Fukushima situation continues to DETERIORATE


Senior Reporter
Fukushima: Japanese go to war

Fukushima; Japanese go to war against US!


Fukushima: Japan Goes to WAR

19 Giant Nuke Weapons Aimed at the US, Switched ON

Brutally strong external "tent" skeleton for Rad spewing reactors at Fukushima. Built to withstand what? An attack?

by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) – Japan is readying six huge, long acting nuclear weapons for immediate use against the country’s economic and military foes. Chief among those is the United States. The weapon is radioactive poison gas from the six destroyed American reactors and old reactor cores at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Fukushima Daiichi is now fully weaponized in concept and, in just days, in real life.

Long denied their own nuclear weapons by the US, their WW II wartime conqueror, re-builder, Master and Patron, the Japanese are commonly thought by insiders to be capable of building nuclear weapons easily over a weekend. This aggressive approach is even more ingenious and imaginative.

In an instant on March 11, 2011 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station three, possibly six, large atomic reactors were turned into armed and functioning stationary nuclear weapons, ostensibly by a very large, curious earthquake and devastating tsunami.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’s six reactors transformed to possibly six huge radioactive isotope spewing nuclear weapons; potentially as much as the equivalent of about 2,000 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs over a period of months and even years. Japanese Prime Minister Kan and the Cabinet were notified immediately.

Unlike the Chernobyl nuclear disaster involving only one reactor six months out, the Fukushima smash up is no closer to being “contained,”� as the government cheerfully puts it than it was on Day One – March 11, 2011

Atomic bombs, like the one that incinerated Hiroshima, create more than 1,400 radioactive and highly lethal “isotopes;”� or, radioactive variations of the metal uranium. Atomic reactors do the same thing, since they are merely vastly slowed down, very large atomic bombs.

Now as a result of stunning Japanese ingenuity, the unparalleled nuclear fury, disease and concentrated death of the out-of-control reactors will be aimed directly at the United States. Nothing short of a full scale US invasion and bombing can turn the situation around. For more than six months Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactors have irradiated Japan and nearby countries such as Russia, China, South Korea, and North Korea, for the most part. The “tents”� turn that all around. The die is cast, the Japanese leadership has made their decision; so be it.

To date, American HNIC Obongo has done nothing that VeteransToday knows of to stem this dire, immediate and active nuclear threat to all residents of the United States.

The six Fukushima Daiichi nuclear weapons are in Northern Japan on the Pacific Coast facing the West Coast of the United States. Travel time from Fukushima to San Francisco, Seattle or Los Angeles is a few minutes by US space based weapons systems and others that are up there.

Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi poison gas nuclear fallout is deployed by steady easterly winds and is much more dependable than space based weapons. The one way trip from Fukushima’s crippled reactors to San Francisco, LA and Seattle takes 4 days by the ever present Jet Stream winds and as much as 9 days by lower level winds. This is nothing new; it has been the case since the Fukushima disaster March 11, 2011.
Overbuilt, armored and brutally strong "tent leg poles" are shown in this close up of an unfinished Fukushima radiation gas pump chimney (FRGPC) to poison millions of Americans.

Overbuilt, armored and brutally strong "tent leg poles" are shown in this close up of an unfinished Fukushima radiation gas pump chimney (FRGPC) to poison millions of Americans.

What is new is that the Japanese govt, the self defense forces and their corporate favorite TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, are encasing the semi-permanent radiation spewing Stationary Nuclear Weapons (SNW) in giant building sized tents or weapons condoms.

Powerful fans collect and pump the highly radioactive uranium gas and aerosols through armored chimneys directly into the air far above Fukushima Daichi’s wrecked nukes. From there the Radioactive Gas (RadGas) heads East to the United States. Since poison gas is imprecise, Mexico and Canada are also at risk. Japan’s weapons’ breakthrough was thinking of them as big nuclear weapons in the first place.

All in all, Fukushima Daiichi is a rather natural and organic weapons system with six known core devices manufactured by weapons maker GE (General Electric.) The nuke reactors’ design was first used in US fast attack nuclear submarines. The trashed nukes are now enormous nuclear weapons designed from the ground up to kill and maim American residents in large numbers.

The faithful, and dying, Japanese Kamikaze workers at Fukushima Daiichi could even hook up solar panels and tide based electrical generators for an almost limitless supply of free electricity to run the huge air pumps to push the hot radioactive gas and aerosols high into the air for decades; or, until the weapons are destroyed, whichever comes first.

Destroy the RadGas Generators, mr. president, if you are the president, Obongo.

The building sized tents, concealed and armored chimneys and high velocity air pumps constitute armed and firing nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.

The intensely radioactive poison gas is blanketing the US with no foreseeable end in sight. The HNIC is left with no choice but to use any means necessary to protect the United States. As a result, nothing is “off the table.”�

It is your move, Mr. president. That's YOU, Jiggaboo in charge!

By Bob Nichols Sept 16, 2011. All rights reserved. Distribute with credit and all Notes and Sources. Reach Bob Nichols at duweapons @ gmail.com

Sources and Notes:

* Atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from the Fukushima-Daichii nuclear power plant, CEREA, joint laboratory École des Ponts ParisTech and EdF R&D, Victor Winiarek, Marc Bocquet, Yelva Roustan, Camille Birman, Pierre Tran, Map of ground deposition of caesium-137 for the Fukushima-Daichii accident. CEREA.enpc.fr
* TEPCO press release video showing some construction details of the first style reactor building enclosures to be used at the Fukushima Daiichi site. See June 14, 2011 post on Atomic Power Review for CGI imaging from TEPCO showing further details. Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Building Enclosure (TEPCO.) See YouTube highlights from Tepco
* U.S. banks ‘extend and pretend’ by repeating failed Jap loan strategy
* US Banks Extend and Pretend by Rachel Beck, Associated Puke, July 12, 2009.
* Japan’s Extend and Pretend: Let’s Raise the Limit on Radiation in Foods and Drinks So That We Can Say They’re Totally Safe And Not Pay the Farmers, EX-SKF, Friday, March 25, 2011, Japans Extend-and Pretend Let’s Raise
* Fusion reactors have been predicted from March 11 | Fukushima Diary
* Forecast: rupture of (the) vessel (s) (s) reactor (s): 23:50 (approx.)
[Extract from source: Cabinet briefing paper:
http://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/kikikanri/jisin/20110311miyagi/201103112235.pdf ]
La Fusion Des Reacteurs Avaient Ete Predit Des Le 11 Mars Fukushima Diary
* So-called “Tent”� Picture. Fukushima Daiichi Tent Panel on right. Really big, armored “tent”� poles collect RadGas pumps. Sep 11, 2011.
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fukushima Nuclear Situation “Deteriorating”

Link: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/08/fukushima-nuclear-situation.html

image source
Richard Wilcox, Contributor
Activist Post

Were it not for certain nuclear whistle blowers and outside, independent experts, the public would have to rely on the glib and technically inaccessible reports from Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) or the Japanese government.

Not that those reports are entirely without substance, but due to the incomprehensible technical jargon most people simply throw up their hands and hope for the best.

Luckily, in this day of the Internet we can learn a lot about what is going on thanks to independent researchers and writers.

To the extent that mainstream newspapers have covered the issue responsibly, and there has been substantive coverage, web sites like “enenews.com”; “fukushima-diary.com” and “rense.com” have served as information clearinghouses for mainstream news, academic studies and independent sources of journalism about the nuclear crisis in Japan.

Given this wide perspective, it is hard to see how any meaningful progress is being made at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP). This is the conclusion I drew, or anyone with reasonable skills of observation would have drawn, in April of 2011. The Japanese government kept telling us that “everything is under control” and there is “no immediate danger,” all the while, lying through their teeth about the reactor meltdowns.

Any intelligent layperson who considers the technical aspects of the disaster will be at a loss as to how the plant operators will be able to restore the cooling system, which may be badly damaged, to reactors that themselves may be unrepairable or in various states of melt-down. If the nuclear fuel in the reactors has melted through to the floor, what would be the point of setting up a cooling system to a dysfunctional reactor and a pool of melted fuel? No one in the government clearly answers these questions nor has the international community come forth with a possible solution. (1).

Credit must be given to the hard work of engineers and makeshift cooling systems were installed, but the state of the reactors is precarious--highly radioactive--and things have not gone smoothly for plant operators, Tepco. As for long term solutions, none are presented. We are supposed to believe that out of this gigantic mess of strewn rubble and constantly leaking pipes and cooling systems, progress is being made. At some level there is: as long as the melted fuel keeps cooling and there are no other major earthquakes, the level of radioactivity will naturally decrease. But this is a hypothetical, best-case scenario.

The fuel pools of Units three or four could collapse in another large earthquake and the highly radioactive fuel rods will not be removed until 2013 at the earliest-- putting the entire world in grave peril every second that ticks by.

Nuclear expert, Arnie Gundersen, recently stated regarding units 1 - 3 that they will “get to the point where they throw some concrete down on the top of it and come back in 300 years.” Gundersen thinks this may not even be cleaned up in “500 years!” (2) This bears repetition:


It’s no wonder nuclear watchdogs have created a special rating system for Fukushima-- putting it in a new category, above Chernobyl, as a no. 8 level nuclear disaster. Fukushima is a “[m]ulti-source major nuclear accident requiring international assistance and monitoring” (3).

A Few Quadrillion Becquerals Here, A Few Quadrillion There...

Meanwhile in Tokyo the Japanese government admits that the incineration of radioactive debris shipped from the tsunami disaster zone, from 2011 to 2013, will emit at least 2 billion becquerals of radiation into the air (according to my calculations) (4; 5). Yes, you read that correctly: TWO BILLION. Compared to the FNPP disaster that is not much at all, that number could end up being lower, or even much higher, depending on how much debris is burned, how radioactive it is, whether the equipment malfunctions, and so on. The curious point is that the Japanese government admits they are intentionally emitting radiation into densely populated urban environments.

Nominally, this policy is “to help the people in the Northeast” (or more likely to help their buddies in the incineration business). This is sheer insanity, but these are the times we live in, when even Japanese school children are being given pamphlets “full of misleading information and half-truths” about the safety of burning radioactive debris (6).

The government’s heartfelt concern for the inhabitants of the northeast is touching. But after 17 months there are still evacuees living in classrooms partitioned with cardboard (7) and rumors of many people dying from cancer due to radioactive fallout. This has gone unreported in the establishment press (8).

Meanwhile, the situation at the FNPP is still unstable. Tepco has admitted that,

a total of about 10 million becquerals per hour of radioactive cesium was being emitted from the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors as of June. That is about one-80 millionths of the level that was being spewed immediately after the accident (9).
This is down from a peak of thousands of trillions of becquerals at the time of the reactor explosions (10; 11). Measured as quadrillions or as petabecquerals (10 to the 15th power) (12), the radiation emitted was comparable to Chernobyl, being well over half if not roughly equivalent in volume (13). While the worst Chernobyl had to offer was pretty much over once it had blown its lid, Fukushima could still release vastly greater amounts of harmful radiation due to the nuclear fuel at the site.

The Unimaginably Unimaginable Danger Of Being (Nuked)

Although the government continues to dismiss the idea that the quakes themselves were the main cause of the nuclear meltdowns, while attributing the entire crisis to the “unforeseen” natural phenomenon of the tidal wave, they admit the quake caused “a 3-square-centimeter rupture in the piping of the emergency cooling system for the No. 1 reactor.” In addition, they note “the possibility that tremors from the earthquake created a tiny rupture of 0.3 square centimeter or less, which later grew larger when the reactor temperature and pressure rose and radioactive substances leaked from there” (14).

This is controversial given that independent scientists are not allowed to inspect the facilities and that witnesses saw the Unit 1 building collapsing before the tsunami arrived.

One worker, a maintenance engineer in his late twenties who was at the Fukushima complex on March 11, recalls hissing and leaking pipes. ‘I personally saw pipes that came apart and I assume that there were many more that had been broken throughout the plant. There’s no doubt that the earthquake did a lot of damage inside the plant,’ he said. ‘There were definitely leaking pipes, but we don’t know which pipes – that has to be investigated. I also saw that part of the wall of the turbine building for Unit 1 had come away. That crack might have affected the reactor’ (15).

In addition to the accumulation of evidence that the earthquake itself was a primary cause of the meltdowns (16; 17) -- something the industry does not want to admit -- there are other inherent flaws in the way nuclear power plants are built and operate. Gundersen points out that the service pumps failed because they were flooded by the tidal wave on 311.

These pumps send water from the ocean to cool the back up diesel generators (18). Gundersen (at 19:00 mark in audio): "There could have been 14 meltdowns and not three. If you look at the data, there were six units at Fukushima Daiichi [power station no. 1], there are four at Fukushima Daini [station no. 2], three at Onagawa and one at Tokai. The net affect is that there were 37 diesel generators between those plants. 24 of those diesels were knocked out by the tsunami. You need the diesels to cool the plant.”

This occurred because at FNPP no. 1 the tsunami flooded the actual diesel generators, but at the other plants the “tsunami knocked out the cooling water to the diesels, something called service water. So, Japan narrowly missed 14 meltdowns and not three because the cooling water to 24 of the 37 diesels was destroyed.”


Furthermore, it was sheer luck that there were not eight meltdowns, for another totally different, random, reason:

The plant manager at Fukushima Daini, which is six miles away from Daiichi, is quoted as saying that if the tidal wave happened on a Saturday his four units would have melted down too. He had a thousand people on site because it was a Friday, but if it happened on a weekend there would have been a skeleton crew there. The roads had been destroyed so nobody could have gotten in to help, and we would have had Fukushima Daiichi and Daini in meltdown conditions. What happened was almost unimaginably unimaginable.

To repeat: had the earthquake happened on a Saturday or Sunday there would have been eight instead of merely three meltdowns-- you can’t make this stuff up, folks.

The FNPP site is fraught with danger, with constant reports of highly toxic water leaking from this pipe or that, or this reactor or that. For example, water in Unit 2 turbine basement was found to have 47 million becquerals per liter (19). These sorts of conditions are common. Many engineers are “highly suspicious” of government assurances that things are going well. For example,

“Takahashi Kei, a former cooling system worker at the plant now working as a radiation survey volunteer, said the utility company’s executives are portraying the situation in the best possible light. ‘There are leaks everywhere, wreckage too. It’s not as simple as they portray,’ he said.”

Japanese nuclear expert, Hiroaki Koide, recently said that “The state of the reactors is still deteriorating” (20). Let’s repeat that for the audience at home:


This hardly sounds like a successful “cold shutdown” and tends to support Gundersen’s idea that the units 1 - 3 will have to be entombed in concrete (if not with Japanese parliament member’s tempura, leftover from their extravagant taxpayer funded banquets). Recently there is talk from engineers who have intimate knowledge of the FNPP situation, and even from the government, that Japan needs to recruit help from the international community of scientists and engineers (21; 22; 23). Hey! Good idea, let’s hope they don’t wait too long. After all, this disaster is not only Japan’s fault, but an international issue from start to finish.

The lesson yet to be learned is that nuclear power is inherently dangerous and that the consequences for humanity and the environment continue to be “unimaginably, unimaginable” in their size.

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Richard Wilcox has a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from a social science, holistic perspective. He teaches at a number of universities in the Tokyo, Japan area. His articles on the Fukushima nuclear disaster have been published at Counterpunch, Global Research, Dissident Voice, Activist Post, Zen-Haven, and Rense.com. His most recent interview with Jeff Rense is available at the website www.rense.com. Many of his environmental articles are archived at:

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1. Testimony from Japan: Evolving Coverup of a Nuclear Disaster

2. Arnold Gundersen with the latest on Fukushima, including the perilous worldwide consequences if reactor no. 4 collapses

3. Nuclear incident scales

4. My Opinion on Radioactive Disaster Waste

5. Radiation in Japan: Tokyo Will Burn Miyagi's Disaster (and Radioactive) Debris

6. Radioactive Disaster Debris: Kitakyushu City Educates Kids How Safe It Is to Burn the Debris

7. Over 200 Evacuees from Futaba-machi Still Live in Classrooms

8.`We receive tons of frightening information'

9. After 500 days, Fukushima No. 1 plant still not out of the woods

10. Fukushima-derived radionuclides in the ocean and biota off Japanhttp://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/03/26/1120794109.full.pdf+html?with-ds=yes
11. Scientists: Far more cesium released than previously believed

12. Becqueral

13. Chernobyl: Assessment of Radiological and Health Impact 2002 Update of Chernobyl: Ten Years On

14. GOVERNMENT PROBE: Reactor cooling botched at Fukushima No. 1, but not No. 2 plant

15. Meltdown: What Really Happened at Fukushima?

16. Report on Nuclear Disaster Holds Key to Reactors' Fate

17. July 6, 2012, Pacifica Radio Host Ian Masters and Fairewinds' Arnie Gundersen: Lessons Not Learned From Fukushima Daiichi

18. SolarlMG podcast with Arnie Gunderson- Aug 10/2012

19. Unit 2 water 10 times more radioactive than Unit 1

20. In Japan, a nuclear ghost town stirs to life

21. Retired Fukushima engineers to seek U.S. assistance

22. Fukushima Chief Yoshida on Video: We must bring foreign experts in to help

23. Japanese government strengthening international cooperation in nuclear decommissioning and decontamination
Highest Yet: Fish 20 times more radioactive than any other caught since 3/11 — 380 times limit for cesium -NHK

Link: http://enenews.com/highest-yet-nhk-...r-caught-since-311-380-times-limit-for-cesium

Published: August 21st, 2012 at 10:47 am ET
By ENENews

Title: High radiation detected in fish off Fukushima
Source: NHK
Date: Aug. 21, 2012 – Updated 11:51 UTC (20:51 JST)

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says it has detected radiation 380 times the government safety limit in a fish caught off Fukushima Prefecture.


The utility says it detected 38,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium in a rock trout caught about 1 kilometer off Minamisoma City on August 1st.

The level is 380 times the government safety limit, and the highest so far in the firm’s surveys in the area. The previous high was 18.8 times.


Tokyo Electric says it will survey the same area from next week until the end of September to study rock trout, their prey such as shrimps, and mud from the seabed.
*Just In* Japan Nuclear Expert: Melted fuel may have gone through cement floor and into ground under Fukushima reactors

Link: http://enenews.com/japan-nuclear-ex...ve-tepcos-calculations-one-second-world-video

— I don’t believe Tepco’s claim for one second — Where in the world is it? (VIDEO)

Published: August 23rd, 2012 at 5:09 pm ET
By ENENews

Atomic Age Symposium II: Fukushima, May 5, 2012 – Session III Roundtable
Published: August 22, 2012
Published by: University of Chicago

Transcript Excerpt

Hiroaki Koide, nuclear reactor specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University’s Nuclear Research Institute:

The problem right now is not figuring out what the cause of the explosion [at Unit 3] is, but where in the world is the melted nuclear material that is in the plant right now?

Unfortunately we have no way of figuring this out…

We can’t go in and look… there’s nothing we can do at this point…

Like I said we have no idea where the melted nuclear core is at this point…

100 tons [was in reactor]…

Fell through steel reactor…

So where did the melted material go from there? It fell into the containment vessel and what is that made of? Also steel.

But what Tepco has been telling us is that underneath that steel is a floor of cement and that cement hasn’t melted yet.

But it’s not as if Tepco has gone there and seen if this is the case or anything like that. It’s based on calculations that they claimed to have worked out that way.

But I don’t believe it for one second.

There’s at least a possibility that it’s gone through all of it and leaked into the ground…

If something like that happens, there’s a strong possibility that it leaks into the environment and the ocean is right there.

I’ve been advocating since last May that a wall be built underground…

That’s really all I know at this point. I really hope something is done so the material doesn’t spread to the greater environment and I’m going to do all I can do to prevent that from happening.
Tepco Official in Washington DC: We don’t know location of melted fuel from Fukushima reactors

Link: http://enenews.com/tepco-official-in-washington-dc-we-dont-know-location-of-fukushima-melted-fuel

Published: September 7th, 2012 at 12:31 pm ET
By ENENews

Title: Fukushima panel told some details will take five years to learn

Source: Platts News
Date: 7 Sep 2012

Key details of how the accident at Japan’s Fukushima I nuclear plant played out have yet to be determined and may not be known for five years or more, when important parts of the plant are safer to enter, officials with the Japanese and US nuclear industries told a US National Academies review committee Thursday.

A committee of the National Academies is conducting the study, which is mandated by Congress, on behalf of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The committee held its second data-gathering session Thursday in Washington.


Yasunori Yamanaka, manager of Tepco’s nuclear safety engineering group, said following the meeting that one of the key pieces of information that will be learned in the coming years is the location and condition of the core of nuclear fuel in the three reactors that experienced meltdowns. Tepco believes the uranium fuel of unit 1 at Fukushima I almost entirely melted its way through the bottom of the thick steel reactor vessel and poured to the floor of the containment structure, eating through a portion of the concrete floor of that area.

The company plans to use cameras and other surveillance equipment to determine how much of the core of units 2 and 3 remain in the reactor, Yamanaka said. The company believes almost half of the fuel in those units, which maintained core cooling longer, melted, he said. It may take more than five years before Tepco can determine whether the fuel in those units remains in the bottom of the reactor vessel or also fell to the containment floor, Yamanaka said.

Regarding Yamanaka’s statements:

Tepco has admitted that their simulation shows the fuel at Reactor 1 not only burned through the pressure vessel, but came within 27 centimeters of leaving the containment vessel. Others have said they believe the fuel is outside containment. (Source: NHK)

Tepco has admitted that reactors 1,2, and 3 experienced full meltdowns — not “almost half” at Reactors 2 and 3. (Source: CNN)
Radiation from Fukushima

September 04 2012

Link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/a...ma-radiation.aspx?e_cid=20120904_DNL_artNew_2

By Dr. Mercola

On March 11, 2011, a powerful earthquake and tsunami rocked Japan, and fatally crippled TEPCO's Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Exactly how much radiation has poured out, contaminating not only cleanup crews but also residents in surrounding areas, remains unclear, as does the risk posed to the rest of the world from nuclear fallout.

One thing is clear: this disaster is far from over… and emerging evidence suggests the impacts may be far worse than we are being led to believe.

Radiation Levels at Fukushima Now at Record Highs

It's been over 1 year since the damage occurred, but it's just now being reported that samples from the basement of reactor number 1 revealed radiation levels that reached up to 10,300 millisievert (mSv) an hour, which is enough to make a person sick within minutes, and kill them shortly thereafter. To put this in perspective, the workers at this site reach their annual allowed radiation dose in 20 seconds.1

Needless to say, workers cannot go anywhere near the site, so robots must be used, and it's estimated that complete demolition of the plant will take four decades and require new cleanup technologies to be completed.

Adding to the already precarious situation, another of the reactor buildings – which houses 1,331 spent and 204 unused nuclear fuel assemblies, each of which contains approximately 50-70 nuclear rods2 – is now tilting and the walls are bulging outward. If another earthquake occurs or the building collapses, large amounts of radiation could be released into the environment.

Obviously, the situation is still incredibly volatile, so it is a mystery why the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) only conducted accelerated sampling from March to June 2011. When their tests reportedly showed that the radiation levels remained "well below any level of public health concern and were consistently declining," they switched back to their routine radiation monitoring.3

But according to a report from the Congressional Research Service, radiation-contaminated debris from Japan may take up to three years before it reaches the U.S. West Coast:4

"Based on computer modeling of ocean currents, debris from the tsunami produced by the Tohoku earthquake was projected to spread eastward from Japan in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Approximately two to three years after the event, the debris plume likely will reach the U.S. West Coast, dumping debris on California beaches and the beaches of British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California.

Although much of the radioactive release from Fukushima Dai-ichi is believed to have occurred after the tsunami, there is the possibility that some of the tsunami debris might also be contaminated with radiation."

They point out that although the ocean currents have a slow flow, there is still a threat posed because radioactive contaminants are incredibly persistent in the environment:

"Although these currents have the potential for bringing radiation from Japan's Fukushima Dai- ichi nuclear accident to U.S. waters, their flow is slow, and no radiation above background levels has yet been detected in marine waters under U.S. jurisdiction. Regardless of the slow flow, radioactive contaminants with long half-lives (e.g., cesium-137, with a half-life of about 30 years) could still pose concerns if transported over long distances by ocean currents."

Strangely, in the report they make mention of managing arriving debris in order to return items of potential personal, symbolic and cultural value, but do not discuss the radiation implications…

Case in point, 15 bluefin tuna caught near San Diego, California in August 2011 were found to contain Fukushima-derived radiation, including caesium-137 and caesium-134, at levels 10 times higher than those detected in previous years. The researchers noted:5

"These findings indicate that Pacific bluefin tuna can rapidly transport radionuclides from a point source in Japan to distant ecoregions and demonstrate the importance of migratory animals as transport vectors of radionuclides. Other large, highly migratory marine animals make extensive use of waters around Japan, and these animals may also be transport vectors of Fukushima-derived radionuclides to distant regions of the North and South Pacific Oceans."

Is Fukushima Worse Than Chernobyl?

When the Chernobyl reactor melted down in 1986, approximately 134 plant workers and firefighters were exposed to high doses of radiation – 800 to 16,000 mSv – and developed acute radiation sickness. Of those 134 workers, 28 died within 3 months of exposure.

In total, more than 160,000 children and 146,000 cleanup workers became victims of radiation poisoning as a result of living and working in that radiotoxic environment, raising the incidence of birth defects, leukemia, anemia, cancers, thyroid disease, liver and bone marrow degeneration, and overall severely compromised immune systems.

These, however, are only estimates, and according to some data, Chernobyl deaths may actually top 1 million.6 Fukushima is the largest nuclear disaster since, but there are many similarities popping up. For one, as the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) points out:7

"From the beginning, the official nuclear safety experts were at pains to minimize the projected health impacts, as they are doing now for the Fukushima accident."

According to ISIS, with Chernobyl, they underestimated related deaths by:

•Underestimating the level of radiation by averaging exposure over a large region, such as an entire country, so high exposure doses and health statistics of the most contaminated areas are lumped together with the less and least exposed

•Ignoring internal sources of radiation due to inhalation and ingestion of radioactive material from fallout

•Using an obsolete and erroneous model of linear energy transfer due to external sources of ionizing radiation

•Not counting diseases and conditions other than cancers

•Overestimating the natural background radiation; today's "background" has been greatly increased by discharges from nuclear activities including tests of nuclear weapons, use of depleted uranium, and uranium mining

•Suppressing and withholding information from the public

Writing in Forbes, Jeff McMahon also pointed out what appear to be strategies to minimize public perceptions of the real risks of the Fukushima radiation:8

"Covering the story, I watched the government pursue what appeared to be two strategies to minimize public alarm:

•It framed the data with reassurances like this oft-repeated sentence from the EPA: 'The level detected is far below a level of public health concern.' The question, of course, is whose concern.

•The EPA seemed to be timing its data releases to avoid media coverage. It released its most alarming data set late on a Friday – data that showed radioactive fallout in the drinking water of more than a dozen U.S. cities."

And again, while downplaying the risks of contaminated U.S. seafood, the Congressional Research Service goes into great detail on the magnitude of radiation that entered the ocean water following the disaster:9

"Seawater was monitored by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) near the discharge points of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant following the March 2011 events. Water with a dose rate of greater than 1,000 millisievert per hour was confirmed by TEPCO on April 2, 2011, in a pit located next to Fukushima Dai-ichi's Unit 2 seawater inlet point.

A cracked sidewall of this pit was leaking water from the pit directly into the ocean. Analyses of seawater taken from near the discharge from Fukushima Dai-ichi Units 1-4 yielded readings of 130,000 Becquerels/liter (Bq/l) of iodine-131 (half-life of about 8 days), 32,000 Bq/l of cesium-137 (half-life of about 30 years), and 31,000 Bq/l of cesium-134 (half-life of about 2 years).

…Experts cite this incident as the largest recorded accidental release of radiation to the ocean.

…It is unknown whether marine organisms that migrate through or near Japanese waters to locations where they might subsequently be harvested by U.S. fishermen (possibly some albacore tuna or salmon in the North Pacific) might have been exposed to radiation in or near Japanese waters, or might have consumed prey that had accumulated radioactive contaminants."

Did 14,000 Americans Already Die from Fukushima Radiation?

Meanwhile, a report published in the International Journal of Health Services suggests that up to 14,000 deaths related to Fukushima may have already occurred in the United States:10

"Deaths rose 4.46 percent from 2010 to 2011 in the 14 weeks after the arrival of Japanese fallout, compared with a 2.34 percent increase in the prior 14 weeks. The number of infant deaths after Fukushima rose 1.80 percent, compared with a previous 8.37 percent decrease. Projecting these figures for the entire United States yields 13,983 total deaths and 822 infant deaths in excess of the expected.

…Recent assessments have suggested that the amount of radioactivity released from Fukushima equals or exceeds that released from Chernobyl. Given the continuing emission of radioisotopes from the melted reactors, the high density of population around the plant, and the close proximity to food sources, we can expect that morbidity and mortality will be high in Japan.

…Adverse health effects may also be expected in the United States, even though exposures have been far below those in Japan. Low-dose radiation exposure, previously assumed to be harmless, has been linked with elevated disease rates in children born to women who underwent pelvic X-rays while pregnant, Americans exposed to atomic bomb fallout, nuclear plant workers, and, for leukemia, children exposed to very low doses after Chernobyl. In addition to physical diseases is loss of cognitive ability in adolescents following low-dose ionizing radiation in utero."

The Potential Dangers of Low-Dose Radiation

If the levels of radiation that reach the U.S. are, in fact, low, this may still pose a formidable threat to human health and the environment. In 2010, the United National Scientific Committee released a report on the effects of low-dose radiation, noting the following (the report uses the term 'low dose' to mean doses of radiation below 200 mGy – a computed tomography (CT) scan delivers about 10 mGy):11

•There is strong evidence of "statistically significant" elevations of risk of solid tumors and leukemia above doses of 100 – 200 milligray (mGy)

•Findings of elevated incidence of circulatory disease in populations irradiated at high doses are raising some concern

•There is "increasing evidence" of radiation exposure leading to increased incidence of cataracts

•Radiation exposure of the developing embryo or fetus during pregnancy can also contribute to the appearance of non-cancer diseases in children. In addition to the induction of congenital mal-formations, the central nervous system is particularly affected12 … Mainly on the basis of animal studies and some observations following high-dose exposures of pregnant women, the Committee considers that there is a threshold for these effects at about 100 mGy.

•There is emerging evidence from recent epidemiological studies indicating elevated risks of non- cancer diseases below doses of 1 to 2 Gy, and in some cases much lower.

Although this report was released in 2010, scientists are just now going to review it to help assess the true effects of Fukushima.13 There is also a phenomenon known as the "bystander effect," which multiplies the dose and harm from radiation exposures. According to Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, cells that have not been exposed to radiation can be harmed by nearby cells that have. Writing for ISIS, Dr. Ho explains:14

"…low dose radiation is all the more dangerous because it does not kill the targeted cell, but allows its influence to spread widely to adjacent cells, thus multiplying the radiation effect (about 100 fold) …a wide range of bystander effects in cells not directly exposed to ionizing radiation have been found, which are the same as or similar to those in the cells that were exposed, including cell death and chromosomal instability."

Currently, there is a considerable push to understand bystander effects, genomic instability, and adaptive response after radiation exposure in low doses… but it is now clear that bystander effects do occur and are a general phenomenon induced by all types of radiation.15

What Can You do to Minimize Your Risks of Radiation Exposure?

First and foremost, if you live in an area with elevated levels in drinking water, be sure you either find an alternative source of water – such as your nearest natural spring16 – or filter it with a high-quality filter. When it comes to radiation, reverse osmosis is effective at removing most particles from your water.

If you're looking for strategies to help prevent damage caused by radiation exposure, researchers noted in the International Journal of Low Radiation17 that the most active molecular form of vitamin D – D3 (also known as calcitriol) – may offer protection against a variety of radiation-induced damages, including even those caused by background radiation or a low-level nuclear incident.

The protective mechanisms are so strong that researchers suggested vitamin D3 should be considered among the prime (if not the primary) non-pharmacological agents to protect against sub-lethal low radiation damage and, particularly, radiation-induced cancer.


Spirulina – a blue-green algae – might be another useful alternative to protect against the effects of radiation. Spirulina was actually used to treat children exposed to chronic low levels of radiation after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

According to a scientific review of spirulina's benefits:18

"Up to very recently, the interest in Spirulina was mainly in its nutritive value. Currently, however, numerous people are looking into the possible therapeutic effects of Spirulina. Many pre-clinical studies and a few clinical studies suggest several therapeutic effects ranging from reduction of cholesterol and cancer to enhancing the immune system, increasing intestinal lactobacilli, reducing nephrotoxicity by heavy metals and drugs and radiation protection."

But what is it about this blue-green algae that gives it this radiation-protective capacity? Spirulina has a 16 percent phycocyanin content – a blue pigment that is attached to its photosynthetic membranes. Phycocyanin is also a nitrogen storage molecule. The nitrogen atoms can form a complex with heavy metals such as radioactive cesium and stronium, hence "cleansing" these radioactive metals from your body.


Turmeric contains a broad spectrum of water, fat and alcohol-soluble components, all of which may contribute to reducing damage associated with both external radiation and internalized radioisotope exposures. It accomplishes this primarily through reducing oxidative stress to cellular structures, particularly DNA.

Research demonstrates that it has significant radioprotective properties, and of particular importance in selecting a turmeric product is that it be certified organic to ensure it has not been gamma irradiated (ironic?) with radioactive cobalt-60 in the USDA-approved process known as "cold pasteurization." Conventional spices are commonly exposed to as high as 30 Kilograys of gamma radiation, or the equivalent of 990 million chest x-rays worth of radiation. The irradiation of herbs produces formic acid, formaldehyde and unique radiolytic byproducts with carcinogenic properties.


I interviewed Ori Hofmekler for an alternative viewpoint with regard to how you can decrease the risk to your health from radiation. Ori makes some compelling arguments for the use of a high-quality whey protein concentrate to help protect against absorbing radioactive minerals.

One of the reasons for using sweet whey is because whey protein contains all the precursors that help your body produce glutathione, which is one of the best ways to detoxify these toxins. The other reason is it's the highest source of all minerals and trace minerals that exist in nature. It has every possible mineral and trace elements – including organic sodium – that your body needs in the most bioactive form.

Other Herbs and Supplements

In general, the following foods, herbs and supplements may also help support your overall health in the event of radiation exposure:


Kelp and other seaweeds (high in natural iodine)

Zeolites (to neutralize radiation) or bentonite clays

Ashwaganda (an adaptogenic herb)

Fulvic Acid

Reishi mushrooms (strong immune support)

High-dose vitamin C



Coconut oil, which supports optimal thyroid health

Astaxanthin (has some protective function against ionizing radiation)

Chlorella (contains chlorophyll, which will increase your resistance to radiation)

For additional research on natural substances with experimentally confirmed radioprotective properties you can visit GreenMedInfo.com's Radiation Disaster Associated Toxicity page,19 which has indexed 146 substances of potential value.
What are efforts to contain Fukushima? None.

Link: http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.fr/2012/10/what-are-efforts-to-contain-fukushima.html

(San Francisco) The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant contains six reactors and is located along the NE coast of Japan. Three of the six reactors disastrously melted down right through the concrete floor and entered the ground on Mar 11, 2011. The spewing of radioactive particles into the Earth’s atmosphere continues unabated.

Quick Summary: What are efforts to contain Fukushima?

… by Bob Nichols

Fukushima up closeNone, really. This is because men, women and teens die in seven minutes in the wrecked reactor buildings; robots croak in about two hours.

It is not enough time. This will continue for at least ten (10) years; more likely much longer.

Why? The radioactive particles get more lethal during the first 30 years as one radioactive metal changes to Plutonium 239, the more lethal bomb making isotope grown in reactors.

Tepco is scheduled to run out of Fukushima workers and industrial robots long before then. Then all bets are off.

The VeteransToday recommended fix of putting the reactors under water has not been done by the US Government. [1]

Are the Japanese really doing anything? No. It is a Fake Fire Drill and just for show.

Mike Weightman, the U.K.’s chief inspector of the Nuclear Installations and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fact-finding team leader, examines Reactor Unit 3 at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s (Tepco) Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power station in Fukushima, Japan,on May 27, 2011. Photographer: Greg Webb/IAEA via BloombergThe three “deaded,” but still “biting” Fukushima I reactors, nuclear weapons and all nuclear power plants make 1,946 deadly radioactive isotopes; that is the reactors’ job – make lots of deadly radioactive isotopes.

The radioactive particles have to stop coming out of the ground beneath the melted reactors in Japan before those radioactive particles will stop coming down all over the Earth.

Worse yet, since all reactors leak all the time, Fukushima adds to what is already here.

We all breathe and eat the deadly isotopes in our food and drink them in our water. Plus, the lethal metal isotope particles are so small that they go right through our clothes and skin from the air.

Yes, air, water and food are weaponized against us by the pro-nukers.
These radioactive isotopes are unstable and decay into some other radioactive isotope, eventually and finally ending up with a very stable lead.

When they “radioactively decay” they give off damaging energy and particles – a lot. Some radioactive isotopes do this for unimaginably long periods of time. By our human standards, it is simply forever.

Muzzle Velocity and Range
One milligram of uranium, which is smaller than you can comfortably see, radiates outward 850 particles and energy squibbs a minute. They will kill or maim you. Think of them as small radioactive bullets. Some move at remarkable speeds with a muzzle velocity of close to 983,568,960 feet per second or 299,792,458 meters per second.

There are many machine guns in the world that fire about 850 rounds a minute. [2] The weapons all jam and run out of ammo – except this one.

To a group of red blood cells or liver cells “standing” next to the little evil Uranium particle it must seem like hell on earth; only worse. The destructive fire from the uranium rounds never stops.

Inside Kill Job
The rounds have a range of about 20 cells in all directions. The radioactive isotopes make a perfect killing machine. We are stuck with the 850 rounds a minute per milligram throughout our lives as a deadly reality from the pro-nukers (you all know one.)

Shun them. Criminalize them. Send them to their well deserved reward. The pro-nukers have shortened all of our expected life spans by the fine amounts of Uranium isotopes in all of our bodies.

Your Real Choices
Of course, you can’t see the radioactive particles; so you can’t dodge them. Whole body radiation counters are in very short supply and not readily accessible, if at all. As a result, you are left in the dark.

You are going to have to make your own choices. You will live a little longer, or, die sooner by these choices, as will I. No one is exempt. The Radioactive Particles are all over the world now.

We cannot escape the “Rads” or radiation from the isotopes. There is no such thing as a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card in this extinction level event (ELE.)

Not a Secret

Curie – with her hands becoming deformedAll this nuclear knowledge and know how is widely known. It is certainly not a secret.You are perfectly free to learn it yourself. It has been known since 1946 when much of it was declassified after the Atomic Bombing of Japan.

That is 66 years for you to get it together. It all fits perfectly, organically, destructively. The rapid maiming and killing off of all humanity is what we are talking about.

The downhill slide to our inevitable destruction started in 1898 with Madame Curie, a woman who died with wretched, crippled, blackened hands from separating, by hand, Radium and Polonium from ore.

Totally undaunted and unlearned, the pro-nukers run on, like fools running with knives.

Now, in 2012, we have about 438 big nuclear reactors and countless smaller ones scattered all over the planet and in populated areas, too.

As we have witnessed recently, the still spewing reactors at Fukushima, Japan and Three Mile Island in America, are merely giant stationary nuclear weapons.

A Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor exploded, killing about one and a half million people worldwide to date. Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a brilliant mathematician, calculated the total nuclear kill world wide at 1.5 Billion a few years ago.

Dr. BertellThose we can see. It comes as no surprise that the maxim “All reactors leak, all the time, some more than others;” is quite true; and, yet we humans get talked into building hundreds of the things anyway. We’re stupid and easily manipulated in large groups that way.

As a result, we all have our own personal maiming and killing dose of deadly radiation that keeps firing radioactive bullets forever and lasts longer than we will.

Close the books on that folks, it is a “done deal.”

There is no cure. There is no “going back.” There is no trick fix. This is written more than a year and a half [580 days] after Humanity’s End Point was marked at Fukushima.

As renowned Japanese journalist, Mr Yoichi Shimatsu said “… it is Year 2 BE, beginning of the end.”
Here are two quite helpful and recent videos (2012) from RosyHeart1’s Spiritual Warrior’s Video Channel. RosyHeart1 is a Yosemite/California based Artist and Anti-Nuke Warrior.
“Day 532 Post Fuke Blues,” by RosyHeart1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrAHn3Ox0YU
Japan Official: We said Unit 4 must be flooded with concrete to reinforce building — “Plug every available space on the lower floors” — Gov’t gave up on plan

Link: http://enenews.com/japanese-officia...lug-every-available-space-on-the-lower-floors

Published: October 12th, 2012 at 1:31 am ET
By ENENews
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Title: Noda lauds work to ease reactor 4 fuel threat; fears remain
Source: The Japan Times Online
Date: Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012

In an interview Friday with The Japan Times, Lower House lawmaker Sumio Mabuchi, who headed a project to reinforce the reactor 4 building, declined comment on the structure’s current quake-resistance since he hasn’t seen the latest data from Tepco or the government.

But Mabuchi — who served as special adviser to then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan at the very height of the nuclear crisis from March to June 2011 — also pointed out that his team had originally considered a more drastic measure to reinforce the building: plugging every available space on the lower floors with concrete.

“The reinforcement steps (adopted) were a first-aid measure, and I kept saying we should buttress the building with permanent measures” instead, said Mabuchi, a member of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan.

“We believed (flooding the reactor 4 building) with concrete was necessary as a permanent measure, and held discussions about the subject,” he said. “But right now, I don’t have any knowledge of current conditions.”

But the government eventually gave up on the proposal because it would have taken about a year to complete the work and aftershocks as high as magnitude 7 were repeatedly rocking the No. 1 plant at the time.
Published: October 12th, 2012 at 1:31 am ET

By ENENews
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Buckling at Unit No. 4 was likely caused by a quake — Indications that building didn’t ride it out anywhere near as well as we thought (AUDIO & VIDEO) June 29, 2012

Work to reinforce No.4 reactor building starts soon, hoping done by August — To prevent bottom of spent fuel pool from falling out May 23, 2011

Tepco: No. 4 reactor building can withstand 6-plus intensity quake -Asahi August 31, 2012

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October 12th, 2012 | Category: Spent Fuel Pool No. 4
Tepco (Fukushima) ADMITS: could have prevented melt-downs, were afraid of publicity

Fukushima utility: We could have prevented nuclear meltdowns

By Mark Halper | October 15, 2012, 3:27 AM PDT

Link: http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bul...e-could-have-prevented-nuclear-meltdowns/2479

We failed. TEPCO president Naomi Hirose led the internal task force that wrote the report damning the company's readiness.

The utility that owns the Fukushima nuclear plant has admitted that it failed to take proper safety measures that could have prevented the meltdowns triggered by the tragic earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011.

The tsunami knocked out emergency generators that powered the cooling system at the Fukushima-Daiichi reactors, causing three of them to melt down.

In a damning internal report available on its website, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) bluntly confesses that “the problem was that preparations were not made in advance.”

TEPCO president Naomi Hirose led the report.


Word after word indicts the company’s own readiness for a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami of the sort known to occur in the region. TEPCO reveals that it was worried preventative measures would have drawn unwanted attention from the anti-nuclear movement and from litigators.

One bullet point notes that TEPCO “feared that if tsunami risk studies were disclosed that it would lead to immediate plant shutdown.” Another notes that “if new severe accident measures were implemented, it could spread concern…that there is a problem with safety of current plants.”

Likewise, it notes that ”there was a concern of litigation risks if giving admission that severe accident measures were necessary,” and that taking those measures would ”add momentum to anti-nuclear movements.”

The report also condemns TEPCO’s accident response effort, noting it suffered from “confusion” and “a lack of engineers.”


TEPCO vows to overhaul its management culture in order to avoid future accidents. ”Pride and overconfidence in the traditional safety culture and measure has been discarded and we are resolved to reform of management culture,” the report states. ”We are changing our previous to thinking about safety starting at its basic foundation as we seek out the opinions of experts both inside and outside of Japan.” (Note - quotes are verbatim from the report).

That recognition of a culture that’s overly referential to tradition echoes Japan’s Parliamentary criticism earlier this year that an ingrained unwillingness to question authority led to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.

The report provides a long list of future safety measures to better guard against tsunamis (higher walls, for example) and earthquakes, and to improve cooling systems.

I’ll add another: Shift to safer, meltdown-proof forms of nuclear power by using alternative nuclear designs such as molten salt or pebble bed reactors running on thorium fuel instead of on uranium. For links to SmartPlanet stories on some of these alternatives, click here. (Note that I now also blog about alternative nuclear for the Weinberg Foundation, a London-based non-profit group dedicated to safe nuclear power.)

Photo: cloneofsnake via Flickr.

More Japanese power, on SmartPlanet;
•Nuclear or not to nuclear: Japan struggles with the question
•Japan dials up wind energy
•How to avoid a nuclear meltdown: question authority
•Utility-scale solar plant for Fukushima
•From Fukushima’s home country: Nuclear will double
•Safe nuclear: Japanese utility elaborates on thorium plans
•Nuclear down, CO2 up in Japan, Germany
•Fukushima’s lesson: ‘Alternative’ nuclear, not ‘no’ nuclear
• What’s keeping the lights on in Tokyo?
• How to eliminate Japan’s nuclear reactors: LED light bulbs

Sift through a collection of SmartPlanet stories on thorium and alternative nuclear here
Re: Tepco (Fukushima) ADMITS: could have prevented melt-downs, were afraid of publicity

America to restart importing Fukushima beef

Posted by Mochizuki on October 14th, 2012 · 9 Comments

Link: http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/10/america-to-restart-importing-fukushima-beef/

As of 10/23/2012, America will restart importing beef from Fukushima. They will be sold at high-end restaurants.

America hasn’t imported Japanese beef for 2 years and 6 months.

Related article..US keeps importing fishery food from Japan even after 311
Re: Tepco (Fukushima) ADMITS: could have prevented melt-downs, were afraid of publicity

I learned a few jap insults over the net. And japs being the "aryans" of asia? I don't think so, they are just another form of gook.

To each and every one of the jap politicians and officials who did everything to allow the meltdown and contamination of the Pacific Ocean I have this to say to each of you individually!

BAKA NO YO NA, CHIGO SAN!:Swastika2::white::confed:
Re: Tepco (Fukushima) ADMITS: could have prevented melt-downs, were afraid of publicity

Radioactive beef over cesium limit from cow raised far outside Fukushima… As Fukushima beef shipments to US resume this week

Link: http://enenews.com/radioactive-beef...ide-fukushima-from-farm-150-km-north-of-plant

Published: October 18th, 2012 at 12:05 pm ET
By ENENews

Title: Cesium above new limit in Miyagi beef
Source: Jiji
Date: Oct. 18, 2012

Radioactive cesium levels above the government’s new limit have been found in beef from Miyagi Prefecture, the prefectural government said.

Meat from a cow shipped by a farmer in Tome was found to contain more than 150 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram, the Miyagi Prefectural Government said Wednesday.

The stricter limit of 150 becquerels for beef and rice took effect Oct. 1. The previous limit was 500 becquerels per kilogram.


Miyagi Prefecture told the farmer not to ship any more cows until the investigation is completed, and asked nearby ranchers to suspend shipments voluntarily.

See also: Watch: Fukushima beef being shipped to US restaurants (VIDEO)
German TV: 42% of Fukushima children now with thyroid disorders — Official blames too much seafood? (VIDEO)

Link: http://enenews.com/german-tv-42-of-...orders-official-blames-too-much-seafood-video

Published: November 19th, 2012 at 4:58 am ET
By ENENews

German TV channel ZDF’s segment on the Fukushima Health Survey translated by SimplyInfo:

[...] More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%. nobody of the experts asks for the reasons. [...] He explains the results mainly by improved diagnosis methods, but people don’t believe him. [...] There are no refererence [sic] studies, Dr. Suzuki tells us, and maybe the children simply took too much iodine or seafood. He doesn’t know if this has something to do with radiation.

“We are mainly here to inform the parents of the results of our study.” But what do such results mean to parents without proper explanations? The official handling of the disaster is more than questionable. Many people have completely lost trust in government and believe that the disaster is played down to protect the mighty nuclear industry of Japan.
Almost half of Fukushima children now have thyroid disorders

Link: http://www.infowars.com/almost-half...n-poisoning-officials-blame-too-much-seafood/

PF Louis
Natural News
December 3, 2012

Not much information comes out of Japan about Fukushima anymore, and the American MSM seems to have forgotten what watered down reporting they had done earlier. But the human suffering has begun in Japan, and even the Japanese government is trying to pretend it’s not happening.

The curtain is pulled over the total impact of this disaster to protect the nuclear power industry. The government and media blackout has become known as “plume gate” for the radioactive plume that was released from the Fukushima mishap. (http://www.naturalnews.com/035789_Fukushima_Cesium-137_Plume-Gate.html)

The Fukushima reactors were designed by General Electric, and 23 reactors of the USA’s 104 operating reactors are very similar to Fukushima’s. Lately, awareness of nuclear power’s pitfalls is growing and casting a shadow on nuclear power’s illegitimate claim of sustainability and unlimited power.

The suffering has already begun

Thousands of Japanese children from Fukushima and the nearby areas have been diagnosed with cysts and nodules on their thyroid glands. So far, 41.1 percent of 57,000 tested have shown these early warnings of potential thyroid cancer.

Even worse, four out of five Fukushima evacuees have been observed with developing thyroid abnormalities. It’s not just iodide isotopes with their relatively short radioactive half-lives that can penetrate thyroid glands, cesium-37 isotopes with longer half-lives can too. Here’s the shocking truth about radioactive half-life. (http://www.lbl.gov/abc/Basic.html#Half)

However, the official medical line from the head of this research is that maybe they’ve eaten too much seafood or taken too much iodine. It’s also an official decree that the testing be stopped before it begins in other areas of Japan.

Even in Tokyo, doctors are reporting dramatically increased incidents of incurable diarrhea, non-stop nose bleeds, and flu-like symptoms. Some parents are becoming activists in Japan to get at the truth and get their children treated properly. Children are more easily affected by radiation poisoning.

A Japanese pediatrician even put out a YouTube video asking for outside help since the Japanese government is not helping as they should. (http://enenews.com)

Dr. Christopher Busby, visiting professor at the University of Ulster’s School of Biomedical Sciences and Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk put out this video about Fukushima. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdvfsBsXNS4)

He’s been attacked. But as a saying goes: “You know you’re getting close to the target when you’re getting flack.” Here’s Busby’s counter attack: http://fukushimaupdate.com

Nuclear power is dangerous no matter how it’s used

Even with flawless operation, the growing problem of where to put power plants’ spent fuel rods, which are actually still very radioactive for centuries, is becoming an issue that’s swept under the rug. Using DU (depleted uranium) for ammunition has been one outlet for nuclear waste.

Depleted uranium is a misleading term. Depleted means it’s not suitable for nuclear reactor use. But it’s still highly radioactive. Uranium metal is extremely hard, and DU is used to on projectiles and bullets in modern warfare because of DU’s ability to penetrate even armor.

When the projectiles hit targets, they explode and a radioactive mist is released into the immediate environment. Even before that, those projectiles tend to ignite and release radioactive materials. These local radioactive mists get into the area’s water and soil and remain for thousands of years.

This has begun in Iraq and elsewhere. These mists can also be carried far away from the immediate areas as radioactive measurements in the UK have demonstrated. In effect, nuclear war has been practiced for decades by the U.S. and its allies by using DU ammunition, which the UN had earlier declared illegal.

A massive underground radioactive waste “tomb” is under construction in Finland. It’s known as Onkalo, and it’s featured in a documentary entitled Into Eternity. Onkalo is only for Finland’s nuclear waste. Sweden and France may follow soon. Will others follow, or is it already too late?

Sources for this article include:





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Extremely little discussion on this horror for the entire planet and all its innocent creatures too.

The Stuxnet virus played a part in the controls of shutting those plants down, but hardly a word about it any more.

Any one who reads about this sad mess has to search it out.

I wonder if this was a disguised attack on a unified defiant Japan to punish them, the ruling monsters have an M.O. of doing anything to attain their goals and to keep the high ground. What ever the facts are, we will not be told of them.

The horror, the horror.
Extremely little discussion on this horror for the entire planet and all its innocent creatures too.

The Stuxnet virus played a part in the controls of shutting those plants down, but hardly a word about any more.

Any one who reads about this sad mess has to search it out.

I wonder if this was a disguised attack on a unified defiant Japan to punish them, the ruling monsters have an M.O. of doing anything to attain their goals and to keep the high ground. What ever the facts are, we will not be of them.

The horror, the horror.

* * * * * * * *

Absolutely, smedley, BUT note--the truth is even simpler--STUXNET was perhaps a part of the problem.

What actually happened at Fukushima, however, and never forget was SIMPLE--the electrical system went down--that's it.

For all nukes critically DEPEND upon electricity to run the pump & COOLANT SYSTEMS--this was what went kaput, the cooling systems went down, they being powered by electricity, electricity having been knocked out by the tsunami.

And note electrical systems are VERY VULNERABLE--for example to EMP attacks (electro-magnetic pulse) which is easily caused simply by nuclear explosion in the atmosphere.

Another vulnerability is a STRONG SOLAR FLARE event which can also knock-out electrical systems.

Note ALL the nuclear reactors are absolutely dependent upon these electrical systems for the essential cooling function.

And we're OVER-DUE for another huge solar event, don't forget.
Study: Radioactive cesium in 25 of 26 food samples from Fukushima prefecture

Published: January 3rd, 2013 at 5:32 pm ET
By ENENews

Title: Dietary Intake of Radiocesium in Adult Residents in Fukushima Prefecture and Neighboring Regions after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: 24 hr-Food Duplicate Survey in December 2011
Source: Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society)
Authors: Kouji H Harada , Yukiko Fujii , Ayumu Adachi , Ayako Tsukidate , Fumikazu Asai , and Akio Koizumi
Publication Date (Web): December 24, 2012


[...] This study aimed to provide an urgent estimate of the dietary exposure of adult residents recruited from three areas in Japan to cesium 134 (134Cs), cesium 137 (137Cs), and, for comparison, natural potassium 40 (40K) on December 4, 2011. Fifty-three sets of 24-hr food-duplicate samples were collected in Fukushima Prefecture and neighboring regions. The 134Cs, 137Cs, and 40K levels in the samples were measured using a germanium detector.

Items in the food-duplicate samples were recorded and analyzed for radiocesium intake. Radiocesium was detected in 25 of 26 samples from Fukushima. The median dietary intake of radiocesium was 4.0 Bq/day (range <0.26–17 Bq/day). [...] The estimated dose level of radiocesium was significantly higher in Fukushima than in the Kanto region and western Japan.

Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses demonstrated that the intake of fruits and mushrooms produced in Fukushima were significant factors for the dietary intake of 137Cs in the 26 participants from Fukushima. [...]

Published: January 3rd, 2013 at 5:32 pm ET
By ENENews
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Link: http://enenews.com/fukushima-worker...-areas-around-radioactivity-measurement-sites

Published: January 4th, 2013 at 12:21 pm ET
By ENENews

Asahi Shimbun Part 3: CROOKED CLEANUP (3): Reporters document extent of shoddy decontamination practices

[...] on Dec. 17, a worker in Naraha was observed using a pressurized sprayer to clean the veranda of a private home. Because no protective sheet was installed, water splashed the walls of neighboring structures. [...]

In some cases, radiation levels at homes have even increased after decontamination, leading some workers to suspect that radioactive materials were blown into the area by wind.

Asahi Shimbun Part 1: CROOKED CLEANUP (1): Radioactive waste dumped into rivers during decontamination work in Fukushima

[...] A common response of the workers was that the decontamination work could never be completed if they adhered to the strict rules. [...]

“We were told to clean up only those areas around a measurement site,” one worker said. [...]

See also: Newspaper: Workers dumping radioactive waste from Fukushima into rivers
Cleanup Crews Near Fukushima Plant Dump Waste in Rivers, Newspaper Reports


Link: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/20...plant-dump-waste-in-rivers-newspaper-reports/

According to Japan’s Asahi Shimbun, cleanup crews working near the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, “dumped soil and leaves contaminated with radioactive fallout into rivers.”

Asahi Shimbun AJW@AJWasahi

CROOKED CLEANUP (1): Radioactive waste dumped into rivers during decontamination work in Fukushima ajw.asahi.com/article/0311di…

4 Jan 13 Reply

The allegation, supported by photographs, was made in the three-part report “Crooked Cleanup,” published on Friday on the Japanese newspaper’s English-language site, Asia and Japan Watch.

A team of journalists who observed the decontamination work in the region last month added: “Water sprayed on contaminated buildings has been allowed to drain back into the environment. And supervisors have instructed workers to ignore rules on proper collection and disposal of the radioactive waste.”

Workers were apparently aware that they were breaking rules, the paper reported:

From Dec. 11 to 18, four Asahi reporters spent 130 hours observing work at various locations in Fukushima Prefecture. At 13 locations in Naraha, Iitate and Tamura, workers were seen simply dumping collected soil and leaves as well as water used for cleaning rather than securing them for proper disposal. Photographs were taken at 11 of those locations.

The reporters also talked to about 20 workers who said they were following the instructions of employees of the contracted companies or their subcontractors in dumping the materials. A common response of the workers was that the decontamination work could never be completed if they adhered to the strict rules.