Exactly What To "Popularize" For Patriots?


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Exactly What To "Popularize" For Patriots?
(Apollonian, Nov. 05)

In Rich's (WhiteAlert.com) genius for dialectical provocation (his genuine particular contribution to the "popularization" effort), it occurs to me I should say something on the subject so topically brought up in Rich's below-copied text regarding "popularizing."

For indeed the critical issue now is what, exactly, is it to be "popularized," thence how best to do this. And one must examine as to how popularization actually takes place. For popularization seems to work by means of a process consisting of at least three stages: (1) original, basic theory to the practical leaders (2), thence to the people (3).

Thus we work in Kierkegaardian style fm ethicistical details and the ideal, thence by means of art in practical conveyance to the volk. So po

pularization is an art, yes, but it must have its origins in detail. Thus
in popularization the details simply get re-arranged for the volkish reception.

Hence my conclusion is popularization requires philosophic incisiveness--correct identification of context and consequences for any particular topic or subject. Thus we patriots prepare best, for most topical example, for the next "terror-events" to be perpetrated by the "neo-con" traitors and conspirators.

For observe further as simple matter-of-fact the Bush/"neo-con" conspiracy is positively nearing meltdown stage as (a) the idiot, following his Jew-mentors' instructions, evidently, went and further made a point of drawing yet more attention to his lies preceding his Iraq war debacle. Check Mr. Doug Thompson's reaction fm his 14 Nov. column on Capitol Hill Blue.com.

Concurrently, we note (B) Bush's continuing tailspin for "job-approval rating," and © the recent much-publicized scientific paper presented by the BYU physics professor regarding the obvious controlled demolition of the 9-11 WTC bui
ldings. (Ck WhatReallyHappened.com.)

(d) Then supplementarily, we have the Ernst Zundel trial travesty in Germany whence the judge is so reluctant to let Ernst actually put on a defense. And there are yet other significant details easily adduced for the prospective impending disaster(s) as resort of the evermore desperate traitors.

So what's happening?--well, obviously the Jews and associated modern-day "Sadduceans"--Falwell, Robertson, Limbaugh and the "neo-cons"--behind and beside Bush want to take over the world, and they're doing this through and by means of the United Nations, for one thing, just as the John Birchers (ck jbs.org) explain so well and in such excel
nt detail.

So what then are the circumstances?--well, there's psychology and economics, the "Jews-media" and the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting scam, to name two things that serve as practical instruments for this conspiracy.

And there are other circumstances, perhaps more abstract, like t
ime-wise, the historical setting as within Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West. For history is cyclic, and this anti-American conspiracy thus takes place within a certain downsurge of such history (for Americans)--like the people's distraction and addiction to MAMMON, "prosperity," false as it surely is, and then other things like inferiority-complex by which such degenerate (hubristic) "goyim" among the volk pretend to feeling "good" and moralistic ("Pelagianism") about themselves, the poor, pathetic fools.

Hence we observe once again the utility and value of PHILOSOPHY by which we find and observe the CONTE
XT for
any given issue.

Thus the basic context, ultimately, is always metaphysics by which we observe the two alternatives, objectivity and subjectivity. The objective is what we patriots uphold within nature and thus NATURE'S LAW. Subjectivism is the child's and madman's world of "ANYTHING GOES"--because "I say so." Thus the oligarchs, for further example, want to maint
ain their hegemony by means of force--force cloaked by the "Jews-media" psychologic conditioning as well as economic manipulation by means of the Fed fraud.

Popularizers thus tend to avoid such "metaphysics" in their exhortations, but they must not ignore it for their own understanding and analysis even, again, if and as they choose not to make too much of such metaphysics in their expositions and advocating. Thus popularizers need to be aware of these metaphysical issues at the very least; otherwise they don't know what or how to popularize.

then are necessarily artists, but of most and greatest astuteness for the successful ones; they don't ignore the devils in the details as they construct the abstract product for their art to be ultimately presented most persuasively to the volk.

Popularizers then put things in understandable terms for the volk psychologically and linguistically and thence demonstrate and dramatize consequences. Thus things cultural have le
ss poignancy as the people are well-fed and sufficiently gratified for sense perception and gratification. Immediate hunger is so often more seemingly consequential than things of equal, though longer-term effect to the popular imagination.

Cutlure is most often and typically only taken seriously as the people are brought to learn by means of most difficult and sorry experience. Thus as people are desperately fighting for survival "morality" is not a great worry. But when people are fat, happy, and "secure," they are too easi
ly persuaded o
n basis of fraudulent "morality," like the neo-Pelagianism of Kant by which the white middle class of the US gave up their nation to the Jews.

Thus we observe Bush's continuing incumbency inasmuch as he retains support of the Jews and "Sadduceans," especially then the corrupt elders who vote in larger percentages than the distracted and deliberately misled youth.

Thus Jews rule because the elders are presuaded by means of fraud, especially
the delusion-fallacy of "good-evil," Pelagianism.

Hence successful "popularization" will work for us patriots by means either of persuading the elders--or by means of isolating the elders and empowering the youth for their own independent motivation despite the elders and their otherwise considerable powers of influence.

A significant observation regards the means of persuasion and the brilliant utility of Christianity as condition for attactiveness for any particul
ar idea(s). Chris
tian aesthetic is potentially quite powerful both for elders and youth. Properly understood and utilized, Christianity is perfectly consistent and parallel with strictest and most perfect reason--objectivity against the putrid and insane Pharisaic subjectivism. Check Gosp. of JOHN, chapter 8.

Kierkegaard's rival psychologies, ethicism and art, must be integrated most rationally by the prospective popularizer of greatest effect. This prospective integration is well afforded by means of reason fo
rtified with Christian aesthetic.

CONCLUSION: The point then regarding such popularizing is knowing what and how for one's success. The successful popularizer must know the derivation of any given idea to be popularized, hence metaphysics (at least generally) and the meaning of the objective-subjective dichotomy. We patriots want rule-of-law against Pharisaic/Talmudic lies, insanity, and subjectivistic "hate-crime" whence anything goes in accord with m
ere psychologic condit
ioning by means of "Jews-media," for foremost example. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot