Folk and Nation booklet launched by BNP



British National Party website

Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethno-State

February 14, 2009

by BNP News

“A concise, non-racist explanation of why Britain has the right to be British."� That is how the leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin, described the launch of the first BNP education and training ideological booklets, Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethnostate.

The product of a combined effort of Mr Griffin and Arthur Kemp, the booklet was initially distributed to voting members of the BNP at the party’s last conference, but has now been made available to the general public as well.

The first of a planned series of ideological handbooks, this 22 page A5
size booklet explains in detail the concept of ethno-nationalism.

It is divided into the following subheadings:

Ethnic Nationalism- A Definition.

Central Tenets of Ethno-Nationalism.

Underlying Concepts of Ethno-Nationalism.

The Implications of Ethno-Nationalism.

The Practical Application of Ethno-Nationalism.

Attacks on Ethno-Nationalism.

How to Argue the Case for Ethno-Nationalism.

This booklet will provide all the answers underpinning the non-racist argument for Britain to remain a British country. Invaluable for anyone wishing to understand a crucial part of BNP policy and modern democratic nationalist ideology. Softcover, 22pp. £3.50

Skara Brae,
