Hillborough pedophile sentenced for raping infant


Xuxa the White

Hillsborough Shorteyes Pedophile Sentenced for Attacking Infant Girl
The Associated Puke
Published: Mar 13, 2004

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A jury convicted a pedophile bastard of raping a 9-month-old girl and leaving her for dead.
The six jurors on Friday rejected Randolph Standifer's insanity defense and found him guilty of kidnapping, sexual battery of a child younger than 12 and attempted murder in the second degree.

Standifer, 23, will be sentenced to life in prison, the only penalty allowed by law when a child younger than 12 is raped. [He should have been sentenced to death!!!]

"I don't think he understood what just happened
" said Jeanine Cohen, [a typical liberal Joo swine!] one of Standifer's public defenders.

The baby's mother allowed Standifer to spend the night in her trailer home in September 200
1. T
he next morning, she discovered that Standifer and her baby were go

Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies found Standifer who confessed to raping the baby and strangling her. He led them to woods where deputies found the baby still alive.

The victim, now 3, bears scars from the rape and a colostomy operation. She and her two older siblings live with their aunt and maternal grandmother.

Before the rape, the mother said, Standifer sometimes went fishing with her husband.

During the trial, mental health experts testified that Standifer as a child was repeatedly molested and shocked with a cattle prod by a neighbor. When he was 16 or 17, he lived in the woods for a year. [That's no excuse for raping a baby, mister!!! The pedophile must die!&#

"It never would have happened if he had gotten the help when he was young," said juror Susan Groce.

Jurors believed Standifer was mentally ill but knew what he was doi
ng when he t
ook the baby from her crib, drove her to the woods, raped her, choked her and left her for dead
, Groce said.

"We believed he knew it was wrong, because he covered it up," Groce said.


Information from: The Tampa Tribune, http://www.tampatrib.com

(allusion to the need for swift legal Justice) Anyone?...
I was repeatedly beaten and raped by stepfather

as a kid from 11 to 16 yrs when I got the hell out of there.

I have never raped or killed anyone big or small.

It would not occur to me.

I only knew to seek help and put it behind me.



before (allusion to the need for swift legal Justice). :angry:
The Tampa Bay area is a haven for perverts, and guilty white liberal administrators cater to sodomites, along with homeless garbage and socialist YT-hating savages. This filth is not only permitted to live in the area but is also encouraged to thrive because of government policies. Yet people claim outrage and shock when these social viruses act true to nature and victimize innocents.

Perversion occurs frequently along the mangrove-lined beaches of St. Petersburg and it is not uncommon for citizens (including children) to find used syringes and condoms, or to observe consenting sodomites engaging in exhibitioni
I can't imagine why the word


keeps coming to mind.

We need to be NON violent.

Only when they can see us ! :rolleyes:
An established pattern of concerned proactive citizenship along the Pinellas County beaches would likely result in local and possibly federal investigations launched under the auspices of eliminating homophobic hate crime.

St. Petersburg's signature holiday is Martin Luther Koon, Jr. and the city's motto is "If you white you ain't right." City administrators have utter disdain for anyone that persecutes their privileged minorities (i.e. homeless, homosexual, negro) and cops who are too proactive in applying proper legal action to these criminal elements get scrutinized by Internal Affairs and may have to justify their actions to the current
hief of police. City employees are forbidden from possessing any type of weapon or self-defense item (including chemical spray and tasers) under threat of immediate termination.

There is logical analysis and there is denial.

Logical analysis shows we cannot continue in current mode

and survive as a nation, or even a specie,

black , white or purple.

On the destructive path of the J*w agenda

ARYANS are being genocided.

Ergo, the conditions DELIBEATELY CREATED to remove

ARYANS from Terra are the conditions that will also destroy

all specie, INCLUDING J*WS.

Our only logical choice is secession.

Little Europes.

There may be readers here who have not yet read of

this concept that has been on the web for a few yrs.

Later this week I will get from file and post <
or someone who has some info handy

please do so.

Small communities in touch with each other

buying surrounding land as quickly as funds permit

and establishing armed ,
l trained militia to patrol

perimiters and only Aryan members allowed past entrance.

nOur communities will THRIVE.

Others will self-destruct.

Young Aryan women will feel safe and ready to breed !

All very logical my brethren,

bloody and fierce,

but the only LOGICAL way for Aryans to survive.

and get on with the Fourth.! :)

Where in among our ranks are the men who will step forward and organize

small communities?

Some that have been planned sound good but start too big.

Just what a few can handle while our numbers of those wi
lling to

commit life and fortunes ( large or small ) grow.

As others see we are taking concrrete action, they leave mammon and

join a group and bring more Aryan vitality

ve places like Fla. to the subs.

The coming tidal waves will do our work for us ! ;)
Sophia, it was with a sad heart I read about your younger years. Rape is one of those personal violations for which a stranger's words rarely can offer solace. Thus I'm slow to ponder and reply when I hear about such evils. I hope you have been able to conquer those haunting demons and find healing for those wounds.
Thank you Prince of White Trash

I spent many years being used and thrown about by all and sundry.

Because that is what I learned at home.


I went within and found my PAGAN roots


I came out the other side a CRONE


One who carries wisdom for the people.

Males also have an inner Crone.

( both male and female have also the Merlin character within, being versa Crone )

It is the much defiled HAG who has incredible intuition and in ancient days was

always consulted before making war, sowing crops , concieving babies and such.

When christianity was forced on ARYAN EUROP
by the alien/asian agenda

All the men and women and even children who were intuitive and radical

were murdered.

These were the NATURAL HEALERS.

Many of us have ancestral me
es and this is why there is so much FEAR in our world,

we do not want to be torture
d again.

Those of us who came out the other side of a hard life have to choose

to try to live quietly and well


that is causing babies to be raped and tortured as we speak.

There was a strong voice within as a child telling me repeatedly that I

would survive and one day see the reason for such traetment.

WELL I overcame and see the reason.

I will attempt to dialogue with all well mannered persons to promote

understanding .

I will listen to mundane stories if only because the person was so affected by

their crisis and needs to tell it again.

If I listen and help
that one to feel again,

it will promote the healing of that one.

that one will in turn console and counsel others. :D

To keep the victims silenced is to energize the tyranny

and it will never stop ; :angry:


About twenty five years ago the inner voice said I must tell all I know.

I must hear what oth
ers suffered and tell of their suffering also.

I must not stop telling of all our horrors


The woman next to u on the bus may be keeping the seret of the tyrants

abuse and still living in fear 30, 40, 50 years later.

That little kid looking at you intently
on the street may be going home to

terrible abuse and cannot tell you out of fear.

Almost everyone has been hurt by one or more abusers.

NY ;<b
I know stories so much worse than mine

I am one of the lucky ones.


and was always determined to get life to be workable.

My pursuits of PAGANISM have led me to salvation, mentally and physically.

I am a hale and heary 66yo and can out jog twentysomethings ;

The more I saw judaeo/christian lies as the same thing

and coming from the same place,

the more I could see how the tyranny was held in place.

I have taught womens healing circles and helped macho men to
let go and trust again.

I have no other agenda in life.

( besides biking and hiking ;)

There are many women like me who will not come to these forums as we get

ridiculed and eventually chased away becase so much of the prevailing mind-set is still that

"women should be kept in their place"

Women have to define their place for themselves and not by an outdated male superiority belief.

I have found welcome here ; :lol:

and a few other places

But others have said "b*tch ;" and such.

I wisely stopped casting my pearls.........

Arent you all glad??? ;)

Lots of great energy and knowledge amo
ng the women AN
D men who have survived so much

to tell them by treatment they are too old or no one wants to hear or believe

your BS

is to cut off a humongous supply of energy and wisdom ;

ARYAN SURVIVAL cant afford that.

I wish more women would come here.

By your empathy and support you have sent out energy and perhaps other women will be pull
ed here by it.

We need all the ARYANS we can get .

As we grow in numbers and HARNESS THE ENERGY

we will turn this situation around faster and faster.

I do not want to spend my energy on only metaphysical boards that

often foster hiding from the truth and lets all be huggy kissy..........bleecch ; :blink:

Often those boards are run by J*ws. Guessed that?

Many of the healing groups
and seminars are J*w sponsored a
nd led. :(

Just keep forgiving and laying down like a good little rug ;

NO ;

Some of us are pushing our way into forums where no one wants to hear us and

saying what we have to say.

The Medicine Wheel is a FULL CIRCLE



Old folk need to be heard.

I listen to old men who were young and virile and handsome

say how they get pushed aside and treated like they are irrelevant.

I say welcome to what women go thru all our lives.....

Then these elder m
en begin to "see" sexism for the first time


As we all open our hearts to love each other

from skinheads to hags,

from militia fanatics to preachy constitutionalists,
br>we are ARYANS ;

and each of us has experiences that lead to our awakening.

We must value that in each other to rebuild the GEIST of our FOLK.

Thank you for accepting my travail and if my speaknig has helped you,

watch a kid who does not act right

and see if you can draw him/her out.

They may need help.

There was none when I was a kid.

Even the priest Look at Fenrir, why is he so viscious ? mmmmm..
Heres links to Pioneer Little Europes:


Pioneer Little Europe Communities
by H. Michael Barrett

I. On Building a Pioneer Little Europe
-------- a. Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary
II. Pioneer Little Europe's Open Community Dynamics
III. Pioneer Little Europe's Veterans Legion Perspective
-------- a. Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary for Veterans
IV. Cultural Revival in a Pioneer Little Europe<
r>-------- a. The Gathered Culture
-------- b. Technology and the next Highest Form
-------- c. Pioneer Little Europe's Business Community
V. The Roots of Pioneer Little Europe
VI. Frequentl
y As
ked Questions

On Building a Pioneer Little Europe
Go to Top of Page ------------ Go to Bottom of Page

Too many white Americans are uninformed about why their political position erodes toward disaster, but it is due to a variety of ethnic problems, both racial and cultural. And while it has been the custom for most to abandon the cities, removing their financial resources from the places their pioneer ancestors built because organized newcomers scapegoat them for every social malady, some of us prefer to circle our own wagons, so to speak, facing it right where we are.

Primarily what that means f
or now, as every great task requires a conducive environment to work in where interference is reduced, is to establish a cluster of networking businesses; cultural, fraternal, and legal volunteer organi
zations insp
ired by our basic goals.

For it's in these places, in Pioneer...............


Bulletin Board Topic: Politics
... More advanced than the old Little Europes and White communities, Pioneer Little Europes are based on a study of the ...


"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism...
The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin,
of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all,
would be to permit it to become a ta
ngle of squabbling nationalities."
Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of the United States (1858-1919)



<a href='http://www.alphalink.com.au/~radnat/usanazis/barrett.html]http://w

The 1970 Split In The NSWPP: A First Hand Account. (H. Michael Barrett)

I had published my account of American Nazism on the Internet when I received various communications from an American, Mr. H. Michael Barrett. He explained that he had been a young member of the NSWPP and was a witness to the 1970 split between Matt Koehl and Dr. William Pierce. He sent me the following document. His account has about it the ring of truth and in some ways complements and otherwise confirms aspects of the material advanced by
me. Further, I publish the document here because it refers to several actors in the world of U.S. neo-nazism and in other, and more progressive, racial-nationalist movements. I understand Mr. Bar
rett published this documen
t with some additional words on an American pro-nationalist discussion site. J. Saleam


think about it

let it whirl around in your mental cauldron

suggest to this board how u see ARYAN FOLK seceeding and establishing

"making home"

Where we belong.....
I hate all rapists and perve pedophiles...only death is good enough for them!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Originally posted by Xuxa the White@Apr 11 2004, 01:52 AM
I hate all rapists and perve pedophiles...only death is good enough for them!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

br> They should all be put to death.