been a source of racial tension in the city of Ventersdorp.

About 100 protesters sang anti-white songs outside the courtroom in the city just west of Johannesburg to support 30-year-old Chris Mahlangu, who had pleaded guilty but argued that he acted in self-defense in what the judge found was a violent dispute over wages. They were opposed by 20 white protesters who carried the dummy of a black man with a rope around his neck and a sign that said: "Hang Mahlangu." As Mahlangu was leaving the court, the protesters tied the effigy to a pick-up truck and drove around the black crowd.


Mahlangu was found guilty for beating Terreblanche, 69, to death with an iron in April 2010. Mahlangu said he feels he did no wrong by ridding the world of a man some called a monster.

The judge had rejected a defense argument that Mahlangu had been sodomized by Terreblanche and acted in self-defense. Mahlangu also claimed that Terreblanche infected him with HIV. :D

Zola Majavu, Mahlangu's lawyer, said on Wednesday that they are planning to appeal both the court's findings and the sentence.

On Wednesday, Mahlangu said he has converted to Islam while in prison.

A second man, Patrick Ndlovu, who was a teenager at the time of the killing two years ago, was sentenced to a two-year prison sentence which means he goes free. Ndlovu was acquitted of murder but found guilty of breaking and entering with intent to steal. Initially, he was not named because of his age. He turned 18 during the trial.

After the sentencing, the Young Communist League of South Africa released a statement calling the judgment racially biased.

"Eugene Terreblanche was a white supremacist who made no qualms about his lack of love and respect for the black Africans and still believed in white supremacy and black oppression. How is it that the issue of self-defense is not taken serious?" said the statement.

Terreblanche co-founded the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, known by its Afrikaans initials as the AWB, to seek an all-white republic within South Africa.

In 1997, Terreblanche was sentenced to six years in prison for the attempted murder of a black security guard and assaulting a black gas station worker. Terreblache's influence in the white supremacist movement had waned by the time he died.
thank you your people for those info, the story i was told it was that his two farm workers unhappy with their wages and accomodations he was given them came one day to him when he was alone on his land then killed him for their unhappy feeling